QVA01016064Quantity differenceN
Min 0 / Max 15
QVA01026063Quantity qualifierID
Min 0 / Max 3
- 1Discrete quantity
- 2Charge
- 3Cumulative quantity
- 11Split quantity
- 12Despatch quantity
- 17Quantity on hand
- 18Previous quantity
- 20Unusable quantity
- 21Ordered quantity
- 22Quantity at 100%
- 23Active ingredient
- 31Estimated annual volume
- 32Minimum delivery batch
- 33Maximum delivery batch
- 35Price break from
- 36Price break to
- 40Normal delivery
- 46Pieces delivered
- 47Invoiced quantity
- 48Received quantity
- 49Chargeable distance
- 52Quantity per pack
- 53Minimum order quantity
- 54Maximum order quantity
- 59Numbers of consumer units in the traded unit
- 61Return quantity
- 62Sorted quantity
- 63Sorted quantity rejected
- 64Scrap quantity
- 65Destroyed quantity
- 66Committed quantity
- 70Cumulative quantity received
- 71Cumulative quantity ordered
- 72Cumulative quantity received end of prior year
- 73Outstanding quantity
- 74Latest cumulative quantity
- 75Previous highest cumulative quantity
- 77Work days
- 78Cumulative quantity scheduled
- 79Previous cumulative quantity
- 81Extra unplanned delivery quantity
- 82Quantity requirement for sample inspection
- 83Backorder quantity
- 84Urgent delivery quantity
- 85Previous order quantity to be cancelled
- 90As is quantity
- 91Open quantity
- 92Final delivery quantity
- 93Subsequent delivery quantity
- 94Substitutional quantity
- 95Redelivery after post processing
- 99Estimated quantity
- 100Chargeable weight
- 101Chargeable gross weight
- 102Chargeable tare weight
- 103Chargeable number of axles
- 104Chargeable number of containers
- 105Chargeable number of rail wagons
- 106Chargeable number of packages
- 107Chargeable number of units
- 108Chargeable period
- 109Chargeable volume
- 110Chargeable cubic measurements
- 111Chargeable surface
- 112Chargeable length
- 113Quantity to be delivered
- 114Number of passengers
- 115Number of crew
- 116Number of transport documents
- 117Quantity landed
- 118Quantity manifested
- 119Short shipped
- 120Split shipment
- 121Over shipped
- 122Short-landed goods
- 123Surplus goods
- 124Damaged goods
- 125Pillage goods
- 126Lost goods
- 127Report difference
- 128Quantity loaded
- 129Units per unit price
- 130Allowance
- 131Delivery quantity
- 132Cumulative quantity, preceding period, planned
- 133Cumulative quantity, preceding period, reached
- 134Cumulative quantity, actual planned
- 135Period quantity, planned
- 136Period quantity, reached
- 137Cumulative quantity, preceding period, estimated
- 138Cumulative quantity, actual estimated
- 139Cumulative quantity, preceding period, measured
- 140Cumulative quantity, actual measured
- 141Period quantity, measured
- 142Total quantity, planned
- 143Quantity, remaining
Min 0 / Max 3
- ANAvailable now - no shipping schedule
- ASAvailable now - scheduled to ship (date)
- BKBack ordered from previous order
- BPShipment partial - back order to follow
- CACustomer inquiry - all items
- CCShipment complete
- CEShipment includes extra items to meet price break
- CICustomer inquiry - shipped items only
- CKCancelled from previous order
- CMShipment complete with additional quantity
- CNNext carrier, PVE - (date)
- COCustomer inquiry - unshipped items only
- CPShipment partial - considered complete, no backorder
- CSShipment complete with substitution
- ICItem cancelled
- ISItem represents substitution from original order
- LSLast shipment (date)
- NFNot yet published
- NNNot in process - no shipping schedule
- NSNot in process - schedule to ship (date)
- OFOrder sent to factory for production (date)
- OMItem sent to factory for production (date)
- OPOut of print
- OSItem out of stock because of strike of force majeure
- OWItem out of stock at wholesaler
- PAPurchase order inquiry - all items
- PDPurchase order complete
- PIPurchase order inquiry - shipped items only
- PKPacked-to-date (date)
- PNIn process - no shipping schedule
- POPurchase order inquiry - unshipped items only
- PPPurchase order inquiry - specific items
- PSIn process - scheduled to ship (date)
- RAItem rationed
- SLShipped-to-date (date)
- SPScheduled for production at factory
- SSSplit shipment
- TWItem temporary discontinued by wholesaler
- URUnsolicited report
- ZZZMutually defined
QVA03014295Change reason, codedID
Min 0 / Max 3
- AAMember attribute change
- ABAbroad
- ACMember category change
- ADDeath
- AEDisability
- AFEarly retirement
- AGHardship
- AHIll health
- AILeaving employer
- AJLeaving industry
- AKLevel/rate table change
- ALNormal retirement
- AMOther
- ANRetrenchment
- AOResignation
- APMember status change
- AQAlternate quantity and unit of measurement
- BDBlueprint deviation
- BQBalancing quantity
- DCDate change
- EVEstimated quantity
- GUGross volume per pack and unit of measure
- GWGross weight per pack
- LDLength difference
- MCPack/size measure difference
- PCPack difference
- PDPack dimension difference
- PQPack quantity
- PSProduct/services ID change
- PWPack weight difference
- PZPack size difference
- QOQuantity ordered
- QPQuantity based on price qualifier
- QTQuantity price break
- SCSize difference
- UMUnit of measure difference
- UPUnit price
- WDWidth difference
- WOWeight qualifier/gross weight per package
- ZZZMutually defined