IATA EDI Release 12-1
EDI IATA 12-1 CPN Segment Schema
- Codes (182)
- 1Flight grouping indicator 1
- 2Flight grouping indicator 2
- 3Flight grouping indicator 3
- 4Flight grouping indicator 4
- 5Flight grouping indicator 5
- 6Flight grouping indicator 6
- 7Flight grouping indicator 7
- 8Flight grouping indicator 8
- 9Flight grouping indicator 9
- 10Flight grouping indicator 10
- 11Flight grouping indicator 11
- 12Flight grouping indicator 12
- 13Flight grouping indicator 13
- 14Flight grouping indicator 14
- 15Flight grouping indicator 15
- 16Flight grouping indicator 16
- 17Flight grouping indicator 17
- 18Flight grouping indicator 18
- 19Flight grouping indicator 19
- 20Flight grouping indicator 20
- 21Flight grouping indicator 21
- 22Flight grouping indicator 22
- 23Flight grouping indicator 23
- 24Flight grouping indicator 24
- 25Flight grouping indicator 25
- 26Flight grouping indicator 26
- 27Flight grouping indicator 27
- 28Flight grouping indicator 28
- 29Flight grouping indicator 29
- 30Flight grouping indicator 30
- 31Flight grouping indicator 31
- 32Flight grouping indicator 32
- 33Flight grouping indicator 33
- 34Flight grouping indicator 34
- 35Flight grouping indicator 35
- 36Flight grouping indicator 36
- 37Flight grouping indicator 37
- 38Flight grouping indicator 38
- 39Flight grouping indicator 39
- 40Flight grouping indicator 40
- 41Flight grouping indicator 41
- 42Flight grouping indicator 42
- 43Flight grouping indicator 43
- 44Flight grouping indicator 44
- 45Flight grouping indicator 45
- 46Flight grouping indicator 46
- 47Flight grouping indicator 47
- 48Flight grouping indicator 48
- 49Flight grouping indicator 49
- 50Flight grouping indicator 50
- 51Flight grouping indicator 51
- 52Flight grouping indicator 52
- 53Flight grouping indicator 53
- 54Flight grouping indicator 54
- 55Flight grouping indicator 55
- 56Flight grouping indicator 56
- 57Flight grouping indicator 57
- 58Flight grouping indicator 58
- 59Flight grouping indicator 59
- 60Flight grouping indicator 60
- 61Flight grouping indicator 61
- 62Flight grouping indicator 62
- 63Flight grouping indicator 63
- 64Flight grouping indicator 64
- 65Flight grouping indicator 65
- 66Flight grouping indicator 66
- 67Flight grouping indicator 67
- 68Flight grouping indicator 68
- 69Flight grouping indicator 69
- 70Flight grouping indicator 70
- 71Flight grouping indicator 71
- 72Flight grouping indicator 72
- 73Flight grouping indicator 73
- 74Flight grouping indicator 74
- 75Flight grouping indicator 75
- 76Flight grouping indicator 76
- 77Flight grouping indicator 77
- 78Flight grouping indicator 78
- 79Flight grouping indicator 79
- 80Flight grouping indicator 80
- 81Flight grouping indicator 81
- 82Flight grouping indicator 82
- 83Flight grouping indicator 83
- 84Flight grouping indicator 84
- 85Flight grouping indicator 85
- 86Flight grouping indicator 86
- 87Flight grouping indicator 87
- 88Flight grouping indicator 88
- 89Flight grouping indicator 89
- 90Flight grouping indicator 90
- 91Flight grouping indicator 91
- 92Flight grouping indicator 92
- 93Flight grouping indicator 93
- 94Flight grouping indicator 94
- 95Flight grouping indicator 95
- 96Flight grouping indicator 96
- 97Flight grouping indicator 97
- 98Flight grouping indicator 98
- 99Flight grouping indicator 99
- ACodeshare service
- AASchedule change flight segment
- ARArrival
- ATAvailability directly from a third party travel provider
- BBus
- BMFare must break
- BNFare must not break
- BOFare must only break
- BPSpecified fare break point
- BRBooked reservations booking designator (RBD)
- BSBlocked space for other than codeshare purposes
- CConnection portion of journey
- CBCode share - block space
- CFCode share - free sell
- CRCar Rental
- CSCruise Ship
- CUCurrent
- DDirect service
- DADirect access participant
- DCMost Distant City
- DPDeparture
- DSDirect sell participant
- EEnd of journey
- ENNot electronic ticket candidate
- ERElectronic ticketing required
- ETElectronic ticket candidate
- FCharter Flight
- FFFlown flight segment
- FMMaster Flight
- FRMaster Flight for reference
- FUUnflown flight segment
- GRGround Movement
- HHovercraft
- HEHelicopter
- HTHotel
- IInbound flight
- IAIATA (International Air Transport Association)
- JStopover permitted
- JAMandatory Stopover Point
- KStopover not permitted
- LInclusive
- LXExclusive
- MMarketing flight grouping indicator
- MCConditional marketing flight grouping indicator
- MPMarried to previous segment
- MXMarried to next segment
- NNon-stop service
- OOperating flight
- OCOnline connection
- OEExclusive open jaw (other fare break points not allowed)
- OMMandatory open jaw (other fare break points may exist)
- PPassenger's disposition, unknown
- PTPoint of turnaround
- QLast part
- RASpecified fare break point - additional break point
- RBSpecified fare break point - replacement break point
- RNExclusive fare break at destination of surface break (other fare break point not allowed)
- ROMandatory fare break at destination of surface break (other fare break points may exist)
- RPMandatory route Point
- RRRecommended reservations booking designator (RBD) to be booked
- SStart of journey
- SASold as
- SLSlave Flight
- SMSmoking
- SPSeamless participant
- SRSlave flight for reference
- STSide trip
- TTransfer
- TABy arrival time
- TDBy departure time
- TEBy elapsed time
- TFTransferred from flight
- TNIn neutral order
- TRTrain
- TSThree segment connection
- TTTransferred to flight
- UStopover or connection unknown
- VStopover point
- VLVisit-link flight
- WInteractive cancel candidate
- XConnect point
- YCapacity was overridden
- ZLimit sales ignored
- Codes (61)
- 700no active itinerary
- 701Coupon notification
- 702Active (the queue is designated for use even if it is empty)
- 703Queue placement is inhibited
- 704Queue level notification
- 705Queue being printed
- 706Sub-queue present
- 707On hold
- 708Exchanged/FIM
- 709Passenger deleted
- 710Refund taxes/fees/charges only
- AAdd
- ACAccrual
- ALAirport control
- ALLAllocated
- AVAAvailable
- BFlown/used
- BDBoarded
- CChange
- CKChecked in
- CLOClosed
- DReprint
- DBDeboarded
- DNDenied boarding
- EExchanged/reissued
- FCritical free text
- GNon air segment
- IOriginal Issue (Open for Use)
- IFInformation only
- INUIn use
- IOIrregular operations
- KConfirmed, effective, working, firm, etc
- LIMLimitations on use
- NAVNot available
- NCNot checked in
- NSInfant, no seat
- OFOffloaded
- OKConfirmed
- OLDReplaced item
- OPEOpen
- PProvisional, draft proposed subject to change, etc
- PAVPartial Availability - Specified sub-elements only
- PEPrint Exchange
- PRPrinted
- PRFPreferred
- PRPProposed/Intended Allocation
- RRequest
- RDRedemption
- REPReplacement
- REVRevised
- RFRefunded
- RQRequested
- SSuspended
- SASpace Available
- SBStandby
- SRVServiceable
- TTicketed
- UNSUnserviceable
- VVoid
- WLWaitlisted
- XCancel
- Codes (143)
- 0Direct
- 1Indirect
- 2Verified fare information
- 700Fare basis may vary by carrier
- 701Fares based on passenger type and/or discount input
- 702Fares include US transportation tax where applicable
- 703More fares available
- 704See GRPF (Group and Inclusive Tour fares)
- 705Fares and/or rates for future ticketing are subject to change
- 706More fares available in USD
- 707More fares available in local currency
- 708No IATA fares
- 709Only NUCs for this fare type
- 710More routes exist
- 711City pair text exists
- 712Unsaleable fares exist
- 713No future date rates/today's rate used
- 714No future date BSR/today's BSR used
- 715No future date BBR/today's BBR used
- 716No future date ICH/today's ICH used
- 717No future date ROE/today's ROE used
- 718BBR not stored
- 719IATA number
- 720ERSP
- 721Pseudo city code
- 722In-house Identification
- 723No Office Identification other than the owner
- 724Read
- 725Both Read and Write
- 726No access, neither read nor write
- 729Involuntary downgrade
- 730Original issue fare information
- 731Reissue fare information
- 732Lower fare found
- 733Special discount may apply
- 734Lowest applicable fare already booked
- 735Placed on queue
- 736Queue empty
- 737Removed from queue
- 738Seat selection flight
- 739Staff date of employment
- 740Loadsheet printed/issued
- 741Flight finally closed
- 742Pre-reserved seats released
- 743Invalid mixed class - default full fare given
- 744Cabin baggage weight required
- 745Cargo only
- 746Flight not built (Flight not created)
- 747Flight not open
- 748Document check required
- 749Gate closed
- 750Restricted for self service devices
- 751Standard weight
- 752Unable to keep original fare - day/time requirements not met
- 753Unable to keep original fare - seasonality requirements not met
- 754Unable to keep original fare - flight requirements not met
- 755Unable to keep original fare - advance purchase requirements not met
- 756Unable to keep original fare - min stay requirements not met
- 757Unable to keep original fare - maximum stay exceeded met
- 759Unable to keep original fare - transfer requirements not met
- 760Unable to keep original fare - combinability not allowed
- 761Unable to keep original fare - travel not allowed on blackout dates
- 762Unable to keep original fare - accompanied travel requirements not met
- 763Unable to keep original fare - travel restriction not met
- 764Unable to keep original fare - sales restrictions not met
- 765New fare levels in effect for dates of travel
- 766Outbound change/guaranteed day of purchase rule does not apply
- 767Outbound change/guaranteed air fare does not apply
- 768Original private/negotiated fare agreement not found - published fare used
- 769Unable to keep original fare - due to carrier restrictions
- 770Original ticket was not used when re-pricing the new itinerary
- 771Re-priced itinerary is based on the net amount of the negotiated fare
- 772Negotiated fare no longer valid - published fare applied to re-priced itinerary
- 773Reissued flown flight coupon data
- 774Document check required
- 775Unable to reissue due to contract terms and restrictions
- 7CGChange of gauge flight
- 7DODomestic flight
- 7GEGender required
- 7INInternational flight
- 7NSNonsmoking flight
- 7WGBaggage weight required
- AAll classes upgrade eligibility
- AWAward Passenger
- AW2Cancellation with removal of ad hoc schedules
- AW3New information with removal of ad hoc schedules
- AW5Replacement with removal of ad hoc schedules
- BBusiness class only upgrade eligibility
- CConnecting baggage
- FStrike/labor
- FFFrequent Flyer
- FLFlight leg
- FSFlight segment
- IInvoluntary (no reason given)
- LLocal baggage
- LXBaggage loaded
- MMNon Revenue Space Available
- NNot authorized to load
- NOPNon-operational flight
- NSBaggage unseen
- OLBaggage offloaded
- OPOperational flight
- P1Priority A
- P2Priority B
- PAFree seating
- PBName check-in
- PCCombination name and/or numeric check-in
- PDNumeric check-in
- PEIncoming through check-in
- PFOutgoing through check-in
- PGClosed for non-revenue passengers
- PHClosed for revenue passengers
- PISeating not applicable for PAD (Pax Available for Disembarkation ID2)
- PJAccept non-revenue passengers
- PKList non-revenue passengers
- PMRestrict non-revenue passengers from being accepted
- PNRestrict non-revenue passengers from being listed
- RReturn passenger
- SSchedule change
- SAFlight open for check-in
- SBFlight temporarily closed
- SCFlight closed for check-in
- SCHScheduled flight
- SDFlight closed for finalizing
- SEFlight held (entire flight)
- SFFlight suspended (current city)
- SGFlight emergency closed (flight and passenger records frozen)
- SHFlight gated (gate check-in only)
- SIFlight open for weight and balance
- SJFlight editing
- SKFlight open for through check-in
- SLFlight boarding
- SMFlight deboarding
- SNFlight closed for through check-in
- SOFlight cancelled
- SPFlight late
- SQFlight re-instated
- TThrough passenger
- VVoluntary (customer requested)
- VGVoluntary Grade Change
- VIPVery Important Passenger
- XTerminating baggage
- YAuthorized to load
- Codes (61)
- 700no active itinerary
- 701Coupon notification
- 702Active (the queue is designated for use even if it is empty)
- 703Queue placement is inhibited
- 704Queue level notification
- 705Queue being printed
- 706Sub-queue present
- 707On hold
- 708Exchanged/FIM
- 709Passenger deleted
- 710Refund taxes/fees/charges only
- AAdd
- ACAccrual
- ALAirport control
- ALLAllocated
- AVAAvailable
- BFlown/used
- BDBoarded
- CChange
- CKChecked in
- CLOClosed
- DReprint
- DBDeboarded
- DNDenied boarding
- EExchanged/reissued
- FCritical free text
- GNon air segment
- IOriginal Issue (Open for Use)
- IFInformation only
- INUIn use
- IOIrregular operations
- KConfirmed, effective, working, firm, etc
- LIMLimitations on use
- NAVNot available
- NCNot checked in
- NSInfant, no seat
- OFOffloaded
- OKConfirmed
- OLDReplaced item
- OPEOpen
- PProvisional, draft proposed subject to change, etc
- PAVPartial Availability - Specified sub-elements only
- PEPrint Exchange
- PRPrinted
- PRFPreferred
- PRPProposed/Intended Allocation
- RRequest
- RDRedemption
- REPReplacement
- REVRevised
- RFRefunded
- RQRequested
- SSuspended
- SASpace Available
- SBStandby
- SRVServiceable
- TTicketed
- UNSUnserviceable
- VVoid
- WLWaitlisted
- XCancel
- Codes (182)
- 1Flight grouping indicator 1
- 2Flight grouping indicator 2
- 3Flight grouping indicator 3
- 4Flight grouping indicator 4
- 5Flight grouping indicator 5
- 6Flight grouping indicator 6
- 7Flight grouping indicator 7
- 8Flight grouping indicator 8
- 9Flight grouping indicator 9
- 10Flight grouping indicator 10
- 11Flight grouping indicator 11
- 12Flight grouping indicator 12
- 13Flight grouping indicator 13
- 14Flight grouping indicator 14
- 15Flight grouping indicator 15
- 16Flight grouping indicator 16
- 17Flight grouping indicator 17
- 18Flight grouping indicator 18
- 19Flight grouping indicator 19
- 20Flight grouping indicator 20
- 21Flight grouping indicator 21
- 22Flight grouping indicator 22
- 23Flight grouping indicator 23
- 24Flight grouping indicator 24
- 25Flight grouping indicator 25
- 26Flight grouping indicator 26
- 27Flight grouping indicator 27
- 28Flight grouping indicator 28
- 29Flight grouping indicator 29
- 30Flight grouping indicator 30
- 31Flight grouping indicator 31
- 32Flight grouping indicator 32
- 33Flight grouping indicator 33
- 34Flight grouping indicator 34
- 35Flight grouping indicator 35
- 36Flight grouping indicator 36
- 37Flight grouping indicator 37
- 38Flight grouping indicator 38
- 39Flight grouping indicator 39
- 40Flight grouping indicator 40
- 41Flight grouping indicator 41
- 42Flight grouping indicator 42
- 43Flight grouping indicator 43
- 44Flight grouping indicator 44
- 45Flight grouping indicator 45
- 46Flight grouping indicator 46
- 47Flight grouping indicator 47
- 48Flight grouping indicator 48
- 49Flight grouping indicator 49
- 50Flight grouping indicator 50
- 51Flight grouping indicator 51
- 52Flight grouping indicator 52
- 53Flight grouping indicator 53
- 54Flight grouping indicator 54
- 55Flight grouping indicator 55
- 56Flight grouping indicator 56
- 57Flight grouping indicator 57
- 58Flight grouping indicator 58
- 59Flight grouping indicator 59
- 60Flight grouping indicator 60
- 61Flight grouping indicator 61
- 62Flight grouping indicator 62
- 63Flight grouping indicator 63
- 64Flight grouping indicator 64
- 65Flight grouping indicator 65
- 66Flight grouping indicator 66
- 67Flight grouping indicator 67
- 68Flight grouping indicator 68
- 69Flight grouping indicator 69
- 70Flight grouping indicator 70
- 71Flight grouping indicator 71
- 72Flight grouping indicator 72
- 73Flight grouping indicator 73
- 74Flight grouping indicator 74
- 75Flight grouping indicator 75
- 76Flight grouping indicator 76
- 77Flight grouping indicator 77
- 78Flight grouping indicator 78
- 79Flight grouping indicator 79
- 80Flight grouping indicator 80
- 81Flight grouping indicator 81
- 82Flight grouping indicator 82
- 83Flight grouping indicator 83
- 84Flight grouping indicator 84
- 85Flight grouping indicator 85
- 86Flight grouping indicator 86
- 87Flight grouping indicator 87
- 88Flight grouping indicator 88
- 89Flight grouping indicator 89
- 90Flight grouping indicator 90
- 91Flight grouping indicator 91
- 92Flight grouping indicator 92
- 93Flight grouping indicator 93
- 94Flight grouping indicator 94
- 95Flight grouping indicator 95
- 96Flight grouping indicator 96
- 97Flight grouping indicator 97
- 98Flight grouping indicator 98
- 99Flight grouping indicator 99
- ACodeshare service
- AASchedule change flight segment
- ARArrival
- ATAvailability directly from a third party travel provider
- BBus
- BMFare must break
- BNFare must not break
- BOFare must only break
- BPSpecified fare break point
- BRBooked reservations booking designator (RBD)
- BSBlocked space for other than codeshare purposes
- CConnection portion of journey
- CBCode share - block space
- CFCode share - free sell
- CRCar Rental
- CSCruise Ship
- CUCurrent
- DDirect service
- DADirect access participant
- DCMost Distant City
- DPDeparture
- DSDirect sell participant
- EEnd of journey
- ENNot electronic ticket candidate
- ERElectronic ticketing required
- ETElectronic ticket candidate
- FCharter Flight
- FFFlown flight segment
- FMMaster Flight
- FRMaster Flight for reference
- FUUnflown flight segment
- GRGround Movement
- HHovercraft
- HEHelicopter
- HTHotel
- IInbound flight
- IAIATA (International Air Transport Association)
- JStopover permitted
- JAMandatory Stopover Point
- KStopover not permitted
- LInclusive
- LXExclusive
- MMarketing flight grouping indicator
- MCConditional marketing flight grouping indicator
- MPMarried to previous segment
- MXMarried to next segment
- NNon-stop service
- OOperating flight
- OCOnline connection
- OEExclusive open jaw (other fare break points not allowed)
- OMMandatory open jaw (other fare break points may exist)
- PPassenger's disposition, unknown
- PTPoint of turnaround
- QLast part
- RASpecified fare break point - additional break point
- RBSpecified fare break point - replacement break point
- RNExclusive fare break at destination of surface break (other fare break point not allowed)
- ROMandatory fare break at destination of surface break (other fare break points may exist)
- RPMandatory route Point
- RRRecommended reservations booking designator (RBD) to be booked
- SStart of journey
- SASold as
- SLSlave Flight
- SMSmoking
- SPSeamless participant
- SRSlave flight for reference
- STSide trip
- TTransfer
- TABy arrival time
- TDBy departure time
- TEBy elapsed time
- TFTransferred from flight
- TNIn neutral order
- TRTrain
- TSThree segment connection
- TTTransferred to flight
- UStopover or connection unknown
- VStopover point
- VLVisit-link flight
- WInteractive cancel candidate
- XConnect point
- YCapacity was overridden
- ZLimit sales ignored
- Codes (68)
- 1Yes
- 2Combination of voluntary and involuntary changes
- 3Verified fare over
- 4Verified fare even
- 5Verified fare under
- 6Consumed at issuance
- 700Document data update
- 701Contact data update
- 702Associate
- 703Disassociate
- AAgent initiated
- AOAcceptance of an offer
- BAccount data verification
- BHRestore clearance held
- CProduct data verification
- CHSchedule to be changed
- CSClear status
- DFree ticket authorization
- DCDecrease counts
- DSDelete schedule
- EFree ticket issuance
- ESEliminate schedule
- FOK reply with reply identical to request for product
- FSHistoric schedule
- GOK reply with reply partially identical to request for product
- HOK reply with additional product information provided to create new fare discount
- HHHolding
- IOK reply with additional product for other passenger(s)
- ICIncrease counts
- IMSchedule movement information
- JOK reply with warning for product
- KNot OK reply with warning - additional information provided to create new fare
- KKConfirmation
- LNot OK reply with error for product
- LSRevised historic schedule
- MNot OKAY reply with warning for product
- MSChange of historic schedule
- NOK reply with additional product information provided to create new FQTV
- NAOK reply with additional product information provided to create new FQTR
- NENew entrant schedule
- NSNew schedule
- OFrequent Flyer Product
- OOOffer
- PFrequent Flyer Product with additional products
- PPPending
- QProduct other than Frequent Flyer
- QARequest for arrival schedule information
- QDRequest for departure schedule information
- QSRequest for schedule information
- RProduct other than Frequent Flyer with additional products
- RSRevised schedule
- SSystem initiated
- SRReply to request for schedule information
- SSSet status
- TThird party initiated
- TOAgent inactivity time out
- TSHistoric slot with flight information to be modified
- UAdditional products only
- UURefusal
- VRetrieve Frequent Flyer name for record build
- WVerify Frequent Flyer name
- WWUnable to reconcile flight information
- XAward data verification
- XXCancellation
- YRetrieve Frequent Flyer name for display
- YYYear-round schedule
- ZNot OK - Resend Request
- ZZDecline offer