X12 EDI Release 00401
To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format
Code identifying the general class of a product or process characteristic
Codes (217)- 10Major Grade
- 11Society, Government, Customer Specifications
- 12Type and/or Process
- 13Quality (Quality Level)
- 14Finish or Surface Roughness
- 15Heat Treat/Anneal
- 16Temper
- 17Coating
- 18Surface Treatment, Chemical
- 19Surface Treatment, Mechanical
- 20Ends:Slitting, Splitting, Cutting
- 21Forming
- 22Edge Treatment
- 23Welds/Splices
- 25End Treatment
- 28Test Sample Frequency
- 29Test Sample Location
- 30Test Sample Direction
- 32Type of Test/Inspection
- 33Testing and Inspection Agencies
- 34Filament
- 35Color
- 36Denier
- 37Fiber
- 38Grade
- 39Luster
- 40Shade
- 41Tint
- 42Tow
- 43Twist
- 54Section Profile
- 55Alloy
- 56Special Processing
- 58Winding Instructions
- 59Surface Protection
- 60Machine Run
- 61End Use Application
- 62Corrosion Resistance
- 63Product Life Cycle
- 64Package Integrity
- 65Visual
- 66Electrical
- 67Functional Performance
- 68Chemistry
- 69Physical
- 70Magnetic
- 71Mechanical
- 72Metallography
- 73Vendor color description
- 74Vendor size description
- 75Buyer's Color Description
- 76Dye Lot Description
- 77Finish Description
- 78Pattern Description
- 79Put-up Description
- 80MILSPEC (Military Specification)
- 81FEDSPEC (Federal Specification)
- 82FED-STD (Federal Standard)
- 83CID (Commercial Item Description)
- 84Special Specification
- 85Appearance
- 86Dispersion
- 87Fluid
- 88Flow
- 89Moisture
- 90Density
- 91Buyer's Item Size Description
- 92Fabric Description
- 93Shipping Unit Component
- 94Type Spinning
- 95Wax Code
- 96Electronically Cleaned
- 97Conditioned Code
- 99Precautionary Instructions
- 01Limiting Operation
- 02General Product Form
- 08Product
- 09Sub-product
- 9AManufacturing Method
- 9BProduct Application
- 9CEngine
- 9DTransmission
- AFEditor
- AGTranslator
- ATProcess Action Taken
- B8Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Class Code
- BCBehind-the-Counter Drugs
- BWBasis Weight Size
- C2Controlled Substance - Class 2
- C3Controlled Substance-Class 3 (Narcotic)
- C4Controlled Substance - Class 4
- C5Controlled Substance - Class 5
- C6Controlled Substance-Class 3N (Non-narcotic)
- CDCollateral Description
- CHChassis
- CLColor - Lower Body
- CMCompliance Method
- COCollection Method Code
- CPCoupling
- CSCoating or Paint System Code
- CUColor - Upper Body
- CWCoating or Paint System Name
- DEDrug Efficacy Study Implementation
- DFDosage Form
- DMDimensional
- ECEscrow Code
- ENEngine with Transmission
- FAFailure Analysis Process
- FCFold Configurations
- FLFuel
- FQQuality
- GDGrain Direction
- GMGeneral Merchandise
- GSGoods
- HBHealth and Beauty Aids
- HYHydraulics
- HZHazardous Material
- KIKit
- LCLead/Copper Sample Type
- LOCoordinate Description Code
- MAMaterial Status, Outside Processor
- MBMarking
- MSMedical Supplies
- NHNon-Hazardous Material
- OCOptions
- ODOdorized
- OROrientation
- OTOver-the-Counter Drug
- P6Percentage of Alcohol
- PDPhysical Form:As Diluted
- PFPhysical Form:Concentrate
- PGProgram
- PPProcess/Production Unit
- PRManufacturing Process
- R3Proof
- RARoute of Administration
- RMResults Method Code
- RRRejection Reason
- RXPrescription Drug
- SCSource
- SEServices
- SFService Feature
- STSample Type
- TCTherapeutic Class
- TETherapeutic Equivalency Evaluation
- TFFiltering
- TPTypeface
- TRTrimming
- TZBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Type Code
- VAVehicle
- VCVolatile Organic Compound Control
- VIVintage
- WDWarranty Description
- WFWine Fruit
- WTWaste
- ZZMutually Defined
- AGEAge
- BCCBeverage Contents Characteristics, (e.g., Kosher, No Sulfites, etc. (Industry List)
- BESBeverage Segment
- BEVBeverage Category
- BLMBottomhole Location Method Code
- BNDBrand Group
- BPIBottomhole Pressure Method Indicator Code
- BRGBrand Group:A grouping of similar brands, (e.g., Johnnie Walker)
- CCNCommon Chemical Name
- CFCCompany Field Code
- CHFChemical Family
- CLTCasing/Liner/Tubing Type
- CMSCommercial Status
- DACDamage Code
- DAFDamage Fault
- DIRDirectional Indicator
- FCDField Code (EIA/DOD)
- FDDForecast Deviation
- FLVFlavor
- FMRFormula
- GENGeneral Description
- HZRHazard Rating System
- INGIngredient
- INJInjectables
- MACMaterial Classification
- MBUMinerals Management Service/Bureau of Land Management (Indian Land) Property/Unit Number
- MSGMarket Segment
- ODROdor
- PFAPhysical Form
- PFCPerforation Continuity Indicator
- PFGPhysical Form:Gas
- PFIPerforation Interval(s)
- PFKPhysical Form:Aerosol
- PFLPhysical Form:Liquid
- PFMPhysical Form:Emulsion
- PFNPhysical Form:Semisolid
- PFPPhysical Form:Powder
- PFSPhysical Form:Solid
- PFTPerforation Type
- PRIGrape Variety
- PROProprietary
- PSCPipeline Stream
- PUBPublic Information
- PURPure Form
- QASQuality Assurance Status
- RCCReservoir Code (Company)
- RSDRegulatory (State) District
- RSERegulatory (State) Entity Code
- SECSecret or Confidential Information
- SIZSizing
- SLMSurface Location Method Code
- SOLSolubility
- STLState Controlled
- SYNSynonym
- THRThreshold
- TIFTitle Insurance Form
- TIRTire
- TRNTrade Name
- TWFTheoretical Weight Formula
- WLCWell Classification
- WTTWell Test Type
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
Codes (176)- 10Alabama
- 11Alaska
- 12Arizona
- 13Arkansas
- 14California
- 15Colorado
- 16Connecticut
- 17Delaware
- 18District of Columbia
- 19Florida
- 20Georgia
- 21Hawaii
- 22Idaho
- 23Illinois
- 24Indiana
- 25Iowa
- 26Kansas
- 27Louisiana
- 28Kentucky
- 29Maine
- 30Maryland
- 31Massachusetts
- 32Michigan
- 33Minnesota
- 34Mississippi
- 35Missouri
- 36Montana
- 37Nebraska
- 38Nevada
- 39New Hampshire
- 40New Jersey
- 41New Mexico
- 42New York
- 43North Carolina
- 44North Dakota
- 45Ohio
- 46Oklahoma
- 47Oregon
- 48Pennsylvania
- 49Rhode Island
- 50South Carolina
- 51South Dakota
- 52Tennessee
- 53Texas
- 54Utah
- 55Vermont
- 56Virginia
- 57Washington
- 58West Virginia
- 59Wisconsin
- 60Wyoming
- 93Dun & Bradstreet
- 94Code Assigned by the Organization that is the Ultimate Destination of the Transaction Set
- A1American Land Title Association
- A2California Land Title Association
- A3Texas Land Title Association
- A4Assigned by Carrier
- AAAluminum Association
- ABAssigned by Buyer
- ACAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- ADAgency Company Organization for Research and Development (ACORD)
- AEAdvertising Industry
- AGState Agency Assigned
- AHAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
- AI
- AJReal Estate Information Industry
- ALNational Alcohol Beverage Control Association
- AMAmerican Medical Association
- APAmerican Petroleum Institute
- AQAmerican Public Works Association (APWA) One Call Systems International (OCSI)
- ASAssigned by Seller
- ATAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- AWAmerican Welding Society (AWS)
- AXANSI Accredited Standards Committee, X12
- AYAmerican Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA)
- BETelcordia Technologies
- BFNational Business Forms Association
- BIBook Industry Systems Advisory Committee
- CAChemical Abstract Services (CAS)
- CBCopper and Brass Fabricators Council, Inc.
- CCNational Cotton Council of America
- CEConstruction Specification Institute (CSI) Extended
- CIChemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX)
- CLCollision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA)
- CMCarbide Manufacturers
- COCounty Designator Code
- CRCommander - Rome Air Development Center
- CSConstruction Specification Institute (CSI)
- CUCommittee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP)
- CXNational Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
- DAFood and Drug Administration (FDA)
- DDDepartment of Defense (Military Specifications)
- DEDrug Enforcement Administration
- DFDepartment of Defense (DoD)
- DIDeutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN)
- DLDefense Logistics Agency
- DNDepartment of the Navy
- DOUnited States Department of Transportation (DOT)
- DRHealthcare Distribution Management Association
- DSDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- DXUnited States Marine Corps
- DYDepartment of Air Force
- DZDepartment of Army
- EIElectronic Industries Association
- EPUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- ESEnvironment and Safety Data Exchange (ESDX)
- ETTemporary Help Industry
- EUElectric Utilities
- EXElectronics Industry Data Exchange (EIDX)
- FAFabric and Supplier Linkage Council (FASLINC)
- FCFederal Communications Commission (FCC)
- FDGS1 US, Inc.
- FGFederal Government
- FHFederal Highway Administration
- FIAmerican Furniture Manufacturers Association
- GCGraphics Communications Association
- GSGeneral Services Administration (GSA)
- GUNatural Gas Utilities
- HCCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- HIHealth Insurance Association of America
- HSDepartment of Health and Human Services
- HUDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
- IAInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- IBInternational Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- ICInternational Air Transport Association (IATA)
- IMIron and Steel Standards Committee ISM
- INInternational Association of Corporation Administrators
- ISInternational Standards Organization
- JAJapanese Standards Association
- LALife and Annuity Industry Committee
- LBDepartment of Labor
- LILeasing Industry
- MAMortgage Bankers Association of America
- MBOffice of Management and Budget
- MCManufacturing Company
- MEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- MIABCD - The Microcomputer Industry Association
- MPMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Provider
- MSMilitary Standard
- MVAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
- NANational Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
- NBNational Association of Business and Educational Radio
- NCNational Council on Compensation Insurance
- NENational Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- NFNational Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
- NGNational Auto Glass Specification (NAGS)
- NINational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NRNational Retail Merchants Association
- NSNational Center for State Courts
- NTNational Toxicology Program (NTP)
- NUUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NWNewspaper Association of America
- OIOptical Industry
- OPOffice Products
- OSUnited States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- PAAmerican Paper Institute
- PCPennsylvania Courts
- SASociety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE)
- SESerials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC)
- SLStudent Loan Guarantor
- SPAmerican Society for Automation in Pharmacy
- STAmerican Iron & Steel Institute
- TAAir Transport Association of America
- TBTextile Distributors Association, Inc.
- TCTextile Apparel Linkage Council (TALC)
- TDTransportation Data Coordinating Committee:Electronic Data Interchange Association (TDCC:EDIA)
- TITelecommunications Industry
- TMAmerican Textile Manufacturers Institute
- TPCanadian Freight Classification
- TRAmerican Trucking Associations
- TXAmerican Apparel Manufacturers Association
- UCUnited States Courts
- UNUnited Nations (UN)
- VIVoluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standard (VICS) EDI
- WHCanadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- ZZMutually Defined
Code indicating the product surface, layer or position that is being described
Codes (101)- 1SSide One
- 2SSide Two
- A1Single
- ALAll
- AOSingle End Overhang
- ASSiding
- B1Bolster
- BCBack of Cab
- BIBilateral
- BKRear
- BLBlock
- BRBrick
- BSBoth Sides
- BTBottom
- CHCasing Head Flange
- CTCenter
- DODouble End Overhang
- DTDownstream Tap
- DUDual Fuel Tank Position
- EXExterior
- FRFront
- FSFront Spare
- GFRig Floor
- INInside
- ITInterior
- KBKelly Bushing
- LCLess Critical Surface
- LOLower
- LTLeft
- M1Multiple
- MCMore Critical Surface
- MDMiddle
- NSNot Specified
- NTNext Relative Position
- OAOverall
- OSOne Side
- OTOutside
- R0Relative Position 10
- R1Relative Position 1
- R2Relative Position 2
- R3Relative Position 3
- R4Relative Position 4
- R5Relative Position 5
- R6Relative Position 6
- R7Relative Position 7
- R8Relative Position 8
- R9Relative Position 9
- RARelative Position 11
- RBRelative Position 12
- RCRelative Position 13
- RDRelative Position 14
- RERelative Position 15
- RFRelative Position 16
- RGRelative Position 17
- RHRelative Position 18
- RIRelative Position 19
- RJRelative Position 20
- RKRelative Position 21
- RLRelative Position 22
- RMRelative Position 23
- RNRelative Position 24
- RORelative Position 25
- RPRelative Position 26
- RQRelative Position 27
- RRRelative Position 28
- RSRelative Position 29
- RTRelative Position 30
- RURelative Position 31
- RVRelative Position 32
- RWRelative Position 33
- RXRelative Position 34
- RYRelative Position 35
- RZRelative Position 36
- S1Relative Position 37
- S2Relative Position 38
- S3Relative Position 39
- S4Relative Position 40
- S5Relative Position 41
- S6Relative Position 42
- S7Relative Position 43
- S8Relative Position 44
- S9Relative Position 45
- SARelative Position 46
- SBRight
- SCRelative Position 47
- SDRelative Position 48
- SERelative Position 49
- SFRelative Position 50
- SNStone
- SPSpare Tire Position
- SSRear Spare
- STStucco
- SUSub-sea
- TBTank Bottom
- TPTop
- TSTwo Sides
- UCUnder Cab
- UNUnilateral
- UPUpper
- UTUpstream Tap
- WFWood