Codes (92)
- 1Accountant
- 2Accounting Manager
- 3Administrative Assistant
- 4Administrator
- 5Assistant Secretary
- 6Assistant Treasurer
- 7Assistant Vice President
- 8Associate
- 9Attorney
- AAuditor
- BBookkeeper
- CBranch Manager
- DCashier
- ECertified Public Accountant
- FChairman
- GChairman of the Board
- HChairman of the Board of Directors
- IChief Executive Officer
- JChief Financial Officer
- KChief Operating Officer
- LClerk
- MCommercial Manager
- NComptroller
- OController
- PCredit Manager
- QEDP Manager
- RDirector
- SExecutive Director
- TExecutive Secretary
- UExecutive Vice President
- VGeneral Controller
- WGeneral Counsel
- XGeneral Manager
- YGeneral Partner
- ZMutually Defined
- 1AGeneral Secretary
- 1BGroup Executive
- 1CGroup Controller
- 1DLimited Partner
- 1EManager
- 1FManaging Director
- 1GManaging Partner
- 1HMarketing Manager
- 1JMember of the Board
- 1KMember of the Board of Directors
- 1LMerchant Banker
- 1MOffice Manager
- 1NOfficial Liquidator
- 1OOther Title
- 1POwner
- 1QPartner
- 1RPersonnel Manager
- 1SPresident
- 1TProprietor
- 1UPurchasing Manager
- 1VRegistrar
- 1WSales Director
- 1XSales Manager
- 1YSecretary
- 1ZSecretary of the Board of Directors
- 2ASecretary-Treasurer
- 2BSenior Vice President
- 2CSole Director
- 2DSpokesperson
- 2ETreasurer
- 2FUnlimited Partner
- 2GVice Chairman of the Board
- 2HVice President
- 2IAdvertising Manager
- 2JAlternate Director
- 2KCommercial Director
- 2LCompany Secretary
- 2MDelegated Manager
- 2NDeputy General Manager
- 2OExport Manager
- 2PFinancial Director
- 2QMarketing Director
- 2ROperations Manager
- 2SPersonnel Director
- 2TProduction Manager
- 2UReferee
- 2VSole Administrator
- 2WTechnical Director
- 2XTrustee
- 3AAncillary
- 3BConsultant
- 3CExaminer
- 3DInstructor
- 3EPCP/Gatekeeper
- 3FResearcher
- 3GSpecialist
- 3HVendor