RTEX-1First Registered Application Code
EDI TRADACOMS 9 DNB0401 Element Schema
长度Max 3
Codes (311)
  • 100Viewdata Stock Location Code - Format X(6)
  • 101Stock/Non Stock Order Indicator Suggested values: 1 = stock replenishment order; 2 = non-stock order to meet a specific requirement
  • 102Quality Assurance Order subject to QA procedures of the purchaser
  • 103Quality Assurance Purchaser's representative's release note to accompany the goods
  • 104Quality Assurance Test certificates to be provided
  • 105Quality Assurance Item(s) for use above 7 Bar
  • 106Ordering Office Contact Name
  • 107Name of Person to Whom Goods are to be Delivered
  • 108Retail Selling Price for a Product in an Order Line; field size 9(5), price in pence
  • 109Customer's Merchandise Department Department within the ordering company who are responsible for this product line. The customer will advise the location code to be used
  • 110Goods Received Note Identity Number Format X(9)
  • 111Advice Note Number Format X(20) Used when number is larger than standard
  • 112Order Number for Self Billed Invoicing Format X(25) which is greater than the ORNO field
  • 113Quantity Supplied - format 9(6)V9(5), used with QTYI fields
  • 114Price per Unit - format 9(9)V9(2), used with AUCT
  • 115Original Unit Price - format 9(9)V9(2), used for retrospective price adjustments
  • 116Line Level Goods Value - format 9(9)V9(2), used with LEXC
  • 117Total Goods Value - format 9(11)V(2), used with LVLA
  • 118Invoice Level Discount - format 9(11)V9(2)
  • 119Invoice Level VAT Amount - format 9(11)V9(2)
  • 120Date of Incident - the date on which the cause of the supply happened - format YYMMDD
  • 121Date of Insurance Renewal - format YYMMDD
  • 122Customer Registered for VAT Indicator - Value will be Y or N
  • 123Odometer Reading - records the mileage at the time of supply - format 9(8)
  • 124Vehicle Registration - format X(14)
  • 125Warranty Number - this will record the warranty certificate number. Format X(30)
  • 126Reason Code - format X(3). This is the reason for doing the job on the vehicle, eg. radio replaced due to theft etc.
  • 127Action Code - format X(3). This is the action taken eg. supply and fit, supply only, fit only, etc.
  • 128Country of Origin - use the 2 alpha ISO country codes found in the Trade Data Elements Directory (TDED) in code list 3207 (EDIFACT) : ISO Code List 3166
  • 129Data Source and Version Number Text
  • 130Contra Account, Short name - text The name of the company to whom the pallet is interchanged
  • 131Opening Stock - number of units
  • 132Closing Stock - number of units
  • 133Master Case Order quantity - this is the order line quantity expressed as a number of master shipping cases
  • 134TI Multiple - format 9(6). This indicates the number of shipping cases per tier of a pallet for an order line/delivery note
  • 135HI Multiple - format 9(6). This indicates the number of layers/tiers on the pallet
  • 136ANA Number Representing the Factor Involved in the Assigned Invoice - format 9(13)
  • 137Part Type - this enables the supplier to indicate the type of part supplied for onward billing
  • 138Contact Name at the Delivery Address - format maximum size X(35)
  • 139Style - format X(15). Code describing the style of the article ordered, where the product code is not sufficient
  • 140Department Code - format X(4). Company's own department code
  • 141Colour Description of the Product - format X(35)
  • 142Size
  • 143Total Order Value - format 9(15)
  • 144House of Fraser Season Code - format X(1)
  • 145Customer's Telephone Number - format X(25) *INCREASED FROM 9(10)*
  • 146Documentation Requirements - This is specific to B&Q as it is a concatenated set of data, the detail of which is separated by a comma as a field separator. Data will be sent in the following order: No. of Invoice Copies V 9(2) No. of Packing List Copies V 9(2) No. of GSP Form A V 9(2) No. of Certificates of Origin V 9(2) No. of Specification Sheets V 9(2) No. of Inspection Certificates V 9(2) No. of Clean 'Shipped on Board' B/L V 9(2) No. of CMR V 9(2) No. of Proof of Delivery Documents V 9(2) No. of Days Before ETA Documents Must Arrive V 9(2) If there is no data, the field will have a '0' between the commas
  • 147Letter of Credit Details - This is a concatenation of the: Letter of Credit No. - format V X(11) Letter of Credit Opened Date - format F 9(6) Letter of Credit Expiry Date - format F 9(6)
  • 148Shipment Details - This is a concatenation of the: Shipment Estimated Date of Departure - format F 9(6) Shipment Estimated Date of Arrival - format F 9(6)
  • 149Schedule for the delivery of an order line. A concatenated field used to specify, as a string of data, the required date 9(6), and the required quantity. The required quantity is split into three sub-elements; the number of traded units 9(15), the total measure 9(10)V9(3) and the measure indicator X(6). The quantity fields become fixed length fields as there are no separator characters.
  • 150Supplying Branch Telephone Number The telephone number of the supplier's retail outlet, up to 9(11) (UK).
  • 151Vehicle Description: Text description of the vehicle. X(40)
  • 152Client's reference for the vehicle X(40).
  • 153VIN - Vehicle identity X(40).
  • 154Type of invoice indicator: Used by Fleetnet to indicate the type of service invoiced as each has separate processing rules. Codes for this agreed and maintained by the Fleetnet community.
  • 155*Coal or Coke Invoice indicator: format 9(1). Has the following values 1 = Coal, or 2 = Coke.* Haulier Code: format X(3)
  • 156Invoice or Adjustment Type: format 9(1) British Coal code list. Values are: 1 = Current Month Invoice 2 = Previous Month Supplementary Invoice Debit 3 = Previous Month Supplementary Invoice Credit 4 = Debit or Credit Adjustment 5 = Weekly Invoice 6 = Weekly Supplementary Invoice Debit 7 = Weekly Supplementary Invoice Credit 8 = Weekly Interim Invoice
  • 157Invoice Location Code: Format V X(13) British Coal location to which queries should be addressed
  • 158Consignee Name: Format X (40), Name of consignee. This may not be the same as the destination name
  • 159Destination Name: Format X (40), Name of destination
  • 160Method of Transport: Format X (2), British Coal codes RD = Road, RL = Rail, CN = Canal, OM = Other Methods
  • 161Customer code for consignee; Format X (14); Code allocated by customer
  • 162Method of Loading: Format X (3); British Coal code
  • 163BACS Reference: Format X (15): Reference allocated by BACS to a payment. Used in conjunction with Remittance Advices
  • 164Advice Note Number: Format X (20)
  • 165Depot Code
  • 166Customer's fax number, format 9(10)
  • 167Customer's location telephone number, 9(10)
  • 168Customer's location order reference, X(20)
  • 169Inventory Manager's telephone number, 9(10)
  • 170Invoicing instructions - text, X(40)
  • 171Product inscription, X(40)
  • 172Sender's Contact Name
  • 173Sender's Contact Telephone Number, Format 9(10)
  • 174Payment Method, Use bank standard codes
  • 175Payment Date, 9(6) YYMMDD. Date payment was transferred, if electronic, or will be raised if a cheque
  • 176Payment Reference, X (17), the number of the cheque or payment order
  • 177Driver's Name, X (40)
  • 178Months in service, 9(2), The number of months since the vehicle was taken onto a leasing scheme
  • 179Charge Type, Code given to define the type of charge, eg Contract Hire, Lease Rental etc.
  • 180Charge Period. Period to which a charge relates
  • 181Charge Comment X(40) Additional text information relating to the charge.
  • 182Concatenated Order Level Totals The totals to be separated by commas Format: 9(3)V9(3), 9(10)V9(2), 9(10)V9(2) Totals to appear in the order: Total Cubic Metres; Total Unit Cost; Total Cost
  • 183Final Delivery Indicator, Format: X(1) Value: 'Y' or 'N'
  • 184Serial Shipping Container Code, Format: 9(18) To identify individual pallets delivered
  • 185Number of Cases, Format: 9(5) To show number of cases on an individual pallet, which may differ from the standard number given in the original order
  • 186Date when available, Format: 9(6)
  • 187Substitute available marker, Format: X(1) Value: 'Y' or 'N'
  • 188Pressurised Systems Legislation: to indicate items for 2 to 7 bar use
  • 189Pressurised Systems Legislation: to indicate items for use below 2 bar
  • 190Cause of problem code The Registered Text field following the code can be used to insert the actual cause of the problem. Format X(40)
  • 191Contractor's Name The name of the contractor who has completed the work on a vehicle which is then being invoiced to a contract hire company and then re-invoiced to the operating company.
  • 192Contractor's Town Town where the work was carried out
  • 193Voucher Date Date on which the Fleetcard Voucher was completed. Format: 9(6) YYMMDD
  • 194Transaction Reference Reference relating to the original work carried out
  • 195Amended line code Generic code to identify the field(s) which have been amended, ie. change in quantity or price, on an Order or Complex Order amendment message. To aid automatic processing of messages received. The Registered Text field following the code to be used to detail the amendment in plain text for manual processing
  • 196Total Ordered Lines Product lines called off on Picking List Format: 9(10)
  • 197Total Ordered Quantity Quantity called off on Picking List Format: 9(15)
  • 198Total Received Lines Product lines booked in at warehouse. Format: 9(10)
  • 199Total Received Quantity - Quantity booked in at warehouse Format: 9(15)
  • 200In-store price Selling price of an item when this differs from the recommended or marked price. Format 9(10)V9(4)
  • 201Gross Profit Percentage Percentage difference between the in-store price and the net cost from the supplier. Format 9(3)V9(3)
  • 202Best Before End Date (Supplementary Product Data) Format 9(6) YYMMDD
  • 203Reason for Shortage Code
  • 204Debit Note Number
  • 205Fleet Card Number
  • 206Invoice Line Reference To hold a consumer's or dealer's reference at line level on an invoice Format X(35) variable length
  • 207Insured's Name The name of the insured party (which may be different to the driver of the vehicle)
  • 208Third Party's Name The name of any third party involved with the incident
  • 209Invoice for Period From Format YYMMDD
  • 210Invoice for Period To Format YYMMDD
  • 211Corporate Indicator Indicates whether an order has been placed by a corporate customer or an individual Format X(40)
  • 212Carrier Identity Identifies the carrier of the products ordered by name and/or number Format X(40)
  • 213Due Date for Pickup To inform the supplier and the carrier of the date by which pickup should have occurred Format 9(6) YYMMDD
  • 214>Please quote this message on all documents Used to include a line of text which must be printed by the recipient on any subsequent documentation sent back to the originator of the EDI message. Format X(40)
  • 215Customer Brand Number Format X(40)
  • 216Product Division Number Format X(40)
  • 217Delivery Cycle The time of day in which the depot will deliver the stock to the stores. Suggested values AM or PM Format X(10)
  • 218Number of Pallets The total number of pallets on the vehicle Format 9(15)
  • 219Vehicle Seal Number Format X(40)
  • 220Special Delivery Instructions To indicate whether pre-booking is required Format X(40)
  • 221Delivery Note Number To reference the relevant Delivery Note Format X(17)
  • 222Customer's Own Article Number Where a delivery/uplift is a relationship between a carrier and a retailer/manufacturer, this element pertains to the article ordered from the retailer/manufacturer by the end customer.
  • 223Collection Time Format 9(4) - HHMM
  • 224Usual Delivery Point Used to indicate whether a product is delivered by the supplier into the store or into the central warehouse. Suggested values 'S' store delivery, 'W' warehouse delivery. Format X(40)
  • 225Energy Supply Zero Rated Reason for zero rate given in format X(40) Suggested values `P' prepaid, `L' low consumption
  • 226Packaging Reference To identify the reference number of the parcel or package into which the line item should be packed. Format X(17).
  • 227Destination Code Indicates that a delivery line is intended for a specific final destination, so cannot be allocated to another destination by the depot. Format X(3)
  • 228Temperature Regime Indicates the temperature, or temperature range, at which the goods must be stored and handled. Suggested temperature range codes are as follows: C - Cold Chain (between 0 and 10 C) A - Ambient Format X(3)
  • 229Delivery Line Number Additional reference for a line on a Delivery Notification. Used to track goods sent via transshipment locations. The lines may not be split at the consolidation depot. Format 9(3)
  • 230Additional Order Specifications Additional specific indication of the type of order, the reason for the order, or special service requirements, where these aspects are not covered by industry code lists. Format X(40)
  • 231Special processing Instruction Defines a process to be applied to a product before despatch. Used in the book trade to cover processing by library suppliers, when industry code lists do not exist.
  • 232Customer Delivery Reference The booking reference for the customer Format X(17)
  • 233Delivery Time Format 9(4) - HHMM
  • 234Number of Vehicles Format 9(2)
  • 235Substitution Items DUN-14 Code Used for traded units identified by a DUN-14 Code Format 9(14)
  • 236Production Week Number Indicates the calendar week that the product will be produced. Format 9(3)
  • 237Destination Country Use the ISO country code list 3166 Format X(3)
  • 238Deal Number Unique identifier of a deal Format X(17)
  • 239Project Number Unique identifier of a promotional project Format X(17)
  • 240Incentive Value Value of the incentive as an amount or a percentage (used with RTEX 241) Format 9(10)V9(4)
  • 241Incentive Type Description of type of incentive eg. free gift, buy 10 get 1 free, 10% extra etc. Format X(40)
  • 242Agreed Capacity (Electricity Supply) Maximum supply capacity agreed between Host REC and customer within the customer connection agreement. Format 9(6)
  • 243KW Monthly Maximum (Electricity Supply) Maximum KW demand recorded in a monthly period. Usually required during the Host REC's 'peak' period (typically November to February). Format 9(6)
  • 244KVA Monthly Maximum (Electricity Supply) Maximum KVA demand recorded within the Host REC's 'peak' period (typically November to February) Format 9(6)
  • 245Supply Monthly Maximum (Electricity Supply) Maximum demand within the period covered by the DUoS bill Format 9(6)
  • 246Agreed Minimum Chargeable Capacity (Electricity Supply) Minimum supply capacity (for availability charge), agreed between Host REC and customer within the customer connection agreement. Format 9(6)
  • 247Months To Run of Minimum Chargeable Capacity Agreement Format 9(2)
  • 248Portion Of Month (in 30ths) Covered By This Bill Format 9(2)
  • 249Special Labelling Requirement To advise suppliers of special labels or tickets which must be affixed to the goods being supplied Format X(40)
  • 250Returnable Container Used to identify the type of returnable container e.g. tray in which the goods are delivered, stored or transported Format X(40)
  • 251Third Party Delivery Reference Original delivery reference for goods movements between a supplier and a third party such as a haulier or consolidator Format X(17)
  • 252Third Party Order Reference Original order reference for goods supplied via a haulier or consolidator Format X(17)
  • 253Order Time Time order generated by ordering system. Used to eliminate duplicate orders. Format 9(6) HHMMSS
  • 254Manufacturer's Recommended Selling Price in quoted currency Format 9(10)V9(4) (formerly code 074)
  • 255Net Book Price in quoted currency Format 9(10)V9(4) (formerly code 075)
  • 256Third Party Supplier's EAN Location Number Identification of the original supplier of goods delivered by a third party haulier or consolidator.
  • 257Marketing Division Name Identification of the division responsible for a product. Format X(40)
  • 258Original Invoice Date Date of original invoice (requested for use in Utility Bill File, when the bill is being used as a Credit Note) Format 9(6) YYMMDD
  • 259Job Time The time at which the job was completed (24Hr) Format 9(4) HHMM
  • 260Job Location The location at which the job was performed in free text Format X(40)
  • 261Glass Repair Potential for glass to be repaired Format X(40)
  • 262Damage Zone The zone in which the damage has occurred Format X
  • 263Size Code The size of the damage area in coded format Format X
  • 264Policy Code Policy qualifications in coded format Format X(40)
  • 265Weather Weather Conditions Format X(40)
  • 266Original Glass The type of glass originally fitted Format X(40)
  • 267Glass Condition Condition of glass at time of job Format X(40)
  • 268Unique copy ID Library acquisitions number which identifies a single copy of a book or publication Format 9(15)
  • 269Shelf Mark (or spine label) Applied on the spine label of a book or publication to specify recommended shelf location (libraries) Format X(40)
  • 270Shelving Sequence Specifies shelf sequence of a book or publication (libraries) Format X(40)
  • 271Shelf Filing suffix Specifies shelving location within a classification of a book or publication (libraries) Format X(40)
  • 272Feature Heading An extension applied to the classification of an individual copy of a book or publication to further detail content or shelving (libraries) Format X(40)
  • 273Size Code Specifies a size group or range for a specific application (eg A4 for paper or Quarto for books) Format X(40)
  • 274Branch Allocation Code Identifies the location to which an item has been allocated Format X(40)
  • 275Replacement Value Used when charging for loss or damage Format 9(10)V9(2)
  • 276Availability status of original product, when this has been substituted by an alternative item.
  • 277Time Period To identify a period of time or time band, as previously defined with a trading partner. Suggested values >1', >2', >3' etc. Format X(3)
  • 278Percentage of Normal Billing Period Covered By This Bill Format 9(4) with no decimal places. Note: this can be calculated from the bill frequency code (BCD BIFR) and the supply period dates (BCD
  • 279Provisional invoice (not valid for tax purposes) unique reference to allow consolidation to a consolidated tax invoice. A periodic consolidated tax invoice must follow (either EDI or paper document). Format X(40)
  • 280Surcharge Type Describes the type of surcharges for which an amount is shown in TLR SURT Suggested values are: C - Carriage Charge (VATable); I - Insurance. Format X (3)
  • 281Suppliers Fax Number Format X(25)
  • 282Returnable asset identification (allocated by the owner of the asset). Corresponds to EAN data following the application identifier of 8003. See the ANA's Article Numbering and Symbol Marking Operating Manual for further details. Format X(30)
  • 283Serial asset identification (allocated by the owner of the asset). Corresponds to EAN data following the application identifier of 8004. See the ANA's Article Numbering and Symbol Marking Operating Manual for further details. Format X(30)
  • 284Serial number of a product allocated by the manufacturer. Corresponds to EAN data following the application identifier of 21. Must be used in conjunction with an applicatoin identifyer of (01). See the ANA's Article Numbering and Symbol Marking Operating Manual for further details. Format X(20)
  • 285When returning items, expected/estimated value of credit. If the figure can not be calculated automatically, quoted by customer to indicate an expected value. Format 9(10)V9(4)
  • 286Time Order Received Used to hold the time this order was received (24 hour).
  • 287Time Pick Note Issued Used to hold the time the pick note was issued for this order (24 hour). Format 9(4) HHMM
  • 288Supplier=s Quotation Line Reference Corresponds to an unique reference, enabling the quotation line to be cited in a customer=s order line or in a subsequent order-related message. Format X(35)
  • 289Account Holder Name Code to indicate that the next piece of data is the account holder=s name in text. Format X(30)
  • 290Last Payment Date Code to indicate that the next piece of data is the date the last payment was received. Format 9(6) YYMMDD
  • 291Outstanding - Six Month OCC Code to indicate that the next piece of data is a value which represents this. Format 9(8)V9(2)
  • 292Unbilled - Six Month OCC Code to indicate that the next piece of data is a value which represents this. Format 9(8)V9(2)
  • 293Handset Cost via HSI Code to indicate that the next piece of data is a value which represents this. Format 9(8)V9(2)
  • 294Disclosed Cost Price Used in rebate schemes, or when the price notified to an outlet or other location (e.g. on a printed delivery note) differs from the actual price. Format 9(10)V9(4)
  • 295Catalogue or Price List Reference A reference to a supplier=s catalogue or price list, from which the product information used in an order was derived. Format X(35)
  • 296VAT Breakdown of a mixed rate VAT item reference Used to give advance information to a retailer or wholesaler on the exact VAT breakdown of a mixed-rate item. For products carrying mixed-rate VAT, this specifies the part of the recommended retail price, excluding VAT, which carries VAT at a rate specified in an associated DNAC field detailed using Code List 12 values. Format 9(10)V9(4)
  • 297Delivery Days Indicator To indicate that the next piece of data shows the possible delivery days. The string begins on Monday and the last character represents Sunday. A Y signifies possible, a N signifies not possible. Format X(7) YNYYNNY
  • 298Telephone Sale/Order Call Time To indicate the time of the telephone call. Format 9(4) HHMM
  • 299Telephone Sale/Order Call Days Indicator To indicate that the next piece of data shows the call days . The string begins on Monday and the last character represents Sunday. A Y signifies the day a call was made/received. The rest of the string is filled with character N. Format X(7)NYNNYNN300 Total Number of Pages Used to give the total number of pages in a book or in a set of books sold as a single item. Format 9(6) Variable Length
  • 301Market Restrictions Used to indicate, in free form or in a format agreed between trading partners, geographical restrictions on the sale of a product (e.g. where a publisher or distributor has rights only for a designated set of territories). Format X(40) Variable Length
  • 302Low Stock Indicator Used to carry a code indicating that the supplier currently has low stocks of a product line item. Format X(1)
  • 303Delivery Time Window To indicate the possible delivery time slots, giving a choice of two ranges of time. Format 9(16) - HHMMHHMMHHMMHHMM
  • 304SSCC Unique reference to indicate the serial shipping container code for the pallet or container. Format 9(18)
  • 305Barrel Conversion Factor Used to convert the sales of traded units to their equivalent barrel. Format 9(3)V9(9)
  • 306Alcohol By Volume (ABV) Percentage To define the percentage of alcohol in a product. Format 9(3)V9(3)
  • 307Ullage Code To identify the type of beer being returned as unsaleable. Format X(40)
  • 308Illustrations Note Free text statement of the number and/or type of illustrations in a book or other publication. Format X(40)
  • 309Power Factor The ratio of power dissipated to the total power. Format 9(4)V(3)
  • 310Load Factor The duration in a 24 hour cycle that the power is used, i.e. 12 hours would be 50%. Format 9(4)V(3)
  • 311Night Unit Percentage The percentage of night units used in proportion to the total usage. Format 9(4)V(3)
  • 312(BEN) Co-publisher The name of the co-publisher of a book or other publication which is jointly published by two or more organisations. Format X(40)
  • 313(BEN) Estimated time to manufacture For a book or other publication which is "manufactured on demand", the estimated number of calendar days from receipt of an order to its despatch to the customer. Format 9(2)V
  • 001Wine Vintage Number
  • 002Nominal Distribution Code
  • 003Product Dimensions
  • 004Extended Product Information
  • 005Duty Rate
  • 006Invoice Specific Text Line 1
  • 007Invoice Specific Text Line 2
  • 008Last Advice Note Number
  • 009Specification Number
  • 010Contract Number
  • 011Certificate Number
  • 012Last Advice Note Date
  • 013Last Advice Note Quantity
  • 014American Military Release No.
  • 015CECC Specification No.
  • 016BS Specification No.
  • 017Quantity in Pricing Units
  • 018Extended Part Number
  • 019Payment Terms
  • 020Transport Type
  • 021Special Packing Instructions
  • 022Carriage Charges
  • 023Engineering Part Issue Number
  • 024Registration Number
  • 025Batch Reference Number
  • 026Price Related Additional Data
  • 027Advice Note Number
  • 028Advice Note Date
  • 029Reference Invoice Number
  • 030Reference Credit Note Number
  • 031Supplier's Contact Name
  • 032Exchange Rate
  • 033Invoice Currency
  • 034Mail Order Company Reference
  • 035Charge Code
  • 036Order Transaction Code
  • 037Delivery Collection Service Code
  • 038Order Transaction Status Date
  • 039Goods Exchange Indicator
  • 040Microfilm Address
  • 041Microfilm Record Sheet No.
  • 042Optimum Pick Date
  • 043Original Order Line No.
  • 045Exchange Rate Applicable
  • 046Contracted Exchange Rate Tolerance
  • 047Paragraph within Conditions of Sale or Purchase to which particular attention is drawn for this Order
  • 048Rate of Duty Pay Back applicable for this sale ordered item
  • 049Buyer's Name
  • 050Preferred Manufacturer
  • 051Contractual Delivery Date
  • 052Quote Reference
  • 053Cheque Number
  • 054Despatch period reference No.
  • 055Additional Discount Type A
  • 056Additional Discount Type B
  • 057Additional Discount Type C
  • 058Stock Point (physical segregation of stock where location is not necessarily holder's warehouse)
  • 059Collecting Depot (where Depot receiving refused goods is different to that from which they were delivered)
  • 060Extended Text for Credit Reason
  • 061Seller's Order Line Number
  • 062Order Amendment Sequence No.
  • 063Order Title (Project/Programme Name)
  • 064Contractual Delivery Quantity
  • 065Drawing No.
  • 066Seller's Order Reference Number
  • 067Accession Number
  • 068Classification Number
  • 069Budget Allocation Code
  • 070Stock Category
  • 071Supplier's Standard Address Code
  • 072Customer's Standard Address Code
  • 073Currency Code
  • 074Manufacturer's Recommended Selling Price in quoted currency, shown with 2 decimal places implicit
  • 075Net Book Price in quoted currency, shown with 2 decimal places implicit
  • 076Consignee's Order Number where a delivery/uplift is a relationship between a Carrier and a Retailer/Manufacturer, this element pertains to the order number supplied to the Retailer/Manufacturer by the end Customer
  • 077Goods Exchange Reference when the uplift of faulty goods is done at the same time as the delivery of the replacements, the delivery and uplift are cross-referred to each other using the Goods Exchange Reference
  • 078Mail Order Publication Reference Reference to a particular publication eg. Autumn/Winter as opposed to Spring/Summer catalogue
  • 079Date to Awaiting Print Status
  • 080Settlement Discount (%)
  • 081Unit Cost Price (pre-discount)
  • 082Customer Order No (by line)
  • 083Finished Size 01
  • 084Finished Size 02
  • 085Finished Size 03
  • 086Order Length Required These are order specific tolerances that British Steel customers will be required to specify when ordering standard sizes or lengths
  • 087Viewdata Stock Allocation Quantity Quantity of stock allocated to order by Philips "MOVIES" viewdata system
  • 088Diary Class For use with the diary of negotiated delivery dates
  • 089Payment Date
  • 090Answer Code
  • 091Date of Answer Code
  • 092Answer Code Action Date
  • 093Short Title
  • 094Discount Value
  • 095Discount Percentage
  • 096Chaser Sequence Number
  • 097Settlement Terms This is the discount given when a customer pays within a set number of days. It consists of a percentage and a number of days in three consecutive blocks of 8 digits. Each block has 3 digit percentage integers, 2 decimal places and 3 digits for the number of days eg. 2.5% within 10 days = 00250010
  • 098First Line Invoice Comments - text
  • 099Viewdata Order Type - Format X(3)