Codes (53)
- ABBuyer's agent/representative
- ASAccount servicing financial institution
- BFBeneficiary's bank
- BOBroker or sales office
- BSBill and ship to
- BYBuyer
- CACarrier
- CGCarrier's agent
- CNConsignee
- COCorporate office
- CSConsolidator
- CZConsignor
- DPDelivery party
- FPFreight/charges payer
- FRMessage from
- FWFreight forwarder
- GOGoods owner
- GXCentral catalogue party
- GYInventory reporting party
- HPFinal message recipient
- IIInvoice issuer
- IVInvoicee
- LCParty declaring the Value Added Tax (VAT)
- LDParty recovering the Value Added Tax (VAT)
- LFBuyer's corporate office
- LGSupplier's corporate office
- MFManufacturer of goods
- MRMessage recipient
- MSDocument/message issuer/sender
- NINotify party
- OBOrdered by
- OROrdered bank
- PBPaying financial institution
- PEPayee
- POOrdering party
- PRPayer
- PWDespatch party
- RBReceiving financial institution
- REParty to receive commercial invoice remittance
- SESeller
- SFShip from
- SH
- SNStore keeper
- SRSeller agent
- STShip to
- SUSupplier
- TCTax collector's office
- TSParty to receive certified test results
- UCUltimate consignee
- UDUltimate customer
- WHWarehouse keeper