PRD01SEQAFirst Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 1st level repeat)N
Min 1 / Max 10
PRD02SEQBSecond Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 2nd level repeat.)N
Min 1 / Max 10
PRD03SEQCThird Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 3rd level repeat.)N
Min 1 / Max 10
PRD0401MSPR-1Manufacturer's Recommended Selling Price (In pounds)N
Min 1 / Max 14
PRD0402MSPR-2Marked Price (Price marked on unit. In pounds)N
Min 1 / Max 14
PRD0403MSPR-3Split Pack Price (In pounds)N
Min 1 / Max 14
PRD05VRMIVariable Measure Indicator (Used if weight and volume information subject to variation 0 = does not affect pricing 1 = affects pricing)N
Min 1 / Max 1
PRD06TNACTemporarily Not Available Code (1 = not available 0 = become available)N
Min 1 / Max 1
PRD0801MOQY-1Minimum Ordering QuantityN
Min 1 / Max 15
PRD0802MOQY-2Maximum Ordering QuantityN
Min 1 / Max 15
PRD0803MOQY-3Ordering Measure (Used for variable measure items)N
Min 1 / Max 13
PRD0804MOQY-4Measure Indicator (Code Values List 4)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
PRD11PRSTProduct Status (0 = stock item 1 = made to order)AN
Max 1
PRD1201SCRF-1Specification Number (Specification No. to which order relates)AN
Max 17
PRD1202SCRF-2Contract Number (Contract No. to which line relates)AN
Max 17
PRD13VATCVAT Rate Category Code (Code Values List 12)ID
Max 1
- AMixed VAT rate item
- BStandard rate in withdrawn bill
- COriginal VAT liability on copy invoices sent to Insurers - VATP would be as charged by the repairer/supplier. Applicable when policy holder is VAT registered.
- DInsurance Premium Tax
- EExport item
- FFree export item, VAT charged
- GFree export item, VAT not charged
- HHigher rate
- IImport item
- JHigher rated free goods, VAT charged
- KHigher rated free goods, VAT not charged
- LLower rate
- MLower rate in withdrawn bill
- NInput Tax paid but not reclaimable
- OServices outside the scope of VAT
- PCredit Line payments which will be due to the Policy Holder or Insurer to settle - always deducted from the invoice value.
- QZero rate in withdrawn bill
- RReconciliation - Invoice raised for VAT only
- SStandard rate
- TStandard rated free goods, VAT charged
- UExemption from VAT in withdrawn bill
- VStandard rated free goods, VAT not charged
- WIntracompany transfer - Companies must have same VAT number
- XExemption from VAT
- YDomestic Reverse Charge
- ZZero rate
PRD1401DARA-1Start Date (Start date is mandatory for ADD, AMEND and DELETE)N
Min 6 / Max 6