Codes (97)
- 1To be done
- 2Done
- 3Passed on
- 4Final
- 5Subject to final payment
- 6Minimum
- 7Fixed
- 8Maximum
- 9Information
- 100 day available
- 111 day available
- 122 days available
- 133 days available
- 14Uncollected funds
- 15Nil
- 16None advised
- 17Requested
- 18Free of charge
- 19Rounded
- 20Permanent
- 21Temporary
- 22Subject to agreed condition
- 23Added
- 24Deducted
- 25Included
- 26Subject to clearing
- 27Subject to bilaterally agreed condition
- 28Transaction expected to be executed
- 29Debit
- 30Credit
- 31Positive debit
- 32Negative debit
- 33Positive credit
- 34Negative credit
- 35Started
- 36Revised
- 37Stolen
- 38Assigned
- 39Approved
- 40Withdrawn
- 41Rejected
- 42Approval pending
- 43Postponed
- 44Replaced
- 45No status
- 46Does not exist
- 47Draft version
- 48Live version
- 49Expired version
- 50Part-time
- 51Full-time
- 52Not a student
- 53To be extracted
- 54Impacted tooth
- 55Extracted
- 56Estimated
- 57Undefined incident
- 58Quantity error
- 59Monetary amount error
- 60Product not ordered
- 61Uncertain
- 62Significant
- 63Not accepted
- 64Order or request cancelled
- 65Negative
- 66Unsigned amount
- 71Available for ordering
- 72Not available for ordering
- 74Expiry date exceeded
- 76All published issues since subscription start
- 77All published issues since issue specified in claim
- 78All published issues from and including issue specified in claim
- 79Specified published issue only
- 80Publication issue cancelled
- 83Under legal appeal
- 84Legally assigned
- 85Updated
- 86Ratified
- 87Under consideration
- 88Countersued
- 89Legal item dismissed
- 90Disputed
- 91Enforced
- 92Legal documentation filed
- 93Judgement for defendant
- 94Judgement for plaintiff
- 95Unchanged
- 96Legal documentation not filed
- 97Pending
- 98Debt released
- 99Law suit filed
- 100Satisfied
- 101Set aside
- 102Settled
- 103Settled out of court
- 104Stayed
- 105Terminated