X12 EDI Release 00304
1300Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code
Code identifying the service, promotion, allowance, or charge
Codes (869)
  • A010Absolute Minimum Charge
  • A020Access Charge - Federal
  • A030Access Charge - State
  • A040Access Charges
  • A050Account Number Correction Charge
  • A060Acid (Battery)
  • A070Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)
  • A080Activation of Carnet
  • A090Ad Valorem
  • A100Add on - Destination
  • A110Add on - Origin
  • A120Additional Copies of Freight Bill
  • A130Additional Material
  • A140Address Correction
  • A150Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
  • A160Adjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
  • A170Adjustments
  • A180Advance Charges Handling
  • A190Advance Destination Amount
  • A200Advance Destination Fee
  • A210Advance Fee
  • A220Advance Lading Charge
  • A230Advance Origin Amount
  • A240Advance Origin Fee
  • A250Advances
  • A260Advertising Allowance
  • A270Affidavit
  • A280Agent Disbursement - Destination
  • A290Agent Disbursement - Origin
  • A300Air Export Certificate
  • A310Air Express Charge
  • A320Air Transportation Charge
  • A330Aircraft On Ground (AOG)
  • A340Airline Opening Fee
  • A350Airport Terminal Handling Charge
  • A360Alcoholic Beverage Report Charge
  • A370Allegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
  • A380Allowance Advance
  • A390Allowance for Consignment Merchandise
  • A400Allowance Non-performance
  • A410"Alterations"
  • A420Amending Export Documentation
  • A430Anneal/Heat (Steel or Glass Treatment)
  • A440Anodizing Charge
  • A450Appointment (Notification)
  • A460Arbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
  • A470Art Work
  • A480Assembly
  • A490Attachments to Bill of Lading Charge
  • A500Bad Debt
  • A510Banking Drafts
  • A520Base Charge
  • A530Basic Reorder Allowance
  • A540Beaming Charge
  • A550Bedding/Feeding/Disinfecting
  • A560Beyond Charge
  • A570Beyond Freight Charges
  • A580Bill and Hold
  • A590Bill of Lading Attendancy
  • A600Bill of Lading Charge
  • A610Billed Demand
  • A620Black Lung Tax
  • A630Blocking and Bracing Charge
  • A640Blower Charge
  • A650Bobtail Charges
  • A660Bond Charge
  • A670Bordeaux Arbitraries
  • A680Both-Flat
  • A690Break Bulk Surface Charge
  • A700Bridge Toll
  • A710Broken Lot
  • A720Broken Package Charge
  • A730Brokerage or Duty
  • A740Bunker Surcharge
  • A750Burning
  • A760Buyer Hand Carry
  • A770Buyers Car Allowance
  • A780Cable Pressurization
  • A790Cables (sending of)
  • A800Call Tag
  • A810Camp Arbitrary
  • A820Canada Great Lakes Additionals
  • A830Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
  • A840Canadian Currency Exchange
  • A850Canadian Import Termination Fee
  • A860Canadian Reconsignment Fee
  • A870Canadian Remanifest Fee
  • A880Cancellation Charge
  • A890Cancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
  • A900Capping
  • A910Car Loading
  • A920Car Rental
  • A930Carrier Credit Allowance
  • A940Carrier Debit Allowance
  • A950Carrier Notification Charge
  • A960Carrier
  • A970Cartage Charge
  • A980Cartage
  • A990Cataloging Services
  • B000Central Buy
  • B010Cents Off
  • B020Certificate of Conformance
  • B030Certificate of Origin
  • B040Certificate of Registration
  • B050Certification
  • B060Chain and Binders
  • B070Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
  • B080Change of Airbill - Service Fee
  • B090Charges Forward/Advance Charge
  • B100Chassis Transfer
  • B110Chemical Milling Charge
  • B120Chicago Loop Charge
  • B130Cigarette Stamping
  • B140City Delivery
  • B150City maintenance fee
  • B160City Pickup
  • B170City Terminal Charge
  • B180Cleaning Charge
  • B190Closing & Sealing
  • B200Co-manufacturing Discount
  • B210Co-op Credit
  • B220Coating (Dip, Rustproof, EDP)
  • B230COD Amount
  • B240COD Charges
  • B250Collect on Delivery Alteration Charge
  • B260Collect on Delivery Deletion Charge
  • B270Collect Surcharge
  • B280Combination Performance and Non-performance
  • B290Combination
  • B300Combine All Same Day Shipment
  • B310Commission Amount
  • B320Competitive Allowance
  • B330Competitive Car Allowance
  • B340Competitive Price
  • B350Compressor Charge
  • B360Concession Credit
  • B370Concession Money
  • B380Congestion Surcharge
  • B390Connect Charge
  • B400Conservation research fee
  • B500Consignee Unload
  • B510Consolidation
  • B520Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
  • B530Constant Surveillance Service
  • B540Consular Legalization Service
  • B550Consularization Fee
  • B560Container Allowance
  • B570Container Deposits
  • B580Container Destuffing
  • B590Container Leasing
  • B600Container Service Charge UK/EUR
  • B610Container Service Charge USA/Canada
  • B620Container Stuffing
  • B630Container/Trailer Allowance
  • B650Continuous Mileage
  • B660Contract Allowance
  • B670Contract Escalation
  • B680Contract Service Charge
  • B690Controlled Atmosphere
  • B700Converting
  • B710
  • B720Cooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
  • B730Copy of Bill of Lading Charge
  • B740Copy of Delivery Receipt Charge
  • B750Core Charge
  • B760Cost Recovery Factor
  • B770Cost recovery/adjustment
  • B780Count and Recount
  • B785Coupon Reimbursement
  • B790Crafting
  • B800Credit
  • B810Currency Adjustment Factor
  • B820Currency Adjustment
  • B830Currency Discount
  • B840Customer Account Identification
  • B850Customer Equipment Allowance
  • B860Customs Broker Fee
  • B870Customs Charge
  • B880Customs Entry
  • B890Customs Formalities
  • B900Customs Invoice - Additional Page
  • B910Customs Invoice
  • B920Cut and Parallel
  • B930Cut
  • B940Cutting Charge
  • B950Damaged Merchandise
  • B960Data/Drawing Charge
  • B970De-Installation
  • B980Deadhead Mileage Charge
  • B990Deaf and Disabled Surcharge
  • C000Defective Allowance
  • C010Deficit Freight
  • C020Delay Furnishing Destination Weights
  • C030Delivery Surcharge
  • C040Delivery
  • C050Demand charge
  • C060Demurrage - Average Agreement
  • C070Demurrage - Special
  • C080Demurrage
  • C090Deposit Charges
  • C100Deposit in Lieu of Order
  • C110Deposit
  • C120Deramping
  • C130Derrick Charge
  • C140Designated Supplier Inspection
  • C150Destination Charge
  • C160Detention - Special Type Flat Car
  • C170Detention Loading
  • C180Detention of Power Units
  • C190Detention of Trailers
  • C200Detention Unloading
  • C210Determined Freight
  • C220Development Charge
  • C230Die Service Charge
  • C240Disconnect Charge
  • C250Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
  • C260Discount - Incentive
  • C270Discount - Multiple Shipment
  • C280Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
  • C290Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
  • C300Discount - Special
  • C310Discount
  • C320Display Allowance
  • C330Distribution Fee
  • C340Distribution Service
  • C350Distributor Discount/Allowance
  • C360Diversion and Reconsignment
  • C370Diversion Charge
  • C380Diversion to Air Charge
  • C390Dockage - Boat Detention
  • C400Documentation Charge
  • C410Dowel Pin Charge
  • C420Drayage
  • C430Drayage/Line Haul
  • C440Driver Assisted Unloading
  • C450Driver's Wages
  • C460Drop Dock
  • C470Drop Yard
  • C480Drum Cost
  • C490Drum Deposit
  • C500Drum Up Charge
  • C510Dry Ice
  • C520Dryer Charge
  • C530Duty Charge
  • C540Early Buy Allowance
  • C550Early Payment Allowance
  • C560Early Ship Allowance
  • C570Emergency Port Charge
  • C580Emergency Service
  • C590Emergency Surcharge
  • C600Empty Weighing Charge
  • C610Enclosure
  • C620
  • C630Endorsement Fee
  • C640Energy charge
  • C650Energy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
  • C660Engineering Charge
  • C670Engraving
  • C680Environmental Protection Service
  • C690Escalation
  • C700Escort Service
  • C710Eur1 Presentation Fee
  • C720European Port Charges
  • C730Excess Mileage Charge
  • C740Excess Periods
  • C750Excess Value Fee
  • C760Excess Weight
  • C770Excessive Value Charge
  • C780Exchange Access Credit
  • C790Exclusive Use Of Equipment
  • C800Exclusive Use
  • C810Exhibition Delivery Charge
  • C820Exhibition Pickup Charge
  • C830Expanded Service
  • C840Expedited One Day Consular Service
  • C850Expedited Service Charge
  • C860Expedited Shipments
  • C870Expediting Fee
  • C880Expediting Premium
  • C890Export Customs Clearance
  • C900Export Declarations - Automated
  • C910Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
  • C920Export License Application
  • C930Export Shipping Charge
  • C940Export/Import Charge
  • C950Extra Copies and Mailings
  • C960Extra Labor (Helper Service)
  • C970Extra Length
  • C980Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
  • C990Fabrication Charge
  • D000Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
  • D010Facsimile Charges
  • D020Failed Lamp Panel Charge
  • D030Federal Transfer Surcharge
  • D040Finance Charge
  • D050First Article Charge
  • D060First Flight Out
  • D070Flat Rate
  • D080Floor Stock Protection
  • D090
  • D100Food and Lodging
  • D110Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
  • D120Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
  • D130Forwarding Agent Commission
  • D140Forwarding Charge
  • D150Franchise fee
  • D160Free Domicile Shipment Processing
  • D170Free Goods
  • D180Freight Based on Dollar Minimum
  • D190Freight Charges to Border
  • D200Freight Charges to Destination
  • D210Freight Equalization
  • D220Freight Passthrough
  • D230Freight Surcharge
  • D240Freight
  • D250Freshness/Leaker Allowance
  • D260Fuel Charge
  • D270Fuel Surcharge
  • D280Full Service
  • D290Full Truckload Allowance
  • D300Garment District
  • D310Gas Pressure
  • D320Glaze
  • D330Gold Factor
  • D340Goods and Services Charge
  • D350Goods and Services Credit Allowance
  • D360Goods and Services Tax Charge
  • D370Government Inspection
  • D380Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
  • D390Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
  • D400Grain Doors
  • D410Grain Flow Charge
  • D420Grinding
  • D430Gross Receipts Surcharge
  • D440Groupage Discount
  • D450Grouped Items
  • D460Guaranteed Inspection Technical Service
  • D470Gulf Port Delivery Charge
  • D480Handling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
  • D490Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
  • D500Handling
  • D510Hauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
  • D520Hauling and Hoisting
  • D530Hazardous Cargo Charge
  • D540Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
  • D550Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
  • D560Hazardous Storage
  • D570Heat in Transit Charges
  • D580Heat Treat Charge
  • D590Heavy Duty Flat Car Charge
  • D600Heavy Lift
  • D610High Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
  • D620Highway Interchange
  • D630Hointins and Hauling
  • D640Holding Charge
  • D650Home Line Freight Charge
  • D660Hook-up charge
  • D670Hose Charge Special
  • D680Hose Charge
  • D690Household Goods Pickup or Delivery
  • D700IATA Airbill Preparation
  • D710IATA Fee
  • D720Identification
  • D730Import Service Fee
  • D740In Transit Price Protection
  • D750Inbound Freight Charges
  • D760Income Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
  • D770Incorrect Billing Account Charge
  • D780Industry Price Allowance
  • D790Initial License Fee
  • D800Inland Transportation
  • D810Inside Cable Connectors
  • D820Inside Delivery
  • D830Inside Pickup
  • D840Inspect at Destination
  • D850Inspect at Origin
  • D860
  • D870Inspection
  • D880Installation & Warranty
  • D890Installation and Training
  • D900Installation
  • D910Insulated Tank Charge
  • D920Insurance Fee
  • D930Insurance Placement Cost Charge
  • D940Insurance Premium
  • D950Insurance Provided by Lessee
  • D960Insurance Provided by Lessor
  • D970Insurance Surcharge
  • D980Insurance
  • D990Interdivision Profit
  • E000Interest on refund
  • E010Interest on Security Deposit
  • E020Interim Use Permitted at Special Rate
  • E030International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
  • E040Interplant Charge
  • E050Interstate/Highway Toll
  • E060Intra-plant Charge
  • E065Invoice Adjustment
  • E070Invoice Services
  • E080Invoice with Goods
  • E090Irish Arbitraries
  • E100Island Delivery Charge
  • E110Island Pickup Charge
  • E120Italian Release Charge
  • E130Item Percentage
  • E140Item-Unit
  • E150Koshering
  • E160Label Allowance
  • E170Labeling
  • E180Labor (Repair and Return Orders)
  • E190Labor Charges
  • E191Labor, Straight-time
  • E192Labor, Overtime
  • E193Labor, Premium Overtime
  • E200Labor Cost of Removal
  • E210Labor Service
  • E220Labor, Modify
  • E230Labor, No Trouble Found
  • E240Labor, Test and Calibrate
  • E250Lading Adjustment Charge
  • E260Lashing
  • E270Late Order Charge
  • E280Late Payment Charge
  • E290Layout/Design
  • E300Layover Charges
  • E310Lead Factor
  • E320Leaking Underground Storage Tax (LUST)
  • E330Lease Shortfall Consideration
  • E340Less Than Truckload (LTL) Charge
  • E350Letter of Credit Processing
  • E360License and Title
  • E370Lifeline Surcharge
  • E380Lift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pickup/Delivery
  • E390Load Weighing Charge
  • E400Loading (Labor Charges)
  • E410Loading
  • E420Loan Fee
  • E430Local Delivery/Drayage
  • E440Locomotive Delayed in Switching Service
  • E450Locomotive Under Own Power
  • E460Lot Charge
  • E470Lump Sum
  • E480Machining Charge
  • E490Mail Invoice to Each Location
  • E500Mail Invoice
  • E510Mailing - Postage Cost
  • E520Mailing - Service Fee
  • E530Manifest Charge
  • E540Manufacturing
  • E550Market Development Funds
  • E560Marking or Tagging Charge
  • E570Marriage Rule
  • E580Memo Returnable Container
  • E590Message Charge
  • E600Message Rate Adjustment
  • E610Messenger Service
  • E620Metals Surcharge
  • E630Meter Charge
  • E640Mileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
  • E650Mileage or Travel
  • E660Monthly Rental
  • E670Mount/Demount
  • E680Mounting
  • E690Municipal Surcharge
  • E700N.H.D. Wharfage
  • E710New Discount
  • E720New Distribution Allowance
  • E730New Item Allowance
  • E740New Store Allowance
  • E750New Store Discount
  • E760New Warehouse Discount
  • E770New Warehouse
  • E780New York Delivery Charge
  • E790New York Pickup Charge
  • E800No Return Credit Allowance
  • E810Non Generated Freight
  • E820Non-returnable Containers
  • E830Normal Pump Charge
  • E840Notarized Affidavit
  • E850Notify Consignee Before Delivery
  • E860Notify Consignee
  • E870Nozzle Charge
  • E880Ocean Charges - Hazardous
  • E890Ocean Freight
  • E900Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
  • E910On Carriage
  • E920On Hand Service
  • E930One - Day Service
  • E940One Time Engineering Charge
  • E950One-Time License Fee
  • E960One-Time-Only Charge
  • E970Onetime Tooling
  • E980Operator Credit
  • E990Option Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
  • F000Optional Charge
  • F010Optional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
  • F020Optional Software Support for Switching Systems
  • F030Order Notify Charge
  • F040Order-Flat
  • F050Other (See related description)
  • F060Other Accessorial Service Charge
  • F070Out of Route Miles
  • F080Out of Zone Pickup or Delivery
  • F090Outside Cable Connectors
  • F100Over Dimension
  • F110Overrun Charge
  • F120Oversized Premium
  • F130Overtime Loading
  • F140Pack Invoice with Shipment
  • F150Packaging Service
  • F155Packaging
  • F160Painting (Primer or Finish)
  • F170Pallet Exchange Charge
  • F180Pallet
  • F190Palletizing
  • F200Paralleling
  • F210Parish/County Sales Tax (only)
  • F220Passing Shippers Export Entry
  • F230Penalty Charge
  • F240Per Item Charge
  • F250Per Order Charge
  • F260Per Pound Charge
  • F270Percent of Product
  • F280Performance Allowance
  • F290Performance Award
  • F300Permit Charge
  • F310Permits Bonds Escort Attendant
  • F320Phosphatizing (Steel Treatment)
  • F330Pickup and Delivery
  • F340Pick/Up
  • F350Pickle and Oil
  • F360Pickup - Out of Area
  • F370Pickup Surcharge
  • F380Pier Charges - Wharfage
  • F390Pier Charges Other Than Wharfage
  • F400Pier Pickup and/or Delivery
  • F410Pilot Inspection
  • F420Placement and/or Removal Charge
  • F430Plating
  • F440Pole, Wood-service Charge
  • F450Positioning at Origin
  • F460Postage
  • F470Power Factor Adjustment
  • F480Pre-carriage Excess
  • F490Pre-carriage
  • F500Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
  • F510Precious Metal Content
  • F520Preloading Charge
  • F530Prelodge Charge
  • F540Premise Use
  • F550Premium Charge
  • F560Premium Transportation
  • F570Prepaid Usage Allowance
  • F580Preparation and Delivery
  • F590Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
  • F600Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
  • F610Preparation of Commercial Invoice
  • F620Preparation of Export Entry
  • F630Preparation of Insurance Certificate
  • F640Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
  • F650Preparation
  • F660Previous Billing
  • F670Price and Marketing Allowance
  • F680Price Deviation
  • F690Prior Balance
  • F700Prior Billing Amount
  • F710Prior Delivery Of Bill Charge
  • F720Prior Month Credit
  • F730Priority Service
  • F740Process in Transit Privilege
  • F750Processing Charge
  • F760Processing
  • F770Professional Fees
  • F780Proforma Invoice
  • F790Progress Payment Requirement
  • F800Promotional Allowance
  • F810Promotional Discount
  • F820Proof & Composition
  • F830Proof of Delivery
  • F840Protective Service - Cold
  • F850Protective Service - Heat
  • F860Protective Service Charge
  • F870Pulling Eyes
  • F880Pump Air Charge
  • F890Pump Charge
  • F900Purchase Option
  • F910Quantity Discount
  • F920Quantity Surcharge
  • F930Equipment Manufacturer Restoration Audit
  • F940Ramping
  • F950Rate Code
  • F960Re-Bill Charge
  • F970Rebate
  • F980Rebilled Drayage - Destination
  • F990Rebilled Drayage - Origin
  • G000Recipient Address Correction
  • G010Reclamation, Federal
  • G020Reclamation, State
  • G030Reconnect charge
  • G040Reconsign Consignee Charge
  • G050Reconsign Delivery Charge
  • G060Reconsignment Charge
  • G070Recoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
  • G080Record/Filing
  • G090Recovery Fee
  • G100Recovery
  • G110Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
  • G120Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
  • G130Recurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
  • G140Recurring License Fee
  • G150Recurring Software Maintenance Charge
  • G160Redelivery
  • G170Redistribution Allowance
  • G180Reduction Prepalletized Cargo
  • G190Reel Cable
  • G200Reel Deposit
  • G210Reel
  • G220Refrigeration
  • G230Refrigeration/Mechanical Detention
  • G240Refund
  • G250Refurbishing Charge
  • G260Regain
  • G270Registration of Export for Reentry
  • G280Registration of Export Shipments
  • G290Regulatory Fee
  • G300Regulatory required refund
  • G310Reliability Charge
  • G320Relinquishment Charge
  • G330Rental Charge
  • G340Rental Deduction
  • G350Rents and Leases
  • G360Repack Charge
  • G370Repair at Buyers Expense Charge
  • G380Repair at Customer Expense Charge
  • G390Repair at Government Expense Charge
  • G400Repair
  • G410Repickup
  • G420Request Via Canada
  • G430Research & Development Fee
  • G440Resellers Discount
  • G450Residential Delivery
  • G460Residential Pickup
  • G470Restocking Charge
  • G480Restricted Article Fee
  • G490Retainer
  • G500Return Cargo Charge
  • G510Returnable Container
  • G520Returned Load
  • G530Rework
  • G540Riding Attendant Charge
  • G550Rocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
  • G560Roll Out Adjustment
  • G570Roll Rebate
  • G580Royalties
  • G590Salvage
  • G600Same - Day Service
  • G610Saturday Delivery
  • G620Saturday Pickup or Delivery Charge
  • G630Saturday Pickup
  • G640Scale Charge Unloading
  • G650Scale Charge
  • G660Scrap Allowance
  • G670Security Signature Service
  • G680Segregating (Sorting)
  • G690Select Charge
  • G700Self Unloader
  • G710Seller Hand Carry
  • G720Service Assistance Program Surcharge
  • G730Service Charge (with Cash Discount)
  • G740Service Charge
  • G750Service Upgrade
  • G760Set-up
  • G770Shearing
  • G780Ship to Stock Quality Audit
  • G790Shipper Load and Count
  • G800Shipper Load Carrier Count
  • G810Shipper Load Consignee Unload
  • G820Shipper Load
  • G830Shipping and Handling
  • G840Shipside Pickup
  • G850Shotblasting
  • G860Shrink Allowance
  • G870Shrink-Wrap Charge
  • G880Shrinkage Allowance
  • G890Single Invoice Allowance
  • G900Single Pickup
  • G910Single Shipment Fee
  • G920Sleeving
  • G930Slip Sheet Unloading Allowance
  • G940Slip Sheet, Rail
  • G950Slip Sheet, Truck
  • G960Slotting Allowance
  • G970Small Order Charge
  • G980Software Support Service
  • G990Source Inspection
  • H000Special Allowance
  • H010Special Buy
  • H020Special Circus Trains
  • H030Special Credit
  • H040Special Delivery
  • H050Special Detention Charge
  • H060Special Equipment Charge
  • H070Special Finish Charge
  • H080Special Freight Supplements
  • H090Special Handling
  • H100Special Mileage Movements
  • H110Special Packaging
  • H120Special Permits
  • H130Special Pickup
  • H140Special Pump Charge
  • H150Special Seal Charge
  • H160Special Test Equipment Charge
  • H170Special Tooling Charge
  • H180Special Tooling rework charge
  • H190Special Train Movement
  • H200Special Use
  • H210Special Vehicle Rent
  • H220Specification Review
  • H230Split Delivery
  • H240Split Pickup at Pier Charge
  • H250Split Pickup
  • H260Spool Charge
  • H270Spotting of Trailer
  • H280Spreader Charge
  • H290Stamp Fee
  • H300Stamping
  • H310Standby Charge
  • H320State Motor Fuel
  • H330State Sales Charge
  • H340State Surcharge
  • H350State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
  • H360Steaming Charge
  • H370Stenciling Charge
  • H380Stop-off at Pier Charge
  • H390Stop-off Charge
  • H400Stopcharge
  • H410Stopping in Transit
  • H420Storage in Transit
  • H430Storage
  • H440Straightening Charge
  • H450Strapping
  • H460Street lamps charge
  • H470Stripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
  • H480Subject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
  • H490Subject To Tax On Resale
  • H500Sufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
  • H510Sunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
  • H520Super Bag Charge
  • H530Supervisor Charge
  • H540Supplemental Items
  • H550Surcharge
  • H560Swell
  • H570Switch Charge
  • H580Switching Charge
  • H590Tank Car Allowance
  • H600Tank Rental
  • H610Tax - Airport Tax, Destination
  • H620Tax - Airport Tax, Origin
  • H625Tax - Beverage Tax
  • H630Tax - City Sales Tax (Only)
  • H640Tax - Excise Tax - Destination
  • H650Tax - Excise Tax - Origin
  • H660Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET
  • H670Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET, on Tires
  • H680Tax - Governmental
  • H690Tax - Handling Charge Tax
  • H700Tax - Local Tax
  • H710Tax - Metropolitan Transit Tax
  • H720Tax - Regulatory Tax
  • H730Tax - Local Sales Tax
  • H740Tax - Sales and Use
  • H750Tax - Sales Tax (State and Local)
  • H760Tax - State Hazardous Substance
  • H770Tax - State Tax
  • H780Tax - Super Fund Excise Tax
  • H790Tax - Use Tax
  • H800Tax - Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • H806Tax Credit
  • H810Tax Liability - Amortized
  • H820Tax Liability - One Time
  • H830Tax on Miscellaneous Charges
  • H840Tax on Transportation
  • H850Tax
  • H860Technology Exchange
  • H870Telegram Chargeback
  • H880Telephone - Destination
  • H890Telephone - Origin
  • H900Telephone Charge
  • H910Temperature Protection
  • H920Temporary Allowance
  • H930Temporary Voluntary Allowance
  • H935Tendered as Truckload
  • H940Terminal Charge
  • H950Terminal Differential
  • H960Terminal Service Fee
  • H970Terms Allowance
  • H980Test/Qualification Charge
  • H990Testing Services Charge
  • I000Testing
  • I010Third Party Allowance
  • I020Third Party Pallets
  • I030Throughput Allowance
  • I040Throughput Container Charge
  • I050Thruway Charge
  • I060Ticketing Service
  • I070Tobacco Products Report Charge
  • I080TOFC Service Charge
  • I090Tool Charge
  • I100Tooling Rework Charge
  • I110Tooling
  • I120Tools for Printing
  • I130Total Assessorial Charges
  • I140Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
  • I150Tracing Service Fee
  • I160Track Storage
  • I170Trade Discount
  • I180Trade In
  • I190Trailer Rental Charge
  • I200Transfer Charge
  • I210Transfer of Lading Charge
  • I220Transferred Charges
  • I230Transit
  • I240Transportation And Setup
  • I250Transportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
  • I260Transportation Direct Billing
  • I270Transportation Third Party Billing
  • I280Transportation Vendor Provided
  • I290Trimming Charge
  • I300Truck Detention
  • I310Truckload Discount
  • I320Turning Charge
  • I330Two - Day Service
  • I340Two Door Pickup
  • I350U.S. Vehicles
  • I360Unabsorbed Switching
  • I370Unitized
  • I380Unloading (Labor Charges)
  • I390Unloading
  • I400Unloading/Reloading Charge
  • I410Unsaleable Merchandise Allowance
  • I420Up Charge
  • I430Usage Plan Detail Charge
  • I440USDA Inspected, Stamping Certification
  • I450Use - Special Type Flat Car
  • I460Use Charge Tooling/Personnel
  • I470Valuation Fee
  • I480Vehicle Ordered but Not Used
  • I490Vehicle Prep Charge (Courtesy Delivery)
  • I495Vehicle Road Charge
  • I500Vendor Freight
  • I510Venting Instructions
  • I520Virgin Island Transfer Charge
  • I530Volume Discount
  • I540Voluntary Contribution Charge
  • I550Waiting Time
  • I560War Risk Surcharge
  • I570Warehouse
  • I580Warehousing
  • I590Warranties
  • I600Waybill and Invoice Distribution
  • I610Weather Protection
  • I620Weight Verification Charge
  • I630Wharfage & Handling
  • I640Wharfage Charge
  • I650Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
  • I660Will Call Charge
  • I670Written Proof of Delivery
  • I680X-ray Charge
  • ZZZZMutually Defined