Codes (37)
- 700Up-grading
- 701Air transportation
- 702Surface transportation
- 703Bag shipped as cargo
- 704Land arrangements for inclusive tour
- 705Car hire
- 706Sleeper/berth
- 707Under collections
- 708Taxes/fees/charges
- 709Deposits/down payments
- 710Refundable balances
- 711Other
- 712Cancellation fee
- 713Sundry charges
- 714Hotel accommodations
- 715Rebooking fee domestic (with taxes e.g. VAT where applicable)
- 716Rebooking fee international
- 717Lost ticket fee (charge for replacement)
- 718Unaccompanied minor fee domestic (with taxes e.g. VAT where applicable)
- 719Unaccompanied minor fee international
- 720Excess baggage (including charges for sporting goods, with and without flat fees, pet in cabin (PETC) and animal in hold (AVH)
- 721Prepaid ticket advise (PTA)/ticket on departure (TOD)
- AAir transportation
- BSurface transportation/non air services
- CBaggage
- DFinancial impact
- EAirport services
- FMerchandise
- FLFlight number restriction may apply
- GInflight services
- HReserved for future ATPCO use
- IReserved for individual airline use
- RBMissing or incorrect reservations booking designator (RBD)
- REBooking/ticketing conditions may apply
- ROUser specified reservations booking designator (RBD) has been overridden
- SROther sales restrictions (e.g.: passenger, point of sale, etc.)
- ZReserved for future industry use