EDI EDIFACT S93A ALC Segment Schema
- Codes (23)
- AAllowance
- CCharge
- DAllowance per call of
- ECharge per call of
- FAllowance message
- GAllowance line items
- HLine item allowance
- JAdjustment
- KCharge message
- LCharge line items
- MLine item charge
- NNo allowance or charge
- OAbout
- PMinus (percentage)
- QMinus (amount)
- RPlus (percentage)
- SPlus (amount)
- TPlus/minus (percentage)
- UPlus/minus (amount)
- VNo allowance
- WNo charge
- XMaximum
- YExact
- Codes (49)
- 1Handling commission
- 2Amendment commission
- 3Acceptance commission
- 4Commission for obtaining acceptance
- 5Commission on delivery
- 6Advising commission
- 7Confirmation commission
- 8Deferred payment commission
- 9Commission for taking up documents
- 10Opening commission
- 11Fee for payment under reserve
- 12Discrepancy fee
- 13Domicilation commission
- 14Commission for release of goods
- 15Collection commission
- 16Negotiation commission
- 17Return commission
- 18B/L splitting charges
- 19Trust commission
- 20Transfer commission
- 21Commission for opening irrevocable doc. credits
- 22Pre-advice commission
- 23Supervisory commission
- 24Model charges
- 25Risk commission
- 26Guarantee commission
- 27Reimbursement commission
- 28Stamp duty
- 29Brokerage
- 30Bank charges
- 31Bank charges information
- 32Courier fee
- 33Phone fee
- 34Postage fee
- 35S.W.I.F.T. fee
- 36Telex fee
- 37Penalty for late delivery of documents
- 38Penalty for late delivery of valuation of works
- 39Penalty for execution of works behind schedule
- 40Other penalties
- 41Bonus for works ahead of schedule
- 42Other bonus
- 43Penalty refund
- 44Project management cost
- 45Pro rata retention
- 46Contractual retention
- 47Other retentions
- 48Interest on arrears
- 49Interest
- Codes (23)
- 1Bill back
- 2Off invoice
- 3Vendor check to customer
- 4Credit customer account
- 5Charge to be paid by vendor
- 6Charge to be paid by customer
- 7Optional
- 8Off gross quantity invoiced
- 9Electric cost recovery factor
- 10Gas cost recovery factor
- 11Prior credit balance
- 12Non-dutiable
- 13All charges borne by payee
- 14Each pay own cost
- 15All charges borne by payor
- 16All bank charges borne by applicant
- 18All bank charges borne by beneficiary
- 19All bank charges outside country of applicant borne by beneficiary
- 20Amendment charges borne by applicant
- 21Amendment charges borne by beneficiary
- 22Discount charges borne by applicant
- 23Discount charges borne by beneficiary
- ZZZMutually defined
- Codes (9)
- 1First step of calculation
- 2Second step of calculation
- 3Third step of calculation
- 4Fourth step of calculation
- 5Fifth step of calculation
- 6Sixth step of calculation
- 7Seventh step of calculation
- 8Eighth step of calculation
- 9Ninth step of calculation
- Codes (189)
- AAAdvertising allowance
- AGSilver surcharge
- AJAdjustments
- ALAluminium surcharge
- AMAdditional material
- AUAuthentication charge
- CACataloguing services
- CBCommission
- CDCar loading
- CGCleaning charge
- CKCOD charge
- CLContract allowance
- COCents off
- CPCompetitive price
- CSCigarette stamping
- CTCount and recount
- CWContainer allowance
- DADefective allowance
- DIDiscount
- DLDelivery
- DMDemurrage
- EGEngraving
- EPExpediting premium
- ERExchange rate guarantee charge
- EXExport shipping charge
- FAFreight allowance
- FCFreight charge
- FGFree goods
- FHFilling/handling charge
- FIFinance charge
- FNSpecial finish charge
- FRFlat rate
- HDHandling
- HHHoisting and hauling
- IAInvoice adjustment
- IDInside delivery charge
- IFInspection fee
- INInsurance
- IRInstallation and training
- ISInvoice services
- KOKoshering
- L1Shipper load, carrier count
- LALabelling
- LFLegalisation fee
- LSLocal sales tax
- MAMaterial allowance (special materials)
- MCMaterial surcharge (special materials)
- MIMail invoice
- MLMail invoice to each location
- OAOutside cable connectors
- PAPack invoice with shipment
- PCPacking
- PDPalladium surcharge
- PIPick-up allowance
- PLPalletizing
- PNPallet charge
- POPer order charge
- QDQuantity discount
- RERe-delivery charge
- RFRefurbishing charge
- RHRail wagon hire
- RORoe allowance/charge
- RPRepair charge
- RVRollgeld/Verladekosten *** freight charge/costs of loading ? ***
- SASalvage
- SCSurcharge
- SDShrinkage allowance
- SFSpecial rebate
- SGShrink-wrap charge
- SHSpecial handling service
- SMSpecial finish
- STStamp duties
- SUSet-up
- SZSteel surcharge
- TDTrade discount
- TSState tax
- TTTransportation - third party billing
- TVTransportation - vendor provided
- TXTax
- TZTemporary allowance
- UMUnsaleable merchandise allowance
- V1Drop yard
- V2Drop dock
- VLVehicle load allowance
- WHWarehousing
- YYSplit pickup
- AAATelecommunication charges
- AABReturned goods charges
- AACModification costs
- AADJob-order production
- AAEOutlays
- AAFOff-premises surcharge
- AAGGold surcharge
- AAHProcessing surcharge
- AAIAttestation fee
- AAJCopper surcharge
- AAKEnergy surcharge
- AALDeduction for missing parts
- AAMRubber surcharge
- AANBrass surcharge
- AAOMaterial surcharge/deduction
- AAPLead surcharge
- AAQPrice index surcharge
- AARPlatinum surcharge
- AASAcceptance cost
- AATRush delivery
- AAUSelenium surcharge
- AAVSpecial construction charge
- AAWDeduction for delayed return
- AAXWolfram surcharge
- AAYAirport fee
- AAZConcession fee
- ABACompulsory storage fee
- ABBDefuel
- ABCInto plane fee
- ABDOvertime
- ABEReservicing charge
- ABFTooling cost
- ABGTooling charge
- ABHThroughput allowance
- ABISuperfund fee
- ABJAirport system fee
- CAACancellation charge
- CABCartage
- CACCash discount
- CADCertification fee
- CAECertificate of conformance
- CAFCertificate of origin
- CAGCompetitive allowance
- CAHCompetitive auto allowance
- CAICutting charge
- CAJConsular costs
- CAKCustomer collection rebate
- DAADeficit freight
- DABLayout/design
- DADDriver assigned unloading
- DAEDistributor discount/allowance
- EAAEarly buy allowance
- EABEarly payment allowance
- FAAFabrication charge
- FABFreight equalization
- FACFreight surcharge
- GAAGrinding
- HAAHose charge
- IAAInstallation
- IABInstallation and warranty
- LAALabour charge
- LABLabor (repair and return orders)
- LACLicense fee
- MAAMileage or travel
- MABMileage fee (for repair and return)
- MACMinimum order/minimum billing charge
- MADMonthly rental
- MAEMounting
- NAANon-returnable containers
- OAAOvertime loading
- PAAPhosphatizing (steel treatment)
- PABPostage charge
- PACPremium charge
- PADPromotional allowance
- PAEPromotional discount
- QAAQuantity surcharge
- RAARebate
- RABRepack charge
- RACRepair
- RADReturnable container
- RAEResellers discount
- RAFRestocking charge
- RAGRoll rebate
- RAHRoad/rail tanker rebate
- SAAShipping and handling
- SABSpecial allowance
- SACSpecial credit
- SADSpecial packaging
- SAEStamping
- SAFSupplemental items
- SAGSurcharge (dollar value)
- SAHSurcharge (percentage)
- SAIShipper load, consignee unload
- SAJSmall packages charge
- TAATelephone charge
- TABTank rental
- TACTesting charge
- TADTesting allowance
- TAETruckload discount
- VAAVendor freight
- VABVolume discount
- XAACombine all same day shipment
- ZZZMutually defined
- Codes (91)
- 12Telephone directory
- 16Postcode directory
- 23Clearing house automated payment
- 25Bank identification
- 35Rail additional charges
- 36Railways networks
- 37Railway locations
- 38Rail customers
- 39Rail unified nomenclature of goods
- 42Business function
- 43Clearing House Interbank Payment System Participants ID
- 44Clearing House Interbank Payment System Universal ID
- 100Enhanced party identification
- 101Air carrier
- 102Size and type
- 103Call sign directory
- 104Customs area of transaction
- 105Customs declaration type
- 106Incoterms 1980
- 107Excise duty
- 108Tariff schedule
- 109Customs indicator
- 110Customs special codes
- 112Statistical nature of transaction
- 113Customs office
- 114Railcar letter marking
- 115Examination facility
- 116Customs preference
- 117Customs procedure
- 118Government agency procedure
- 119Customs simplified procedure
- 120Customs status of goods
- 121Shipment description
- 122Commodity
- 123Entitlement
- 125Customs transit guarantee
- 126Accounting information identifier
- 127Customs valuation method
- 128Service
- 129Customs warehouse
- 130Special handling
- 131Free zone
- 132Charge
- 133Financial regime
- 134Duty, tax or fee payment method
- 135Rate class
- 136Restrictions/prohibitions on re-use of certain wagons
- 137Rail harmonized codification of tariffs
- 139Port
- 140Area
- 141Forwarding restrictions
- 142Train identification
- 143Removable accessories and special equipment on railcars
- 144Rail routes
- 145Airport/city
- 146Means of transport identification
- 147Document requested by Customs
- 148Customs release notification
- 149Customs transit type
- 150Financial routing
- 151Locations for tariff calculation
- 152Materials
- 153Methods of payment
- 154Bank branch sorting identification
- 155Automated clearing house
- 156Location of goods
- 157Clearing code
- 158Terms of delivery
- 160Party identification
- 161Goods description
- 162Country
- 163Country sub-entity
- 164Member organizations
- 165Amendment code (Customs)
- 166Social security identification
- 167Tax party identification
- 168Rail document names
- 169Harmonized system
- 170Bank securities code
- 171Enhanced company code
- 172Carrier code
- 173Export requirements
- 174Citizen identification
- 175Account analysis codes
- 176Flow of the goods
- 177Statistical procedures
- 178Standard text according US embargo regulations
- 179Standard text for export according national prescriptions
- 180Airport terminal
- 181Activity
- ZZZMutually defined
- Codes (117)
- 1CCC (Customs Co-operation Council)
- 2CEC (Commission of the European Communities)
- 3IATA (International Air Transport Association)
- 4ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
- 5ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- 6UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe)
- 7CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique)
- 9EAN (International Article Numbering association)
- 11Lloyd's register of shipping
- 12UIC (International union of railways)
- 13ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation)
- 14ICS (International Chamber of Shipping)
- 15RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance Network)
- 16DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet)
- 17S.W.I.F.T.
- 18Conventions on SAD and transit (EC and EFTA)
- 19FRRC (Federal Reserve Routing Code)
- 20BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs)
- 86Assigned by party originating the message
- 87Assigned by carrier
- 88Assigned by owner of operation
- 89Assigned by distributor
- 90Assigned by manufacturer
- 91Assigned by seller or seller's agent
- 92Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent
- 93AT, Austrian Customs
- 94AT, Austrian PTT
- 95AU, Australian Customs Services
- 96CA, Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise
- 97CH, Administration federale des contributions
- 98CH, Direction generale des douanes
- 99CH, Division des importations et exportations, OFAEE
- 100CH, Entreprise des PTT
- 101CH, Carbura
- 102CH, Centrale suisse pour l'importation du charbon
- 103CH, Office fiduciaire des importateurs de denrees alimentaires
- 104CH, Association suisse code des articles
- 105DK, Ministry of taxation, Central Customs and Tax Administration
- 106FR, Direction generale des douanes et droits indirects
- 107FR, INSEE
- 108FR, Banque de France
- 109GB, H.M. Customs & Excise
- 110IE, Revenue Commissionners, Customs AEP project
- 111US, U.S. Customs Service
- 112US, U.S. Census Bureau
- 113US, UPC (Uniform product code)
- 114US, ABA (American Bankers Association)
- 115US, DODAAC (Department Of Defense Active Agency Code)
- 116US, ANSI ASC X12
- 117AT, Geldausgabeautomaten-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H.
- 118SE, Svenska Bankfoereningen
- 119IT, Associazione Bancaria Italiana
- 120IT, Socieata' Interbancaria per l'Automazione
- 121CH, Telekurs AG
- 122CH, Swiss Securities Clearing Corporation
- 123NO, Norwegian Interbank Research Organization
- 124NO, Norwegian Bankers Ass.
- 125FI, The Finnish Bankers' Association
- 126US, NCCMA (Account Analysis Codes)
- 128BE, Belgian Bankers' Association
- 129BE, Belgian Ministry of Finance
- 130DK, PBS (Pengainstitutternes Betalings Service)
- 131DE, German Bankers Association
- 132GB, BACS Limited
- 133GB, Association for Payment Clearing Services
- 134GB, CHAPS and Town Clearing Company Ltd.
- 135GB, The Clearing House
- 136GB, Article Number Association (UK) Limited
- 137AT, Verband oesterreichischer Banken und Bankiers
- 138FR, CFONB (Comite francais d'organ. et de normalisation bancaires)
- 139UPU (Universal Postal Union)
- 140CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-01
- 141CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-B-1
- 142CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXXIV
- 143NZ, New Zealand Customs
- 144NL, Netherlands Customs
- 145SE, Swedish Customs
- 146DE, German Customs
- 147BE, Belgian Customs
- 148ES, Spanish Customs
- 149IL, Israel Customs
- 150HK, Hong Kong Customs
- 151JP, Japan Customs
- 152SA, Saudi Arabia Customs
- 153IT, Italian Customs
- 154GR, Greek Customs
- 155PT, Portuguese Customs
- 156LU, Luxembourg Customs
- 157NO, Norwegian Customs
- 158FI, Finnish Customs
- 159IS, Iceland Customs
- 160LI, Liechtenstein authority
- 161UNCTAD (United Nations - Conference on Trade And Development)
- 162CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XIII-D-5
- 163US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission)
- 164US, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)
- 165US, DCI (Distribution Codes, INC.)
- 166US, National Motor Freight Classification Association
- 167US, AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
- 168US, FIPS (Federal Information Publishing Standard)
- 169CA, SCC (Standards Council of Canada)
- 170CA, CPA (Canadian Payment Association)
- 171NL, Bank Girocentrale BV
- 174DE, DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung)
- 175FCI (Factors Chain International)
- 176BR, Banco Central do Brazil
- 177AU, LIFA (Life Insurance Federation of Australia)
- 178AU, SAA (Standards Association of Australia)
- 179US, Air transport association of America
- 181Edibuild
- 182US, Standard Carrier Alpha Code (Motor)
- 183US, American Petroleum Institute
- ZZZMutually defined