X12 EDI Release 00402
Contractual or operational port or point relevant to the movement of the cargo
Code defining function performed at the port or terminal with respect to a shipment
Codes (33)- 1Final Port of Discharge (Operational)
- 2Collect Charge Location (Operational)
- 3Customs Office of Manifest Origin
- 4Customs Office of Manifest Destination
- 5Activity Location (Operational)
- 6Origin Rail Intermodal Terminal
- 7Destination Rail Intermodal Terminal
- 8First Optional Port of Discharge
- 9Second Optional Port of Discharge
- APlace of Acceptance (Operational)
- BReconsolidation Point (Operational)
- CDe-Consolidation Point (Operational)
- DPort of Discharge (Operational)
- EPlace of Delivery (Contractual)
- FFreight Payable At (Contractual)
- GPort of Entry (Operational)
- HPort of Exit (Operational)
- IInterim Point (Operational)
- JBill of Lading Port of Loading (Contractual)
- KBill of Lading Port of Discharge (Contractual)
- LPort of Loading (Operational)
- MDestination (Operational)
- NFinal Destination (Operational)
- OOrigin (Operational)
- PDispatching Pool (Operational)
- QBill of Lading Origin of Goods (Contractual)
- RPlace of Receipt (Contractual)
- SReturn Pool (Operational)
- TTransshipment Port (Contractual)
- VPrepaid Charge Location (Operational)
- WBill of Lading Release Office (Operational)
- XThird Optional Port of Discharge
- YRelay Port (Operational)
Code identifying type of location
Codes (175)- 10Nearest Cross Street
- 11Secondary Cross Street
- 12Range
- 13Section
- 14Quarter Section
- 18Marker Identifier Location
- 19Route
- 20Route Subdivision
- 21Grid Location
- 22Page
- 27Marker Type
- 28Latitude-Longitude Source
- 29Map Source
- 30Map Reference
- 31Grid Source
- 32Aliquot
- 33Block
- 34District
- 35Drainhole Number
- 36City Block
- 38Footage Call Direction
- 39Location Direction
- 40Outer Continental Lease Location
- 41Lot
- 42Map Quadrangle
- 43Principal Meridian
- 44Outer Continental Shelf Area
- 45Outer Continental Shelf Block
- 46Official Protraction Diagram
- 47Quarter Quarter Quarter Section
- 48Quarter Quarter Section
- 49Section Type
- 50Abstract
- 52Labor
- 53League
- 54Survey
- 55Tier
- 57Tract
- 58Universal Transverse Mercator Quadrant
- 59Course Direction
- 60Area
- 93Sender's Location Code
- 94Receiver's Location Code
- AJurisdiction to Receive Credit for Uniform Commercial Code Filing
- BTransmitting Utility
- CConsignor
- DCensus Schedule D
- EUniform Commercial Code Filing Office
- FCurrent Address
- GCensus Block Group
- HHome Address
- IHome Base Address
- JCensus Tract
- KCensus Schedule K
- LLocal Address
- MMailing Address
- OOffice Address
- PPermanent Address
- QBirthplace
- WWorldwide Geographic Location Code
- A1Office
- AAAnnual Statements Mailing Address
- ACCity and State
- APAll Points
- ARArmed Services Location Designation
- B1Branch
- BEBusiness Economic Area (BEA) Region Code
- BLGovernment Bill of Lading Office Code (GBLOC)
- BSPlace of Business
- C2Geopolitical Name Code
- CACountry of Origin
- CBConfirmation Mailing Address
- CCCountry
- CDCanada Customs Office Code
- CECorrespondence Mailing Address
- CICity
- CLNational Rate Basis (NRB)
- COCounty/Parish and State
- CRIn Tank Car
- CSCanadian SPLC
- CYCounty/Parish
- DCDistribution Center Number
- DEDestination (Shipping)
- DLDelivery Location
- DODistrict Office
- DPDepartment
- DRDistrict of Residence
- DTDomicile Type Code
- EAEvent Location
- ELEmployer Location
- FAFactory
- FEFreight Equalization Point
- FFForeign Freight Forwarder Location
- FIFederal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55 (Named Populated Places)
- FRU.S. Custom's Facilities Information and Resource Management Systems (FIRMS)
- FSFreight Station Accounting Code
- FTForeign Trade Zone
- FVFree Alongside Vessel (Free On Board [F.O.B.] Point)
- GLFreight Station Geographic Location
- IAInternational Air Transport Association (IATA) Location Qualifier
- IBIssue Location
- IMMilitary Standard Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP)
- IPPostal
- ISIn Store
- ITIntermediate FOB Point
- KEPort of Embarkation
- KLPort of Loading
- KPGovernment Furnished Property FOB Point
- LOLocal Office
- MIMill
- MSMetropolitan Sampling Area (MSA) Region Code
- MZMexican Postal Code
- NSCity/State from Points
- OAOrigin (After Loading on Equipment)
- OFOther Unlisted Free On Board (FOB) Point
- OLOpen and Prepay Station List Code(SCAC & Number)
- OPOther Unlisted Acceptance Point
- OROrigin (Shipping Point)
- OVOn Vessel (Free On Board [FOB] point)
- PAPort of Arrival
- PBPort of Discharge
- PCPolicy Mailing Address
- PDPlace of Delivery
- PEPort of Entry
- PFParents Address
- PGPrimary
- PHPrior Business
- PLPlant
- POPrincipal Servicing Office
- PPPool Point
- PQ3 Digit U.S. ZIP
- PR4 Digit U.S. ZIP
- PS5 Digit U.S. ZIP
- PT3 Digit Canadian Postal Code
- PU6 Digit Canadian Postal Code
- RARate Area Code
- RCIn Rail Car
- RERegional Education Service Agency
- RGRegion Code
- RJRegion
- RLRural
- RSStandard Carrier Alpha Code
- RTRoute Administrative Message To
- SASecondary
- SBSuburban
- SCCity/State and Points Within
- SDSchool District
- SESummer
- SGStorage
- SHSchool Campus Code
- SNStore Number
- SPState/Province
- SSSchool
- STIn Storage Tank
- SWSwitching District
- TATank
- TCTranscontinental Freight Bureau
- TLTerminal Cargo Location
- TMTerminal
- TNTownship
- TPTemporary
- TRRail Territory
- TXTaxing District
- UNUnited Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE)
- URUrban
- UTBusiness Unit
- VAVacation
- VIVillage
- VSVessel Stowage Location
- WFWharf
- WHWarehouse
- WIWinter
- ZNZone Code
- ZZMutually Defined