长度Min 0 / Max 3
Codes (105)
- AIActive ingredient
- APAdvice price
- BRBroker price
- CPCurrent price
- CUConsumer unit
- DRDealer price
- ECECSC price
- ESEstimated price
- NENot-to-exceed price
- NWNet weight
- PWGross weight
- SWGross weight without wooden pallets
- TBTo be negotiated
- TUTraded unit
- TWTheoretical weight
- WHWholesale price
- AAAReference price
- AABPrice includes tax
- AACBuyer suggested retail price
- AADOcean charges rate
- AAENot subject to fluctuation
- AAFSubject to escalation
- AAGSubject to price adjustment
- AAHSubject to escalation and price adjustment
- AAIFluctuation conditions not specified
- AAJAll in price
- AAKNew price
- AALOld price
- AAMPer week
- AANPrice on application
- AAOUnpacked price
- AAPTrade price
- AAQFirm price
- AARMaterial share of item price
- AASLabour share of item price
- AATTransport share of item price
- AAUPacking share of item price
- AAVTooling share of item price
- AAWTemporary vehicle charge
- AAXPrice component due to interest
- AAYPrice component due to management services
- AAZPrice component due to maintenance
- ABAIndividual buyer price
- ABBGroup buying price
- ABCGroup member buying price
- ABDPre-payment price
- ABERetail price - excluding taxes
- ABFSuggested retail price - excluding taxes
- ABGAgreed minimum price
- ABHStatutory minimum retail price
- ABICost reimbursement price
- ABJMarket price
- ABKOpen tender price
- ABLBase price
- ABMBase price difference
- ABNAdjustable price prior to acceptance
- ABORevisable price after acceptance
- ABPProvisional ceiling price
- ABQAdjustable provisional ceiling price
- ABRRevisable provisional ceiling price
- ABSRevisable provisional price
- ABTAdjustable provisional price
- ABUArea price
- ABVArea system price
- ABWSpecial balance regulation price
- ABXBalance regulation price
- ABYUpward balance regulation price
- ABZDownward balance regulation price
- ACAAgreed minimum retail price
- ACBMarked retail price
- ALTAlternate price
- CATCatalogue price
- CDVCurrent domestic value
- CONContract price
- CUPConfirmed unit price
- CUSDeclared customs unit value
- DAPDealer adjusted price
- DISDistributor price
- DPRDiscount price
- DSCDiscount amount allowed
- EUPExpected unit price
- FCRFreight/charge rate
- GRPGross unit price
- INVInvoice price
- LBLLabelling price
- MAXMaximum order quantity price
- MINMinimum order quantity price
- MNRMinimum release quantity price
- MSRManufacturer's suggested retail
- MXRMaximum release quantity price
- NQTNo quote
- NTPNet unit price
- OFROcean freight rate
- PAQPrice break quantity(s)
- PBQUnit price beginning quantity
- PPDPrepaid freight charges
- PPRProvisional price
- PROProducer's price
- PRPPromotional price
- QTEQuote price
- RESResale price
- RTPRetail price
- SHDShip and debit
- SRPSuggested retail price
- TRFTransfer