EDI EDIFACT S93A STA Segment Schema
- Codes (143)
- AConsolidated weight
- BBilled weight
- DDestination weight agreement
- EEstimated new weight
- FDeficit weight
- GGross weight
- LLegal weight
- MMinimum weight
- NActual net weight
- TTare weight
- UWeight per unit
- AFAngle of bend
- BLBreaking load
- BRBrightness
- BSBreaking strength
- BWBasis weight
- CMColor
- CTContents of package
- CVCommercial weight
- CZCore length
- DIDiameter
- DLDelta value L
- DNDensity
- DPDepth
- DRDenier
- DSDistance between points
- DWWidth, boxcar door
- EAElongation
- FIFilament count
- FLLongitudinal flatness
- FNFlatness
- FVTransverse flatness
- GGGauge
- GWGross weight, maximum
- HFHardness
- HMHeight, maximum
- HTHeight dimension
- IBImpact energy
- IDInside diameter
- LMLength, maximum
- LNLength dimension
- MOMoisture
- MWMaximum weight
- ODOutside diameter
- RARelative humidity
- RFResistivity
- RJRockwell C
- RPReduction of area
- RYRatio
- SQShipped quantity
- TCTemperature
- THThickness
- TNTime period
- TTTime
- VHHeight, van door
- VWWidth, van door
- WAWeight per unit of area
- WDWidth dimension
- WMWidth, maximum
- WTWeight
- WUWeight per unit of length
- XHSide height, flat bed with removable sides
- XQSquareness
- XZSpool size
- YSYield stress
- ZBBoron
- ZCCarbon
- ZHHydrogen
- ZKPotassium
- ZNNitrogen
- ZOOxygen
- ZPPhosphorus
- ZSSulphur
- ZVVanadium
- ZWTungsten
- AAAUnit net weight
- AABUnit gross weight
- AACTotal net weight
- AADTotal gross weight
- AAEItem gross weight
- AAFNet net weight
- AAGGross weight (item level)
- AAHCustoms line item measurement
- AAIVisa quantity
- AALNet weight
- AAMGross tonnage of the vessel
- AANNet tonnage of the vessel
- AAOHumidity
- AAPVoltage
- AAQPower consumption
- AARHeat dissipation
- AASAir flow
- AATShock impact
- AAUOperative temperature
- AAVNon operative temperature
- AAWGross volume
- AAXNet volume
- AAYWater content
- AAZTensile stress
- ABAFibrosity
- ABBGauge length
- ABCRadius
- ABDStraightness
- ABEStrain
- BNDBands
- BRABrakes
- BREBreak
- BSWBreaking strength wet
- CHNChange
- LNDLost end
- PRSPre stretch
- PTNPer tonne
- RMWReam weight
- RUNRun (process)
- ZALAluminium
- ZASArsenic
- ZBIBismuth
- ZCACalcium
- ZCBColumbium
- ZCECerium
- ZCLChlorine
- ZCOCobalt
- ZCRChromium
- ZCUCopper
- ZFEIron
- ZFSIron plus silicon
- ZGEGermanium
- ZMGMagnesium
- ZMNManganese
- ZMOMolybdenum
- ZNASodium
- ZNINickel
- ZPBLead
- ZSISilicon
- ZSLSilicium oxyd
- ZSNTin
- ZTATantalium
- ZTETellurium
- ZTITitanium
- ZWAWaste content
- ZZNZinc
- ZZRZirconium
- ZZZMutually defined