Codes (62)
- 10Extended Term
- 11Automatic
- 12Follow Up
- 13Facultative
- 14Group Expired
- 15Incomplete
- 16In Force
- 17Facultative Placed
- 18Issued
- 19New Business
- 20Lapsed
- 21Mailed
- 22Policy Change
- 23Not Taken
- 24Offer Final
- 25Offer - First Subject To
- 26Paid
- 27Paid Up
- 28Payor Death
- 29Payor Disabled
- 30Pending
- 31Placed
- 32Postpone
- 33Premium Paying
- 34Quoted
- 35Reduced Paid up
- 36Reinstatement
- 37Reapproved
- 38Receipted
- 39Reissue
- 40Repended
- 41Satisfied
- 42Trial Application
- 44Terminated
- 45Waived
- 01Accepted
- 02Approved
- 03Back Bill
- 04Conditional Issue
- 05Converted
- 06Deceased
- 07Deleted
- 08Delivery Pending
- 09Double Jeopardy
- ANTax Delinquent
- AS
- AT
- CRClosed Record
- DCDeclined
- DNDeclined - No Response from Claimant to Correspondence
- DSDeclined/Paid Salvage Only
- FPFiled Pending Further Correspondence
- MS
- NO
- NRNo Record Claim Receipt
- NU
- OHOn Hand - Under Investigation
- OV
- PFPaid in Full
- PPPaid in Part/Denied in Part
- SPSuspense
- WDWithdrawn