Codes (315)
- 1Agent discount AD75N1
- 2Adult with discount restrictions
- 3Assistant member of European Parliament
- 4Card carrying holder(s)
- 5Card carrying member
- 6Discount cardholder France and overseas depts
- 7Leisure cardholder with France
- 8Carnet coupon travel
- 9Child of European Parliament member
- 10Electronic ticket discount - child
- 11Electronic ticket discount - adult
- 12Electronic ticket discount - infant
- 13Employee (not filed ZED fare)
- 14ZED employee - adult
- 15ZED employee - infant
- 16ZED - common law spouse of employee/retiree
- 17ZED - children under 24 years of age
- 18ZED - employee/retiree parent
- 19ZED - employee child
- 20ZED - employee sibling
- 21ZED - employee adult of married employee
- 22ZED - partner adult of single employee
- 23ZED - partner companion
- 24ZED - parent of married employee
- 25ZED - parent of single employee
- 26ZED - sibling of adult of single employee
- 27ZED - common-law spouse - opposite sex
- 28ZED - common-law spouse - same sex
- 29ZED - widow/widowers adult employee
- 30Zonal employee discount
- 31Weekender fare
- 32Family plan - infant
- 33Blend of government travel/government contract/military/category Z fares
- 34Child - must include age 2 to 11 on ticket for child discount
- 35Infant accompanied by a youth
- 36Infant with a seat - resident
- 37Infant without a seat - resident
- 38Inclusive tour infant without a seat
- 39Inclusive tour infant with a seat
- 40Labor/worker infant with a seat
- 41Military infant with a seat
- 42Military infant without a seat
- 43Contract bulk - adult
- 44Contract bulk - child
- 45Contract bulk - infant without a seat
- 46Contract bulk - infant with a seat
- 47Contract bulk - infant (may not be a bulk free)
- 48Journalist of European Cabinet
- 49Journalist of European Committee
- 50Loyalty management group
- 51Government employee on leave
- 52Military - basic training graduate
- 53Member of European Parliament
- 54Blend of Category Z fares
- 55Military incentive certificates
- 56Non-revenue standby
- 57Negotiated fare - unrestricted rules
- 58Parent
- 59Private fare - adult
- 60Registered domestic partner
- 61Registered travel companion
- 62Senior discounted companion
- 63Spouse of European Parliament
- 64Sports passenger
- 65Restricted tour conductor
- 66Passenger agreed upsell
- 700Abonnement
- 701Accompanied child
- 702Accompanying adult
- 703Adult charter
- 704Agent discount
- 705Air/Sea fares
- 706Border Area (Argentina)
- 707Charter
- 708Charter - Adult
- 709Charter - Youth
- 710Charter - Child
- 711Child discounts
- 712City/County Government travel
- 713Clergy Standby
- 714Companion Fare
- 715Companion Fare - Prime
- 716Companion Partner
- 717Companion with age requirement
- 718County Government employee
- 719Coupon
- 720Department of Defense
- 721Diplomat
- 722Disabled, Unable to work (Finland)
- 723Discover the Country (Argentina)
- 724Economy Discount
- 725Eighty percent disabled persons
- 726Family Plan
- 727Family Plan Children Discount
- 728Family Plan (France)
- 729Family member - 1st accompanying
- 730Family member - 2nd accompanying
- 731Females Traveling Alone in France
- 732Foreign Worker discount
- 733Foreign Worker Infant discount
- 734Foreign Worker Children discount
- 735Frequent traveler
- 736Frequent traveler - adult
- 737Frequent traveler - child
- 738Government
- 739Government and Military Category Z
- 740Government Child
- 741Government Contract
- 742Government Dependent
- 743Government Exchange
- 744Government Infant
- 745Government order (Germany)
- 746Government State fares
- 747Government Transportation ordered
- 748Group Child
- 749Group Infant
- 750Group - undefined
- 751Group visit another country adult
- 752Group visit USA
- 753Head of family
- 754IATA - Air/Surface
- 755Inclusive Tour Child (Individual)
- 756Inclusive Tour Infant
- 757Inclusive Tour undefined
- 758Independent tour
- 759Individual early retirement (Finland)
- 760Individual inclusive tour
- 761Individual Ships Crew
- 762Indonesian War Veteran Discount Fare
- 763Indonesian Parliament Discount Fare
- 764Industry
- 765Infant discount
- 766Infant without seat
- 767Infant with seat
- 768Job Corp trainee
- 769Military charter
- 770Military child
- 771Military confirmed
- 772Military dependents stationed inside USA
- 773Military dependents stationed outside USA
- 774Military /DOD based in USA
- 775Military family
- 776Military inclusive tour
- 777Military infant
- 778Military Job Corps
- 779Military parents/parents in-laws
- 780Military personnel based in USA
- 781Military personnel based out USA
- 782Military recruit
- 783Military reserve
- 784Military reserve on active duty
- 785Military retired
- 786Military retired dependent
- 787Military spouse
- 788Military standby
- 789Mini Fare (Argentina)
- 790Missionary
- 791Missionary Spouse
- 792NATO/SHAPE personnel
- 793Negative Band Intersectors (Argentina)
- 794Other accompanying family member
- 795Press
- 796Pseudo resident
- 797Refugee
- 798Resident
- 799Resident Abonnement
- 800Resident Adult
- 801Resident Child
- 802Resident family plan child
- 803Resident family plan head family
- 804Resident family plan infant
- 805Resident family plan youth
- 806Resident family plan 2nd adult
- 807Resident government
- 808Resident group
- 809Resident infant
- 810Resident Senior Citizens
- 811Resident Student
- 812Resident youth
- 813Retiree (wholly domestic Argentina)
- 814Seaman
- 815Seaman fares
- 816Seaman Government Order
- 817Second Passenger
- 818Senior citizen confirmed
- 819Senior citizen discount
- 820Senior citizen standby
- 821Special
- 822Special Interior Fare (Argentina)
- 823Spouse Fares
- 824Standby
- 825State government employees
- 826Student discount
- 827Student Excellence Discount Fare (Indonesia)
- 828Student Government Order
- 829Swiss Journalist
- 830Teacher's fares
- 831Teacher (wholly domestic)
- 832Time-saver Fares
- 833Tour Guide (conductor)
- 834Traveling with cello
- 835Unaccompanied child
- 836Undefined
- 837Visit USA child
- 838War Veteran, Unable to work
- 839Youth confirmed
- 840Youth Discount
- 841Youth standby
- 842Youth student
- 843Labor, child
- 844Labor, infant
- 84580 percent disabled person (Finland)
- 846Second passenger (e.g.: companion)
- 847Disabled, unable to work (Finland)
- 848Government discount (Germany)
- 849Individual early retirement (Finland)
- 850Special interior fare (Argentina)
- 851Border area fare (Argentina)
- 852Intra country restricted fares (Argentina)
- 853Adult with age restriction
- 854Frequent flyer companion
- 855Frequent flyer preferred
- 856Visit friends/relatives
- 857List of alternates
- 70ATotal number of passengers
- 70BNumber of unique passenger types
- 70CTotal number of passenger types
- 70DTotal number of segments priced
- 70ENumber of stopovers applied to fare breakpoint
- 70FNumber of surcharges applied to fare breakpoint
- 70GTotal number of taxes
- 70HTotal number of passenger facility charges (PFC)
- 70ITotal number ZP
- 70JTotal number of fare calculation/surcharges charges
- 70KFlight group number
- 70LTax
- 70MSurcharges
- 70NPFCs
- 70OZPs
- 70PNumber of unique PTCs
- 70QTotal PTCs
- 70RNumber of stopovers
- 70SAirline staff standby
- 70TBereavement
- 70UFamily plan infant discount
- 70VGroup - own use
- 70WMilitary dependents
- 70XMilitary group
- 70YNon-resident
- 70ZDisabled person
- 71ABlind passenger
- 71BBaggage
- 71CAdult contract fare
- 71DAirline employee buddy standby fare
- 71EClergy discount
- 71FCommuter fare
- 71GConvention fare
- 71HCoupon discounted fare
- 71IChild standby
- 71JEmigrant fare
- 71KGovernment inter state fare
- 71LGroup school party
- 71MInclusive tour child (group)
- 71NInclusive tour adult (group)
- 71OIncentive certificate fare
- 71PInternet fare
- 71QJournalist of EUR parliament
- 71RLabor, adult
- 71SMilitary/DOD not based in the USA
- 71TPassenger occupying two seats
- 71UPatients traveling for medical treatment
- 71VPilgrim fare
- 71WPilgrim fare (Saudi Arabia)
- 71XStudent standby
- 71YSenior citizen with age requirement
- 71ZUniversity employee
- 72AVisit USA adult
- 72BPassenger checked in
- 72CPassenger not checked in
- 72DPassenger checked in via ITCI
- 72ENegotiated fare passenger
- 72FNumber of meals loaded
- AAdult
- BSBlock space
- CChild
- CPCorporate
- DPITotal deplaned for this flight leg
- FFemale
- GGroup
- IIndividual
- IFinfant female
- IMinfant male
- INInfant
- IZIndividual within a group
- LAirport lounge member
- MMale
- MLNumber of meals served
- MXMaximum number of flights desired
- NMilitary
- NCNumber of columns
- NLNumber of lines
- PXNumber of seats occupied by passengers on board
- SSame surname
- SPStandby positive
- SSStandby space available
- TFrequent traveler
- TATotal seats available to assign
- TCTotal cabin class/compartment capacity
- TCATotal cabin/compartment seats with acknowledgment pending for seats
- TDNumber of ticket/document numbers
- TFTotal number of flight/value coupons
- TSTotal seats sold
- TUTotal seats unassigned
- TUATotal unassigned seats with acknowledgment pending for seats
- UMUnaccompanied Minor