EDI TRADACOMS 9 VRS Segment Schema
- Codes (26)
- AMixed VAT rate item
- BStandard rate in withdrawn bill
- COriginal VAT liability on copy invoices sent to Insurers - VATP would be as charged by the repairer/supplier. Applicable when policy holder is VAT registered.
- DInsurance Premium Tax
- EExport item
- FFree export item, VAT charged
- GFree export item, VAT not charged
- HHigher rate
- IImport item
- JHigher rated free goods, VAT charged
- KHigher rated free goods, VAT not charged
- LLower rate
- MLower rate in withdrawn bill
- NInput Tax paid but not reclaimable
- OServices outside the scope of VAT
- PCredit Line payments which will be due to the Policy Holder or Insurer to settle - always deducted from the invoice value.
- QZero rate in withdrawn bill
- RReconciliation - Invoice raised for VAT only
- SStandard rate
- TStandard rated free goods, VAT charged
- UExemption from VAT in withdrawn bill
- VStandard rated free goods, VAT not charged
- WIntracompany transfer - Companies must have same VAT number
- XExemption from VAT
- YDomestic Reverse Charge
- ZZero rate