X12 EDI Release 00401
To report the location of a specific observation
Code indicating the product surface, layer or position that is being described
Codes (101)- 1SSide One
- 2SSide Two
- A1Single
- ALAll
- AOSingle End Overhang
- ASSiding
- B1Bolster
- BCBack of Cab
- BIBilateral
- BKRear
- BLBlock
- BRBrick
- BSBoth Sides
- BTBottom
- CHCasing Head Flange
- CTCenter
- DODouble End Overhang
- DTDownstream Tap
- DUDual Fuel Tank Position
- EXExterior
- FRFront
- FSFront Spare
- GFRig Floor
- INInside
- ITInterior
- KBKelly Bushing
- LCLess Critical Surface
- LOLower
- LTLeft
- M1Multiple
- MCMore Critical Surface
- MDMiddle
- NSNot Specified
- NTNext Relative Position
- OAOverall
- OSOne Side
- OTOutside
- R0Relative Position 10
- R1Relative Position 1
- R2Relative Position 2
- R3Relative Position 3
- R4Relative Position 4
- R5Relative Position 5
- R6Relative Position 6
- R7Relative Position 7
- R8Relative Position 8
- R9Relative Position 9
- RARelative Position 11
- RBRelative Position 12
- RCRelative Position 13
- RDRelative Position 14
- RERelative Position 15
- RFRelative Position 16
- RGRelative Position 17
- RHRelative Position 18
- RIRelative Position 19
- RJRelative Position 20
- RKRelative Position 21
- RLRelative Position 22
- RMRelative Position 23
- RNRelative Position 24
- RORelative Position 25
- RPRelative Position 26
- RQRelative Position 27
- RRRelative Position 28
- RSRelative Position 29
- RTRelative Position 30
- RURelative Position 31
- RVRelative Position 32
- RWRelative Position 33
- RXRelative Position 34
- RYRelative Position 35
- RZRelative Position 36
- S1Relative Position 37
- S2Relative Position 38
- S3Relative Position 39
- S4Relative Position 40
- S5Relative Position 41
- S6Relative Position 42
- S7Relative Position 43
- S8Relative Position 44
- S9Relative Position 45
- SARelative Position 46
- SBRight
- SCRelative Position 47
- SDRelative Position 48
- SERelative Position 49
- SFRelative Position 50
- SNStone
- SPSpare Tire Position
- SSRear Spare
- STStucco
- SUSub-sea
- TBTank Bottom
- TPTop
- TSTwo Sides
- UCUnder Cab
- UNUnilateral
- UPUpper
- UTUpstream Tap
- WFWood