To specify the name/address and their related function, either by CO82 only and/or unstructured by CO58 or structured by CO80 thru 3207.
Code giving specific meaning to a party.
Codes (325)- AAParty to be billed (AAR Accounting rule 11)
- ABBuyer's agent/representative
- AEDeclarant's agent/representative
- AFTransit principal
- AGAgent/representative
- AHTransit principal's agent/representative
- AISuccessful job applicant
- AJParty issuing mutually agreed codes
- AKAcknowledgement recipient
- ALPrincipal
- AMAuthorized official
- ANApproved importer
- AOAccount of
- APAccepting party
- AQApproved consignor
- ARAuthorized exporter
- ASAccount servicing financial institution
- ATAuthorized importer
- AUAuthorized trader (transit)
- AVAuthorizing official
- AWApplicant's bank
- AXAuthenticating party
- AYAnimal being investigated
- AZIssuing bank
- B1Contact bank 1
- B2Contact bank 2
- BABooking agent
- BBBuyer's bank
- BCNegotiating bank
- BDDocumentary credit reimbursing bank
- BEBeneficiary
- BFBeneficiary's bank
- BGEmployer
- BHPrevious employer
- BIBuyer's financial institution
- BJRelease to party
- BKFinancial institution
- BLBill of lading recipient
- BMInsured
- BNInsurance beneficiary
- BOBroker or sales office
- BPBuilding site purchaser
- BQCheque drawn bank
- BSBill and ship to
- BTParty to be billed for other than freight (bill to)
- BUService bureau
- BVMember
- BWBorrower
- BXBuilding site engineer
- BYBuyer
- BZBuilding site forwarder
- C1In care of party no. 1
- C2In care of party no. 2
- CACarrier
- CBCustoms broker
- CCClaimant
- CDAgent's bank
- CECeding company
- CFContainer operator/lessee
- CGCarrier's agent
- CHConnecting carrier
- CICommission processor
- CJPrevious member
- CKEmpty equipment despatch party
- CLContainer location party
- CMCustoms
- CNConsignee
- COCorporate office
- CPParty to receive certificate of compliance
- CQCheque order
- CREmpty equipment return party
- CSConsolidator
- CTConsignee to be specified
- CUContainer return company
- CVConsignee of vessel
- CWEquipment owner
- CXConsignee's agent
- CYCommissionable agent
- CZConsignor
- DAAvailable with bank (documentary credits)
- DBDistributor branch
- DCDeconsolidator
- DDDocumentary credit account party's bank
- DEDepositor
- DFDocumentary credit applicant
- DGDocumentary credit beneficiary
- DHDocumentary credit account party
- DIDocumentary credit second beneficiary
- DJParty according to documentary credit transaction
- DKDocumentary credit beneficiary's bank
- DLFactor
- DMParty to whom documents are to be presented
- DNOwner of operation
- DODocument recipient
- DPDelivery party
- DQOwner's agent
- DRDriver
- DSDistributor
- DTDeclarant
- DUOwner's representative
- DVProject management office
- DWDrawee
- DXEngineer (construction)
- DYEngineer, resident (construction)
- DZArchitect
- EAArchitect-designer
- EBBuilding inspectorate
- ECExchanger
- EDEngineer, consultant
- EELocation of goods for customs examination before clearance
- EFProject coordination office
- EGSurveyor, topographical
- EHEngineer, measurement
- EIController, quality
- EJSurveyor, quantity
- EKSurveyor (professional), quantity
- ELProject
- EMParty to receive electronic memo of invoice
- ENTenderer
- EOOwner of equipment
- EPEquipment drop-off party
- EQEmpty container responsible party
- EREmpty container return agent
- ESContractor, lead
- ETCo-contractor
- EUContractor, general
- EVSubcontractor
- EWSubcontractor with direct payment
- EXExporter
- EYSubcontractor, nominated
- EZOperator, essential services
- FAOperator, communication channel
- FBNominated freight company
- FCContractor, main
- FDBuyer's parent company
- FECredit rating agency
- FFFactor, correspondent
- FGBuyer as officially registered
- FHSeller as officially registered
- FICopy message to
- FJTrade Union
- FKPrevious Trade Union
- FLPassenger
- FMCrew member
- FNTariff issuer
- FOParty performing inspection
- FPFreight/charges payer
- FQContainer survey agent
- FRMessage from
- FSParty authorized to make definite a contract action
- FTParty responsible for financial settlement
- FUHazardous material office
- FVParty providing government furnished property
- FWFreight forwarder
- FXCurrent receiver
- FYCurrent sender
- FZGrouping centre
- GARoad carrier
- GBChamber of commerce
- GCGoods custodian
- GDProducer
- GERegistration tribunal
- GFSlot charter party
- GGWarehouse
- GHApplicant for job
- GISpouse
- GJMother
- GKFather
- GLSocially insured person
- GMInventory controller
- GNProcessor
- GOGoods owner
- GPPacker
- GQSlaughterer
- GRGoods releaser
- GSConsignor's representative
- GTRail carrier
- GUOriginator of article number
- GVProcurement responsibility for order
- GWParty fulfilling all operations
- GXCentral catalogue party
- GYInventory reporting party
- GZSubstitute supplier
- HAParty which delivers consignments to the terminal
- HBParty which picks up consignments from the terminal
- HCTransit freight forwarder
- HDInspection and acceptance party
- HETransportation office
- HFContract administration office
- HGInvestigator
- HHAudit office
- HIRequestor
- HJForeign disclosure information office
- HKMark-for party
- HLParty to receive reports
- HMAlternative manufacturer
- HNService performer
- HOShipper's association
- HPFinal message recipient
- HQAccount owner
- HRShipping line service
- I1Intermediary bank 1
- I2Intermediary bank 2
- IBIntermediary/broker
- ICIntermediate consignee
- IDReplacing manufacturer
- IENon-resident third party company with whom financial account is held
- IFNon-resident group company with whom financial account is held
- IGNon-resident beneficiary
- IHResident beneficiary
- IIIssuer of invoice
- IJNon-resident instructing party
- ILResident instructing party
- IMImporter
- INInsurer
- IOInsurance company
- IPInsurance claim adjuster
- IQDomestic financial institution
- IRNon-domestic financial institution
- ISParty to receive certified inspection report
- ITInstallation on site
- IUNon-resident debtor
- IVInvoicee
- IWNon-resident creditor
- LAParty designated to provide living animal care
- LBCoproducer
- LNLender
- LPLoading party
- MAParty for whom item is ultimately intended
- MFManufacturer of goods
- MGParty designated to execute re-icing
- MIPlanning schedule/material release issuer
- MPManufacturing plant
- MRMessage recipient
- MSDocument/message issuer/sender
- MTParty designated to execute sanitary procedures
- N1Notify party no. 1
- N2Notify party no. 2
- NINotify party
- OABreak bulk berth operator
- OBOrdered by
- OFOn behalf of
- OIOutside inspection agency
- OOOrder of shipper
- OPOperator of property or unit
- OROrdered bank
- OSOriginal shipper
- OTOutside test agency
- OVOwner of means of transport
- OYOrdering customer
- P1Contact party 1
- P2Contact party 2
- P3Contact party 3
- P4Contact party 4
- PAParty to receive inspection report
- PBPaying financial institution
- PCActual purchaser's customer
- PDPurchaser's department buyer
- PEPayee
- PFParty to receive freight bill
- PGPrime contractor
- PHPayer's financial institution
- PIPayee's company name/ID
- PJParty to receive correspondence
- PKContact party
- PLPayor
- PMParty to receive paper memo of invoice
- PNParty to receive shipping notice
- POOrdering party
- PQCertifying party
- PRPayer
- PSPayer's company name/ID (Check, Draft or Wire)
- PTParty to receive test report
- PWDespatch party
- PXParty to receive all documents
- PYChecking party
- PZParty to print some document
- RACentral bank or regulatory authority
- RBReceiving financial institution
- REParty to receive commercial invoice remittance
- RFReceived from
- RHSeller's financial institution
- RIReinsurance intermediary/broker
- RLReporting carrier (Customs)
- RMReporting carrier's nominated agent/representative (Customs)
- RPRouting party
- RSParty to receive statement of account
- RVReceiver of cheque
- RWIssuer of waybill
- SBSales responsibility
- SESeller
- SFShip from
- SGStore group
- SIShipping schedule issuer
- SKPlant
- SNStore keeper
- SOSold to if different than bill to
- SRSeller's agent/representative
- SSSocial securities collector's office
- STShip to
- SUSupplier
- SXSurety for additions
- SYSurety
- SZSurety for antidumping/countervailing duty
- TCTax collector's office
- TDParty to receive technical documentation
- TRTerminal operator
- TSParty to receive certified test results
- TTTransfer to
- UCUltimate consignee
- UDUltimate customer
- UPUnloading party
- VNVendor
- WDWarehouse depositor
- WHWarehouse keeper
- WMWorks manager
- WSWholesaler
- XXNo heading
- COPConvoying party
- CPDCharges payer at destination
- DCPDespatch charge payer
- TCPTransit charge payer
- UHPUnexpected handling party
- WPAWeighting party
- ZZZMutually defined