To identify a person or a department to whom communication should be directed.
Code specifying the function of a contact (e.g. department or person).
Codes (85)- AAInsurance contact
- ABWorkshop contact
- ACAccepting contact
- ADAccounting contact
- AEContract contact
- AFLand registry contact
- AGAgent
- AHCoordination contact
- AIProject management contact
- AJInvestment contact
- AKWorks management contact
- ALPersonnel contact
- AMClaims contact
- ANLaboratory contact
- AOPlant/equipment contact
- APAccounts payable contact
- AQQuantity surveyor contact
- ARAccounts receivable contact
- ASPublic relations contact
- ATTechnical contact
- AUCity works authority contact
- AVMaintenance contact
- AWTown planning contact
- AXTraffic authority contact
- AYElectricity supply contact
- AZGas supply contact
- BAWater supply contact
- BBTelecommunications network contact
- BCBanking contact
- BDNew developments contact
- BETransport infrastructure authority
- BFService contact
- BUUltimate consignee
- CACarrier
- CBChanged by
- CCResponsible person for information production
- CDResponsible person for information dissemination
- CEHead of unit for computer data processing
- CFHead of unit for information production
- CGHead of unit for information dissemination
- CNConsignee
- COConsignor
- CPResponsible person for computer data processing
- CRCustomer relations
- CWConfirmed with
- DEDepartment/employee to execute export procedures
- DIDepartment/employee to execute import procedures
- DLDelivery contact
- EBEntered by
- ECEducation coordinator
- EDEngineering contact
- EXExpeditor
- GRGoods receiving contact
- HEEmergency dangerous goods contact
- HGDangerous goods contact
- HMHazardous material contact
- ICInformation contact
- INInsurer contact
- LBPlace of delivery contact
- LOPlace of collection contact
- MCMaterial control contact
- MDMaterial disposition contact
- MHMaterial handling contact
- MRMessage recipient contact
- MSMessage sender contact
- NTNotification contact
- OCOrder contact
- PAPrototype coordinator
- PDPurchasing contact
- PEPayee contact
- PMProduct management contact
- QAQuality assurance contact
- QCQuality coordinator contact
- RDReceiving dock contact
- SASales administration
- SCSchedule contact
- SDShipping contact
- SRSales representative or department
- SUSupplier contact
- TATraffic administrator
- TDTest contact
- TITechnical documentation recipient
- TRTransport contact
- WHWarehouse
- ZZZMutually defined