X12 EDI Release 00304
To specify shipment and/or receipt information
Code specifying the type of quantity.
Codes (326)- 10Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending
- 11Split Quantity
- 12Ship Notice Quantity
- 13Collateral Requirements
- 14Quantity in Float
- 15Quantity in Hold Out
- 16Line Thread Quantity
- 17Quantity on Hand
- 18Previous Week Quantity
- 19Unverified Receipts
- 20Unusable Quantity
- 21Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Pending
- 22Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Challenged
- 23Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Pending
- 24Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Challenged
- 25OEM Inventory
- 26Total Inventory
- 27Committed Quantity
- 28Quantity Available for Return
- 29Projected Available Inventory
- 30Quote Quantity on Inventory
- 31Additional Demand Quantity
- 32Quantity Sold
- 33Quantity Available for Sale (stock quantity)
- 34Noncommitted Inventory on Shelf
- 35Inventory on Shelf + Work in Progress
- 36Distributor Inventory
- 37Work In Process
- 38Original Quantity
- 39Shipped Quantity
- 40Remaining Quantity
- 41Number of Batches
- 42Number of Checks
- 45Cumulative quantity on order
- 46Total transactions
- 47Primary Net Quantity
- 48Secondary Net Quantity
- 49Number of Signed Bills of Lading
- 50Number of Copies of Bill of Lading
- 51Number of Unsigned Bills of Lading
- 52Number of Originals
- 53Original payment item count.
- 54Bank reject item count.
- 55Net to pay item count.
- 56Minimum Contract Quantity
- 57Minimum Order Quantity
- 58Payment Cancellation Item Count
- 60Total Authorized Quantity
- 61Remaining Authorized Quantity
- 62Number of Days Covered by Inventory
- 63On Order Quantity
- 64Past Due Quantity
- 65Previous Month's Usage
- 66Minimum Fabrication Quantity
- 67Minimum Ship Quantity
- 68Maximum Number of Shipments Allowed
- 69Incremental Order Quantity
- 70Maximum Order Quantity
- 72Minimum Stock Level
- 73Maximum Stock Level
- 74Damaged Goods
- 75Receipts
- 76Returns
- 77Stock Transfers In
- 78Stock Transfers Out
- 79Billing Unit(s) Per Pricing Unit
- 80Pricing Unit(s) Per Billing Unit
- 81Prepaid Quantity Shipped
- 82Prepaid Quantity Not Shipped
- 83Submitted Quantity Sold
- 84Submitted Quantity Returned
- 85Lot Size
- 86Nonconformance Quantity
- 87Quantity Received
- 88Beds
- 89Operating Beds
- 90Acknowledged Quantity
- 91Additional Usage Quantity
- 92Allotted Usage Quantity
- 93Attendant-Handled Quantity
- 94Billable Quantity
- 95Data Storage Quantity
- 96Non-Billable Quantity
- 97Non-Urgent Delivery Quantity
- 98Overflow Quantity
- 99Quantity Used
- 01Discrete Quantity
- 02Cumulative Quantity
- 03Discreet Quantity - Rejected Material
- 04Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement
- 05Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit
- 06Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending
- 07Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material
- 08Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement
- 09Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit
- 1AOriginal Duration (in calendar units)
- 1BCurrent Duration (in calendar units)
- 1CRemaining Duration (in calendar units)
- 1DTotal Float (in calendar units)
- 1EFree Float (in calendar units)
- 1FLag (as in Lag Time - in calendar units)
- 1GLead Time (in calendar units)
- 1HStarted
- 1ICompleted
- 1JDue
- 1KTime Units
- 1LShifts
- 1MTime units per shift
- 1NScrap allowed
- 1OCalendar Units
- 1PResource (Quantity) available
- 1QTotal Resource (Quantity)
- 1RLevel Resource (Quantity)
- 1SLate
- 1TNumber of Delinquent Installments
- 1UNumber of Loans
- 1VTotal Number of Mortgagees
- 1WTotal Number of Loan Detail Records
- 1XPrescription Effective Period
- A1Acceptable Unserviceable Quantity
- A2Optimistic Duration
- A3Most Likely Duration
- A4Pessimistic Duration
- A5Adjusted Quantity
- A6Accidents
- AAUnacknowledged Quantity
- ABUrgent Delivery Quantity
- ACVoice Storage Quantity
- ADMaintenance Units
- AEMinimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Units
- AFWide Area Telephone Service (WATS)/800 Service Units
- AGNumber of End Users
- AHNumber of Message Recipients
- AINumber of Operator Credits
- AJDaily Adjustments
- AOVerified Receipts
- APOrder Quantity Multiple
- AQContribution Total
- ARLoan Repayment Total
- ASParticipant Total
- ATActual
- AUCumulative Actual
- AVBudget
- AWCumulative Budget
- AXNumber of Insured Lives
- AYForecast
- AZForecast at Complete
- BADue-In
- BCBudget At Complete
- BFAge Modifying Units
- BIBook Inventory
- BQBackorder Quantity
- BRBlood Record
- CACovered - Actual
- CBClosing Statement Balance
- CDCo-insured - Actual
- CECovered - Estimated
- CFCo-insured - Estimated
- CGCumulative Gas Volume
- CHCumulative Effect of Prior Period Adjustment
- CICumulative Gas Injection Volume
- CLCumulative Liquid Injection Volume
- COCumulative Oil/Condensate Volume
- CPCurrent Period Imbalance
- CRCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Number of Concurrent Procedures
- CSCurrent Service Life
- CWCumulative Water Volume
- D3Number of Co-insurance Days
- DBDeductible Blood Units
- DODays Operated
- DPDays Produced
- DRDirect Workers
- DTDependent Total
- DYDays
- E1Course Segments
- E2Degree Segments
- ECUse of Extracorporeal Circulation
- EMEmergency Modifying Units
- EPProduct Exchange Amount
- ETEmployee Total
- FBFurnished Blood Units
- FCFuel Consumed or Burned Amount
- FTForecast to Complete
- GIGas Injection Volume
- GLGas Lift Volume
- GTGrade Transfer Amount
- GVGas Volume
- HMUse of Hypothermia
- HOUse of Hypotension
- HPUse of Hyperbaric Pressurization
- HRUse of Hypertension
- HSHours
- IINumber of Irregular Interest Payments
- INIndirect Workers
- IPNumber of Interest Payments
- IQIn-Transit Quantity
- ITIntertank Transfer Amount
- K6Drafts
- KAEstimated
- KBNet Quantity Increase
- KCNet Quantity Decrease
- KDExpenditure Quantity
- KEOriginals
- KFDuplicates
- LALife-time Reserve - Actual
- LBLoss Allowance
- LELife-time Reserve - Estimated
- LGLoss or Gain
- LILiquid Injection Volume
- LPLease Periods
- LTTariff Loss Allowance
- LVOil/Condensate Volume
- MAMiscellaneous Allowance
- MIMiles
- MNMonth
- MQMaximum Ship Quantity
- NANumber of Non-covered Days
- NCNumber of Claimants
- NENon-Covered - Estimated
- NNNumber of Hospitals
- NONumber of Physicians
- NPNumber of Members
- NQNumber of Franchisees
- NRNot Replaced Blood Units
- NSNumber of Stations
- OIOpening Statement Balance
- OROriginal
- OTNumber of Operating Periods at Failure
- P3Physical Status III
- P4Physical Status IV
- P5Physical Status V
- P6Number of Services or Procedures
- PAPipeline Adjustment or Allowance
- PBPressure Base
- PCPrior Cumulative Imbalance
- POPercentage of Ordered Quantity
- PPPurchase of Product
- PQCumulative Quantity Required Prior to the First Scheduled Period
- PRRequirement Quantity that was Previously Released
- PSPrescription
- PXPrior Units Accepted
- QAQuantity Approved
- QBQuantity Dispensed
- QCQuantity Disapproved
- QDQuantity Delivered
- QEQuantity Deferred
- QFHigh Fabrication Authorization Quantity
- QHQuantity on Hold
- QPQuantity by Position
- QRHigh Raw Material Authorization Quantity
- QSQuantity Per Skid
- QUQuantity Serviced
- RARefills Authorized
- RBReplaced Blood Units
- SGSwan-Ganz
- SPDays Supply
- SQProduct Sales Amount
- STStandard
- TATank Allowance
- TCTotal at Complete
- TDTotal to Date
- TENumber of Theatres
- TOTotal
- TRTrips
- V1Retention Quantity
- V2Available Quantity
- V3Transfer Quantity
- VAVolume Shrinkage Adjustment or Allowance
- VRVariance
- VSVisits
- WVWater Volume
- XATotal of Issuable Assets
- XBTotal System Backorder Quantity, High Priority
- XCTotal Service Backorder Quantity, High Priority
- XDTotal System Backorder Quantity, Low Priority
- XETotal Service Backorder Quantity, Low Priority
- XGOn Hand and Due-In
- XJOther War Reserve Material Requirements Protectable (OWRMRP) Quantity
- XTProtected Quantity
- XUReserved
- XVRequisitioning Objective
- XXAuthorized Retention Level
- XYSafety Level
- XZBackorder Lines
- YATotal Demand Quantity
- YBTotal Demand Orders
- YCFirst Quarter Recurring Demand
- YDFirst Quarter Recurring Orders
- YEFirst Quarter Non-recurring Demand
- YFFirst Quarter Non-recurring Orders
- YGSecond Quarter Recurring Demand
- YHSecond Quarter Recurring Orders
- YJSecond Quarter Non-recurring Demand
- YKSecond Quarter Non-recurring Orders
- YLThird Quarter Recurring Demand
- YMThird Quarter Recurring Orders
- YNThird Quarter Non-recurring Demand
- YPThird Quarter Non-recurring Orders
- YQFourth Quarter Recurring Demand
- YRFourth Quarter Recurring Orders
- YSFourth Quarter Non-recurring Demand
- YTFourth Quarter Non-recurring Orders
- YWReorder Point Quantity
- YXContract Line Item Quantity
- YYYears
- Z1Units Worked Last Day
- Z2Units Worked per Week
- Z3Units Worked per Quarter
- Z4Number Weeks Paid
- Z6Unused Accumulated Sick Days
- ZAFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 1
- ZBFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 2
- ZCFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 3
- ZDFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 4
- ZEFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 5
- ZFFederal Pension Mandate - Category 1
- ZGFederal Pension Mandate - Category 2
- ZHFederal Pension Mandate - Category 3
- ZIHolding Period
- ZJFederal Pension Mandate - Category 5
- ZKFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 1
- ZLFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 2
- ZMFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 3
- ZNFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 4
- ZOFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 5
- ZPFederal Pension Mandate - Category 4
Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time.
Codes (601)- 100No Shipping Schedule Established as of
- 101No Production Schedule Established as of
- 102Issue
- 103Award
- 104System Survey
- 105Quality Rating
- 106Required By
- 107Deposit
- 108Postmark
- 109Received at Lockbox
- 110Originally Scheduled Ship
- 111Manifest/Ship Notice
- 112Buyers Dock
- 113Sample Required
- 114Tooling Required
- 115Sample Available
- 116Scheduled Interchange Delivery
- 118Requested Pickup
- 119Test Performed
- 120Control Plan
- 121Feasibility Sign Off
- 122Failure Mode Effective
- 124Group Contract Effective
- 125Group Contract Expiration
- 126Wholesale Contract Effective
- 127Wholesale Contract Expiration
- 128Replacement Effective
- 129Customer Contract Effective
- 130Customer Contract Expiration
- 131Item Contract Effective
- 132Item Contract Expiration
- 133Accounts Receivable - Statement Date
- 134Ready for Inspection
- 135Booking
- 136Technical Rating
- 137Delivery Rating
- 138Commercial Rating
- 139Estimated
- 140Actual
- 141Assigned
- 142Loss
- 143Due Date of First Payment to Principal and Interest
- 144Estimated Acceptance
- 145Opening Date
- 146Closing Date
- 147Due Date Last Complete Installment Paid
- 148Date of Local Office Approval of Conveyance of Damaged Real Estate Property
- 149Date Deed Filed for Record
- 150Service Period Start
- 151Service Period End
- 152Effective Date of Change
- 153Service Interruption
- 154Adjustment Period Start
- 155Adjustment Period End
- 156Allotment Period Start
- 157Test Period Start
- 158Test Period Ending
- 159Bid Price Exception
- 160Samples to be Returned By
- 161Loaded on Vessel
- 162Pending Archive
- 163Actual Archive
- 164First Issue
- 165Final Issue
- 166Message
- 167Most Recent Revision (or Initial Version)
- 168Release
- 169Product Availability Date
- 170Supplemental Issue
- 171Revision
- 172Correction
- 173Week Ending
- 174Month Ending
- 175Cancel if not shipped by
- 176Expedited on
- 177Cancellation
- 178Hold (as of)
- 179Hold as Stock (as of)
- 180No Promise (as of)
- 181Stop Work (as of)
- 182Will Advise (as of)
- 183Connection
- 184Inventory
- 185Vessel Registry
- 186Invoice Period Start
- 187Invoice Period End
- 188Credit Advice
- 189Debit Advice
- 190Released to Vessel
- 191Material Specification
- 192Delivery Ticket
- 193Period Start
- 194Period End
- 195Contract Re-Open
- 196Start
- 197End
- 198Completion
- 199Seal
- 200Assembly Start
- 201Acceptance
- 202Master Lease Agreement
- 203First Produced
- 204Official Rail Car Interchange (Either Actual or Agreed Upon)
- 206Status (Outside Processor)
- 207Status (Commercial)
- 208Lot Number Expiration
- 209Contract Performance Start
- 210Contract Performance Delivery
- 211Service Requested
- 212Returned to Customer
- 213Adjustment to Bill Dated
- 214Date of Repair/Service
- 215Interruption Start
- 216Interruption End
- 217Spud
- 218Initial Completion
- 219Plugged and Abandoned
- 220Penalty
- 221Penalty Begin
- 222Birth
- 223Birth Certificate
- 224Adoption
- 225Christening
- 226Lease Commencement
- 227Lease Term Start
- 228Lease Term End
- 229Rent Start
- 230Installation
- 231Progress Payment
- 232Claim Statement Period Start
- 233Claim Statement Period End
- 234Settlement Date
- 235Delayed Billing (Not Delayed Payment)
- 236Lender Credit Check
- 237Student Signed
- 238Schedule Release
- 239Baseline
- 240Baseline Start
- 241Baseline Complete
- 242Actual Start
- 243Actual Complete
- 244Estimated Start
- 245Estimated Completion
- 246Start no earlier than
- 247Start no later than
- 248Finish no later than
- 249Finish no earlier than
- 250Mandatory (or Target) Start
- 251Mandatory (or Target) Finish
- 252Early Start
- 253Early Finish
- 254Late Start
- 255Late Finish
- 256Scheduled Start
- 257Scheduled Finish
- 258Original Early Start
- 259Original Early Finish
- 260Rest Day
- 261Rest Start
- 262Rest Finish
- 263Holiday
- 264Holiday Start
- 265Holiday Finish
- 266Base
- 267Timenow
- 268End Date of Support
- 269Date Account Matures
- 270Date Filed
- 271Penalty End
- 272Exit Plant Date
- 273Latest On Board Carrier Date
- 274Requested Departure Date
- 275Approved
- 276Contract Start
- 277Contract Definition
- 278Last Item Delivery
- 279Contract Completion
- 280Date Course of Orthodontics Treatment Began or is Expected to Begin
- 281Over Target Baseline Month
- 282Previous Report
- 283Funds Appropriation - Start
- 284Funds Appropriation - End
- 285Employment or Hire
- 286Retirement
- 287Medicare
- 288Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
- 289Premium Paid to Date
- 290Coordination of Benefits
- 291Plan
- 292Benefit
- 293Education
- 294Earnings Effective Date
- 295Primary Care Provider
- 296Initial Disability Period Return To Work
- 297Initial Disability Period Last Day Worked
- 298Latest Absence
- 299Illness
- 300Enrollment Signature Date
- 301Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Qualifying Event
- 302Maintenance
- 303Maintenance Effective
- 304Latest Visit or Consultation
- 305Net Credit Service Date
- 306Adjustment Effective Date
- 307Eligibility
- 309Plan Termination
- 310Date of Closing
- 311Latest Receiving Date/Cutoff Date
- 312Salary Deferral
- 313Cycle
- 314Disability
- 315Offset
- 316Prior Incorrect Date of Birth
- 317Corrected Date of Birth
- 319Failed
- 320Date Foreclosure Proceedings Instituted
- 321Purchased
- 322Put into Service
- 323Replaced
- 324Returned
- 327Quarter Ending
- 328Changed
- 329Terminated
- 330Referral Date
- 331Evaluation Date
- 332Placement Date
- 333Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- 334Re-evaluation Date
- 335Dismissal Date
- 336Employment Begin
- 337Employment End
- 338Medicare Begin
- 339Medicare End
- 340Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Begin
- 341Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) End
- 342Premium Paid to Date Begin
- 343Premium Paid to Date End
- 344Coordination of Benefits Begin
- 345Coordination of Benefits End
- 346Plan Begin
- 347Plan End
- 348Benefit Begin
- 349Benefit End
- 350Education Begin
- 351Education End
- 352Primary Care Provider Begin
- 353Primary Care Provider End
- 354Illness Begin
- 355Illness End
- 356Eligibility Begin
- 357Eligibility End
- 358Cycle Begin
- 359Cycle End
- 360Initial Disability Period Start
- 361Initial Disability Period End
- 362Offset Begin
- 363Offset End
- 364Plan Period Election Begin
- 365Plan Period Election End
- 366Plan Period Election
- 367Due to Customer
- 368Submittal
- 369Estimated Departure Date
- 370Actual Departure Date
- 371Estimated Arrival Date
- 372Actual Arrival Date
- 373Order Start
- 374Order End
- 375Delivery Start
- 376Delivery End
- 377Contract Costs Through
- 378Financial Information Submission
- 379Business Termination
- 380Applicant Signed
- 381Cosigner Signed
- 382Enrollment
- 383Adjusted Hire
- 384Credited Service
- 385Credited Service Begin
- 386Credited Service End
- 387Deferred Distribution
- 388Payment Commencement
- 389Payroll Period
- 390Payroll Period Begin
- 391Payroll Period End
- 392Plan Entry
- 393Plan Participation Suspension
- 394Rehire
- 395Retermination
- 396Termination
- 397Valuation
- 398Vesting Service
- 399Vesting Service Begin
- 400Vesting Service End
- 401Duplicate Bill
- 402Adjustment Promised
- 403Adjustment Processed
- 404Year Ending
- 405Production
- 406Material Classification
- 408Weighed
- 409Date of Deed in Lieu
- 410Date of Firm Commitment
- 411Expiration Date of Extension to Foreclose
- 412Date of Notice to Convey
- 413Date of Release of Bankruptcy
- 414Optimistic Early Start
- 415Optimistic Early Finish
- 416Optimistic Late Start
- 417Optimistic Late Finish
- 418Most Likely Early Start
- 419Most Likely Early Finish
- 420Most Likely Late Start
- 421Most Likely Late Finish
- 422Pessimistic Early Start
- 423Pessimistic Early Finish
- 424Pessimistic Late Start
- 425Pessimistic Late Finish
- 426First Payment Due
- 427First Interest Payment Due
- 428Subsequent Interest Payment Due
- 429Irregular Interest Payment Due
- 430Guarantor Received
- 431Onset of Current Symptoms or Illness
- 432Submission
- 434Statement
- 435Admission
- 436Insurance Card
- 437Spouse Retirement
- 438Onset of Similar Symptoms or Illness
- 439Accident
- 440Release of Information
- 441Prior Placement
- 442Date of Death
- 443Peer Review Organization (PRO) Approved Stay
- 444First Visit or Consultation
- 445Initial Placement
- 446Replacement
- 447Occurrence
- 448Occurrence Span
- 449Occurrence Span From
- 450Occurrence Span To
- 451Initial Fee Due
- 452Appliance Placement
- 453Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition
- 454Initial Treatment
- 455Last X-Ray
- 456Surgery
- 457Continuous Passive Motion (CPM)
- 458Certification
- 459Nursing Home From
- 460Nursing Home To
- 461Last Certification
- 462Date of Local Office Approval of Conveyance of Occupied Real Estate Property
- 463Begin Therapy
- 464Oxygen Therapy From
- 465Oxygen Therapy To
- 466Oxygen Therapy
- 467Signature
- 468Prescription Fill
- 469Provider Signature
- 470Date of Local Office Certification of Conveyance of Damaged Real Estate Property
- 471Prescription
- 472Service
- 473Medicaid Begin
- 474Medicaid End
- 475Medicaid
- 476Peer Review Organization (PRO) Approved Stay From
- 477Peer Review Organization (PRO) Approved Stay To
- 478Prescription From
- 479Prescription To
- 480Arterial Blood Gas Test
- 481Oxygen Saturation Test
- 482Pregnancy Begin
- 483Pregnancy End
- 484Last Menstrual Period
- 485Injury Begin
- 486Injury End
- 487Nursing Home
- 488Collateral Dependent
- 489Collateral Dependent Begin
- 490Collateral Dependent End
- 491Sponsored Dependent
- 492Sponsored Dependent Begin
- 493Sponsored Dependent End
- 494Deductible
- 495Out-of-Pocket
- 496Contract Audit Date
- 497Latest Delivery Date at Pier
- 498Mortgagee Reported Curtailment Date
- 499Mortgagee Official Signature Date
- 500Resubmission
- 501Expected Reply
- 502Dropped to Less than Half Time
- 503Repayment Begin
- 504Loan Servicing Transfer
- 505Loan Purchase
- 506Last Notification
- 507Extract
- 508Extended
- 509Servicer Signature Date
- 510Date Packed
- 511Shelf Life Expiration
- 512Warranty Expiration
- 513Overhauled
- 514Transferred
- 515Notified
- 516Discovered
- 517Inspected
- 518Voucher (Date of)
- 519Date Bankruptcy Filed
- 520Date of Damage
- 521Date Hazard Insurance Policy Cancelled
- 522Expiration Date to Submit Title Evidence
- 523Date of Claim
- 524Date of Notice of Referral for Assignment
- 525Date of Notice of Probable Ineligibility for Assignment
- 526Date of Foreclosure Notice
- 527Expiration of Foreclosure Timeframe
- 528Date Possessory Action Initiated
- 529Date of Possession
- 531Date of Acquisition of Title
- 532Expiration of Extension to Convey
- 533Date of Assignment Approval
- 534Date of Assignment Rejection
- 535Curtailment Date from Advice of Payment
- 536Expiration of Extension to Submit Fiscal Data
- 537Date Documentation, or Paperwork, or Both Was Sent
- 538Makegood Commercial Date
- 539Policy Effective
- 540Policy Expiration
- 541Employee Effective Date of Coverage
- 542Claim Administrator Notified of Employee Legal Representation
- 543Last Premium Paid Date
- 544Employer Knowledge of the Injury
- 545Claim Administrator Knowledge of the Injury
- 546Date of Maximum Medical Improvement
- 547Date of Loan
- 548Date of Advance
- 549Beginning Lay Date
- 550Certificate Effective
- 551Benefit Application Date
- 552Actual Return to Work
- 553Released Return to Work
- 554Ending Lay Date
- 555Employee Wages Ceased
- 556Last Salary Increase
- 557Employee Laid Off
- 558Injury or Illness
- 559Oldest Unpaid Installment
- 560Preforeclosure Acceptance Date
- 561Preforeclosure Sale Closing Date
- 562Date of First Uncured Default
- 563Date Default Was Cured
- 564Date of First Mortgage Payment
- 565Date of Property Inspection
- 566Date Total Amount of Delinquency Reported
- 567Date Outstanding Loan Balance Reported
- 568Date Foreclosure Sale Scheduled
- 569Date Foreclosure Held
- 570Date Redemption Period Ends
- 571Date Voluntary Conveyance Accepted
- 572Date Property Sold
- 573Date Claim Paid
- 574Action Begin Date
- 575Projected Action End Date
- 576Action End Date
- 577Original Maturity Date
- 578Date Referred to Attorney for Foreclosure
- 579Planned Release
- 580Actual Release
- 581Contract Period
- 582Report Period
- 583Suspension
- 584Reinstatement
- 585Report
- 586First Contact
- 587Projected Foreclosure Sale Date
- 589Date Assignment Filed for Record
- 590Date of Appraisal
- 591Expiration Date of Extension to Assign
- 592Date of Extension to Convey
- 593Date Hazard Insurance Policy Refused
- 594High Fabrication Release Authorization
- 595High Raw Material Authorization
- 596Material Change Notice
- 597Latest Delivery Date at Rail Ramp
- 598Rejected
- 600As Of
- 601First Submission
- 602Subsequent Submission
- 700Override Date for Settlement
- 701Settlement Date (From Interline Settlement System (ISS) only)
- 702Sending Road Time Stamp
- 703Retransmission Time Stamp
- 704Delivery Appointment Date and Time
- 706Date Material Usage Suspended
- 993Request for Quotation
- 994Quote
- 996Required Delivery
- 997Quote to be Received By
- 001Cancel After
- 002Delivery Requested
- 003Invoice
- 004Purchase Order
- 005Sailing
- 006Sold
- 007Effective
- 008Purchase Order Received
- 009Process
- 010Requested Ship
- 011Shipped
- 012Terms Discount Due
- 013Terms Net Due
- 014Deferred Payment
- 015Promotion Start
- 016Promotion End
- 017Estimated Delivery
- 018Available
- 019Unloaded
- 020Check
- 021Charge Back
- 022Freight Bill
- 023Promotion Order - Start
- 024Promotion Order - End
- 025Promotion Ship - Start
- 026Promotion Ship - End
- 027Promotion Requested Delivery - Start
- 028Promotion Requested Delivery - End
- 029Promotion Performance - Start
- 030Promotion Performance - End
- 031Promotion Invoice Performance - Start
- 032Promotion Invoice Performance - End
- 033Promotion Floor Stock Protect - Start
- 034Promotion Floor Stock Protect - End
- 035Delivered
- 036Expiration
- 037Ship Not Before
- 038Ship No Later
- 039Ship Week of
- 040Status (After and Including)
- 041Status (Prior and Including)
- 042Superseded
- 043Publication
- 044Settlement Date as Specified by the Originator
- 045Endorsement Date
- 046Field Failure
- 047Functional Test
- 048System Test
- 049Prototype Test
- 050Received
- 051Cumulative Quantity Start
- 052Cumulative Quantity End
- 053Buyers Local
- 054Sellers Local
- 055Confirmed
- 056Estimated Port of Entry
- 057Actual Port of Entry
- 058Customs Clearance
- 059Inland Ship
- 060Engineering Change Level
- 061Cancel if Not Delivered by
- 062Blueprint
- 063Do Not Deliver After
- 064Do Not Deliver Before
- 0651st Schedule Delivery
- 0661st Schedule Ship
- 067Current Schedule Delivery
- 068Current Schedule Ship
- 069Promised for Delivery
- 070Scheduled for Delivery (After and Including)
- 071Requested for Delivery (After and Including)
- 072Promised for Delivery (After and Including)
- 073Scheduled for Delivery (Prior to and Including)
- 074Requested for Delivery (Prior to and Including)
- 075Promised for Delivery (Prior to and Including)
- 076Scheduled for Delivery (Week of)
- 077Requested for Delivery (Week of)
- 078Promised for Delivery (Week of)
- 079Promised for Shipment
- 080Scheduled for Shipment (After and Including)
- 081Requested for Shipment (After and Including)
- 082Promised for Shipment (After and Including)
- 083Scheduled for Shipment (Prior to and Including)
- 084Requested for Shipment (Prior to and Including)
- 085Promised for Shipment (Prior to and Including)
- 086Scheduled for Shipment (Week of)
- 087Requested for Shipment (Week of)
- 088Promised for Shipment (Week of)
- 089Inquiry
- 090Report Start
- 091Report End
- 092Contract Effective
- 093Contract Expiration
- 094Manufacture
- 095Bill of Lading
- 096Discharge
- 097Transaction Creation
- 098Bid (Effective)
- 099Bid Open (Date Bids Will Be Opened)
- ZZZMutually Defined
Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)
Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)