长度Min 0 / Max 3
Codes (190)
- 1VAT, 1st value
- 2VAT, 2nd value
- 3VAT, 3rd value
- 4Additional royalties (Customs)
- 5Adjusted amount
- 6Amount reference currency
- 7Agreed charge
- 8Allowance or charge amount
- 9Amount due/amount payable
- 10Amount in charge currency
- 11Amount paid
- 12Amount remitted
- 13Amount subject to total monetary discount
- 14Amount target currency
- 15Average ledger balance
- 16Bank release fee
- 17Batch total
- 18Brokerage
- 19Buying commission
- 20Data value on carrier media (Customs)
- 21Cash discount
- 22Cash on delivery amount
- 23Charge amount
- 24Charge summary total
- 25Charge/allowance basis
- 26Charges collect fee
- 27Charges in destination currency
- 28Collect charge summary total
- 29Collect charges in destination currency
- 30Collect freight charge including VAT
- 31Collect freight charge without VAT
- 32Collect other charges due agent total
- 33Collect taxes total
- 34Collected balance required
- 35Container cost
- 36Converted amount
- 37Credit on consignment
- 38Invoice item amount
- 39Invoice total amount
- 40Customs value
- 41Assigned Customs value
- 43Declared total Customs value
- 44Declared value for carriage
- 45Deductible after importation charges (Customs)
- 46Deductions (Customs)
- 47Delivery fee
- 48Deposit total
- 49Development necessary for production of imported goods (Customs)
- 50Disbursements
- 51Disbursements fee
- 52Discount amount
- 53Discount amount due
- 54Distribution service fee
- 55Duty amount
- 56Duty/tax/fee basis amount
- 57Equivalent amount
- 58Fee amount
- 59Fees paid year to date
- 60Final (posted) amount
- 61Float (e.g. cash float)
- 63FOB value
- 64Freight charge
- 66Goods item total
- 67Insurance
- 68Insurance and transport charges (Customs)
- 69Insurance and transport charges incurred outside Customs territory
- 70Insurance charges (Customs)
- 71Insurance charges incurred outside of Customs territory
- 72Internal charges (Customs)
- 76Investable balance
- 77Invoice amount
- 79Total line items amount
- 80Licence fees related to imported goods (Customs)
- 81Loading and handling cost
- 82Lock box total
- 83Lumpsum
- 84Material consumed in production of imported goods (Customs)
- 85Maximum charge
- 86Message total monetary amount
- 87Minimum charge
- 88National preference basis amount
- 89Negative collected balance
- 90Negative ledger balance
- 91Net adjustment
- 92Net fee position
- 93Net year to date excess (deficit)
- 94No amount of insurance
- 95No declared value for carriage
- 96No declared value for Customs
- 97Offer amount
- 98Original amount
- 99Other charges at destination
- 100Other charges due agent
- 101Other charges due carrier
- 102Other commissions
- 103Other deductible charges
- 104Other transport charges
- 105Other valuation charges (Customs)
- 106Packing cost
- 107Packing cost (Customs)
- 108Parts incorporated in imported goods (Customs)
- 109Payment discount amount
- 110Pick-up fee
- 111Positive collected balance
- 112Positive ledger balance
- 113Prepaid amount
- 114Prepaid charge summary total
- 115Prepaid taxes total
- 116Purchase amount
- 117Quantity discount
- 118Quota value
- 119Received amount
- 120Sales tax
- 121Shipment value in U.S. Dollars
- 122Specific amount payable
- 123Statistical value
- 124Tax amount
- 125Taxable amount
- 126To collect
- 127Tools used in production of imported goods (Customs)
- 128Total amount
- 129Total amount subject to payment discount
- 130Total charge due
- 131Total charges/allowances
- 132Total collect charges
- 133Total collect charges at destination
- 134Total declared
- 135Total freight due
- 136Total invoice additional amount
- 138Total monetary discount amount
- 139Total payment amount
- 140Total service charge
- 142Trade discount
- 143Transfer amount
- 144Transport charges (Customs)
- 145Transport charges incurred outside Customs territory
- 146Unit price
- 149Valuation charge
- 150Value added tax
- 151Value insured
- 152Subsequent resale of imported goods (Customs)
- 153Weight charge
- 154Amount to be collected
- 155Standard duty
- 156G-Amount
- 157Insurance value
- 158Insurance and transport charges incurred inside Customs territory
- 159Licence (value deducted)
- 160Other costs
- 161Duty, tax or fee amount
- 162Customs duty paid
- 163Wage tax share
- 164Social securities premiums share
- 165Adjustment amount
- 166Guarantee amount (Customs)
- 167Actual vs calculated price difference
- 168Tax sub-totals
- 169Currency total amount
- 170Document amount
- 172Stated amount
- 173Minimum amount
- 175Message total additional amount
- 176Message total duty/tax/fee amount
- 177Message total amount prepaid
- 178Exact amount
- 179Maximum amount
- 180Amount up to
- 181Amount not exceeding
- 182Any other specification/tolerance
- 183No specification/tolerance
- 184Final net acquisition cost
- 185Labor cost
- 186Material cost
- 187Other cost
- 188Overhead cost
- 189Packaging cost
- 190Prototype set up cost
- 192Raw material per cart cost
- 193Raw material per unit of measure cost
- 194Total die model cost
- 195Total gauge cost
- 196Total material including purchased components cost
- 197Total purchased components cost
- 198Total tooling cost
- 199Delivery limitation amount
- 200Minimum amount due
- 201Penalty amount
- 202Interest amount
- 203Line item amount
- 204Allowance amount