UST01UPLCUplift Condition (Code Values List 21)ID
Max 3
- 0Delivered/Uplifted as instructed
- 1Delivery/Uplift Variance from prior transmitted instruction
- 2Completely Undelivered/Uncollected: transaction NOT to be replanned
- 3Delivery/Uplift Variance, with no prior transmitted instruction
- 4Completely Undelivered/Uncollected; transaction to be replanned
- ADelivery picked and packed
- BDelivery held at distribution centre
- CDelivery despatched from distribution centre (paired with TCDE 0680)
- DDelivery arrived at local depot
- EDelivery held at local depot
- FDelivery despatched from local depot
- GDelivery retained in local depot
- HNegotiated delivery date confirmed
- JNegotiated delivery date adjusted
- KUplift held in local depot (paired with TCDE of 0930)
- LUplift arrived at distribution centre (paired with TCDE of 0930)
- MProof of delivery
UST0201DUAC-1Reason for Variance (Code Values List 17)ID
Max 3
- AOut of Stock
- BGoods not Loaded
- CRefused Delivery
- DDamaged Goods
- EDriver Short Delivered
- FDiscontinued Line
- GCustomer Closed
- HDrivers Hours Regulations
- JCash Unavailable
- KCancelled by Salesman
- LCancelled by Head Office
- MOver Substitution
- NOver Delivery of Product Ordered
- PCancelled Before Delivery
- QProduct Delivered Not Ordered
- ROverstocked
- SNot Required
- TNot Ordered
- UReturn of Empty Containers
- VLate Delivery
- WRefused on Re-Delivery
- XOther Reasons
- YNationally Out of Stock
- ZSubstitute Product
- AAConfirmation of No Variance
- ABFaulty Goods
- ACFaulty Goods returned which were not accompanied with faulty label
- ADFaulty Goods returned which were not accompanied with faulty reason
- AEGoods returned under privilege pre-allocated percentages
- AFSale or return
- AGProduct Recall (copywrite/legal/dangerous)
- AHGoods returned: order terms were set up by a one off non-standard arrangement
UST0202DUAC-2Delivery Confirmation Action (Code Values List 26)ID
Max 1