长度Min 0 / Max 3
Codes (54)
- 1Cancellation
- 2Addition
- 3Deletion
- 4Change
- 5Replace
- 6Confirmation
- 7Duplicate
- 8Status
- 9Original
- 10Not found
- 11Response
- 12Not processed
- 13Request
- 14Advance notification
- 15Reminder
- 16Proposal
- 17Cancel, to be reissued
- 18Reissue
- 19Seller initiated change
- 20Replace heading section only
- 21Replace item detail and summary only
- 22Final transmission
- 23Transaction on hold
- 24Delivery instruction
- 25Forecast
- 26Delivery instruction and forecast
- 27Not accepted
- 28Accepted, with amendment in heading section
- 29Accepted without amendment
- 30Accepted, with amendment in detail section
- 31Copy
- 32Approval
- 33Change in heading section
- 34Accepted with amendment
- 35Retransmission
- 36Change in detail section
- 37Reversal of a debit
- 38Reversal of a credit
- 39Reversal for cancellation
- 40Request for deletion
- 41Finishing/closing order
- 42Confirmation via specific means
- 43Additional transmission
- 44Accepted without reserves
- 45Accepted with reserves
- 46Provisional
- 47Definitive
- 48Accepted, contents rejected
- 49Settled dispute
- 50Withdraw
- 51Authorisation
- 52Proposed amendment
- 53Test
- 54Extract