STD01SEQAFirst Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 1st level repeat)N
Min 1 / Max 10
STD02SEQBSecond Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 2nd level repeat.)N
Min 1 / Max 10
STD03SEQCThird Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 3rd level repeat.)N
Min 1 / Max 10
STD04SMCOStorage Medium Code (See code list 30)ID
Max 3
- AEAerosol
- AMAmpoule, non-protected
- APAmpoule, protected
- ATAtomizer
- BABarrel
- BBBobbin
- BCBottle crate, bottle rack
- BDBoard
- BEBundle
- BFBalloon, non-protected
- BGBag
- BHBunch
- BIBin
- BJBucket
- BKBasket
- BLBale, compressed
- BNBale, non-compressed
- BOBottle, non-protected, cylindrical
- BPBalloon, protected
- BQBottle, protected cylindrical
- BRBar
- BSBottle, non-protected, bulbous
- BTBolt
- BUButt
- BVBottle, protected, bulbous
- BXBox
- BYBoard, in bundle/bunch/truss
- BZBars, in bundle/bunch/truss
- CACan, rectangular
- CBBeer crate
- CCChurn
- CECreel
- CFCoffer
- CGCage
- CHChest
- CICanister
- CJCoffin
- CKCask
- CLCoil
- CNContainer
- COCarboy, non-protected
- CPCarboy, protected
- CRCrate
- CSCase
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CXCan, cylindrical
- CYCylinder
- CZCanvas
- DJDemijohn, non-protected
- DPDemijohn, protected
- DRDrum
- ENEnvelope
- FCFruit crate
- FDFramed crate
- FIFirkin
- FLFlask
- FOFootlocker
- FPFilm pack
- FRFrame
- GBGas bottle
- GIGirder
- GZGirders, in bundle/bunch/truss
- HGHogshead
- HRHamper
- INIngot
- IZIngots, in bundle/bunch/truss
- JCJerrican, rectangular
- JGJug
- JRJar
- JTJutebag
- JYJerrican, cylindrical
- KGKeg
- LALayer
- LGLog
- LZLogs, in bundle/bunch/truss
- MBMultiply bag
- MCMilk crate
- MSMulti wall sack
- MTMat
- MXMatch box
- NEUnpacked or unpackaged
- NSNest
- NTNet
- PAPacket
- PCParcel
- PEPallet
- PGPlate
- PHPitcher
- PIPipe
- PKPackage
- PLPail
- PNPlank
- POPouch
- PTPot
- PUTray pack
- PYPlates, in bundle/bunch/truss
- PZPipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
- RDRod
- RGRing
- RLReel
- RORoll
- RTRednet
- RZRods, in bundle/bunch/truss
- SASack
- SCShallow crate
- SDSpindle
- SESea-chest
- SGStillage
- SHSachet
- SKSkeleton case
- SLSlipsheet
- SMSheet metal
- STSheet
- SUSuitcase
- SWShrink wrapped
- SZSheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
- TBTub
- TCTea-chest
- TDTube, collapsible
- TKTank, rectangular
- TNTin
- TOTun
- TRTrunk
- TSTruss
- TUTube
- TYTank, cylindrical
- TZTubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
- VAVat
- VGBulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15 C)
- VIVial
- VLBulk, liquid
- VOBulk, solid, large particles ("nodules")
- VPVacuum packed
- VQBulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
- VRBulk, solid, granular particles ("grains")
- VYBulk, solid, fine particles ("powders")
- WBWicker bottle
STD05UPALTraded Unit Quantity per Storage Medium (For example the number of cartons on a pallet. Not quoted if variable)N
Min 1 / Max 15
STD06ULAYTraded Unit Quantity per Layer (Not quoted if variable)N
Min 1 / Max 15
STD07LPALLayers per Storage Medium (Not quoted if variable)N
Min 1 / Max 15
STD0802UGST-2Unit of Measure (See code list 4)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
STD0902ULST-2Unit of Measure (See code list 4)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
STD1002UWST-2Unit of Measure (See code list 4)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
STD1102UHST-2Unit of Measure (See code list 4)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
STD1202UVST-2Unit of Measure (See code list 4)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
STD13RSTIReturnable Storage Medium Indicator (1 = returnable 0 = non-returnable)AN
Max 1
STD14CSTIChargeable Storage Medium Indicator (1 = chargeable 0 = non-chargeable)AN
Max 1
STD15NMRSNegotiated Minimum Remaining Shelf Life (In days)N
Min 1 / Max 3
STD16TPKGType of Packaging (eg. SHRINK WRAPPED)AN
Max 40
STD17STOIStorage Information (eg. CONTAMINABLE)AN
Max 40
STD18TMAXMaximum Storage Temperature (In degrees Celsius)N
Min 1 / Max 3
STD19TMINMinimum Storage Temperature (In degrees Celsius)N
Min 1 / Max 3
STD20PRPFProduct Profile (A = fast B = medium C = slow D = non-stock)AN
Max 1