X12 EDI Release 00401
235Product/Service ID Qualifier
Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)
Codes (477)
  • A1Plant Equipment Number
  • A2Department of Defense Identification Code (DoDIC)
  • A3Locally Assigned Control Number
  • A4Subsistence Identification Number
  • A5Application State or Province
  • A6Document Identification Code
  • A7Subline Item Number
  • A8Exhibit Line Item Number
  • A9Activity
  • AAAssembly Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 32
  • ABAssembly
  • ACAggregation Code (Used to Consolidate Part Families)
  • ADAmerican Dental Association Codes
  • AESerial Item and Contribution Identifier (Defined in ANSI 239.56)
  • AFFront Axle Serial Number
  • AGAge
  • AHBillboards Commercial
  • AIAlternate ISBN
  • AJPiggyback Commercial
  • AKRefined Product Code
  • ALAxle Serial Number
  • AMAllocation Methodology Identification Code
  • ANAsset Number
  • AOAssemblage Identification Number
  • APComponent Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 33
  • AQAppraisal Product Type
  • ARARINC Part Number
  • ASRear Axle Serial Number
  • ATAssortability Code
  • AUAppraisal Service
  • AVAdditional Product Identification Assigned by the Manufacturer
  • AWWell Number
  • AXAssembly Lot Number
  • AYSystem Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 31
  • AZAxle Ratio
  • B1Volume Set
  • B2Library of Congress Code
  • B3Edition Code
  • B4Binding Code
  • B5Title Code
  • B6Author Code
  • B7Publisher Code
  • B8Batch Number
  • B9Front Axle Driven Serial Number
  • BABale Number
  • BBPrint Color Standard Reference
  • BCSupplier Brand Code
  • BDBuyer Ground Shade Identifier
  • BEBuyer's Engineering Change Level Number
  • BFVendor Ground Shade Identifier
  • BGGround Shade Standard Reference
  • BHFinish/Hand Standard Reference
  • BIRear Axle Rear Non Driven Serial Number
  • BJApplication Completion Method
  • BKBacking
  • BLBrand/Label
  • BMBeam Number
  • BNBar-Coded Serial Number
  • BOBuyers Color
  • BPBuyer's Part Number
  • BQBenefit ID
  • BRCompensation Type Code
  • BSBill Subgroup Code
  • BTVolume Type Identification Code
  • BUBus Body Serial Number
  • BVBeverage Common Code
  • BWCompensation Allocation Code
  • BXBill Credit Code
  • BYConcept Code
  • BZCoverage Type
  • C1Channel
  • C2Connector Type
  • C3Classification
  • C4Configuration Item Identifier
  • C5Insurance Plan Description Characteristics
  • C6Asset Type
  • C7Asset Category
  • C8Fund Sub-Advisor
  • C9Dun & Bradstreet Standard Product and Service Code
  • CACase
  • CBBuyer's Catalog Number
  • CCCompatible Cut Number
  • CDMotor Vehicle-Line Designator
  • CEClass of Contract Code
  • CFChassis Serial Number
  • CGCommodity Grouping
  • CHCountry of Origin Code
  • CICommon Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI)
  • CJCurrent Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes
  • CKCandidate Oil
  • CLColor
  • CMNational Retail Federation Color Code
  • CNCommodity Name
  • COChemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number
  • CPCarry-over Part Number
  • CQEquipment Code per COPAS standard
  • CRContract Number
  • CSService code per COPAS standard
  • CTContinuation (ID Number Spans Multiple Product ID Data Elements)
  • CUCut Number
  • CVCustomer Provided Equipment
  • CWContract Activity Code
  • CXCompletion Number
  • CYCustomer Company Registry Number
  • CZCountry from which Procured
  • D1Underwriting Method of Direct Writer
  • D2Medical Information Bureau (MIB) Authorization
  • D3Policy Form
  • D4Plan Code
  • D5Coverage Risk Type
  • DDDistributor
  • DEDesign Number
  • DFDevice Family
  • DGDiscount Grouping
  • DIDeposit Item Number
  • DLDye Lot Number
  • DMCommittee for Uniform Security Identification Procedure Number (CUSIP) Number
  • DNDie Number
  • DODividend Use
  • DPDiscontinued Part Number
  • DQEvent Type
  • DRDrawing Revision Number
  • DSGroup ID
  • DTDevice Type
  • DUJoint Life Type
  • DVLocation Code
  • DWNonforfeiture Option
  • DXInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Diagnosis
  • DYPremium Rate Type
  • DZDiagnosis Code Pointer
  • E1Contract Change Authorization Type
  • E2Fund Abbreviation
  • E3Fund Type
  • E4Related Policy Identification
  • E5Tax Code
  • E6Contract Transfer Reason Code
  • EAEAN-99 In-store Coupon Code
  • EBFuel Tank Serial Number
  • ECEngineering Change Level
  • EDEngine Displacement Identification
  • EEPremium Use
  • EFExhibit Identifier
  • EGPurpose of Insurance
  • EHSales Presentation ID
  • EIExpense Identifier
  • EJService Feature ID
  • EKSettlement/Payout Option
  • ELBuyer's Subline Item Number
  • EMEquipment Identification Number
  • ENGTIN-13
  • EPBuyer's End Product Number
  • EQEquipment Type
  • ERJurisdiction Specific Procedure and Supply Codes
  • ESEngine Serial Number
  • EUSkill Code
  • EXExchanged Part, Assembly or Product
  • EZShift Worked
  • F1Catalog Number
  • F2Technical Order Number
  • F3Technical Manual Number
  • F4Series Identifier
  • F5Obligation Authority Number
  • F6First Prior Identifier
  • F7End-Item Description
  • F8Next Higher Used Assembly
  • F9Former Publisher
  • FAFailed Subassembly Serial Number
  • FBForm Number
  • FCCoupon Family Code
  • FDFund
  • FEFeature
  • FFFifth Wheel Serial Number
  • FGFund Manager
  • FIFinish Number
  • FLFinish Lot Number
  • FMFailed Subassembly Model Number
  • FNFinal Test Lot Number
  • FPFabric Pieces Per Roll
  • FSNational Stock Number
  • FTFederal Supply Classification
  • FWNew Microcode
  • GAGathering
  • GCGrade Code
  • GDGrain Direction
  • GEGeneric Name Description
  • GIGraphics Industry Bar Code (GIBC)
  • GKGlider Kit
  • GNGrade Name
  • GQGroup Qualifier Code
  • GRGear Ratio
  • GSGeneral Specification Number
  • GUVolume Usage Identification Code
  • HCHealthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Codes
  • HDInternational Harmonized Commodity Code
  • HIHIBC (Health Care Industry Bar Code) Supplier Labeling Standard Primary Data Message
  • HNHeat Number
  • IAInformation Media Type
  • IBInternational Standard Book Number (ISBN)
  • ICInterior Color Number
  • IDInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Procedure
  • IEInsurer's Fund Code
  • IFInvestment Fund Type
  • IGIgnition Key Number
  • IMImprint (Trademark Code of Subsidiary)
  • INBuyer's Item Number
  • IPInternational Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS)
  • IQIRS Qualification Code
  • IRIngredient
  • ISInternational Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
  • ITBuyer's Style Number
  • IV
  • IWInterchangeability Code
  • IZBuyer's Size Code
  • JAAnniversary
  • JBCommission Identifier
  • JCCommission Year
  • JDContribution Year
  • JNJob Number
  • JPPackage Type Code
  • JSJob Sequence Number
  • KAEngineering Data List
  • KBData Category Code
  • KDReplacement National Stock Number
  • KEMilitary Standard
  • KFItem Type Number
  • KGTime Compliant Technical Order
  • KICognizance Symbol
  • KJMaterial Control Code
  • KKSpecial Material Identification Code
  • KLItem Management Code
  • KMShelf-Life Code
  • KNShelf-Life Action Code
  • KPKanban Plan Number
  • L1Program Level
  • L2Topic Level
  • L3Subtopic Level
  • L4Life/Annuity Service Features
  • L5Line of Authority
  • LALabor Group
  • LBLogical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) Codes
  • LCLaboratory Test Condition Code
  • LDSNOMED, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
  • LGLift Gate Serial Number
  • LPLife/Annuity Product Code
  • LRLease Number
  • LSLoad Sequence
  • LTLot Number
  • LULot Pricing Unit Number
  • MAMachine Number
  • MBMeasurement Type Code
  • MCMortgage Credit Data Order Type
  • MDMethod of Delivery Code
  • MEMarket Program Code
  • MFManufacturer
  • MGManufacturer's Part Number
  • MHMedication Code
  • MIMortgage Insurance Product Code or Number
  • MJManual Transmission Serial Number
  • MKFront Axle Non Driven Serial Number
  • MMMotor Equipment Manufacturing Association (MEMA) Product Type Code
  • MNModel Number
  • MOMovement Type Code
  • MPMortgage Product Code
  • MQMortgage Underwriting Type
  • MRMaintenance Index Page Reference Number
  • MSMilitary Specification (MILSPEC) Number
  • MTMajor Product/Material/Machine Type
  • MUAuthorized Parts List Number
  • MVEquipment Location
  • MWEquipment Hierarchical Sequence Identifier
  • MXRepair Induction Identifier
  • N1National Drug Code in 4-4-2 Format
  • N2National Drug Code in 5-3-2 Format
  • N3National Drug Code in 5-4-1 Format
  • N4National Drug Code in 5-4-2 Format
  • N5National Health Related Item Code in 5-5 Format
  • N6National Health Related Item Code in 4-6 Format
  • NC
  • NDNational Drug Code (NDC)
  • NEYarn Count - English
  • NHNational Health Related Item Code
  • NMYarn Count - Metric
  • NRNon-resaleable item (excluding deposit) number
  • NUNational Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB92 Codes
  • NWNew Replacement Part or Assembly Defective
  • NZCombined NCCMA/Bank Service Code
  • OA
  • OB
  • OC
  • OD
  • OEOriginal Equipment Number
  • OFOld Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) Code
  • OGOld Microcode
  • OHOpposite-Hand Part Number
  • OIOptical Industry Product Code
  • OLOptical Cable Code
  • ONCustomer Order Number
  • OOOutside Production Operation Sheet Number
  • OPObsolete Part Number
  • OROffer Number
  • OTInternal Number
  • P1Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Operating and Maintenance Code - Goods and Services Tax Not Applicable
  • P2Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Capital Expenditure Code - Goods and Services Tax Not Applicable
  • P3Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Tubular Code
  • P4Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Non-Tubular Code
  • P5Material Discharge Number
  • P7Previous Carrier
  • P8Retail Price Look Up Number (PLU)
  • P9Ply
  • PAPattern Number
  • PBPetroleum Accountants Society of Canada Operating and Maintenance Code - Goods and Services Tax Forwarded
  • PCPrime Contractor Part Number
  • PDPart Number Description
  • PEPieces in Roll
  • PFPetroleum Accountants Society of Canada Capital Expenditure Code - Goods and Services Tax Forwarded
  • PGPackaging Specification Number
  • PHProperty and Casualty Service Code
  • PIPurchaser's Item Code
  • PJProduct Date Code (A code indicating the period during which a product was manufactured.)
  • PKPackaging Drawing
  • PLPurchaser's Order Line Number
  • PMNumber of Positions on Machine
  • PNCompany Part Number
  • POPurchase Order Number
  • PPAir Transportation Association Proprietary Rights Code
  • PQProduct ID Attribute Code
  • PRProcess Number
  • PSPosition
  • PTPrint or Drawing
  • PUPart Reference Number
  • PVAdvertising Package Identification Code
  • PWPart Drawing
  • PXSecondary Ply
  • PYOperator Assigned Property Identification
  • PZProduct Change Notice Number
  • R1Replacement Subassembly Model Number
  • R2Replacement Subassembly Serial Number
  • RAReturn Code
  • RBNational Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB82 Codes
  • RCReturnable Container Number
  • RDReel Number
  • REReefer Serial Number
  • RFRepair From Product Code
  • RGReference Oil
  • RHRadiator Serial Number
  • RIRear Axle Front Rear Driven Serial Number
  • RJRear Axle Rear Driven Serial Number
  • RKRack Number
  • RLRate Detail Card
  • RMRelated Model Number
  • RNRelease Number
  • RORoll Number
  • RPReplaced Part Number
  • RRReplacement Product Number
  • RSSet Number
  • RTReel Type
  • RURun Number
  • RVRepair Tag Number
  • RWRelative Value Units
  • RYRecord Keeping or Model Year
  • RZRelated Model Type
  • S2Second Prior Identifier
  • S3Phase
  • S4Laboratory Sample Identification
  • S5State Sample Identification
  • S6Previous Sample Identification
  • S7Source of Deposit Code
  • S8Source of Lead Code
  • SASchematic Diagram Reference Number
  • SBSubmission Number
  • SCSeller's Date Code
  • SDSupplier Company Registry Number
  • SESection Print Number
  • SFSurface Finish
  • SGSeat Serial Number
  • SHService Requested
  • SIStandard Industrial Classification Code
  • SJReligious Retail Non-book Item
  • SKStock Keeping Unit (SKU)
  • SLSeller's Lot Number
  • SMNational Retail Federation Size Code
  • SNSerial Number
  • SOSystem Identifier
  • SPSuperseded Purchase Order Number
  • SQRoll Sequence Number
  • SRSubstitute Product Number
  • SSSuperseded Part Number
  • STStyle Number
  • SUSide Up/Side Down
  • SVService Rendered
  • SWStock Number
  • SXSleeper Box Key Number
  • SYSleeper Box Serial Number
  • SZVendor Alphanumeric Size Code
  • T2Tex
  • T3Third Prior Identifier
  • TAPipeline Transaction Code
  • TBAssociation for Financial Professionals Service Code and Bank Service Code
  • TCTelecommunications Circuit ID
  • TDTreatment Codes
  • TEAssociation for Financial Professionals Service Code
  • TFThe Air Cargo Tariff (TACT) Commodity Code
  • TGAutomatic Transmission Serial Number
  • THTransfer Case Serial Number
  • TITrade In Identifier
  • TJAuxiliary Transmission Serial Number
  • TMTelephone Industry Manufacturer Code
  • TNRailroad-Owned Unit Train Number
  • TPProduct Type Code
  • TRTruck Body Serial Number
  • TSTransmission Serial Number
  • TTType Selvage
  • TUTested Material Identification Number
  • TVLine of Business
  • TWProgram Code
  • TXFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) Service Bulletin Number
  • TYTelecommunications Industry Service Code
  • TZProgram Description Identifier
  • U2
  • U3United Nations Common Coding System (UNCCS)
  • U5Broker Price Opinion Service
  • U6Real Estate Property Information Service
  • UA
  • UB
  • UCProduct Variant
  • UD
  • UE
  • UFUser-Defined Shipping Container Identifier
  • UG
  • UH
  • UI
  • UJU.P.C./EAN Coupon Code (2-5-5)
  • UKGTIN-14
  • ULU.P.C. Coupon Code (1-5-5-1)
  • UMUniversal Vendor Marking, Short Code (UVM; U Line)
  • UN
  • UOEAN.UCC Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
  • UPGTIN-12
  • UQUnited Nations (UN) Number (Dangerous Goods)
  • URUCC/EAN-128 Coupon Extended Code
  • USUniform Stock Symbol System Code Number
  • UTCompany-Owned Unit Train Number
  • UVUniversal Vendor Marking, Long Code (UVM; R,P,M Lines)
  • UXUniversal Product Number
  • VAVendor's Style Number
  • VBVendor's Engineering Change Level Number
  • VCVendor's (Seller's) Catalog Number
  • VEVendor Color
  • VIVary Item Product Number
  • VMVehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards
  • VNVendor's (Seller's) Item Number
  • VOVendor's Order Number
  • VPVendor's (Seller's) Part Number
  • VSVendor's Supplemental Item Number
  • VTVintage
  • VUVendor's Basic Unit Number
  • VVMotor Vehicle ID Number
  • VXVendor's Specification Number
  • W1End Item Serial Number
  • W2Work Unit Number
  • W5Reclamation Process
  • W6Woolen Run
  • W7Woolen Cut
  • WARandom Weight Aggregation Code
  • WCWorld Code
  • WLWafer Lot Identifier
  • WRYarn Count Worsted
  • WSWheel Chair Lift Serial Number
  • XAPreferred Part Number
  • XCExpendable Container Identification
  • XPPreferred National Stock Number
  • XQPreferred Manufacturer
  • XZContractor Establishment Code
  • YPPublication Number
  • ZBCommercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
  • ZRService Control Identification
  • ZZMutually Defined