X12 EDI Release 00401
To specify the exact type and terms of various discount information
Code to define the units in which the discount will be determined, i.e., dollars, case, truckload, etc.
Codes (12)- AMTFixed Amount Discount
- CSH% Discount for Cash Payment
- DORCash Discount per Units Ordered
- DPUCash Discount per Units Purchased
- DSHCash Discount per Units Shipped
- DSVCash Discount per Service
- POR% Discount per Units Ordered
- PPU% Discount per Units Purchased
- PSH% Discount per Units Shipped
- PSV% Discount per Service
- UNTAdditional Units per Units Purchased
- ZZZMutually Defined
Code to define unit of discount, i.e., dollars, cases, alternate products, etc.
Codes (4)- CADiscount in Cash
- PCDiscount Determined as a Percentage of the Value of the Transaction
- UNDiscount Determined to be Additional Units that Are Defined by Discount Control Limit Qualifier
- ZZMutually Defined