EDI EDIFACT S93A FTX Segment Schema
- Codes (129)
- AAAGoods description
- AABTerms of payments
- AACDangerous goods additional information
- AADDangerous goods, technical name
- AAGParty instructions
- AAHCustoms information
- AAIGeneral information
- AAJAdditional conditions of sale/purchase
- AAKPrice conditions
- AALGoods dimensions in characters
- AAMEquipment re-usage restrictions
- AANHandling restriction
- AAOError description (free text)
- AAPResponse (free text)
- AAQPackage content's description
- AARTerms of delivery
- AASBill of lading remarks
- AATMode of settlement information
- AAUConsignment invoice information
- AAVClearance invoice information
- AAWLetter of credit information
- AAXLicense information
- AAYCertification statements
- AAZAdditional export information
- ABATariff statements
- ABJDomestic routing information
- ABLGovernment information
- ABMOnward routing information
- ABNAccounting information
- ABODiscrepancy information
- ABPConfirmation instructions
- ABQMethod of issuance
- ABRDocuments delivery instructions
- ABSAdditional conditions
- ABTInformation/instructions about additional amounts covered
- ABUDeferred payment termed additional
- ABVAcceptance terms additional
- ABWNegotiation terms additional
- ABXDocument name and documentary requirements
- ABYRegulatory information
- ABZInstructions/information about revolving documentary credit
- ACADocumentary requirements
- ACBAdditional information
- ACCFactor assignment clause
- ACDReason
- ACEDispute
- ACFAdditional attribute information
- ALCAllowance/charge information
- ALLAll documents
- ARRArrival conditions
- AUTAuthentication
- BLCBill of lading clause
- BLRTransport document remarks
- CCICustoms clearance instructions
- CEXCustoms clearance instructions export
- CHGChange information
- CIPCustoms clearance instruction import
- CLPClearance place requested
- CLRLoading remarks
- COIOrder information
- CURCustomer remarks
- CUSCustoms declaration information
- DARDamage remarks
- DCLDeclaration
- DELDelivery information
- DINDelivery instructions
- DOCDocumentation instructions
- DUTDuty declaration
- EUREffective used routing
- FBCFirst block to be printed on the transport contract
- GBLGovernment bill of lading information
- GENEntire transaction set
- GS7Further information concerning GGVS par. 7
- HANHandling instructions
- HAZHazard information
- ICNInformation for consignee
- IINInsurance instructions
- IMIInvoice mailing instructions
- INDCommercial invoice item description
- INSInsurance information
- INVInvoice instruction
- IRPInformation for railway purpose
- ITRInland transport details
- ITSTesting instructions
- LINLine item
- LOILoading instruction
- MCOMiscellaneous charge order
- MKSAdditional marks/numbers information
- ORIOrder instruction
- OSIOther service information
- PACPacking/marking information
- PAIPayment instructions information
- PAYPayables information
- PKGPackaging information
- PKTPackaging terms information
- PMDPayment detail/remittance information
- PMTPayment information
- PRDProduct information
- PRFPrice calculation formula
- PRIPriority information
- PURPurchasing information
- QINQuarantine instructions
- QQDQuality demands/requirements
- QUTQuotation instruction/information
- RAHRisk and handling information
- REGRegulatory information
- RETReturn to origin information
- REVReceivables
- RQRRequested routes/routing instructions
- RQTTariffs and route requested
- SAFSafety information
- SICSender's instruction to carrier
- SINSpecial instructions
- SLRShip line requested
- SPASpecial permission for transport, generally
- SPGSpecial permission concerning the goods to be transported
- SPHSpecial handling
- SPPSpecial permission concerning package
- SPTSpecial permission concerning transport means
- SRNSubsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR)
- SSRSpecial service request
- SURSupplier remarks
- TCATariff and class applied
- TDTTransport details remarks
- TRATransportation information
- TRRRequested tariff
- TXDTax declaration
- WHIWarehouse instruction/information
- ZZZMutually defined