X12 EDI Release 00504
To specify the validity of the request and indicate follow-up action authorized
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
Codes (195)- 10Alabama
- 11Alaska
- 12Arizona
- 13Arkansas
- 14California
- 15Colorado
- 16Connecticut
- 17Delaware
- 18District of Columbia
- 19Florida
- 20Georgia
- 21Hawaii
- 22Idaho
- 23Illinois
- 24Indiana
- 25Iowa
- 26Kansas
- 27Louisiana
- 28Kentucky
- 29Maine
- 30Maryland
- 31Massachusetts
- 32Michigan
- 33Minnesota
- 34Mississippi
- 35Missouri
- 36Montana
- 37Nebraska
- 38Nevada
- 39New Hampshire
- 40New Jersey
- 41New Mexico
- 42New York
- 43North Carolina
- 44North Dakota
- 45Ohio
- 46Oklahoma
- 47Oregon
- 48Pennsylvania
- 49Rhode Island
- 50South Carolina
- 51South Dakota
- 52Tennessee
- 53Texas
- 54Utah
- 55Vermont
- 56Virginia
- 57Washington
- 58West Virginia
- 59Wisconsin
- 60Wyoming
- 61Insurance Services Office (ISO)
- 62National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
- 64U.S. National Center for Health Statistics Commission of Professional and Hospital Activities
- 65Office of Workers Compensation Programs
- 66National Association of Convenience Stores
- 93Dun & Bradstreet
- 94Code Assigned by the Organization that is the Ultimate Destination of the Transaction Set
- A1American Land Title Association
- A2California Land Title Association
- A3Texas Land Title Association
- A4Assigned by Carrier
- AAAluminum Association
- ABAssigned by Buyer
- ACAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- ADAgency Company Organization for Research and Development (ACORD)
- AEAdvertising Industry
- AFAutomotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
- AGState Agency Assigned
- AHAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
- AJReal Estate Information Industry
- ALNational Alcohol Beverage Control Association
- AMAmerican Medical Association
- APAmerican Petroleum Institute
- AQAmerican Public Works Association (APWA) One Call Systems International (OCSI)
- ARAssociation of American Railroads
- ASAssigned by Seller
- ATAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- AWAmerican Welding Society (AWS)
- AXANSI Accredited Standards Committee, X12
- AYAmerican Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA)
- BABusiness and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association (BIFMA)
- BETelcordia Technologies
- BFNational Business Forms Association
- BIBook Industry Systems Advisory Committee
- CAChemical Abstract Services (CAS)
- CBCopper and Brass Fabricators Council, Inc.
- CCNational Cotton Council of America
- CEConstruction Specification Institute (CSI) Extended
- CIChemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX)
- CLCollision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA)
- CMCarbide Manufacturers
- COCounty Designator Code
- CPUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Cotton Programs
- CRCommander - Rome Air Development Center
- CSConstruction Specification Institute (CSI)
- CUCommittee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP)
- CXNational Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
- DAFood and Drug Administration (FDA)
- DDDepartment of Defense (Military Specifications)
- DEDrug Enforcement Administration
- DFDepartment of Defense (DoD)
- DHDefense Logistics Information Service
- DIDeutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN)
- DLDefense Logistics Agency
- DNDepartment of the Navy
- DOUnited States Department of Transportation (DOT)
- DRHealthcare Distribution Management Association
- DSDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- DXUnited States Marine Corps
- DYDepartment of Air Force
- DZDepartment of Army
- EIElectronic Industries Association
- EPUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- ESEnvironment and Safety Data Exchange (ESDX)
- ETTemporary Help Industry
- EUElectric Utilities
- EXElectronics Industry Data Exchange (EIDX)
- FAFabric and Supplier Linkage Council (FASLINC)
- FCFederal Communications Commission (FCC)
- FDGS1 US, Inc.
- FGFederal Government
- FHFederal Highway Administration
- FIAmerican Furniture Manufacturers Association
- GCGraphics Communications Association
- GINorth American Energy Standards Board
- GSGeneral Services Administration (GSA)
- GUNatural Gas Utilities
- HCCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- HFHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society
- HIHealth Insurance Association of America
- HSDepartment of Health and Human Services
- HUDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
- IAInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- IBInternational Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- ICInternational Air Transport Association (IATA)
- IMIron and Steel Standards Committee ISM
- INInternational Association of Corporation Administrators
- ISInternational Standards Organization
- JAJapanese Standards Association
- LALife and Annuity Industry Committee
- LBDepartment of Labor
- LILeasing Industry
- MAMortgage Bankers Association of America
- MBOffice of Management and Budget
- MCManufacturing Company
- MEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- MIABCD - The Microcomputer Industry Association
- MPMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Provider
- MSMilitary Standard
- MVAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
- NANational Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
- NBNational Association of Business and Educational Radio
- NCNational Council on Compensation Insurance
- NENational Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- NFNational Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
- NGNational Auto Glass Specification (NAGS)
- NINational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NPNational Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA)
- NRNational Retail Merchants Association
- NSNational Center for State Courts
- NTNational Toxicology Program (NTP)
- NUUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NWNewspaper Association of America
- OIOptical Industry
- OPOffice Products
- OSUnited States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- PAAmerican Paper Institute
- PCPennsylvania Courts
- PISociety of the Plastics Industry (SPI)
- RNRosettaNet
- SASociety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE)
- SESerials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC)
- SLStudent Loan Guarantor
- SPAmerican Society for Automation in Pharmacy
- STAmerican Iron & Steel Institute
- TAAir Transport Association of America
- TBTextile Distributors Association, Inc.
- TCTextile Apparel Linkage Council (TALC)
- TDTransportation Data Coordinating Committee: Electronic Data Interchange Association (TDCC:EDIA)
- TITelecommunications Industry
- TMAmerican Textile Manufacturers Institute
- TPCanadian Freight Classification
- TRAmerican Trucking Associations
- TXAmerican Apparel Manufacturers Association
- UA(UN/SPSC) United Nations Products and Services Classification Code
- UCUnited States Courts
- UEUniversal Descriptor Exchange (UDEX)
- UIIndustrial/Commercial (I/C) Electronic Data Interchange
- ULUnderwriters Laboratories
- UNUnited Nations (UN)
- UTUtility Industry Group
- VIVoluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standard (VICS) EDI
- WHCanadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- ZZMutually Defined
Code assigned by issuer to identify reason for rejection
Codes (209)- 10Administrative Cancellation
- 11Invalid Debit Number
- 12Duplicate Sequence Number
- 13Not Valid for Price Protection
- 14Invalid part number
- 15Required application data missing
- 16Unit resale higher than authorized
- 17Negotiated price was not less than book price
- 18Ship date must not be after current date
- 19Ship date cannot be prior to price authorization issue date
- 20Ship date should not be before price authorization date (for rebills)
- 21Price authorization is a rebill type
- 23Price authorization has been deleted
- 24Price authorization used on a sales order
- 25Disposition pending vendor review.
- 26Invalid Customer Number
- 27Invalid Ship Date
- 28Duplicate Invoice Number
- 29Claim Submitted Past Exercise Period
- 30Invalid Meet Competition Cost
- 31Invalid Book Cost
- 32Input Incomplete
- 33Input Errors
- 34No Coverage
- 35Out of Network
- 36Testing not Included
- 37Request Forwarded To and Decision Response Forthcoming From an External Review Organization
- 38Claim Can Not Be Identified for Verification
- 39Actual Information Different than Reported
- 40Actual Information Different - Claim Has Been Re-adjudicated Since Initial Payment
- 41Authorization/Access Restrictions
- 42Unable to Respond at Current Time
- 43Invalid/Missing Provider Identification
- 44Invalid/Missing Provider Name
- 45Invalid/Missing Provider Specialty
- 46Invalid/Missing Provider Phone Number
- 47Invalid/Missing Provider State
- 48Invalid/Missing Referring Provider Identification Number
- 49Provider is Not Primary Care Physician
- 50Provider Ineligible for Inquiries
- 51Provider Not on File
- 52Service Dates Not Within Provider Plan Enrollment
- 53Inquired Benefit Inconsistent with Provider Type
- 54Inappropriate Product/Service ID Qualifier
- 55Inappropriate Product/Service ID
- 56Inappropriate Date
- 57Invalid/Missing Date(s) of Service
- 58Invalid/Missing Date-of-Birth
- 59Invalid/Missing Date-of-Death
- 60Date of Birth Follows Date(s) of Service
- 61Date of Death Precedes Date(s) of Service
- 62Date of Service Not Within Allowable Inquiry Period
- 63Date of Service in Future
- 64Invalid/Missing Patient ID
- 65Invalid/Missing Patient Name
- 66Invalid/Missing Patient Gender Code
- 67Patient Not Found
- 68Duplicate Patient ID Number
- 69Inconsistent with Patient's Age
- 70Inconsistent with Patient's Gender
- 71Patient Birth Date Does Not Match That for the Patient on the Database
- 72Invalid/Missing Subscriber/Insured ID
- 73Invalid/Missing Subscriber/Insured Name
- 74Invalid/Missing Subscriber/Insured Gender Code
- 75Subscriber/Insured Not Found
- 76Duplicate Subscriber/Insured ID Number
- 77Subscriber Found, Patient Not Found
- 78Subscriber/Insured Not in Group/Plan Identified
- 79Invalid Participant Identification
- 80No Response received - Transaction Terminated
- 81Invalid or Missing Case Number
- 82Not Medically Necessary
- 83Level of Care Not Appropriate
- 84Certification Not Required for this Service
- 85Certification Responsibility of External Review Organization
- 86Primary Care Service
- 87Exceeds Plan Maximums
- 88Non-covered Service
- 89No Prior Approval
- 90Requested Information Not Received
- 91Duplicate Request
- 92Service Inconsistent with Diagnosis
- 95Patient Not Eligible
- 96Pre-existing Condition
- 97Invalid or Missing Provider Address
- 98Experimental Service or Procedure
- 01Price Authorization Invalid
- 02Price Authorization Expired
- 03Product not on the price authorization
- 04Authorized Quantity Exceeded
- 05Zero Balance
- 06Special Cost Incorrect
- 07Catalog Cost Incorrect
- 08Invalid Ship Location
- 09No Credit Allowed
- AAAuthorization Number Not Found
- ABAir Brakes - Inoperative, etc.
- ADAccident Damage - Derail/Sideswiped
- AERequires Primary Care Physician Authorization
- AFInvalid/Missing Diagnosis Code(s)
- AGInvalid/Missing Procedure Code(s)
- AHInvalid/Missing Onset of Current Condition or Illness Date
- AIInvalid/Missing Accident Date
- AJInvalid/Missing Last Menstrual Period Date
- AKInvalid/Missing Expected Date of Birth
- ALInvalid/Missing Surgery Date
- AMInvalid/Missing Admission Date
- ANInvalid/Missing Discharge Date
- AOAdditional Patient Condition Information Required
- ARArrivals
- BAReject Due to Air Bags
- BCReject Due to No Chains
- BDReject Due to Damps
- BGReject Due to Bearings
- BLReject Due to Load Divider Bad Order
- BOLoaded Car, Unable to Load
- BPReject Due to Bridge Plate
- BRReject Due to Brake Rigging Beam, Lever
- BSReject Due to Bad Order Slides
- BVReject Due to Bad Order Valves/Piping
- BWReject Due to Bad Order Walls
- CAReject Due to Crank Arm Application
- CBReject Due to Center Bowls, Plates and Pins
- CICertification Information Does Not Match Patient
- CLComplete Loading
- CMReleased as Railroad Company Material
- CNCar Not Ordered
- CPPut on Constructive Placement
- CRWrong Consignee
- CSRelease Load Through Bill Connecting Road
- CTRelease as a Cross-town Load
- CUEquipment Not Used
- CWWrong Car Type
- DDReject Due to Doors
- DGReject Due to Draft Gear - Yoke
- DMDismantle
- DPDeparted
- DRReject Due to Dirty
- DSDefective Safety Devices
- DVReject Due to Load Dividers, Side Filters, Special Equipment
- E1Requested Record Will Not Be Sent; Cannot Identify the Record
- E2Requested Record Will Not Be Sent; Need Student or Parent Permission
- E3Requested Record Will Not Be Sent
- E4Requested Record Will Not Be Sent; Never Enrolled
- E5Requested Record Will Not Be Sent; No Degree Awarded
- E6Requested Record Will Not Be Sent; No Grades Posted
- E7Requested Record Cannot Be Sent Electronically; Record Resides in Paper Format only which Will Be Sent by Mail
- E8Requires Medical Review
- EAEmpty Equipment Available for Loading
- ERReject Due to Spotted in Error
- ETEmpty Trailer Flat Release
- FDFreight Damage Claim
- FRReject Due to Bad Floor
- GSRelease From Demurrage and Start Storage until Waybilled
- HBReject Due to Handbrake
- HHReject Due to Hand Hold, Ladder, Step, Running Boards, Platforms, etc.
- HXReject Due to Hot Journal Box
- IAInvalid Authorization Number Format
- IDReleases an Idler
- IIIndustrial Interchange
- IPInappropriate Provider Role
- J1Ambulance Certification Segment Information Doesn’t Correspond to Transport Address Segment Information
- J2Mileage Cannot Be Computed Based on Data Submitted
- J3Computed Mileage is Inconsistent with Transport Information or Service Units
- KRReject Due to Couplers
- LKReject Due to Leaking Contents
- LSReject Due to Load Shifted
- LWLight Weigh and Restencil
- MAMissing Authorization Number
- MOMove from Current Spot to Next
- MUMissing Number of Units
- NCNo Certification Information Found
- OGReject Due to Outlet Gate/Valve Lo and Open Hopper
- OIReleased from Industry to be Inspected
- OROrdered for Replacement
- OVReject Due to Overloaded
- PMPreventative Maintenance
- RBReleased from Industry to Custody of Broker
- RDTo be Reloaded
- RFReject Due to Refrigeration Unit
- RHReject Due to Roof Hatches
- RKReject Due to Racks (Bi or Tri Levels)
- RLReleased
- RNBad Order Reinitialing and Numbering
- RPReleased Partially Unloaded
- RSReleased Loaded for Line Haul Shipment
- RTRun Through Equipment not Spotted
- SCReleased from Demurrage after being Scrapped
- STReleased from Shop Track
- SUReject Due to Superstructure - End, Roof and Sides
- SWLocal Waybill
- T1Cannot Identify Provider as TPO (Third Party Organization) Participant
- T2Cannot Identify Payer as TPO (Third Party Organization) Participant
- T3Cannot Identify Insured as TPO (Third Party Organization) Participant
- T4Payer Name or Identifier Missing
- T5Certification Information Missing
- T6Claim does not contain enough information for re-pricing
- TCBad Order to Transfer Lading
- TDReject Due to Tie Down Devices
- THReject Due to Trailer Hitch
- TLReject Due to Train Line, Air Hose, Anglecock
- TRReject Due to Truck, S-Frame, Bolster
- UCReject Due to Uncoupling Rod
- UFReject Due to Underframe - Including Sills
- UGBad Order for Upgrading of Car
- UNInvalid Number of Units
- WAReject Due to Wheel/Axle
- WKBad Order Due to Wreck
- ZZMutually Defined
Code identifying follow-up actions allowed
Codes (10)- CPlease Correct and Resubmit
- DResubmit Entire Claim
- EResubmit This Item Only
- NResubmission Not Allowed
- PPlease Resubmit Original Transaction
- RResubmission Allowed
- SDo Not Resubmit; Inquiry Initiated to a Third Party
- WPlease Wait 30 Days and Resubmit
- XPlease Wait 10 Days and Resubmit
- YDo Not Resubmit; We Will Hold Your Request and Respond Again Shortly