X12 EDI Release 00303
368Shipment/Order Status Code
Code indicating the status of an order or shipment or the disposition of any difference between the quantity ordered and the quantity shipped for a line item or transaction.
Codes (89)
  • ABAvailable to Ship - Billed Quantity
  • ANAvailable Now - No Shipping Schedule
  • ASAvailable Now - Scheduled to Ship (date)
  • AUAvailable to Ship - Unbilled Quantity
  • AVAvailable
  • BKBack Ordered from Previous Order
  • BMBackordered, Manufacturer, Out-of-Stock
  • BPShipment Partial, Back Order to Ship on (Date)
  • BTBilled total
  • BWBilled week-to-date
  • CACustomer Inquiry - All Items
  • CBComponents Missing
  • CCShipment Complete on (Date)
  • CEShipment Includes Extra Items to Meet Price Break
  • CICustomer Inquiry - Shipped Items Only
  • CKCancelled from Previous Order
  • CLComplete
  • CMShipment Complete with Additional Quantity
  • CNNext Carrier Move on (Date)
  • COCustomer Inquiry - Unshipped Items Only
  • CPPartial Shipment on (Date), Considered No Backorder
  • CSShipment Complete with Substitution
  • CTCombination
  • DDDelivered to Destination on (Date)
  • DEDeleted Order
  • DODiverted Order
  • DSOut Of Stock Condition
  • ECEquipment Capacity
  • EDExpect to Ship By (Date)
  • EWExpect To Ship Week of (Date)
  • FSUnits Not Shipped By Agent - To Be Shipped From Factory
  • HQHeld Awaiting Qualification
  • ICItem Canceled
  • IDInsufficient Information
  • INIn Process
  • IPInquiry by Purchase Order
  • ISItem Represents Substitution from Original Order
  • LMShipment late
  • LSLast Shipment on (Date)
  • LWNumber of Late Weeks
  • MCMissing Components Furnished
  • NFNot Yet Published
  • NNNot in Process - No Shipping Schedule
  • NSNot In Process, Scheduled to Ship on (Date)
  • NYNo Shipping Schedule
  • OBOut of Bill & Hold Goods
  • OFOrder Sent to Factory for Production on (Date)
  • OPOut of Print
  • ORTemporarily Out of Stock - Reorder
  • PAPurchase Order Inquiry - All Items
  • PDPurchase Order Complete
  • PHProduct On Hold
  • PIPurchase Order Inquiry - Shipped Items Only
  • PKPacked-to-Date as of (Date)
  • PLPart Lot, Stop Off
  • PNIn Process - No Shipping Schedule
  • POPurchase Order Inquiry - Unshipped Items Only
  • PPPurchase Order Inquiry - Specific Items
  • PRPartial Shipment
  • PSIn Process, Scheduled to Ship On (Date)
  • PTPart Lot
  • QNQuantity Net Due
  • QPQuantity Past Due
  • RCReleased to Carrier (Date)
  • RDRevised Expect to Ship By (Date)
  • RTReceived Total
  • RWRevised Expect to Ship Week of (Date)
  • SAShipment Quantity Increase
  • SBSeconds Available to Ship - Billed Quantity
  • SCShipment Quantity Decrease
  • SDShipped Damaged
  • SEReplacement Shipment
  • SFShipped and Held in Bond at Contractor's Plant
  • SGShipped and Held as Government-Furnished Property
  • SHShipped (Date)
  • SIShipment Late, Scheduled to Ship on (Date)
  • SJShipped or Performed as Indicated
  • SKShipment Underrun Quantity
  • SLShipped - to - Date through (Date)
  • SPScheduled for Production at Factory on (Date)
  • SQScheduled to ship (Summary quantity)
  • SSSplit Shipment
  • STStop Off
  • SUSeconds Available to Ship - Unbilled Quantity
  • UBUnbilled Quantity Balance
  • UNUnavailable
  • URUnsolicited Report
  • WSItem Invoiced - Shipment to Follow
  • ZZMutually Defined