- 1Gross dimensions
- 2Package dimensions (incl. goods)
- 3Pallet dimensions (excl.goods)
- 4Pallet dimensions (incl.goods)
- 5Off-standard dimension front
- 6Off-standard dimension back
- 7Off-standard dimension right
- 8Off-standard dimension left
- 9Off-standard dimension general
- 10External equipment dimension
- 700Data not available
- 701Amount is a Percentage
- 702Specified routing may apply - check carrier and/or connection
- 703TPM deduction may apply - check carrier and/or connection
- 704TPM deduction applied
- AAge
- BAlternate Seat
- BUSNumber of seats occupied by Business class on board
- CCoupon
- DPLTotal deplaned for this flight leg
- ECONumber of seats occupied by Economy class on board
- FIRNumber of seats occupied by First class on board
- FRFirst number in range of seats
- GKilometers
- GLIImperial gallons (4,546092 dm3)
- GLLLiquid Gallon (US) (3,78541 dm3)
- KKilograms
- LPounds
- LRLast number in range of seats
- LTRLiters
- MMileage
- MINDuration in minutes
- ONZOunce GB, US (28,349523 g)
- OZAFluid Ounce (29,5735 cm3)
- OZIFluid Ounce (28,413 cm3)
- PPoints
- SSeat number