IATA EDI Release 12-1
EDI IATA 12-1 LIN Segment Schema
- Codes (68)
- 1Yes
- 2Combination of voluntary and involuntary changes
- 3Verified fare over
- 4Verified fare even
- 5Verified fare under
- 6Consumed at issuance
- 700Document data update
- 701Contact data update
- 702Associate
- 703Disassociate
- AAgent initiated
- AOAcceptance of an offer
- BAccount data verification
- BHRestore clearance held
- CProduct data verification
- CHSchedule to be changed
- CSClear status
- DFree ticket authorization
- DCDecrease counts
- DSDelete schedule
- EFree ticket issuance
- ESEliminate schedule
- FOK reply with reply identical to request for product
- FSHistoric schedule
- GOK reply with reply partially identical to request for product
- HOK reply with additional product information provided to create new fare discount
- HHHolding
- IOK reply with additional product for other passenger(s)
- ICIncrease counts
- IMSchedule movement information
- JOK reply with warning for product
- KNot OK reply with warning - additional information provided to create new fare
- KKConfirmation
- LNot OK reply with error for product
- LSRevised historic schedule
- MNot OKAY reply with warning for product
- MSChange of historic schedule
- NOK reply with additional product information provided to create new FQTV
- NAOK reply with additional product information provided to create new FQTR
- NENew entrant schedule
- NSNew schedule
- OFrequent Flyer Product
- OOOffer
- PFrequent Flyer Product with additional products
- PPPending
- QProduct other than Frequent Flyer
- QARequest for arrival schedule information
- QDRequest for departure schedule information
- QSRequest for schedule information
- RProduct other than Frequent Flyer with additional products
- RSRevised schedule
- SSystem initiated
- SRReply to request for schedule information
- SSSet status
- TThird party initiated
- TOAgent inactivity time out
- TSHistoric slot with flight information to be modified
- UAdditional products only
- UURefusal
- VRetrieve Frequent Flyer name for record build
- WVerify Frequent Flyer name
- WWUnable to reconcile flight information
- XAward data verification
- XXCancellation
- YRetrieve Frequent Flyer name for display
- YYYear-round schedule
- ZNot OK - Resend Request
- ZZDecline offer