IATA EDI Release 12-1
EDI IATA 12-1 SDT Segment Schema
- Codes (297)
- 0Long Sell
- 1Short Sell
- 2Group
- 3OF - 2nd carbon offset service code
- 4Validating carrier fee penalty fee
- 5OE - 1st carbon offset service code
- 6PTA service charge (applicable to EMD-S only)
- 7OG - 3rd carbon offset service code
- 700Number of Days
- 701Day(s) of Week
- 702Hours
- 703Minutes
- 704Months
- 705Weeks
- 706Conversion from
- 707Conversion to
- 708Preferred - Requested carrier to be shown first followed by other carriers
- 709Excluded - Specified carriers not to be shown, include other carriers
- 710Mandatory - Only requested carriers to be shown, exclude other carriers
- 711Includes connection city
- 712Excludes connection city
- 713Use cities/airports as booked
- 714Consider multi-airports for city
- 715Direct service
- 716Single connection
- 717Double connection
- 718Triple connection
- 719Online
- 720Interline
- 721This city/airport eligible as a first connection point
- 722This city/airport eligible as a second connection point
- 723This city/airport eligible as a third connection point
- 724Non-stop
- 725Passenger Name Record Queue
- 726Message Queue
- 727Mixed Queue (contains both PNRs and messages)
- 728Blocked seats
- 729Remaining available seats
- 730Meals
- 731By passive crew
- 732By boarded passengers
- 733By passenger not yet boarded
- 734By boarded passengers with electronic products
- 735By internet check-in
- 736By passengers to be included on cabin crew information list (PIL)
- 737By booked passengers with electronic products
- 738By passengers with confirmed reservation status
- 739By accepted passengers with electronic products
- 740Search by FOID
- 741By passengers with electronic tickets
- 742By passengers with ticketless products (other than electronic tickets)
- 743By passengers requesting upgrade
- 744By passengers with cancelled check-in
- 745By courier seats
- 746By extra seats
- 747Total of all industry discount passengers
- 748Total number of seats
- 749Expected flown including ID/FQTU
- 750By FQTU not yet upgraded
- 751Last meal order correction
- 752Number of special meal ordered
- 753By passenger with API data
- 754Except passenger with API data
- 755Irregularities
- 756API data entered manually
- 757Number of accepted adults/males on segment
- 758Number of accepted children on segment
- 759Number of accepted females on segment
- 760Number of accepted infants on segment
- 761Actual number of baggage for accepted passengers on segment
- 762Actual total weight of baggage for accepted passengers on segment
- 763Passengers on late arriving connecting flight(s)
- 764Passengers available for voluntary denied boarding
- 765Regulation type
- 766Exclude double connections
- 767Exclude specific class
- 768Single connection or better
- 769Account code and published fares
- 770Include jet service only
- 771Exclude penalty fares
- 772Time window
- 773Fee related to booking
- 774Fee related to ticketing
- 775Fee related to service
- 12CHighest and intermediate classes combined
- 1STHighest class of service
- 2NDIntermediate class of service
- 3RDNormal class of service
- AAby passenger name
- ABby class of service
- ABAAir bridge attach
- ABDAir bridge detach
- ACby destination
- ADby bagtag serial range
- ADCActual time of de-ice
- AEby SSR (Special Service Request)
- AFby OSI (Other Service Information)
- AGby onload priority
- AHby transfer baggage list
- AIby frequent flyer
- AJby inbound connection
- AKby outbound connection
- ALby seat reference
- AMby check-in sequence number
- ANby boarding security reference
- AOby through checked passengers
- APby upgraded passengers
- AQby downgraded passengers
- ARby re-checked-in passengers (all passengers transferred to and from flights).
- ASby re-checked passengers transferred to a flight
- ATby re-checked passengers transferred from a flight
- ATCATC notification (see text segment)
- AUby group identifier
- AVby group size
- AWby passenger with comments
- AXby passenger with gate comments
- AYby PNR record locator
- AZby extra seat info
- BAby transit passengers (same aircraft)
- BAGBaggage in hall
- BBby jump seat passengers
- BCby crew seat passengers
- BCLBaggage belt clear
- BDby cabin class
- BEby passengers travelling alone
- BENEnd Boarding
- BFby passengers travelling with infants
- BGby passengers with checked baggage
- BHby gender
- BIby ticket number
- BJby free travel passengers (Frequent Flyer redemption travel)
- BKby seat changes
- BLby checked in passengers holding seats
- BMby checked in passengers not holding seats
- BNby passengers with pre-reserved seats
- BOby passengers with advance boarding passes
- BPby passengers with airport issued boarding passes
- BQby waitlisted passengers
- BRby open ticket passengers
- BSby youth ticket passengers
- BSTStart Boarding
- BTBy rebate passengers travelling on non positive space
- BUBy rebate passengers travelling on positive space
- BUSBus Call
- BVby standby passengers
- BWby goshow (norec) passengers
- BXby noshow/not checked in passengers
- BYby onloaded passengers
- BZby offloaded passengers
- CAby all (full list) passengers
- CBby unaccompanied minor passengers
- CCby checked in passengers by check-in station
- CDby misconnected passengers
- CEby reconfirmed passengers
- CFby oversold passengers
- CGby name entered by airport prior to check-in
- CGTCommence of ground handling time
- CHby passengers with alternate destination
- CHCCheck-in closed
- CHKCheck-in open
- CIby passengers willing to split
- CJby expected transfer passengers inbound through checked
- CKby unique passenger reference
- CLby Voucher
- CMby telephone check-in
- CNby self service check-in
- COby Inter Airline Through check-in
- CPby railway check-in
- CQby hotel check-in
- CRDCabin ready
- CTOClear to take off
- DCLDoors Closed
- DELDelayed
- DICTime of de-ice
- DISDis-embarkation complete
- DIVDiversion
- DOPDoors Open
- EAREarly
- ENGStart Engine
- FBGFirst Bag unloaded
- FCLFlight Closed
- FCTFinal call time
- FINFinals
- FNDFuelling complete
- FSTFuelling start
- GCLGate Closed
- GFRGate Free
- GRDGround movement
- GTGGo to gate
- GTOGate Open
- HENHold Finish
- HSTHold Start
- JETJetway/Stairs
- LANLanded
- LBGLast Bag unloaded
- MNDMaintenance finish
- MSTMaintenance start
- MZCManoeuvring zone clear
- MZOManoeuvring zone occupied
- NAAexcept with specified name
- NABexcept with specified class
- NACexcept with specified destination
- NADexcept with specified bagtag serial range
- NAEexcept with SSR (Special Service Request)
- NAFexcept with OSI (Other Service Information)
- NAGexcept with specified onload priority
- NAHexcept with transfer baggage
- NAIexcept with frequent flyer
- NAJexcept with inbound connection
- NAKexcept with outbound connection
- NALexcept with seat reference
- NAMexcept with check-in sequence number
- NANexcept with boarding security reference
- NAOexcept through checked passengers
- NAPexcept upgraded passengers
- NAQexcept downgraded passengers
- NARexcept re-checked in passengers (all passengers transferred to and from flights)
- NASexcept re-checked passengers transferred to a flight
- NATexcept re-checked passengers transferred from a flight
- NAUexcept with group identifier
- NAVexcept with group size
- NAWexcept passenger with comments
- NAXexcept passenger with gate comments
- NAYexcept with PNR record locator
- NAZexcept with extra seat info
- NBAexcept transit passengers (same aircraft)
- NBBexcept jump seat passengers
- NBCexcept crew seat passengers
- NBDexcept with cabin class
- NBEexcept passengers travelling alone
- NBFexcept passengers travelling with infants
- NBGexcept passengers with checked baggage
- NBHexcept with gender
- NBIexcept with specified ticket number
- NBJexcept free travel passengers (Frequent Flyer redemption travel)
- NBKexcept with seat changes
- NBLexcept checked in passengers holding seats
- NBMexcept checked in passengers not holding seats
- NBNexcept passengers with pre-reserved seats
- NBOexcept passengers with advance boarding passes
- NBPexcept passengers with airport issued boarding passes
- NBQexcept waitlisted passengers
- NBRexcept open ticket passengers
- NBSexcept youth ticket passengers
- NBTexcept rebate (not positive space) passengers
- NBUexcept duty/positive space passengers
- NBVexcept standby passengers
- NBWexcept goshow (norec) passengers
- NBXexcept noshow/not checked in passengers
- NBYexcept onloaded passengers
- NBZexcept offloaded passengers
- NCAexcept all (full list) passengers
- NCBexcept unaccompanied minor passengers
- NCCexcept checked in passengers by check-in station
- NCDexcept misconnected passengers
- NCEexcept reconfirmed passengers
- NCFexcept oversold passengers
- NCGexcept name entered by airport prior to check-in
- NCHexcept passengers with alternate destination
- NCIexcept passengers willing to split
- NCJexcept expected transfer passengers inbound through checked
- NCKexcept with specified unique passenger reference
- NCLexcept passengers with voucher
- NCMexcept passengers checked in by telephone
- NCNexcept passengers checked in by self-service
- NCOexcept passengers check in by Inter Airline Through Check-in
- NCPexcept passengers checked in at railway
- NCQexcept passengers checked in at hotel
- OFBOff Blocks
- OFSOff stand
- ONBOn Blocks
- ONSOn stand
- P1Last available for city pair date - for receiving choice of routing/carriers (combined seamless sell and availability)
- P10Basic booking
- P2Seamless Sell
- P3Last Seat Availability-specific carrier flight number
- P4Last Seat Availability-for a city pair and date for a specified carrier
- P5Record locator returned
- P6Seamless Availability
- P7Numeric AVS
- PBKPush Back
- RDTReady time
- RFAReturn from airborne
- RSTReturn to stand
- SATStart up approval time
- SCTScheduled time
- SPESpecial - see text
- SRTStart up request time
- STKStack
- TDNTouch down
- TDPTen minutes before departure
- TEN10 minutes out
- THM30 Minutes out
- TKOTake Off
- UNSAircraft unserviceable
- WABWeight and balance
- Codes (23)
- 0Integrated Transaction (Rebook, Best buy, etc.)
- 1Neutral availability
- 2Airline own biased availability
- 3Link Access availability
- 4Group availability
- 5Dual city pair
- 6Upper part of display
- 7Other Airline biased availability
- 8Include
- 9Exclude
- 700Alliance availability
- 701Stop on first find
- 702Priority 2 (FQTV membership level)
- 703Priority 3 (FQTV membership level)
- 704Priority 4 (FQTV membership level)
- 705Priority 5 (FQTV membership level)
- 706Priority 1 (FQTV membership level)
- 707Numeric availability
- 708Cached availability
- 709DOT
- 710EEC
- 711Polled
- 712Enhanced availability
- Codes (297)
- 0Long Sell
- 1Short Sell
- 2Group
- 3OF - 2nd carbon offset service code
- 4Validating carrier fee penalty fee
- 5OE - 1st carbon offset service code
- 6PTA service charge (applicable to EMD-S only)
- 7OG - 3rd carbon offset service code
- 700Number of Days
- 701Day(s) of Week
- 702Hours
- 703Minutes
- 704Months
- 705Weeks
- 706Conversion from
- 707Conversion to
- 708Preferred - Requested carrier to be shown first followed by other carriers
- 709Excluded - Specified carriers not to be shown, include other carriers
- 710Mandatory - Only requested carriers to be shown, exclude other carriers
- 711Includes connection city
- 712Excludes connection city
- 713Use cities/airports as booked
- 714Consider multi-airports for city
- 715Direct service
- 716Single connection
- 717Double connection
- 718Triple connection
- 719Online
- 720Interline
- 721This city/airport eligible as a first connection point
- 722This city/airport eligible as a second connection point
- 723This city/airport eligible as a third connection point
- 724Non-stop
- 725Passenger Name Record Queue
- 726Message Queue
- 727Mixed Queue (contains both PNRs and messages)
- 728Blocked seats
- 729Remaining available seats
- 730Meals
- 731By passive crew
- 732By boarded passengers
- 733By passenger not yet boarded
- 734By boarded passengers with electronic products
- 735By internet check-in
- 736By passengers to be included on cabin crew information list (PIL)
- 737By booked passengers with electronic products
- 738By passengers with confirmed reservation status
- 739By accepted passengers with electronic products
- 740Search by FOID
- 741By passengers with electronic tickets
- 742By passengers with ticketless products (other than electronic tickets)
- 743By passengers requesting upgrade
- 744By passengers with cancelled check-in
- 745By courier seats
- 746By extra seats
- 747Total of all industry discount passengers
- 748Total number of seats
- 749Expected flown including ID/FQTU
- 750By FQTU not yet upgraded
- 751Last meal order correction
- 752Number of special meal ordered
- 753By passenger with API data
- 754Except passenger with API data
- 755Irregularities
- 756API data entered manually
- 757Number of accepted adults/males on segment
- 758Number of accepted children on segment
- 759Number of accepted females on segment
- 760Number of accepted infants on segment
- 761Actual number of baggage for accepted passengers on segment
- 762Actual total weight of baggage for accepted passengers on segment
- 763Passengers on late arriving connecting flight(s)
- 764Passengers available for voluntary denied boarding
- 765Regulation type
- 766Exclude double connections
- 767Exclude specific class
- 768Single connection or better
- 769Account code and published fares
- 770Include jet service only
- 771Exclude penalty fares
- 772Time window
- 773Fee related to booking
- 774Fee related to ticketing
- 775Fee related to service
- 12CHighest and intermediate classes combined
- 1STHighest class of service
- 2NDIntermediate class of service
- 3RDNormal class of service
- AAby passenger name
- ABby class of service
- ABAAir bridge attach
- ABDAir bridge detach
- ACby destination
- ADby bagtag serial range
- ADCActual time of de-ice
- AEby SSR (Special Service Request)
- AFby OSI (Other Service Information)
- AGby onload priority
- AHby transfer baggage list
- AIby frequent flyer
- AJby inbound connection
- AKby outbound connection
- ALby seat reference
- AMby check-in sequence number
- ANby boarding security reference
- AOby through checked passengers
- APby upgraded passengers
- AQby downgraded passengers
- ARby re-checked-in passengers (all passengers transferred to and from flights).
- ASby re-checked passengers transferred to a flight
- ATby re-checked passengers transferred from a flight
- ATCATC notification (see text segment)
- AUby group identifier
- AVby group size
- AWby passenger with comments
- AXby passenger with gate comments
- AYby PNR record locator
- AZby extra seat info
- BAby transit passengers (same aircraft)
- BAGBaggage in hall
- BBby jump seat passengers
- BCby crew seat passengers
- BCLBaggage belt clear
- BDby cabin class
- BEby passengers travelling alone
- BENEnd Boarding
- BFby passengers travelling with infants
- BGby passengers with checked baggage
- BHby gender
- BIby ticket number
- BJby free travel passengers (Frequent Flyer redemption travel)
- BKby seat changes
- BLby checked in passengers holding seats
- BMby checked in passengers not holding seats
- BNby passengers with pre-reserved seats
- BOby passengers with advance boarding passes
- BPby passengers with airport issued boarding passes
- BQby waitlisted passengers
- BRby open ticket passengers
- BSby youth ticket passengers
- BSTStart Boarding
- BTBy rebate passengers travelling on non positive space
- BUBy rebate passengers travelling on positive space
- BUSBus Call
- BVby standby passengers
- BWby goshow (norec) passengers
- BXby noshow/not checked in passengers
- BYby onloaded passengers
- BZby offloaded passengers
- CAby all (full list) passengers
- CBby unaccompanied minor passengers
- CCby checked in passengers by check-in station
- CDby misconnected passengers
- CEby reconfirmed passengers
- CFby oversold passengers
- CGby name entered by airport prior to check-in
- CGTCommence of ground handling time
- CHby passengers with alternate destination
- CHCCheck-in closed
- CHKCheck-in open
- CIby passengers willing to split
- CJby expected transfer passengers inbound through checked
- CKby unique passenger reference
- CLby Voucher
- CMby telephone check-in
- CNby self service check-in
- COby Inter Airline Through check-in
- CPby railway check-in
- CQby hotel check-in
- CRDCabin ready
- CTOClear to take off
- DCLDoors Closed
- DELDelayed
- DICTime of de-ice
- DISDis-embarkation complete
- DIVDiversion
- DOPDoors Open
- EAREarly
- ENGStart Engine
- FBGFirst Bag unloaded
- FCLFlight Closed
- FCTFinal call time
- FINFinals
- FNDFuelling complete
- FSTFuelling start
- GCLGate Closed
- GFRGate Free
- GRDGround movement
- GTGGo to gate
- GTOGate Open
- HENHold Finish
- HSTHold Start
- JETJetway/Stairs
- LANLanded
- LBGLast Bag unloaded
- MNDMaintenance finish
- MSTMaintenance start
- MZCManoeuvring zone clear
- MZOManoeuvring zone occupied
- NAAexcept with specified name
- NABexcept with specified class
- NACexcept with specified destination
- NADexcept with specified bagtag serial range
- NAEexcept with SSR (Special Service Request)
- NAFexcept with OSI (Other Service Information)
- NAGexcept with specified onload priority
- NAHexcept with transfer baggage
- NAIexcept with frequent flyer
- NAJexcept with inbound connection
- NAKexcept with outbound connection
- NALexcept with seat reference
- NAMexcept with check-in sequence number
- NANexcept with boarding security reference
- NAOexcept through checked passengers
- NAPexcept upgraded passengers
- NAQexcept downgraded passengers
- NARexcept re-checked in passengers (all passengers transferred to and from flights)
- NASexcept re-checked passengers transferred to a flight
- NATexcept re-checked passengers transferred from a flight
- NAUexcept with group identifier
- NAVexcept with group size
- NAWexcept passenger with comments
- NAXexcept passenger with gate comments
- NAYexcept with PNR record locator
- NAZexcept with extra seat info
- NBAexcept transit passengers (same aircraft)
- NBBexcept jump seat passengers
- NBCexcept crew seat passengers
- NBDexcept with cabin class
- NBEexcept passengers travelling alone
- NBFexcept passengers travelling with infants
- NBGexcept passengers with checked baggage
- NBHexcept with gender
- NBIexcept with specified ticket number
- NBJexcept free travel passengers (Frequent Flyer redemption travel)
- NBKexcept with seat changes
- NBLexcept checked in passengers holding seats
- NBMexcept checked in passengers not holding seats
- NBNexcept passengers with pre-reserved seats
- NBOexcept passengers with advance boarding passes
- NBPexcept passengers with airport issued boarding passes
- NBQexcept waitlisted passengers
- NBRexcept open ticket passengers
- NBSexcept youth ticket passengers
- NBTexcept rebate (not positive space) passengers
- NBUexcept duty/positive space passengers
- NBVexcept standby passengers
- NBWexcept goshow (norec) passengers
- NBXexcept noshow/not checked in passengers
- NBYexcept onloaded passengers
- NBZexcept offloaded passengers
- NCAexcept all (full list) passengers
- NCBexcept unaccompanied minor passengers
- NCCexcept checked in passengers by check-in station
- NCDexcept misconnected passengers
- NCEexcept reconfirmed passengers
- NCFexcept oversold passengers
- NCGexcept name entered by airport prior to check-in
- NCHexcept passengers with alternate destination
- NCIexcept passengers willing to split
- NCJexcept expected transfer passengers inbound through checked
- NCKexcept with specified unique passenger reference
- NCLexcept passengers with voucher
- NCMexcept passengers checked in by telephone
- NCNexcept passengers checked in by self-service
- NCOexcept passengers check in by Inter Airline Through Check-in
- NCPexcept passengers checked in at railway
- NCQexcept passengers checked in at hotel
- OFBOff Blocks
- OFSOff stand
- ONBOn Blocks
- ONSOn stand
- P1Last available for city pair date - for receiving choice of routing/carriers (combined seamless sell and availability)
- P10Basic booking
- P2Seamless Sell
- P3Last Seat Availability-specific carrier flight number
- P4Last Seat Availability-for a city pair and date for a specified carrier
- P5Record locator returned
- P6Seamless Availability
- P7Numeric AVS
- PBKPush Back
- RDTReady time
- RFAReturn from airborne
- RSTReturn to stand
- SATStart up approval time
- SCTScheduled time
- SPESpecial - see text
- SRTStart up request time
- STKStack
- TDNTouch down
- TDPTen minutes before departure
- TEN10 minutes out
- THM30 Minutes out
- TKOTake Off
- UNSAircraft unserviceable
- WABWeight and balance
- Codes (23)
- 0Integrated Transaction (Rebook, Best buy, etc.)
- 1Neutral availability
- 2Airline own biased availability
- 3Link Access availability
- 4Group availability
- 5Dual city pair
- 6Upper part of display
- 7Other Airline biased availability
- 8Include
- 9Exclude
- 700Alliance availability
- 701Stop on first find
- 702Priority 2 (FQTV membership level)
- 703Priority 3 (FQTV membership level)
- 704Priority 4 (FQTV membership level)
- 705Priority 5 (FQTV membership level)
- 706Priority 1 (FQTV membership level)
- 707Numeric availability
- 708Cached availability
- 709DOT
- 710EEC
- 711Polled
- 712Enhanced availability