PRN01SEQAFirst Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 1st level repeat)N
Min 1 / Max 10
PRN02SEQBSecond Level Sequence Number (Starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each 2nd level repeat.)N
Min 1 / Max 10
PRN0301LEVC-1Level Code (First unit in a chain or hierarchy = 1. Subsequent levels increased by 1)AN
Max 1
PRN0302LEVC-2Authorisation (0 = customer is not authorised to buy this product 1 = customer is authorised to buy this product)AN
Max 1
PRN0401SPRO-1EAN-13 Article Number for the Traded Unit (EAN article number allocated to the unit of trade)N
Min 13 / Max 13
PRN0402SPRO-2Supplier's Code for the Traded Unit (Supplier's internal reference (non- EAN) identifying the traded unit)AN
Max 30
PRN0403SPRO-3DUN-14 Code for the Traded Unit (Code for the traded unit allocated under the alternative (DUN-14) EAN system)N
Min 14 / Max 14
PRN0501CPRO-1Customer's Own Brand EAN Number (Can be used for 'own label' items allocated an in-store number in a general format. EAN Prefix - 2 dig; customer's number - 5 dig; consumer unit number - 8 dig)N
Min 15 / Max 15
PRN0502CPRO-2Customer's Item Code (Customer's internal reference for the item - non-EAN format)AN
Max 30
PRN0601UNOR-1Consumer Units in Traded Unit (Number of consumer units making up the supplier's traded unit)N
Min 1 / Max 15
PRN0602UNOR-2Ordering Measure (Required when an item is ordered as a multiple of a defined measure)N
Min 1 / Max 13
PRN0603UNOR-3Measure Indicator (Abbreviation for the ordering measure. Code Values List 4. Mandatory if Ordering Measure used)ID
Max 6
- 11 consumer unit
- 100100 consumer units
- 10001000 consumer units
- AUrgent
- BNormal
- CLow
- GGramme
- LLitre
- MMetre
- TTonne
- CMCentimetre
- DLDecilitre
- FCThousand Cubic Feet
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FTFoot
- GJGiga Joule (109 Joules)
- GRGrain
- HGHectogramme
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- INInch
- KGKilogramme
- LBPound
- M2Square Metre
- M3Cubic Metre
- MGMilligramme
- MJMega Joule (106 Joules)
- MLMillilitre
- MMMillimetre
- OZOunce
- PTPint
- QRQuarter
- QTQuart
- TJTera Joule (1012 Joules)
- YDYard
- ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
- ANNYear
- BTUBritish Thermal Unit
- CM2Square Centimetre
- CM3Cubic Centimetre
- CWTHundredweight
- DAYDay
- DM2Square Decimetre
- GALGallon
- GWHGigawatt-hour
- HMJHundred Mega Joules
- HMQMillion Cubic Metres
- HURHour
- KSGKilosegment (64,000 bytes)
- KVAKilovolt-ampere
- KVRKilovar (reactive power)
- KWHKilowatt-hour
- KWTKilowatt
- MINMinute
- MONMonth
- QANQuarter Year
- SANHalf Year
- SECSecond
- THMTherm
- TQDThousand Cubic Metres per day
- WEEWeek
- CUFTCubic Foot
- CUINCubic Inch
- FLOZFluid Ounce
- MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day
- MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day
- MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre
- MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day
- SQFTSquare Foot
- SQINSquare Inch
- SQYDSquare Yard
- TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet
PRN0801UCON-1EAN-13 Article Number (EAN code for the unit (consumer unit or intermediate level) contained in the unit being described. If the latter is the lowest code level, insert 13 zeros. (Insert five leading zeros before eight- digit codes))N
Min 13 / Max 13
PRN0802UCON-2Supplier's Code (Supplier's internal reference (non-EAN) identifying the unit contained)AN
Max 30
PRN0803UCON-3DUN-14 Code (Code for the Unit contained allocated under the alternative (DUN-14) system)N
Min 14 / Max 14
PRN0804UCON-4Customer's Own Brand EAN Number (Used when 'own label' units coded with in-store numbers are contained. EAN Prefix - 2 dig; customer's number - 5 dig; Consumer Unit Number - 8 dig)N
Min 15 / Max 15
PRN0805UCON-5Customer's Item Code (Customer's internal reference for the unit contained - non-EAN format)AN
Max 30
PRN0901CORI-1EAN-13 Article Number (EAN Code of the item being replaced.)N
Min 13 / Max 13
PRN0902CORI-2Supplier's Code (Supplier's internal reference (non- EAN) identifying the replaced item)AN
Max 30
PRN0903CORI-3DUN-14 Code (Code for the replaced item allocated under the alternative (DUN-14) EAN system)N
Min 14 / Max 14
PRN0904CORI-4Customer's Own Brand EAN Number (Used when 'own label' units coded with in-store numbers are being replaced. EAN Prefix - 2 dig; customer's number - 5 dig; Consumer Unit Number - 8 dig.)N
Min 15 / Max 15
PRN0905CORI-5Customer's Item Code (Customer's internal reference for the replaced unit - non-EAN format)AN
Max 30