To provide free form or coded text information.
Code qualifying the subject of the text.
Codes (368)- AAAGoods item description
- AABPayment term
- AACDangerous goods additional information
- AADDangerous goods technical name
- AAEAcknowledgement description
- AAFRate additional information
- AAGParty instructions
- AAIGeneral information
- AAJAdditional conditions of sale/purchase
- AAKPrice conditions
- AALGoods dimensions in characters
- AAMEquipment re-usage restrictions
- AANHandling restriction
- AAOError description (free text)
- AAPResponse (free text)
- AAQPackage content's description
- AARTerms of delivery
- AASBill of lading remarks
- AATMode of settlement information
- AAUConsignment invoice information
- AAVClearance invoice information
- AAWLetter of credit information
- AAXLicense information
- AAYCertification statements
- AAZAdditional export information
- ABATariff statements
- ABBMedical history
- ABCConditions of sale or purchase
- ABDContract document type
- ABEAdditional terms and/or conditions (documentary credit)
- ABFInstructions or information about standby documentary credit
- ABGInstructions or information about partial shipment(s)
- ABHInstructions or information about transhipment(s)
- ABIAdditional handling instructions documentary credit
- ABJDomestic routing information
- ABKChargeable category of equipment
- ABLGovernment information
- ABMOnward routing information
- ABNAccounting information
- ABODiscrepancy information
- ABPConfirmation instructions
- ABQMethod of issuance
- ABRDocuments delivery instructions
- ABSAdditional conditions
- ABTInformation/instructions about additional amounts covered
- ABUDeferred payment termed additional
- ABVAcceptance terms additional
- ABWNegotiation terms additional
- ABXDocument name and documentary requirements
- ABZInstructions/information about revolving documentary credit
- ACADocumentary requirements
- ACBAdditional information
- ACCFactor assignment clause
- ACDReason
- ACEDispute
- ACFAdditional attribute information
- ACGAbsence declaration
- ACHAggregation statement
- ACICompilation statement
- ACJDefinitional exception
- ACKPrivacy statement
- ACLQuality statement
- ACMStatistical description
- ACNStatistical definition
- ACOStatistical name
- ACPStatistical title
- ACQOff-dimension information
- ACRUnexpected stops information
- ACSPrinciples
- ACTTerms and definition
- ACUSegment name
- ACVSimple data element name
- ACWScope
- ACXMessage type name
- ACYIntroduction
- ACZGlossary
- ADAFunctional definition
- ADBExamples
- ADCCover page
- ADDDependency (syntax) notes
- ADECode value name
- ADFCode list name
- ADGClarification of usage
- ADHComposite data element name
- ADIField of application
- ADJType of assets and liabilities
- ADKPromotion information
- ADLMeter condition
- ADMMeter reading information
- ADNType of transaction reason
- ADOType of survey question
- ADPCarrier's agent counter information
- ADQDescription of work item on equipment
- ADRMessage definition
- ADSBooked item information
- ADTSource of document
- ADUNote
- ADVFixed part of segment clarification text
- ADWCharacteristics of goods
- ADXAdditional discharge instructions
- ADYContainer stripping instructions
- ADZCSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information
- AEACargo remarks
- AEBTemperature control instructions
- AECText refers to expected data
- AEDText refers to received data
- AEESection clarification text
- AEFInformation to the beneficiary
- AEGInformation to the applicant
- AEHInstructions to the beneficiary
- AEIInstructions to the applicant
- AEJControlled atmosphere
- AEKTake off annotation
- AELPrice variation narrative
- AEMDocumentary credit amendment instructions
- AENStandard method narrative
- AEOProject narrative
- AEPRadioactive goods, additional information
- AEQBank-to-bank information
- AERReimbursement instructions
- AESReason for amending a message
- AETInstructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or negotiating bank
- AEUInterest instructions
- AEVAgent commission
- AEWRemitting bank instructions
- AEXInstructions to the collecting bank
- AEYCollection amount instructions
- AEZInternal auditing information
- AFAConstraint
- AFBComment
- AFCSemantic note
- AFDHelp text
- AFELegend
- AFFBatch code structure
- AFGProduct application
- AFHCustomer complaint
- AFIProbable cause of fault
- AFJDefect description
- AFKRepair description
- AFLReview comments
- AFMTitle
- AFNDescription of amount
- AFOResponsibilities
- AFPSupplier
- AFQPurchase region
- AFRAffiliation
- AFSBorrower
- AFTLine of business
- AFUFinancial institution
- AFVBusiness founder
- AFWBusiness history
- AFXBanking arrangements
- AFYBusiness origin
- AFZBrand names' description
- AGABusiness financing details
- AGBCompetition
- AGCConstruction process details
- AGDConstruction specialty
- AGEContract information
- AGFCorporate filing
- AGGCustomer information
- AGHCopyright notice
- AGIContingent debt
- AGJConviction details
- AGKEquipment
- AGLWorkforce description
- AGMExemption
- AGNFuture plans
- AGOInterviewee conversation information
- AGPIntangible asset
- AGQInventory
- AGRInvestment
- AGSIntercompany relations information
- AGTJoint venture
- AGULoan
- AGVLong term debt
- AGWLocation
- AGXCurrent legal structure
- AGYMarital contract
- AGZMarketing activities
- AHAMerger
- AHBMarketable securities
- AHCBusiness debt
- AHDOriginal legal structure
- AHEEmployee sharing arrangements
- AHFOrganization details
- AHGPublic record details
- AHHPrice range
- AHIQualifications
- AHJRegistered activity
- AHKCriminal sentence
- AHLSales method
- AHMEducational institution information
- AHNStatus details
- AHOSales
- AHPSpouse information
- AHQEducational degree information
- AHRShareholding information
- AHSSales territory
- AHTAccountant's comments
- AHUExemption law location
- AHVShare classifications
- AHWForecast
- AHXEvent location
- AHYFacility occupancy
- AHZImport and export details
- AIAAdditional facility information
- AIBInventory value
- AICEducation
- AIDEvent
- AIEAgent
- AIFDomestically agreed financial statement details
- AIGOther current asset description
- AIHOther current liability description
- AIIFormer business activity
- AIJTrade name use
- AIKSigning authority
- AILGuarantee
- AIMHolding company operation
- AINConsignment routing
- AIOLetter of protest
- AIPQuestion
- AIQParty information
- AIRArea boundaries description
- AISAdvertisement information
- AITFinancial statement details
- AIUAccess instructions
- AIVLiquidity
- AIWCredit line
- AIXWarranty terms
- AIYDivision description
- AIZReporting instruction
- AJAExamination result
- AJBLaboratory result
- ALCAllowance/charge information
- ALDX-ray result
- ALEPathology result
- ALFIntervention description
- ALGSummary of admittance
- ALHMedical treatment course detail
- ALIPrognosis
- ALJInstruction to patient
- ALKInstruction to physician
- ALLAll documents
- ALMMedicine treatment
- ALNMedicine dosage and administration
- ALOAvailability of patient
- ALPReason for service request
- ALQPurpose of service
- ARRArrival conditions
- ARSService requester's comment
- AUTAuthentication
- AUURequested location description
- AUVMedicine administration condition
- AUWPatient information
- AUXPrecautionary measure
- AUYService characteristic
- AUZPlanned event comment
- AVAExpected delay comment
- AVBTransport requirements comment
- AVCTemporary approval condition
- AVDCustoms Valuation Information
- BAGPassenger baggage information
- BLCTransport contract document clause
- BLDInstruction to prepare the patient
- BLEMedicine treatment comment
- BLFExamination result comment
- BLGService request comment
- BLHPrescription reason
- BLIPrescription comment
- BLJClinical investigation comment
- BLKMedicinal specification comment
- BLLEconomic contribution comment
- BLMStatus of a plan
- BLNRandom sample test information
- BLOPeriod of time
- BLPLegislation
- BLQSecurity measures requested
- BLRTransport contract document remark
- BLSPrevious port of call security information
- BLTSecurity information
- BLUWaste information
- BLVB2C marketing information, short description
- BLWB2B marketing information, long description
- BLXB2C marketing information, long description
- BLYProduct ingredients
- BLZLocation short name
- BMAPackaging material information
- BMBFiller material information
- BMCShip-to-ship activity information
- BMDPackage material description
- BMEConsumer level package marking
- CCICustoms clearance instructions
- CEXCustoms clearance instructions export
- CHGChange information
- CIPCustoms clearance instruction import
- CLPClearance place requested
- CLRLoading remarks
- COIOrder information
- CURCustomer remarks
- CUSCustoms declaration information
- DARDamage remarks
- DCLDocument issuer declaration
- DELDelivery information
- DINDelivery instructions
- DOCDocumentation instructions
- DUTDuty declaration
- EUREffective used routing
- FBCFirst block to be printed on the transport contract
- GBLGovernment bill of lading information
- GENEntire transaction set
- GS7Further information concerning GGVS par. 7
- HANConsignment handling instruction
- HAZHazard information
- ICNConsignment information for consignee
- IINInsurance instructions
- IMIInvoice mailing instructions
- INDCommercial invoice item description
- INSInsurance information
- INVInvoice instruction
- IRPInformation for railway purpose
- ITRInland transport details
- ITSTesting instructions
- LANLocation Alias
- LINLine item
- LOILoading instruction
- MCOMiscellaneous charge order
- MKSAdditional marks/numbers information
- ORIOrder instruction
- OSIOther service information
- PACPacking/marking information
- PAIPayment instructions information
- PAYPayables information
- PKGPackaging information
- PKTPackaging terms information
- PMDPayment detail/remittance information
- PMTPayment information
- PRDProduct information
- PRFPrice calculation formula
- PRIPriority information
- PURPurchasing information
- QINQuarantine instructions
- QQDQuality demands/requirements
- QUTQuotation instruction/information
- RAHRisk and handling information
- REGRegulatory information
- RETReturn to origin information
- REVReceivables
- RQRConsignment route
- SAFSafety information
- SICConsignment documentary instruction
- SINSpecial instructions
- SLRShip line requested
- SPASpecial permission for transport, generally
- SPGSpecial permission concerning the goods to be transported
- SPHSpecial handling
- SPPSpecial permission concerning package
- SPTSpecial permission concerning transport means
- SRNSubsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR)
- SSRSpecial service request
- SURSupplier remarks
- TCAConsignment tariff
- TDTConsignment transport
- TRATransportation information
- TRRRequested tariff
- TXDTax declaration
- WHIWarehouse instruction/information
- ZZZMutually defined