X12 EDI Release 00504
150Special Charge or Allowance Code
Code identifying type of special charge or allowance
Codes (1116)
  • 100Airport Terminal Handling Charge
  • 105Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)
  • 110Amending Export Documentation
  • 115Assembly Fee
  • 120Banking Drafts
  • 135Cables (sending of)
  • 140Call Tag
  • 145Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
  • 150Canadian Currency Exchange
  • 155Canadian Import Termination Fee
  • 160Canadian Reconsignment Fee
  • 165Canadian Remanifest Fee
  • 170Certificate of Origin
  • 175Certificate of Registration
  • 180Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
  • 185Change of Airbill - Service Fee
  • 186Chemical Milling Charge
  • 190City Terminal Charge
  • 205Collect Surcharge
  • 210Constant Surveillance Service
  • 215Consular Legalization Service
  • 220Consularization Fee
  • 225Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
  • 230Credit
  • 235Customer Account Identification
  • 240Customs Broker Fee
  • 245Customs Invoice
  • 250Customs Invoice - Additional Page
  • 255Data/Drawing Charge
  • 260Delivery Surcharge
  • 265Development Charge
  • 270Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
  • 275Discount - Incentive
  • 280Discount - Multiple Shipment
  • 285Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
  • 290Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
  • 295Discount - Special
  • 297Contingency Credit Charge
  • 300Distribution Fee
  • 310Dry Ice
  • 315Duty Charge
  • 320Endorsement Fee
  • 325Eur1 Presentation Fee
  • 335Excise Tax - Destination
  • 340Excise Tax - Origin
  • 345Expedited One Day Consular Service
  • 350Expedited Shipments
  • 355Extra Copies and Mailings
  • 360Export Customs Clearance
  • 365Export Declarations - Automated
  • 370Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
  • 375Export License Application
  • 380Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
  • 385Facsimile Charges
  • 390Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
  • 392Failed Lamp Panel Charge
  • 393First Article Charge
  • 395Free Domicile Shipment Processing
  • 400Freight
  • 405Fuel Surcharge
  • 410Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
  • 415Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
  • 416Grain Flow Charge
  • 420Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
  • 425Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
  • 426Heat Treat Charge
  • 430IATA Airbill Preparation
  • 435IATA Fee
  • 440Import Service Fee
  • 445Insurance Fee
  • 450Inland Transportation
  • 455Insurance Premium
  • 460International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
  • 462Incorrect Billing Account Charge
  • 465Italian Release Charge
  • 470Letter of Credit Processing
  • 475Mailing - Postage Cost
  • 480Mailing - Service Fee
  • 485Messenger Service
  • 490Minimum Air Transportation Charge
  • 495Miscellaneous - Destination
  • 500Miscellaneous - Origin
  • 505Missing Account NBR Charge
  • 510Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
  • 515On Hand Service
  • 520Oversized Premium
  • 525Passing Shippers Export Entry
  • 535Pickup - Out of Area
  • 540Pickup Surcharge
  • 545Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
  • 550Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
  • 555Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
  • 560Preparation of Commercial Invoice
  • 565Preparation of Export Entry
  • 570Preparation of Insurance Certificate
  • 580Priority Service
  • 585Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
  • 586Processing Charge
  • 590Rebilled Drayage - Destination
  • 593Re-Bill Charge
  • 595Proforma Invoice
  • 600Recipient Address Correction
  • 605Rebilled Drayage - Origin
  • 610Record/Filing
  • 615Recovery Fee
  • 620Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
  • 625Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
  • 635Registration of Export Shipments
  • 640Registration of Export for Reentry
  • 641Reliability Charge
  • 645Restricted Article Fee
  • 650Repickup
  • 665Saturday Delivery
  • 670Saturday Pickup
  • 675Security Signature Service
  • 680Service Upgrade
  • 685Special Delivery
  • 690Special Handling Service
  • 695Special Pickup
  • 696Special Test Equipment Charge
  • 697Special Tooling Charge
  • 700Special Vehicle Rent
  • 705Stamp Fee
  • 706Straightening Charge
  • 720Telephone - Destination
  • 725Telephone - Origin
  • 730Terminal Service Fee
  • 731Test/Qualification Charge
  • 732Tooling Rework Charge
  • 735Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
  • 736Tracing Service Fee
  • 740Transfer of Lading Charge
  • 745Valuation Fee
  • 750Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • 760Waybill and Invoice Distribution
  • 761Written Proof of Delivery
  • 762X-ray Charge
  • 763Auto Towing Charge
  • 764Late Return Charge
  • 765One Way Drop Off Charge
  • 766Business Center Charge
  • 767Gift Shop Charge
  • 768Health Club Charge
  • 769Laundry and Dry Cleaning Charge
  • 770In-room Mini-bar Charge
  • 771In-room Movie Charge
  • 772Passenger Facility Charge
  • 773Prepaid Expenses
  • 999Other (See related description)
  • 000Pump Out Charge
  • 002Renewal
  • 003Account Number Correction Charge
  • 004Dividend
  • 005Activation of Carnet
  • 006Overpayment
  • 007Suspense
  • 008Balance Forward
  • 009Dividend Interest
  • 010Add on - Destination
  • 011Loan Interest
  • 012Premium Waiver
  • 015Add on - Origin
  • 016Dividend Adjustment
  • 017Interest
  • 020Address Correction
  • 025Advance Destination Amount
  • 026Integrated Business Services (IBS) Service Charge
  • 027Special Packaging
  • 028Box Liners
  • 029Product Personalization
  • 030Advance Destination Fee
  • 031Tape Charges
  • 032Subject to Tax
  • 035Advance Origin Amount
  • 040Advance Origin Fee
  • 045Advance Fee
  • 050Agent Disbursement - Destination
  • 055Agent Disbursement Fee - Destination
  • 060Agent Disbursement - Origin
  • 065Agent Disbursement Fee - Origin
  • 070Air Export Certificate
  • 075Air Express Charge
  • 080Air Transportation Charge
  • 085Airline Opening Fee
  • 090Airport Tax - Destination
  • 095Airport Tax - Origin
  • AAAAdvertising Allowance
  • AAJAdjustments
  • AAMAdditional Material
  • AANAllowance Non-performance
  • AAOAllowance Advance
  • AASAttendants Accompanying
  • AATHandling Charge Tax
  • ABCAlcoholic Beverage Report Charge
  • ABLAttachments to Bill of Lading Charge
  • ACDAllegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
  • ACFAccess Charge - Federal
  • ACHAccess Charges
  • ACLActual Labor Charge
  • ACSAccess Charge - State
  • ADHAdvance Charges Handling
  • ADLAdvance Loading Charge
  • ADVAdvances
  • AFBAdditional Copies of Freight Bill
  • AFCCollect on Delivery Alteration Charge
  • AFNAircraft Ordered But Not Used
  • AGSArmed Guard Service
  • AIBAdditional Injection/Blending Service Charge
  • AICAir Freight - Consolidation
  • AIRAir Freight
  • ALCAdvance Lading Charge
  • ALPUse of Alternate Port
  • AMBAdjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
  • AMCAbsolute Minimum Charge
  • AMPAdjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
  • ANBAdjustment for Minimum Charges Billing
  • ANCAnchoring and Unanchoring
  • ANSAnodizing Charge
  • APLAppliance Servicing
  • APTAppointment (Notification)
  • ARBArbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
  • ARCAir Conditioning Disconnect and Connect
  • ARGRail Armed Guard Service
  • ARRAir Ride Tractor Service Charge
  • ASCAssembly Charge
  • ATDAttempted Delivery
  • ATPAttempted Pickup
  • AUXAuxiliary Service
  • AVAAd Valorem
  • BAABeaming Charge
  • BABBrokerage or Duty
  • BACBuyers Car Allowance
  • BADBad Debt
  • BAFBoth-Flat
  • BAPBroken Package Charge
  • BASBase Charge
  • BBKBreak Bulk Surface Charge
  • BCFBorder Crossing Fee
  • BDXBordeaux Arbitraries
  • BEYBeyond Freight Charges
  • BFDBedding/Feeding/Disinfecting
  • BKABulky Article
  • BLABill of Lading Attendancy
  • BLCBill of Lading Charge
  • BLDBilled Demand
  • BLKBlocking and Bracing Charge
  • BLWBlower Charge
  • BNDBond Charges
  • BOBBobtail Charges
  • BOPBop Sheet Charge
  • BRABasic Reorder Allowance
  • BRDBridge Toll
  • BRGAqua Train
  • BSCBunker Surcharge
  • BSSBroker Selection Surcharge
  • BTCBi-level, Tri-level Charges
  • BU2Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
  • BU4Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
  • BUABunker Adjustment
  • BURBureau Report Charge
  • BYDBeyond Charge
  • CA1Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk
  • CA2Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
  • CA4Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
  • CAACancellation Charge
  • CACCash Discount
  • CADCertification Fee
  • CAECo-manufacturing Discount
  • CAFCompetitive Allowance
  • CAGCompetitive Car Allowance
  • CAHCompressor Charge
  • CAJCrafting
  • CAKCustomer Equipment Allowance
  • CALCutting Charge
  • CAOCo-op Credit
  • CAPCar Loading
  • CAQContract Escalation
  • CARCar Rental
  • CASContainer Deposits
  • CAVContract Allowance
  • CAWCooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
  • CAZClaims Commercial Auto Report Charge
  • CBLCopy of Bill of Lading Charge
  • CBOCents Off
  • CBPCompetitive Price
  • CBRCarrier
  • CBWContainer Allowance
  • CBXCity Sales Tax (Only)
  • CCACarrier Credit Allowance
  • CCHCertification Charge
  • CCPClaims Commercial Property Report Charge
  • CCRConcession Credit
  • CCSCarrier Caboose Charge
  • CDACarrier Debit Allowance
  • CDDCorrosion Additive Service Charge
  • CDFCancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
  • CDRCopy of Delivery Receipt Charge
  • CERContainer Service Charge UK/EUR
  • CFCCustoms Fees - Container Level
  • CFLCustoms Fees - Lift Level
  • CGCCarrier Guard Car Charge
  • CGLCanada Great Lakes Additionals
  • CGRReturn Carrier Guard Car Charge
  • CGTCargo Taxes
  • CHEChassis Equipment Lease Charge
  • CHGCharges Forward/Advance Charge
  • CHNChain and Binders
  • CIRSpecial Circus Trains
  • CISConstant Surveillance
  • CLCChicago Loop Charge
  • CLDContainer Loss/Damage
  • CLNCleaning Charge
  • CLSContainer Leasing
  • CMCConcession Money
  • CMFCity maintenance fee
  • CMIContinuous Mileage
  • CMPCamp Arbitrary
  • CNSConsolidation
  • CNVConverting
  • COACommission Amount
  • COCConnect Charge
  • CODCOD Amount
  • COFOcean Freight
  • COLFee for Collecting COD Charge
  • COMCombination
  • CONCongestion Surcharge
  • COPPort Changes
  • CORCore Charge
  • COUConsignee Unload
  • CPAClaims Personal Auto Report Charge
  • CPCCopilot Service Charge
  • CPEComputer Processing Expense
  • CPPClaims Personal Property Report Charge
  • CRACost recovery/adjustment
  • CRDCrane at Destination
  • CRFCost Recovery Factor
  • CROCrane at Origin
  • CRPCourt Reporter Charge
  • CRRCredit Report Charge
  • CRSCourier Services
  • CSAClosing & Sealing
  • CSCContract Service Charge
  • CSECustoms Entry
  • CSFCustoms Formalities
  • CSPGovernment Caboose Charge
  • CSRConservation research fee
  • CSTCassette
  • CTAContainer/Trailer Allowance
  • CTCContainer Service Charge USA/Canada
  • CTDCustomer Required Special Truck at Destination
  • CTECourt or Trial Expense
  • CTFChassis Transfer
  • CTGCartage Charge
  • CTLControlled Atmosphere
  • CTOCustomer Required Special Truck at Origin
  • CTRCircuitous Routing Charge
  • CTXCustoms Exams (Intensive, Tailgate)
  • CUACurrency Adjustment
  • CUDCurrency Discount
  • CUFCurrency Adjustment Factor
  • CUPCustomer Paid Deductible
  • CUSCustoms Charge
  • DAADeficit Freight
  • DABDeposit
  • DACDistributor Discount/Allowance
  • DADDrum Up Charge
  • DAMDamaged Merchandise
  • DBDDockage - Boat Detention
  • DBLDouble Wide Separate and Reassemble
  • DBPDelivery of Fuel from Barge to Pipeline Charge
  • DCDDedicated Switch Engine Crew at Destination
  • DCEDamage to Carrier Equipment
  • DCODedicated Switch Engine Crew at Origin
  • DCSDisconnect charge
  • DCTCity Delivery
  • DCVDamage to Carrier Vessel
  • DDADefective Allowance
  • DDCDrum Cost
  • DDDDrum Deposit
  • DDFDowel Pin Charge
  • DDNDual Driver with National Agency Check
  • DDPDual Driver Protectice Service
  • DDSDeaf and Disabled Surcharge
  • DDZDrayage at Port of Debarkation (Zone Rate)
  • DEADemurrage - Average Agreement
  • DEBDetention: Vehicle with Power Unit (Bulk Petroleum Product Shipments)
  • DEDDeductible
  • DELDelivery Charge
  • DEMDemurrage
  • DEPDetention of Power Units
  • DERDerrick Charge
  • DESDemurrage - Special
  • DETDetention of Trailers
  • DEVTexas Rail Commission Deviation Charge
  • DEWDetention Without Power Unit
  • DEZDrayage at Port of Embarkation (Zone Rate)
  • DFDKeep from Freezing Percent Differential
  • DFM410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge
  • DFS410 Dromedary
  • DFWDelay Furnishing Destination Weights
  • DGEDamage to Government Equipment
  • DGSDangerous Goods Surcharge
  • DICDiversion Charge
  • DIRDirect Repair
  • DISDistribution Service
  • DIVDiversion and Reconsignment
  • DLHDrayage/Line Haul
  • DLPDelivery of Fuel from Rail Tank Car to Pipeline Charge
  • DMCDeadhead Mileage Charge
  • DMDDemand charge
  • DNADunnage Allowance
  • DOCDocumentation Charge
  • DONDeposit in Lieu of Order
  • DOVContainer Diversion
  • DPBDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Barge Charge
  • DPDDrayage at Port of Debarkation
  • DPEDrayage at Port of Embarkation
  • DPLDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Rail Tank Car Charge
  • DPRDepreciation
  • DPTDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer Charge
  • DPUDetention with Power Units (30 minute periods) Charge
  • DRCDrayage
  • DRPDeramping
  • DRVDriver License Record Report Charge
  • DRYDryer Charge
  • DSCDiscount
  • DSFDetention - Special Type Flat Car
  • DSMDromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge
  • DSRDromedary Service Charge
  • DSTContainer Destuffing
  • DTADiversion to Air Charge
  • DTBDetention (Labor)
  • DTCDestination Charge
  • DTDDestination Duty
  • DTFDestination Inland Freight
  • DTLDetention Loading
  • DTNPower Detention at Unloading
  • DTOPower Detention at Loading
  • DTPDelivery of Fuel from Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline Charge
  • DTQTrailer Detention at Loading
  • DTRTrailer Detention at Unloading
  • DTUDetention Unloading
  • DTVDetention (Vehicle)
  • DWCDriver's Wages
  • DWPDetention with Power Units (60 minute periods) Charge
  • EACExchange Access Credit
  • EAXExtra Axles
  • EBDExhibition Delivery Charge
  • EBPExhibition Pickup Charge
  • ECCWill Call Charge
  • ECREscort/Courier Service Charge
  • ECSEmpty Railcar Ordered But Not Used Charge
  • EDDEquipment Hose at Destination Charge
  • EDOEquipment Hose at Origin Charge
  • EEAEarly Buy Allowance
  • EEBEarly Payment Allowance
  • EECEscalation
  • EEFExpediting Fee
  • EEGOne Time Engineering Charge
  • EEHEngineering Charge
  • EEPExpediting Premium
  • EEXExport Shipping Charge
  • EGDDedicated Switch Engine at Destination
  • EGODedicated Switch Engine at Origin
  • EICExport/Import Charge
  • ELSExtra Lights
  • EMREmergency Response Service
  • EMSEmergency Surcharge
  • EMTEmpty Movement
  • ENCEnergy charge
  • ENSEnergy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
  • EPCEmergency Port Charge
  • EPSEnvironmental Protection Service
  • ERSEmpty Return
  • ERTSatisfactory Service Standards Charge
  • ESAEarly Ship Allowance
  • ESCEmergency Service
  • ESDEstimated Customs Duty (Dutypaid - Charge)
  • ESEExternal Service Expense
  • ETREmpty Trailer Returned Charge
  • EUCEuropean Port Charges
  • EVCExcessive Value Charge
  • EXCExclusive Use Charge
  • EXDExtra Driver
  • EXLExtra Length
  • EXMExcess Mileage Charge
  • EXPExpedited Service Charge
  • EXSExcess Periods
  • EXWExcess Weight
  • EXZExpando Remove and Install
  • FABF.E.T. Federal Excise Tax
  • FACF.E.T. (Percent)
  • FADF.E.T. (Dollar Value)
  • FAEFabrication Charge
  • FAFF.E.T. Tires
  • FAGFreight Equalization
  • FAHFreight Surcharge
  • FAKBarge Freight All Kinds Service
  • FBDFreight, Based on Dollar Minimum
  • FCBFreight Charges to Border
  • FCDFreight Charges to Destination
  • FCIFreight Charges Inbound and Outbound
  • FCSFurnishing Chassis
  • FDDFlat Deck Delivery
  • FDLFood and Lodging
  • FDSFinancial Document Surcharge
  • FFCFuel Filters Furnished by Carrier Charge
  • FFIFinance Charge
  • FFLFreshness/Leaker Allowance
  • FFNSpecial Finish Charge
  • FFPFreight Passthrough
  • FFRFlat Rate
  • FFSFuel Filters Furnished by Shipper Charge
  • FIRFire Report
  • FLSFlatrack Surcharge
  • FLTFerry Service
  • FMRForeign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
  • FMSForeign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
  • FRCFranchise fee
  • FTCFederal Transfer Surcharge
  • FTRFiltration Service Charge
  • FUEFuel Charge
  • FWAForwarding Agent Commission
  • FWCForwarding Charge
  • FXETexas Rail Commission Fixed Charge
  • GARGarment District
  • GATGate Inspection Charge (Intermodal)
  • GDRGrain Doors
  • GGAGlaze Allowance
  • GGFGold Factor
  • GKTGasket
  • GMSGarment Surcharge
  • GOCGovernment-owned Containers
  • GPDGulf Port Delivery Charge
  • GRDGroupage Discount
  • GRSGross Receipts Surcharge
  • GSPGovernment Guard Car Charge
  • GSSGreater Security Service
  • GSTGoods and Services Tax Charge
  • HANHandling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
  • HAZHazardous Cargo Charge
  • HBDHarbor Dues
  • HDFHeavy Duty Flat Car Charge
  • HDGHolding Charge
  • HDHShipment Holdover Charge for Holidays
  • HDWShipment Holdover Charge for Weekends
  • HETHeat in Transit Charges
  • HFAHandling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
  • HHAHauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
  • HHBHandling
  • HHGHousehold Goods Pickup or Delivery
  • HICHighway Interchange
  • HLFHome Line Freight Charge
  • HMAAccessible Hazardous Material
  • HMIInaccessible Hazardous Material
  • HOCHook-up charge
  • HOLSunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
  • HOSHose Charge
  • HOXHose Charge Special
  • HRSHeater or Refrigeration
  • HSCHigh Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
  • HULHeavy Lift
  • HZCHazardous Materials Surcharge Charge
  • HZDHazardous Cargo on Deck
  • HZSHazardous Storage
  • IAAIndustry Price Allowance
  • IABIncome Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
  • IACInspection Fee
  • ICECooling Service
  • IDCIdler Car Charge
  • IDDImproper Documentation
  • IDLInside Delivery
  • IDPInterdivision Profit
  • IFCInbound Freight Charges
  • IHTInterstate/Highway Toll
  • IIAInvoice Adjustment
  • IIHIcing Inhibitor Charge
  • IIPItem Percentage
  • IIUItem-Unit
  • ILDIsland Delivery Charge
  • ILFInitial License Fee
  • ILPIsland Pickup Charge
  • IMPImpactographs
  • IMSIntermodal Shipment Service Charge
  • INCInsurance Surcharge
  • INLInspector Requested for Loading
  • INPInterplant Charge
  • INRInterest on refund
  • INSInsurance
  • INTInterpreter Expense
  • IPCIntra-plant Charge
  • IPUInside Pickup
  • IRAIrish Arbitraries
  • ISDInterest on security deposit
  • ISOIntermodal Storage (Origin)
  • ISTIntermodal Storage (Destination)
  • ITCInsulated Tank Charge
  • ITSInterline Transfer Charge
  • JSTJunction Settlement Charge
  • KITGlass Kit
  • LAALabor Charges
  • LABExtra Labor (Helper Service)
  • LACLading Adjustment Charge
  • LADLabor (Repair and Return Orders)
  • LAEOne-Time License Fee
  • LALLabor Adjustment Allowance
  • LASCommingling/Loss Allowance Charge
  • LATLicense and Title
  • LAYLayover Charges
  • LBRLight Bar Service Charge
  • LC2Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
  • LC4Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container
  • LCGLate Order Charge
  • LCLPercent Differential - Less than Container
  • LCRLabor Cost of Removal
  • LDALoading Allowance
  • LDGLoading
  • LDLUnloading Allowance
  • LDSLocomotive Delayed in Switching Service
  • LECLess than Container
  • LFCLift Charge (Intermodal)
  • LFDLinehaul from Port of Debarkation
  • LFTLift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pickup/Delivery
  • LGDLodging
  • LHSLinehaul Service
  • LIDRecurring License Fee
  • LIELiability of Carrier Charge
  • LLBLimited Liability
  • LLCLot Charge
  • LLDLead Factor
  • LLFLoan Fee
  • LLSLocal Sales Tax (All Applicable Sales Taxes by Taxing Authorities Below the State Level)
  • LMCLabor, Modify
  • LMDLiner Terms at Port of Debarkation
  • LMELiner Terms at Port of Embarkation
  • LNTLabor, No Trouble Found
  • LOALoading (Labor Charges)
  • LOCLocal Delivery/Drayage
  • LPCLate payment charge
  • LPDLinehaul Percent Differential
  • LPFLaboratory Pack Fee
  • LQDLiquidated Damages
  • LSCLabor Service
  • LSHLashing
  • LSSLifeline Surcharge
  • LTCLabor, Test and Calibrate
  • LTELinehaul to Port of Embarkation
  • LUBLubricant Charge
  • LUPLocomotive Under Own Power
  • LUSLeaking underground storage tax (LUST)
  • LYCLayover Service Charge
  • MAAMetals Surcharge
  • MABMileage or Travel
  • MACMileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
  • MADMinimum Order/Minimum Billing Charge
  • MAEMonthly Rental
  • MARMarriage Rule
  • MATModified Atmosphere
  • MCCMachining Charge
  • MDGMolding
  • MDMMount/Demount
  • MEAMeals or Lodging Charge
  • MENEscort Service with Overnight Subsistence
  • MESEscort Service
  • METEscort Service (Telephone)
  • MFCManifest Charge
  • MFGManufacturing
  • MGAMessage Rate Adjustment
  • MGCMessage Charge
  • MICMinimum Charge
  • MILSpecial Mileage Movements
  • MINMinimum Guarantee
  • MKUMarkup Charge
  • MLBMinimum Bill of Lading Charge
  • MLSMeals
  • MMCMinimum/Maximum Charge
  • MMFMill Freight
  • MMSMarket Development Funds
  • MMTMetropolitan Transit Tax
  • MNCNotify Consignee
  • MNSMotor Surveillance Service
  • MPCMiscellaneous Parts Charge
  • MRKMarking or Tagging Charge
  • MRPMedical Report Charge
  • MSCOther Accessorial Service Charge
  • MSGMiscellaneous Charge
  • MTRMeter Charge
  • MUSMunicipal Surcharge
  • MVRMotor Vehicle Report (MVR) Charge
  • MVSSpecial Motor Surveillance Charge
  • MVTVenting Instructions
  • NAANon Generated Freight
  • NABNew Store Allowance
  • NALNozzle Charge
  • NCHOrder Notify Charge
  • NDANext Day Air Service
  • NDSNon-document Surcharge
  • NFYCarrier Notification Charge
  • NHBN.H.D. Wharfage
  • NSDNew Store Discount
  • NWDNew Warehouse Discount
  • NYDNew York Delivery Charge
  • NYPNew York Pickup Charge
  • OAAO.T.O. Charge
  • OABOverrun Charge
  • OACOvertime Loading
  • OCHOcean Charges - Hazardous
  • OCNOver Height Container
  • OCPOn Call Pickup Service
  • ODFCollect on Delivery Deletion Charge
  • OFROfficial Report Charge
  • OFUFumigation
  • ONCOn Carriage
  • OOCOption Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
  • OODOn Deck Break Bulk Differential
  • OOFOrder-Flat
  • OPCOptional Charge
  • ORCOperator Credit
  • ORMOut of Route Miles
  • ORSReceipt/Issue Overtime Normal Business Hours Charge
  • OSCOutside Charge
  • OSOOptional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
  • OSSOptional Software Support for Switching Systems
  • OUTOut of Zone Pickup or Delivery
  • OVNOvernight Service
  • OVROver Dimension
  • OWCOver Width Container
  • PAAPercent of Product
  • PACPump Air Charge
  • PADPremium Charge
  • PAEPremium Transportation
  • PAFPrice Deviation
  • PAGProfessional Fees
  • PAHPromotional Allowance
  • PAIPromotional Discount
  • PAJPump Charge
  • PAKPreparation and Delivery
  • PALParts Adjustment Allowance
  • PARParts Charge
  • PATPriced Parts Charge
  • PAVPickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery Charge
  • PBAPrior billing amount
  • PBEPermits Bonds Escort Attendant
  • PBLPier Charges Other Than Wharfage
  • PCHProtective Service Charge
  • PCTCity Pickup
  • PDBPrior Delivery Of Bill Charge
  • PDCPreloading Charge
  • PDSPickup and Delivery from Storage in Transit
  • PDYPickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area Charge
  • PECPallet Exchange Charge
  • PENPenalty Charge
  • PERPermit Charge
  • PFAPower Factor Adjustment
  • PHCPhotocopy
  • PHGPhotographs
  • PIRPier Pickup and/or Delivery
  • PKSPacking Surcharge
  • PLCInsurance Placement Cost Charge
  • PLTPallets/Skids/Platforms
  • PMCPrior Month Credit
  • PMRPaint and Materials
  • PMSPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service Charge
  • PMTPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time Charge
  • PMUNormal Pump Charge
  • PMXSpecial Pump Charge
  • PNAPrior Period Net Adjustment
  • POCPiano/Organ Carry
  • PODProof of Delivery
  • POLPolice Report Charge
  • POSPositioning at Origin
  • PPCPer Pound Charge
  • PPDPickup and Delivery Service for Perishables Charge
  • PPHPer Item Charge
  • PPIPick/Up Allowance
  • PPMPrecious Metal Content
  • PPNPallet Charge
  • PPOPer Order Charge
  • PPRPerformance Award
  • PPSPlacement and/or Removal Charge
  • PPTParish/County Sales Tax (only)
  • PPUPrepaid Usage Allowance
  • PRBPrior Balance
  • PRCPre-carriage
  • PRDPortable Ramps at Destination
  • PREPre-carriage Excess
  • PRKParking
  • PRLPrelodge Charge
  • PRMPremise Use
  • PROPortable Ramps at Origin
  • PRPPrior Period Rebook
  • PRVPrior Period Reversal
  • PSCProtective Service - Cold
  • PSDPreparation of Special Documents
  • PSGProtective Service Security with Armed Guards
  • PSHProtective Service - Heat
  • PSSProtective Service Security
  • PSTPostage
  • PTCTobacco Products Report Charge
  • PTSProtective Tarp for Security Purposes
  • PUCPickup Charge
  • PUDPickup and Delivery
  • PUKPack and Unpack
  • PVBBonded Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
  • PVDDetention of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
  • PVIInoperable Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
  • PVLLoading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
  • PVPPrivately Owned Vehicle Processing
  • PVSStop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment Charge
  • PVTPrivately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service Charge
  • PWHPier Charges - Wharfage
  • PWTPallet Allowance
  • PYSPriority Service Charge
  • QAAQuantity Surcharge
  • QQDQuantity Discount
  • RAARebate
  • RABReclamation, Federal
  • RACReclamation, State
  • RADRecovery Allowance
  • RAERedistribution Allowance
  • RAFRental Deduction
  • RAGRepack Charge
  • RAHRetainer
  • RAIResellers Discount
  • RAJRestocking Charge
  • RAKRoyalties
  • RALRoll Rebate
  • RAMRamping
  • RCANo Return Credit Allowance
  • RCBRepair at buyers expense charge
  • RCCReconsignment Charge
  • RCDReconsign Consignee Charge
  • RCERepair at customer expense charge
  • RCGRepair at government expense charge
  • RCLRedelivery
  • RCPRecoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
  • RCSReconnect charge
  • RDCReconsign Delivery Charge
  • RDFResearch & development fee
  • RDHRailhead Handling
  • RECReturn Cargo Charge
  • REERegulatory Fee
  • REFRefrigeration
  • REGRegulatory tax
  • RELRequested Labor Charge
  • REPResidential Pickup
  • REQRequest Via Canada
  • RESResidential Delivery
  • RETReturned Load
  • RFDRefund
  • RFMReefer Maintenance
  • RGARegain Allowance
  • RGCRegain Charge
  • RHMRecurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
  • RIDRiding Attendant Charge
  • RIEReleased Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability Charge
  • RISRail Inspection Service
  • RLARetail Loss Allowance
  • RLCRents and Leases
  • RLQRelinquishment Charge
  • RLSRelocation of Vehicle
  • RMBRocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
  • RMCReturn of Empty Container Charge
  • RMDRefrigeration/Mechanical Detention
  • RMPReturn Movement of Pallet Charge
  • RMSRail Surveillance
  • ROCRoll Out Adjustment
  • RPCReduction Prepalletized Cargo
  • RPDReefer Cargo Percent Differential
  • RRCReel Cable
  • RRDReel Deposit
  • RRFRefurbishing Charge
  • RRNRental Charge
  • RRPRepair Charge
  • RRRRegulatory required refund
  • RSMRecurring Software Maintenance Charge
  • RSPReshipment
  • RSSRestricted Speeds
  • RSTRespotting
  • RSVReservations
  • RTCRate Code
  • SAASubject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
  • SABShipping and Handling
  • SACService Charge (with Cash Discount)
  • SADScrap Allowance
  • SAEShrink-Wrap Charge
  • SAFSpecial Credit
  • SAGState Motor Fuel
  • SAHStenciling Charge
  • SAISuper Fund Excise Tax
  • SAJSurcharge (Dollar Value)
  • SAKSurcharge (Percentage)
  • SAMStopcharge
  • SANState Sales Charge
  • SAPService Assistance Program Surcharge
  • SASShipment Holdover on Weekends Charge
  • SATSaturday Pickup or Delivery Charge
  • SBCStandby Charge
  • SBLSublet
  • SCCSpecial Seal Charge
  • SCDSpecial Containers
  • SCGSmall Order Charge
  • SCLScale Charge
  • SCNSecond Day Service
  • SCUScale Charge Unloading
  • SDCSpecial Detention Charge
  • SDLSplit Delivery
  • SDSSpecial Dromedary Service
  • SDWSecond Day Hundredweight Service
  • SECSpecial Equipment Charge
  • SEEStairs, Elevator, Excess Carry
  • SEGSegregating (Sorting)
  • SELSelf Unloader
  • SEQShip Exact Quantity Charge
  • SERService Charge
  • SEVSecurity Escort Vehicle Service
  • SFBSingle Factor Origination/Destination
  • SFCStuffing Charge
  • SFDSingle Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
  • SFESingle Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
  • SFTSpecial Train Movement
  • SGLSingle Pickup
  • SHHShipment Holdover on Holidays Charge
  • SHLShipper Load
  • SHSState Hazardous Substance Tax
  • SHWShipment Holdover on Weekdays Charge
  • SKTSkirting and Unskirting
  • SLCStreet lamps charge
  • SLPSlip Sheet Charge
  • SMSState/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
  • SNSSatellite Surveillance Service
  • SNTShipment from Non-temp Storage
  • SOCStop-off Charge
  • SOPStop-off at Pier Charge
  • SPASpecial Allowance
  • SPBSpecial Buy
  • SPCSpecial Permits
  • SPDSpreader Charge
  • SPLSpool Charge
  • SPPSplit Pickup at Pier Charge
  • SPSSpecial Freight Supplements
  • SPTSpotting of Trailer
  • SPUSplit Pickup
  • SRGStorage
  • SRSSurveying Routes
  • SSASalvage
  • SSBSuper Bag Charge
  • SSCStripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
  • SSFSingle Shipment Fee
  • SSLSelect Charge
  • SSOPole, Wood-service Charge
  • SSPShipside Pickup
  • SSRSafe Haven Secure Holding Refusal
  • SSSSoftware Support Service
  • SSTSales Tax (State and Local)
  • SSUPole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
  • SSXSales and Use Tax
  • STAConductivity/Anti-static Additive
  • STCState Surcharge
  • STDStop-off at Destination
  • STFContainer Stuffing
  • STGStandard Ground Service
  • STLStandard Labor Charge
  • STMSteaming Charge
  • STOStowage Charge
  • STPStopping in Transit
  • STQStop-off at Origination
  • STRStorage in Transit
  • STWSpecial tooling rework charge
  • SUCSpecial Use
  • SUFSufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
  • SUPSupervisor Charge
  • SURSurcharge
  • SVASingle Invoice Allowance
  • SVLManual Surveillance of Shipment
  • SVSStorage of Vehicles
  • SWCSwitching Charge
  • TAATelephone Charge
  • TABTank Rental
  • TACTemporary Allowance
  • TADTax on Transportation
  • TAETemporary Voluntary Allowance
  • TAFTerminal Differential
  • TAGTesting Charge
  • TAHTool Charge
  • TAITesting Allowance
  • TAJTrade In
  • TAKTransportation and Setup
  • TALTruckload Discount
  • TARTarping Charge
  • TAXTax Charge
  • TAYGovernmental Tax
  • TCBTelegram Chargeback
  • TCMTransportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
  • TDTTruck Detention
  • TERTerminal Charge
  • TLCTrimming Charge
  • TMSMulti-Tank Surveillance Service
  • TMVTendering of Multiple Vehicles
  • TOATotal Assessorial Charges
  • TOCTOFC Service Charge
  • TOWMotor Tow Away Service
  • TPACarrier Equipment Pool Charge
  • TPCThroughput Container Charge
  • TPSThird-Party Service
  • TRATravel Charge
  • TRCTrailer Rental Charge
  • TRETravel Expense
  • TRFTransfer Charge
  • TRMTermination
  • TRNTransit
  • TRPProcess in Transit Privilege
  • TRSTransferred Charges
  • TRUThruway Charge
  • TSCTesting Services Charge
  • TSLTechnical Assistance for Loading Rail Cars
  • TSSTank Surveillance Service
  • TSTTrack Storage
  • TTATank Car Allowance
  • TTBTransportation-Direct Billing
  • TTDTrade Discount
  • TTLLocal Tax
  • TTMTax on Miscellaneous Charges
  • TTPThird Party Allowance
  • TTRThroughput Allowance
  • TTSState Tax
  • TTTTransportation - Third Party Billing
  • TTUTire Repair and Replace
  • TTVTransportation - Vendor Provided
  • TURTurning Charge
  • TWOTwo Door Pickup
  • UBLCarrier to Unblock, Unbrace, and Untie
  • UFCUnder Carriage Furnished By Carrier Charge
  • UNDUnloading
  • UNLUnloading (Labor Charges)
  • UPDUsage Plan Detail Charge
  • UPKUnpacking
  • URCUnloading/Reloading Charge
  • USFUse - Special Type Flat Car
  • USVU.S. Vehicles
  • USWUnabsorbed Switching
  • UTLUtilities Disconnect and Connect
  • UTPUse charge tooling/personnel
  • UUCUp Charge
  • UUMUnsalable Merchandise Allowance
  • UUTUse Tax
  • VAAVendor Freight
  • VABVolume Discount
  • VCLVan Cleaning
  • VCRVoluntary contribution charge
  • VEXExcess Mileage for Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge
  • VFNVehicles Furnished But Not Used
  • VISVehicles Inoperable
  • VITVirgin Island Transfer Charge
  • VORVehicle Ordered but Not Used
  • VSOStop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge
  • VTSVehicles in Truckway
  • VVLVehicle Load Allowance
  • VVPVehicle Prep Charge (courtesy delivery)
  • WARWar Risk Surcharge
  • WATWide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
  • WBBWharfage - Breakbulk
  • WCTWharfage - Container
  • WDSWaterfront Delivery Charge
  • WEAWeather Protection
  • WEIWeighing Charge (Intermodal)
  • WFGWharfage
  • WFHWharfage & Handling
  • WFTWasted/Futile Trip
  • WHCWarehouse Charge
  • WRBWar Risk Crew Bonus
  • WRCLoad Weighing Charge
  • WREEmpty Weighing Charge
  • WRIWar Risk Insurance
  • WSAWarehouse Allowance
  • WTGWaiting Time
  • WTMWaiting Time Service Charge
  • WTVWeight Verification Charge
  • WWCWharfage Charge
  • Z01Protective Service Rule 25
  • Z02Protective Service Rule 27
  • Z03Protective Service Rule 37
  • Z04Protective Service Rule 75
  • Z05Protective Service Rule 95
  • Z06Protective Service Rule 140
  • Z07Protective Service Rule 160
  • Z08Protective Service Rule 165
  • Z09Protective Service Rule 500
  • Z10Protective Service Rule 510
  • Z11Protective Service Rule 518
  • Z12Protective Service Rule 530
  • Z13Protective Service Rule 531
  • Z14Protective Service Rule 545
  • Z15Protective Service Rule 565
  • Z16Protective Service Rule 570
  • Z17Protective Service Rule 580
  • Z18Protective Service Rule 581
  • Z19Protective Service Rule 705
  • Z20Protective Service Rule 710
  • Z21Protective Service Rule 711
  • Z22Protective Service Rule 712
  • Z23Protective Service Rule 716
  • Z24Protective Service Rule 720
  • Z25Protective Service Rule 725
  • Z26Protective Service Rule 727
  • Z27Protective Service Rule 735
  • Z28Protective Service Rule 740
  • Z29Protective Service Rule 760
  • Z30Protective Service Rule 815
  • Z31Quality Differential
  • Z32Protective Service Rule 26
  • Z33Protective Service Rule 715
  • Z34Protective Service Rule 745
  • Z35Protective Service Rule 755
  • ZFFFirst Flight Out
  • ZZZMutually Defined