Codes (50)
- AAItem discontinued by wholesaler
- ABItem no longer produced
- ACOver-shipped
- ADItem out of stock at manufacturer
- AEDelivered but not advised
- AFGoods delivered damaged
- AGDelivered too late
- AHNext higher packaging quantity
- ANAvailable now - no shipping schedule
- ASAvailable now - scheduled to ship (date)
- BKBack ordered from previous order
- BPShipment partial - back order to follow
- CACustomer inquiry - all items
- CCShipment complete
- CEShipment includes extra items to meet price break
- CICustomer inquiry - shipped items only
- CKCancelled from previous order
- CMShipment complete with additional quantity
- CN
- COCustomer inquiry - unshipped items only
- CPShipment partial - considered complete, no backorder
- CSShipment complete with substitution
- ICItem cancelled
- ISItem represents substitution from original order
- LSLast shipment (date)
- NFNot yet published
- NNNot in process - no shipping schedule
- NSNot in process - schedule to ship (date)
- OFOrder sent to factory for production (date)
- OMItem sent to factory for production (date)
- OPOut of print
- OSItem out of stock because of strike or force majeure
- OWItem out of stock at wholesaler
- PAPurchase order inquiry - all items
- PDPurchase order complete
- PIPurchase order inquiry - shipped items only
- PKPacked-to-date (date)
- PNIn process - no shipping schedule
- POPurchase order inquiry - unshipped items only
- PPPurchase order inquiry - specific items
- PSIn process - scheduled to ship (date)
- RAItem rationed
- SLShipped-to-date (date)
- SPScheduled for production at factory
- SSSplit shipment
- TWItem temporary discontinued by wholesaler
- URUnsolicited report
- USPack to closest complete logistic packaging quantity
- UTPack to next lower complete logistic quantity
- ZZZMutually defined