X12 EDI Release 00401
639Basis of Unit Price Code
Code identifying the type of unit price for an item
Codes (91)
  • AABill
  • ABPay
  • APAdvise Price
  • AWAverage Wholesale Price
  • BDBefore Discount
  • BRBroker
  • BWBiweekly Price per Unit
  • CACatalog
  • CPCurrent Price (Subject to Change)
  • CRCarnet
  • CTContract
  • DIDistributor
  • DPDaily Price per Unit
  • DRDealer
  • DSDiscount
  • ECEstimated Credit
  • EHShift Differential
  • ESEstimated
  • FBFabrication Cost
  • FOFormula
  • FXFixed Price
  • HFPer 100 Feet
  • HPPrice per Hundred
  • HTPrice Per 100,000
  • KAPrice with Government Furnished Property
  • KPEscalated Price
  • KRIn Stock
  • LCCatalog Price per Hundred
  • LDCatalog Price per Dozen
  • LECatalog Price per Each
  • LMCatalog Price per Thousand
  • LRPrevious Catalog Price
  • MEMidterm Endorsement Price per Unit
  • MLPrice per Milliliter
  • NCNo Charge
  • NENot to Exceed
  • NQNo Quote
  • NSNot Separately Priced
  • NTNet
  • PAPrice per Troy Ounce
  • PBAnnual Price Per Unit
  • PDPrice per Dozen
  • PEPrice per Each
  • PFPrice Per Foot
  • PGPrice per Gram
  • PKPrice per Kilogram
  • PLPrice per Liter
  • PMMonthly Price Per Unit
  • PNPrice per Ten
  • POPrice per Ounce
  • PPPrice per Pound
  • PQPosted
  • PRPromotion
  • PSPrice Per Thousand Square Foot
  • PTPrice per Ton
  • PUQuarterly Price per Unit
  • PVProvisional Price
  • PYPrice per Yard
  • QEQuoted Price per Each
  • QHQuoted Price per Hundred
  • QRPrevious Quoted Price
  • QSQuoted Price per Thousand
  • QTQuoted
  • RCRetail Price per Hundred
  • RDRetail Price per Dozen
  • RERetail Price per Each
  • RMRetail Price per Thousand
  • RSResale Price
  • RTRetail
  • SASemi Annual Price per Unit
  • SCSubmitted Contract
  • SMSemi Monthly Price per Unit
  • SRSuggested Retail
  • STStandard
  • SWSubmitted Wholesale
  • TBTo be negotiated.
  • TCContract Price per Hundred
  • TDContract Price per Dozen
  • TEContract Price per Each
  • TFPer 1000 Feet
  • TMContract Price per Thousand
  • TPPrice per Thousand
  • TTPrice Per 10,000
  • UMPrice per Unit of Measure
  • VQVerbal Quote
  • WCWholesale Price per Hundred
  • WDWholesale Price per Dozen
  • WEWholesale Price per Each
  • WHWholesale
  • WIWeekly Price per Unit
  • WMWholesale Price per Thousand