To specify information necessary to establish the identity of a party.
To specify an address.
To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
A message specifying decisions of an employer related to job applications and interviews and employment or rejections and, when necessary, reasons for the decisions or rejections. The message is transmitted from an employer or employment agency to an employment agency.
To head, identify and specify a message.
To indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
To specify information necessary to establish the identity of a party.
To specify an address.
To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
To identify a person or a department to whom communication should be directed.
To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.
To separate header, detail and summary sections of a message.
To specify a reference.
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
To provide free form or coded text information.
To specify information necessary to establish the identity of a party.
To specify an address.
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.
To specify a nationality.
To specify items of person demographic information.
To identify documents and details directly related to it.
To specify employment details.
To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.
Identification of a remuneration type.
To provide free form or coded text information.
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
To end and check the completeness of a message.
Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency.
Release number within the current message version number.
Code identifying a controlling agency.
Code identifying a controlling agency.
Code identifying a controlling agency.
Code identifying a controlling agency.