Codes (38)
- ABXAutomated bills of exchange
- BEXBills of exchange
- BGIBankgiro
- BKDBank draft
- BKIBank initiated
- CALCash letter
- CHGCharges
- CHICheque international
- CHNCheque national
- CLRClearing
- COLCollection
- COMCommission
- CONCash concentration
- CPPCash payment by post
- CUXCurrencies
- DDTDirect debit
- DEPDeposit cash operation
- FEXForeign exchange
- FGIFree format giro
- INTInterest
- LOCLetter of credit
- LOKLockbox
- MSCMiscellaneous
- PACPayment card
- PGIPostgiro
- POSPoint of sale
- RECReturned cheques
- RETReturned items
- RGIReference giro
- RTRReturned transfers
- SECSecurities
- STOStanding order
- TCKTraveller's cheque
- TRFTransfer
- UGIUrgent giro
- VDAValue date adjustment
- WDLWithdrawal cash operation
- ZZZMutually defined