6313Measured attribute code
Code specifying the attribute measured.
Codes (224)
  • AConsolidated weight
  • BBilled weight
  • DDestination weight agreement
  • EEstimated new weight
  • FDeficit weight
  • G
  • LLegal weight
  • MMinimum weight
  • NActual net weight
  • TTare weight
  • U
  • AFAngle of bend
  • BLBreaking load
  • BRBrightness
  • BSBreaking strength
  • BWBasis weight
  • CMColour
  • CTContents of package
  • CVCommercial weight
  • CZCore length
  • DIDiameter
  • DLDelta value L
  • DNDensity
  • DPDepth
  • DRDenier
  • DSDistance between points
  • DWWidth, boxcar door
  • EAElongation
  • FIFilament count
  • FLLongitudinal flatness
  • FNFlatness
  • FVTransverse flatness
  • GGGauge
  • GWGross weight, maximum
  • HFHardness
  • HMHeight, maximum
  • HTHeight dimension
  • IBImpact energy
  • IDInside diameter
  • LMLength, maximum
  • LNLength
  • MOMoisture
  • MWMaximum weight
  • ODOutside diameter
  • RARelative humidity
  • RFResistivity
  • RJRockwell C
  • RPReduction of area
  • RYRatio
  • SQShipped quantity
  • TCTemperature
  • THThickness
  • TNTime period
  • TTTime
  • VHHeight, van door
  • VWWidth, van door
  • WAWeight per unit of area
  • WDWidth dimension
  • WMWidth, maximum
  • WT
  • WUWeight per unit of length
  • XHSide height, flat bed with removable sides
  • XQSquareness
  • XZSpool size
  • YSYield stress
  • ZBBoron
  • ZCCarbon
  • ZHHydrogen
  • ZKPotassium
  • ZNNitrogen
  • ZOOxygen
  • ZPPhosphorus
  • ZSSulphur
  • ZVVanadium
  • ZWTungsten
  • AAANet weight
  • AABGoods item gross weight
  • AACTotal net weight
  • AADConsignment gross weight
  • AAE
  • AAFNet net weight
  • AAJNumber of units per pallet
  • AAKFat content
  • AAL
  • AAMTransport means gross weight
  • AANNet tonnage of the vessel
  • AAOHumidity
  • AAPVoltage
  • AAQPower consumption
  • AARHeat dissipation
  • AASAir flow
  • AATShock impact
  • AAUOperative temperature
  • AAVNon operative temperature
  • AAWGross volume
  • AAXNet volume
  • AAYWater content
  • AAZTensile stress
  • ABAFibrosity
  • ABBGauge length
  • ABCRadius
  • ABDStraightness
  • ABEStrain
  • ABJVolume
  • ABSItem weight
  • ABXWeight of conveyance
  • ABYConveyance summer dead weight
  • ABZContainerized cargo on vessel's weight
  • ACANon-containerized cargo on vessel's weight
  • ACEAscertained weight
  • ACGChargeable weight
  • ACNEstimated gross weight
  • ACPEstimated volume
  • ACSVessel overall length
  • ACVLoading meters
  • ACWNumber of axles
  • ACXPayload
  • ADRStart position in the length
  • ADSEnd position in the length
  • ADTStart position in the width
  • ADUEnd position in the width
  • ADVStart position in the thickness
  • ADWEnd position in the thickness
  • ADXTransport container actual filling weight
  • ADYTransport container maximum capacity
  • ADZDeclared net weight
  • AEALoading height
  • AEBStacking height
  • AECCalculated weight
  • AEDFerrite
  • AEEImpurity
  • AEFGrain size
  • AEGLanthanides
  • AEHElasticity
  • AEIDrained weight
  • AEJGallium
  • AEKStrontium
  • AEMEquipment storage limitation
  • AENRadioactive index of transport
  • AEORadioactivity
  • AEPAverage gross weight
  • AEQForward draft
  • AERAfter draft
  • AETTransport equipment gross weight
  • AEUTotal transport equipment gross weight
  • AEVAcidity of juice
  • AEWPenetrometry
  • AEXDurofel
  • AEYJuice weight per 100 grams
  • AEZFruit skin colour
  • AFAFixed incremental measurement
  • AFBDurofel D10
  • AFCDurofel D25
  • AFDDurofel D50
  • AFEMaximum stacking weight
  • AFFGross measure cube
  • AFGPercentage fat content in dry matter
  • AFHSaccharometric content
  • AFIHydrate content of an alcoholic product after bottling
  • AFJAnhydrous content
  • AFKCertified weight
  • BMYPlatinum
  • BMZSilver
  • BNAList
  • BNBTrim
  • BNCFree water
  • BNDBands
  • BNEAPI (American Petroleum Institute) gravity
  • BNFPetroleum gross observed volume
  • BNGPetroleum gross standard volume
  • BNHVolume variance
  • BNIPetroleum net standard volume
  • BNJMaterial on-board quantity, after discharge
  • BNKPetroleum total calculated volume
  • BNLPetroleum total observed volume
  • BNMInnage gauge distance
  • BNNPetroleum net standard weight
  • BNOSediment and water in petroleum
  • BNPObserved reference height, tank
  • BNQReference height, tank
  • BNRUllage gauge distance
  • BNSTrim correction
  • BNTBow to bridge distance
  • BRABrakes
  • BREBreak
  • BSWBreaking strength wet
  • CHNChange
  • LNDLost end
  • PRSPre stretch
  • PTNPer tonne
  • RMWReam weight
  • RUNRun (process)
  • ZALAluminium
  • ZASArsenic
  • ZBIBismuth
  • ZCACalcium
  • ZCBColumbium
  • ZCECerium
  • ZCLChlorine
  • ZCOCobalt
  • ZCRChromium
  • ZCUCopper
  • ZFEIron
  • ZFSIron plus silicon
  • ZGEGermanium
  • ZMGMagnesium
  • ZMNManganese
  • ZMOMolybdenum
  • ZNASodium
  • ZNBNiobium
  • ZNINickel
  • ZPBLead
  • ZSBAntimony
  • ZSESelenium
  • ZSISilicon
  • ZSLSilicium oxyd
  • ZSNTin
  • ZTATantalium
  • ZTETellurium
  • ZTITitanium
  • ZWAWaste content
  • ZZNZinc
  • ZZRZirconium
  • ZZZMutually defined