长度Min 0 / Max 3
Codes (293)
- AAAdvertising
- AGSilver surcharge
- AJAdjustments
- ALAluminium surcharge
- AMAdditional material
- AUAuthentication
- CACataloguing
- CBCommission
- CDCar loading
- CGCleaning
- CKCOD charge
- CLContract allowance
- COCents off
- CPCompetitive price
- CSCigarette stamping
- CTCount and recount
- CWContainer allowance
- DADefective allowance
- DIDiscount
- DLDelivery
- DMDemurrage
- EGEngraving
- EPExpediting
- ERExchange rate guarantee
- EXExport shipping charge
- FAFreight allowance
- FCFreight service
- FGFree goods
- FHFilling/handling
- FIFinancing
- FNSpecial finish charge
- FRFlat rate
- HDHandling
- HHHoisting and hauling
- IAInvoice adjustment
- IDInside delivery
- IFInspection
- INInsurance
- IRInstallation and training
- ISInvoicing
- KOKoshering
- L1Carrier count
- LALabelling
- LFLegalisation
- LSLocal sales tax
- MAMaterial allowance (special materials)
- MCMaterial surcharge (special materials)
- MIMail invoice
- MLMail invoice to each location
- OAOutside cable connectors
- PAInvoice with shipment
- PCPacking
- PDPalladium surcharge
- PIPick-up allowance
- PLPalletizing
- PNPallet charge
- POPer order charge
- QDQuantity discount
- RERe-delivery
- RFRefurbishing
- RHRail wagon hire
- RORoe allowance/charge
- RPRepair charge
- RVLoading
- SASalvaging
- SCSurcharge
- SDShrinkage allowance
- SFSpecial rebate
- SGShrink-wrap
- SHSpecial handling
- SMSpecial finish
- STStamp duties
- SUSet-up
- SZSteel surcharge
- TDTrade discount
- TSState tax
- TTTransportation - third party billing
- TVTransportation by vendor
- TXTax
- TZTemporary allowance
- UMUnsaleable merchandise allowance
- V1Drop yard
- V2Drop dock
- VLVehicle load allowance
- WHWarehousing
- YYSplit pick-up
- AAATelecommunication
- AABReturned goods charges
- AACTechnical modification
- AADJob-order production
- AAEOutlays
- AAFOff-premises
- AAGGold surcharge
- AAHAdditional processing
- AAIAttesting
- AAJCopper surcharge
- AAKEnergy surcharge
- AALDeduction for missing parts
- AAMRubber surcharge
- AANBrass surcharge
- AAOMaterial surcharge/deduction
- AAPLead surcharge
- AAQPrice index surcharge
- AARPlatinum surcharge
- AASAcceptance
- AATRush delivery
- AAUSelenium surcharge
- AAVSpecial construction
- AAWDeduction for delayed return
- AAXWolfram surcharge
- AAYAirport facilities
- AAZConcession
- ABACompulsory storage
- ABBFuel removal
- ABCInto plane
- ABDOvertime
- ABEReservicing charge
- ABFTooling
- ABGTooling charge
- ABHThroughput allowance
- ABISuperfund fee
- ABJAirport system fee
- ABKMiscellaneous
- ABLAdditional packaging
- ABMScrap surcharge
- ABNDunnage
- ABOAir freight transportation
- ABPCarriage charge
- ABQTonnage rebate
- ABRContainerisation
- ABSCarton packing
- ABTHessian wrapped
- ABUPolyethylene wrap packing
- ABVMiscellaneous customs charge
- ABWCustoms duty charge
- ABXMiscellaneous special tooling charge
- ABYTooling amortisation
- ABZMiscellaneous rebate or discount
- ACAAllowance
- ACBFuture discount off retail
- ACCMiscellaneous setting costs (tooling)
- ACDMinimum amount costs for quantity based surcharges
- ACEBelow schedule quantity after quantity-based surcharge
- ACFMiscellaneous treatment
- ACGEnamelling treatment
- ACHHeat treatment
- ACIPlating treatment
- ACJPainting
- ACKPolishing
- ACLPriming
- ACMPreservation treatment
- ACNMiscellaneous other surcharges
- ACOAlloy surcharge
- ACPCoke surcharge
- ACQRoyalty surcharge
- ACRWheel handling charge
- ACSFitting
- ACTNon-standard surcharge
- ACUStandard surcharge
- ACVWheel surcharge
- ACWWasher surcharge
- ACXOcean freight charge
- ACYContainer deposit charge
- ACZDamaged merchandise
- ADABopsheet charge
- ADBDrum deposit
- ADCConsolidation
- ADDInland transportation
- ADEBill of lading
- ADFExcise tax-destination
- ADGCustoms bond charge
- ADHPer pound charge
- ADIRoyalties
- ADJAirbag
- ADKTransfer
- ADLSlipsheet
- ADMBinding
- ADNRepair or replacement of broken returnable package
- ADOEfficient logistics
- ADPMerchandising
- ADQProduct mix
- ADROther services
- ADSFull pallet ordering
- ADTPick-up
- ADUHandling by the 1st level sub-contractor
- ADVHandling by the 2nd level sub-contractor
- ADWChronic illness
- ADXHandling by the contractor
- ADYNew product introduction
- ADZDirect delivery
- AEADiversion
- AEBDisconnect
- AECDistribution
- AEDHandling of hazardous cargo
- AEEYearly turnover service
- AEFRents and leases
- AEGSystem usage
- AEHLocation differential
- AEIAircraft refueling
- AEJFuel shipped into storage
- AEKCash on delivery
- AELSmall order processing service
- AEMClerical or administrative services
- AENGuarantee
- AEOCollection and recycling
- AEPCopyright fee collection
- AEQCharge for exceeding agreed ordered quantity
- AERAutomotive core charge
- AESVeterinary inspection service
- AETPensioner service
- AEUMedicine free pass holder
- AEVEnvironmental protection service
- AEWEnvironmental clean-up service
- AEXNational cheque processing service outside account area
- AEYNational payment service outside account area
- AEZNational payment service within account area
- CAACancellation charge
- CABCartage
- CACCash discount
- CADCertification
- CAECertificate of conformance
- CAFCertificate of origin
- CAGCompetitive allowance
- CAHCompetitive auto allowance
- CAICutting
- CAJConsular service
- CAKCustomer collection
- CALPayroll payment service
- CAMCash transportation
- CANHome banking service
- CAOBilateral agreement service
- CAPInsurance brokerage service
- CAQCheque generation
- CARPreferential merchandising location
- CASCrane
- CATSpecial colour service
- CAUSorting
- DAADeficit freight
- DABLayout/design
- DADDriver assigned unloading
- DAEDistributor discount/allowance
- EAAEarly buy allowance
- EABEarly payment allowance
- FAAFabrication
- FABFreight equalization
- FACFreight extraordinary handling
- GAAGrinding
- HAAHose
- IAAInstallation
- IABInstallation and warranty
- LAALabour
- LABRepair and return
- LACLicense fee
- MAAMileage or travel
- MABMileage fee (for repair and return)
- MACMinimum order/minimum billing charge
- MADMonthly rental
- MAEMounting
- NAANon-returnable containers
- OAAOvertime loading
- PAAPhosphatizing (steel treatment)
- PABPostage charge
- PACPremium charge
- PADPromotional allowance
- PAEPromotional discount
- QAAQuantity surcharge
- RAARebate
- RABRepacking
- RACRepair
- RADReturnable container
- RAEResellers discount
- RAFRestocking
- RAGRoll rebate
- RAHRoad/rail tanker rebate
- SAAShipping and handling
- SABSpecial allowance
- SACSpecial credit
- SADSpecial packaging
- SAEStamping
- SAFSupplemental items
- SAGSurcharge (dollar value)
- SAHSurcharge (percentage)
- SAIConsignee unload
- SAJSmall packages charge
- TAATelephone charge
- TABTank renting
- TACTesting
- TADTesting allowance
- TAETruckload discount
- VAAVendor freight
- VABVolume discount
- XAACombine all same day shipment
- ZZZMutually defined