Codes (47)
- ARAppurtenance (Enhancements/Additions to Equipment)
- BABarrels
- BXBox
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CFCubic Foot
- CMCentimeter
- DKKilometers
- DMMiles
- DRDrivers
- EAEach
- FRFlat Rate
- FTFoot
- GC100 Gallons
- GLGallon
- KGKilogram
- LBPound
- LC100 Pounds
- LH100 Liters
- LRLiter
- MRMileage
- MTMeasurement Ton
- MVMonetary Value
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDCord
- NGNights
- NLLoad
- NNTrain
- NPPiece
- NRContainer
- NTTrailer
- NUUnit
- NVVehicle
- OROther
- PKPackage
- PRPersons
- RVRelease Value
- SPStops
- STNumber of States
- SYSquare Yards
- TDDays
- THHours
- TNTons
- TRTime
- VAActual Volume
- VCChargeable Volume
- VMVolume Metric Unit