X12 EDI Release 00504
To provide information on activity or process
Specifies the situation or category to which the code applies
Codes (426)- 10Enteral or Parenteral Therapy Certification
- 11Oxygen Therapy Certification
- 12Admitting Diagnosis
- 13Principal Diagnosis
- 14Pre-Existing Physical Condition
- 15Pre-Existing Mental Condition
- 16Routine Foot Care Class Finding
- 17Systemic Condition for Routine Foot Care
- 18Co-op Advertising
- 19Commercial Advertising
- 20Specimen Kit Type Code
- 21Laboratory Test Condition Code
- 22Automobile Loss
- 23Laboratory Results Identification Code
- 24Line of Business Code
- 25United States Department of Vital Statistics E-Code
- 26Employment Status Information
- 27Income
- 28Loan Information
- 29Injury or Illness
- 30Benefit Adjustment
- 31Claimant
- 32Contractholder Branch
- 33Contractholder
- 34Secondary Claim Administrator
- 35Primary Claim Administrator
- 36Reporting Agency
- 37Process
- 38Hazardous Material
- 39Activity
- 40Accident
- 41Initial Treatment
- 42Cause of Injury
- 43Part of Body
- 44Nature of Injury
- 45Source of Injury
- 46Job
- 47Loss Prevention
- 48Managed Care
- 49Risk Management
- 50Claim Handling
- 51Event or Exposure
- 52Equipment or Materials or Chemicals
- 53Coverage
- 54Overbite
- 55Overjet
- 56Profile
- 57Crossbite
- 58Arch Asymmetry
- 59Dentition Midline
- 60Crowding
- 61Molars
- 62Cuspids
- 63Interviewee
- 64Verification of Deposit
- 65Verification of Mortgage
- 66Verification of Income or Employment or Both
- 67Verification of Rent
- 68Verification of Loan or Installment Debt or Both
- 69Anti-fungal Therapy
- 70Hospice
- 71Primary Diagnosis
- 72Secondary Diagnosis
- 73Tertiary Diagnosis
- 74Procedure Code
- 75Functional Limitations
- 76Activities Permitted
- 77Mental Status
- 78Manner Property Title Held
- 79Property Improvements
- 80Complete Appraisal
- 81Limited Appraisal
- 82Restricted Appraisal Report Limiting Conditions
- 83Route of Administration
- 84Borrower Information
- 85Contract Information
- 86Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association)
- 87Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)
- 88Deductible
- 89Advertising Copy
- 90Private Remarks
- 91Compensation Notes
- 92Open House Notes
- 93Tour Notes
- 94Terms of Sale
- 95Restrictions
- 96Disclosures
- 97Exceptions
- 98Inclusions
- 99Lease Type
- 00Employee Mobility
- 01Pre-existing Conditions
- 02Diagnosis
- 03Condition
- 04Occurrence
- 05Occurrence Span
- 06Value
- 07Ambulance Certification
- 08Chiropractic Certification
- 09Durable Medical Equipment Certification
- A0Contracting District Type
- A1Mortgage Record Change
- A2Mortgage Insurance Termination
- A3Mortgage Insurance Cancellation
- A4Mortgage Servicing Transfer
- A5Appraisal
- A6State License Disciplinary Action
- A7Source of Data
- A8Endorsement
- A9Notification
- AAAll
- ABAgent's Questions
- ACAgent's Share
- ADBenefits
- AEContact or Reference Information
- AFCost Basis
- AGDriving Infractions
- AHExcess Dividend Use
- AIHome Health Aide
- AJExisting Coverage Information
- AKHospitalization
- ALActivity Limitations
- AMJuvenile Information
- ANOccupation Information
- AOPersonal Finance and Business Information
- APAppearance
- AQRating Information
- ARArrest
- ASReplaced Amount
- ATAuthority
- AUAutomated Underwriting Information
- AVAviation
- AWSurgery
- AXTravel Information
- AYAge Remark
- AZProperty Remark
- B1Audit Data
- B2Declaration Sheet Indicator
- B3Servicing Data
- B4Single Family
- B5Multifamily
- B6Payment Handling
- B7Ginnie Mae 1
- B8Ginnie Mae 2
- B9Ginnie Mae 2 Custom
- BABankruptcy
- BBBusiness Beneficiary
- BCBuilding Condition
- BDBuydown
- BEBeneficiary
- BFTax Agency Parcel Identifier
- BGHistorical Performance
- BHProduct Rules
- BICommercial Property
- BJUnimproved Land
- BKBanking
- BLNew Contract
- BMOriginal Contract
- BNAccess
- BOBond
- BPBankruptcy Petition
- BQAgent Sales Trend
- BRBroker's Price Opinion
- BSBankruptcy Statement of Financial Affairs
- BTBillings Trend
- BUAssets
- BVCash Flow
- BWCompetition
- BXCredit Line
- BYCreditors Arrangement
- BZCreditors Meeting
- C1Depreciation Conditions
- C2Adverse Environment Conditions
- C3Miscellaneous Adverse Conditions
- C4Site Conditions
- C5Subject Property Conditions
- C6Board of Directors
- C7Reserve
- C8Payment
- C9Comorbidity
- CACitizenship
- CBContinuing Education
- CCCompensation Calculation
- CDCause of Death
- CECondominium
- CFCooperative
- CGConviction
- CHDirect Sales Trend
- CIExport Trend
- CJFinancial Embarrassment
- CKIndebtedness
- CLCancellation
- CMClaim Amounts
- CNComparison
- COCounty
- CPComplications
- CQInitial Capital
- CRCurrent Ratio
- CSCommon Stock
- CTCommission Trend
- CUStockholders
- CVDamage
- CWWorking Capital
- CXCompensation Allocation
- CYDividend Use
- CZExcess Premium Use
- D1Unpaid Invoices
- D2Withdrawals
- D3Imports
- D4Placed for Collection
- DADrug Adjudication Information
- DBLiquidation Proceedings
- DCLocation
- DDDischarge Diagnosis
- DEDepartmental
- DFProfit Margin
- DGProposal
- DHReceivership
- DIDriver Identification Information
- DJProvider Characteristics and Resources
- DKSecondary Source of Injury
- DLPetitiions
- DMRegistered Charges
- DNCriminal Proceedings
- DOHistorical Criminal Proceedings
- DPDirections to Property
- DRDriving
- DVDriver Record Information
- E1Spectacle Lenses
- E2Contact Lenses
- E3Spectacle Frames
- E4Employment
- E5Examiner's Comments
- EBIntercompany Relations
- ECJudgments
- EDLiens
- EEOperating Surplus Trend
- EFParticipating Interest
- EGProtested Bills
- EHSubcontracting Details
- EISuits
- EJUniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings
- EKDetrimental Legal Filings
- ELCustomer Details
- EMSupplier Detail
- EREmployee Relocation
- ETEducation or Training
- FAFinancial
- FCFamily Coverage
- FHFamily History
- FIFinancing
- FLFlood Determination
- FPFranchise Tax Payments
- FRFinancial Remarks
- FTForeign Travel
- GDDemonstrations
- GSShelf Format
- GUGuarantees
- HAFixed
- HBAdjustable
- HCRate Adjustment
- HDPayment Adjustment
- HELife of Loan
- HFPeriodic Interest Rate
- HGPrincipal and Interest
- HHHealth or Medical
- HILate Charge
- HJDefault Note Holder's Cost
- HKPrepayment
- HLLimited Payment
- HMRate Lookback
- HNPayment Lookback
- HOIndex
- HPMortgage Margin
- HQSingle Family 2-4 Units
- HRAmortization
- HSRate Conversion
- HTInterest Only
- HUPremium Audit Key Question
- HYHistory
- HZHazardous Sports
- ICIssued Capital
- IDIdentification
- IHInsurance History or Other Coverage
- IMImpairment
- INInsurance
- LALicense Revocation
- LCLocation Status
- LELevel Remarks
- LILiability Status
- LLLocal Language Description
- LRListing Remarks
- LSLife Style
- LTLegal Type
- LZLoss Trend
- MAMarital Status
- MIMiscellaneous
- MLMultiple Listing Service
- MNManagement
- MOModification
- MPMedication or Prescription
- MSMedical Social Worker
- MTMilitary Status
- NCNominal Capital
- NLNew Licensed Staff
- NSNature of Suit
- NWNot Work Related
- OAOwner Pays Notes
- OCOccupation Class
- OFOutside Financing
- OIOther Investor
- ONOperations Trend
- OPOperations
- OTOccupational Therapy
- OUOperations Outlook
- PAPerformance
- PBProfitability
- PCPaid in Capital
- PDPublic Records
- PEPenalty
- PFProfit Trend
- PGPossession Notes
- PIPhoto Instructions
- PJPatient Subjective Complaints
- PNParking Notes
- POProfit Outlook
- PRProperty
- PSPreferred Stock
- PTPhysical Therapy
- PXPhysician Examination Results
- R1Reason for Weight Loss
- R2Association of American Railroads Special Proper Shipping Name Flag
- R3Association of American Railroads Intermodal Indicator
- R4Association of American Railroads U.S. to Canada Flag
- R5Residential Status
- RCRevocation
- RERecovery
- RIReal Estate Property Information
- RLRadio License Application
- RMRemedy
- RNRelated Entities
- RPRetirement Plan Type
- RRReinstatement
- RSReason Last Seen
- RTRegistration Type
- RUResults
- RVRevenue Trend
- S1Investment Trend
- S2Royalty Trend
- S3Purchases Trend
- S4Labor Infraction
- S5Debentures
- SASource Fund
- SDStarting Details
- SESummary and Evaluation
- SIShowing Instructions
- SJSuits, Judgments & Liens
- SLSupplement Note or Line
- SNSkilled Nursing
- SPStatement Preparation
- SRSales Trend
- SSSuspension
- STSpeech Therapy
- SUSubstance Use
- SWReported Statement of Witness
- SZSize
- TBTobacco
- TETests
- TFTarget Fund
- THTherapy
- TIAction
- TMTerms
- TNTrend
- TPTenant Pays Notes
- TRTreatment
- TWTwo to Four Units
- TXTax Service
- UAProduction Capacity
- UBActual Production
- UCBranch Trend
- UDRetail Locations
- UENet Profit
- UFOrdinary Profit
- UGDeclared Profit to Local Tax Office
- UHMarket Trend
- UIPre Tax Profit
- UJNet Worth
- UKDebt to Equity
- ULEquity Return
- UMStability
- UNEfficiency
- UOOutlook
- UPUpdate
- UQCorporate Registration
- VAVoter Registration Application
- VDVoter Registration Application Disposition
- VOViolation
- WAWarning
- WBPrognosis
- WDTreatment Plan
- WEWork Restrictions
- WFWitness Statement
- WGConditions Affecting Total Employees and Hours
- WHInjury Work Related
- WIIllness Work Related
- WKControvert Reason
- WLSupervisor's Comments
- WMWillful Misconduct
- WNSupervisor's Exception
- WOClaim Related Work Assignment Changes
- WP30 Day Delay Reason
- WQEmployee Comment
- WREmployee Comment Not Provided Reason
- WSMedical Records Not Attached Reason
- WTWork Exposures and Duration
- X1Letter of Credit Overdrawn
- X2Cargo Receipt Not Signed
- X3Customs Statement Missing from Invoice
- X4Purchase Order Not on Letter of Credit (Except Masters)
- X5Reduced Draft
- X6Time Drafts
- X7Demand for Payment
- X8Early Presentation of Documents
- YRPhysician - Patient Report Inconsistency
- YTPhysician Test Results
- ZZMutually Defined
Code indicating type of action
Codes (323)- 0Authorize
- 1Add
- 2Change (Update)
- 3Delete
- 4Verify
- 5Send
- 6Receive
- 7Request
- 8In Production Send
- 9Not Capable of Taking Action
- 10Adjourn
- 11Approve
- 12Auction
- 13Cleared
- 14Compose
- 15Correct and Resubmit Claim
- 16Consider
- 17Create
- 18Decide
- 19Declare
- 20Decree Recall
- 21Disapprove
- 22Dissolve
- 23Escalation
- 24On-Hold
- 25Dropped
- 26Bankruptcy Filed - Review Account
- 27Moved - Follow Up
- 28Change Phone Number
- 29Payment Received - Follow Up
- 30Account Active - Pursue
- 31Return per Client Request
- 32Pursue Legal Action
- 33Active
- 34Pursue Garnishment
- 35New Assignment - Proceed
- 36Repossess Merchandise
- 37Adjust Payment
- 38Change Address
- 39Skiptrace Account
- 40Close Account - Deceased
- 41Update to Inactive
- 42Account Paid in Full - Close Account
- 43Refused to Pay - Review Account
- 44Account Disputed - Review
- 45Do Not Contact - Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
- 46Forward Account
- 47Enforce
- 48Extinguish
- 49Judgment for Defendant
- 50Judgment for Plaintiff
- 51Complete
- 52Justified
- 53Legal Moratorium on Debts Incurred to Date
- 54Meeting Held
- 55Meeting Held and Opened
- 56Moratorium
- 57Not Filed
- 58Not Justified
- 59Partial Release
- 60Provisional Moratorium
- 61Readjudicate
- 62Resolve
- 63Resulted in a Suit
- 64Resulted in No Liquidation
- 65Set Aside
- 66Settled out of Court
- 67Sold
- 68Stayed
- 69Subordination
- 70Surrender
- 71Term Expired
- 72Unsatisfied
- 73Void
- 74Suspended, 24 Hours
- 75Dispute
- 76Assign
- 77Agent Change
- 78Agent Hierarchy Change
- 79Reactivate
- 80Reconcile
- 81Renew
- 82Follow Up
- 83Future
- 84Letter of Authority Sent
- 85New Premium Only
- 86Pended for Follow Up
- 87Countersue
- 88Contact via Telephone Call
- 89Contact via Fax
- 90Mark
- 91In Progress
- 92Reconfirm
- 93Send Record at End of the Fall Term
- 94Send Record at End of the Winter Term
- 95Send Record at End of the Spring Term
- 96Send Record at End of the Summer Term
- 97Send Record at End of the Intersession Term
- AAdd A Bill of Lading
- BCancel Balance of Order/Item that Exceeds Value Specified in Data Element 610
- CCancelled
- DDelete a Bill of Lading
- EEliminate/Expire
- FFinal
- GCancel Entire Order/Item
- HMaster-In-Bond (MIB) Arrival
- IReissue
- JRecord
- KIn Production Send and Receive
- LIn Development/Send
- MIn Development/Receive
- NIn Development/Send and Receive
- OIn Test/Send
- PIn Test/Receive
- QIn Test/Send and Receive
- RIn Production Receive
- SRe-record
- TStatus Query
- UReject
- VRespond
- WReverse
- XRecommend
- YNot Recommend
- ZMutually Defined
- 00Authorize and Settle Combination
- A1Certified in total
- A2Certified - partial
- A3Not Certified
- A4Pended
- A5Upheld
- A6Modified
- AAAward
- ABAbandon
- ACAcknowledge
- ADDecrease in Amount
- AEActivate
- AFAffirm
- AGAdded Commodity Codes
- AHAdded Equipment
- AIIncrease in Amount
- AJAdded Points Served
- ALAllow
- ANAnnual Location Reconciliation
- APAppeal
- AQAcquitted
- ARAdvanced Payment
- ASDiscovered
- ATAppoint
- AVCancellation Not Effected
- AWMass Cancellation
- AXPartial Cancellation
- BDBoard
- BEProducer Reporting Structure Change
- BFBackground Investigation
- BGLicense Request
- BHBook of Business Transfer
- BIBifurcate
- BJPrint Loan Application Only
- BKGuarantee Application Only
- BLGuarantee Before Sending Application
- BMReturn Loan Application with Certification Data
- BNGuarantee After Receiving Application
- BOUse Both Date and Meter Criteria
- C1Community Service Required
- C2Convicted
- CAChange Name
- CBCut
- CCConcur
- CDCompleted Docket (Proposer Only and on Current Docket)
- CECharge
- CFConfirm
- CGConditionally Grant
- CLClosed
- CMCommence
- CNConsolidated
- COCorrect
- CPCounter Proposal
- CRProcess Immediate, Critical
- CSTransfer of Claim for Security
- CTContact Payer
- CUContinue
- CVConvert
- CXClaim Transferred
- D1Deported
- D2Dismissed
- DADivision Adjustment Only
- DBShorten Expiration Date
- DCDelivered to Another Carrier
- DDDelete and Docket (Proposer Only on Unconcurred Docket)
- DEDeny
- DFDefer
- DGDecrease
- DHExtended Expiration Date
- DIDismissed with Prejudice
- DJDismissed without Prejudice
- DKDispose
- DLDivert
- DPDelivered to Public Warehouse
- DRDirect
- DSDiscarded
- DTDiscontinue
- DXDischarged
- EAEstablish Address
- EBEstablish Additional Address
- ECEstablish Electronic Address
- EDSuppress Correspondence
- EESuppress Forms
- ENEnter
- EOEnd of Day Processing
- EPEntire Patient Information
- ERExtension Request
- EVEvaluate
- EXExtend
- EZException Occurred
- F1Fined
- FAFail
- FCFactor Change
- FIFile
- FOForfeit
- FRPatient Follow-Up Required
- GRGrant
- HMProcess Manually
- HRHold Until Released
- I1Found Not Guilty
- IADeactivate
- IMIncrease
- INInterim
- ISIssue
- ITInitiate
- JAJailed
- JOJoin
- JUJudgment
- KARegistration Confirmed
- LCLeft at Consignee
- LQLiquidate
- MEMerge
- MOMooting
- NANo Action Required
- NCProcess Routinely, Not Critical
- NDNo Change
- NPNot Present
- NSDo Not Send
- ODOrder
- OPOpen
- ORUse Date or Meter Criteria (whichever occurs first)
- OTOther Unlisted Action
- P1Sentenced to Probation
- PATariff Publisher Add
- PBPartial Transfer of Claim
- PCPreviously Converted
- PDTariff Publisher Delete
- PFPreliminary Final
- PIProvide Additional Information
- PJProgress Payment
- POProposed
- PPPartial Patient Information
- PRPresent
- PSProposal
- PTProposal Trace
- PUPublish Changes
- PVProvisional Payment
- R1Reopened
- R2Send Record Now
- R3Send Record at End of the Term
- R4Send Record After Degree is Posted
- R5Send Vocational Record Only
- R6Transfer
- R7Assumption
- R8Terminate
- R9Reinstate
- RARemove
- RBResecure
- RCReturned to Carrier Facility
- RDRate and Division Adjustment
- REReleased
- RFReturned to Shipper's Facility (Other Than Original Shipping Location)
- RGRefer
- RHRecall
- RIRestricted
- RJRate Adjustment
- RKRate Adjustment with a Sequence Change
- RLReschedule
- RMRemand
- RNReject Proposal with Counter Proposal to Follow
- ROReturned to Original Shipping Location
- RPRequest To Publish
- RQTariff Publisher Reissue
- RRReverse and Remand
- RSReport Status
- RTRestrain
- RUReturn
- RVRevoke
- RWRescind
- RXReplace
- RZReject - Header Level Errors
- S1Secure
- S2Suspended
- SASatisfy
- SBSubrogate
- SCScreen
- SDSeal
- SESettle
- SLSchedule
- SRServe
- SSSustain
- SUSuspend
- SVSever
- SZSeize
- TDTemporarily Deny
- TEOppose
- TGTemporarily Grant
- TNAnnul
- TPTemporarily Grant, in Part
- TRTrim
- TSDisallow
- TUTake Under Advisement
- VAVacate
- VCSight Verification Completed
- W1Reconcile Historical Records
- WDWithdrawn
- WIWinterize
- WQAccept
- WVWaive
Code identifying the specific type of item maintenance
Codes (124)- 100Sale of Mortgage Change
- 101Servicer Change
- 102Mortgagor Change
- 104Prepayment Termination
- 105Non-conveyance Termination
- 106Voluntary Action Termination
- 107Loan Refinanced Termination
- 108Transfer Due to Interest and Servicing Sold
- 109Retain Servicing
- 110Transfer Servicing
- 111Assign Servicing
- 112Servicer Loan Number Change
- 113Merger
- 114Acquisition
- 115Receivership
- 116Loan Maturity Maintenance
- 117Binder
- 118New Policy
- 119Renewal Policy
- 123Canceled by Administrator
- 124Canceled by Insured
- 125Re-Write
- 126Non-renewal
- 127Termination of All Endorsements
- 128Termination of Lessor Interest
- 129Termination of Additional Insured Interest
- 130Termination of Lienholder or Loss Payee
- 131Addition of Lessor Endorsement
- 132Addition of Lienholder Endorsement
- 133Addition of Additional Insured Endorsement
- 134Change of Lessor Endorsement
- 135Change of Lienholder Endorsement
- 136Change of Additional Insured Endorsement
- 137Acquired Unallocated
- 138Acquired Payment
- 139Investigation Pending
- 140Concurrent Benefit
- 141Abbreviated First Report on an Acquired Claim
- 142Employer Paid
- 143Employer Reinstatement
- 144Suspension Directed by Agency
- 145Occupational Safety and Health Administration Injury and Illness Log (OSHA-300)
- 146Occupational Injury Survey
- 147Bureau of Labor and Statistics Survey
- 148First Payment on an Acquired Claim
- 149First Report on an Acquired Claim
- 150Impairment Report
- 151Return to Work Report
- 152Office of Workers Compensation Program Injury Claim Report (OWCP CA-1)
- 153Office of Workers Compensation Program Illness Claim Report (OWCP CA-2)
- 154Occupational Safety and Health Administration Injury and Illness Record (OSHA-301)
- 155First Aid Injury Only
- 156Endorsement Validation
- 001Change
- 002Delete
- 003Add Full Item Detail
- 004Withdraw Item (Temporary)
- 005Restore Item
- 006Membership Type
- 007Purchase Eligibility
- 008Verified
- 009Not Verified
- 010Periodic Report
- 011All Items Refresh
- 012Medical Noncompliance
- 013Administrative Noncompliance
- 014Suspended Pending Settlement Approval
- 015Suspended Pending Appeal or Judicial Review
- 016Injury Report Creation
- 017Illness Report Creation
- 018Transfer of Beneficial Rights
- 019Record Security Instrument
- 020Assignment
- 021Addition
- 022Change in Status
- 023Change in Rate Factors
- 024Cancellation or Termination
- 025Reinstatement
- 026Correction
- 028Policy Adjustment
- 029Inquiry
- 030Audit or Compare
- 031Medical Examination Authorization
- 032Employee Information Not Applicable
- 033Release of Interim Funding Interest
- 050Original
- 051Denial
- 052Initial Payment
- 053Change in Benefit Amount
- 054Change in Benefit Type
- 055Reinstatement of Benefit
- 056Reduced Earnings
- 057Final
- 059Suspension Medically Determined or Qualified to Return to Work
- 060Non-compliance of Medical Requirements
- 061Non-compliance of Administrative Requirements
- 062Compensable Death
- 063Incarceration
- 064Claimant's Whereabouts Unknown
- 065Volunteer
- 066Status Request
- 067Benefits Exhausted
- 068Jurisdictional Change
- 069Payment Notification
- 070Status Request Response
- 071Re-issue Identification Card(s)
- 072Suspension Due to Claimant Death
- 073Partial Denial
- 074Partial Suspension, Returned to Work, or Medically Determined or Qualified to Return to Work
- 075Partial Suspension, Medical Non-compliance
- 076Partial Suspension, Administrative Non-compliance
- 077Partial Suspension, Claimant Death
- 078Partial Suspension, Incarceration
- 079Partial Suspension, Claimant's whereabouts Unknown
- 080Partial Suspension, Benefits Exhausted
- 081Partial Suspension, Jurisdiction Change
- 082Partially Suspended, Benefits Pending Settlement Approval
- 083Partially Suspended, Pending Appeal or Judicial Review
- 084Lump Sum Benefit Payment
- 085Suspension Denial
- CEPChange Excluding Price
- PRIPrice Change Only
- TBVTo Be Verified
- ZZZMutually Defined
Code indicating the status reason
Codes (438)- 001Death of Principal Mortgagor
- 002Illness of Principal Mortgagor
- 003Illness of Mortgagor's Family Member
- 004Death of Mortgagor's Family Member
- 005Marital Difficulties
- 006Curtailment of Income
- 007Excessive Obligations - Same Income, Including Habitual Nonpayment of Debts
- 008Abandonment of Property
- 009Distant Employment Transfer
- 010Neighborhood Problem
- 011Property Problem
- 012Inability to Sell Property
- 013Inability to Rent Property
- 014Military Service
- 015Default Detail
- 016Unemployment
- 017Business Failure
- 018Bankruptcy
- 019Casualty Loss
- 020Moved - Vacated
- 021Dissatisfied with Property
- 022Energy-Environment Cost
- 023Servicing Problems
- 024Auto Repairs
- 025Extended Reasons
- 026Payment Adjustment
- 027Payment Dispute
- 028Due on Transfer
- 029Transfer of Ownership Pending
- 030Fraud
- 031Unable to Contact Borrower
- 032Air traffic control delay
- 033Delivery Commitment Waived by the Customer
- 035Borrower Action
- 036Automatic Conversion
- 037Lender Approval Required
- 038Lender Approval Not Required
- 039Owner-occupied Loan Outstanding
- 040Loan Reached Maturity
- 041Triggered by Interest Increase
- 042Specified Time Period Completed
- 043Transfer Without Written Notice
- 044Triggered by Payment Increase
- 045Facility Added
- 046Facility Changed
- 047Location Added
- 048Location Changed
- 049Merchandise Damaged or Destroyed
- 050Internal Systems Problems
- 051Vendor-Supplied Carrier Delay
- 052Import Container Delay
- 053Notice of Term Enrollment
- 054Term Grade Report
- 055Change of Venue Granted
- 056Removed to Federal Court
- 057Foreclosure Completed
- 058Servicing Rights Transferred to Non-member
- 059Investor is Pulling Servicing as a Result of Default
- 060Servicer Pulling Servicing from Sub-Servicer as a Result of Default
- 061Consolidation, Extension, Modification (CEM)
- 062Renewal and Extension
- 063Reinstatement - Loan Not Reassigned to Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)
- 064Member Resignation or Expulsion
- 068State Action
- 069Company Action
- 070Voluntary Surrender
- 071Producer Requested
- 072Awaiting State Confirmation
- 073Continuing Education Non-compliance
- 074Non-renewal
- 075For Cause
- 076Lack of Production
- 077Retired
- 078Disability
- 079Requested in Error
- 080Continuing Medical Education (CME)
- 081Faculty Appointment
- 082Health Care Fellowship Appointment
- 083Health Care Internship Appointment
- 084Health Care Residency Appointment
- 085Ownership Change Due to Flow Sale of Servicing Rights
- 086Ownership Change Due to Bulk Sale of Servicing Rights
- 087College Preparatory Diploma
- 088Accurate
- 089Calculated
- 090Not Selected
- 091Reprocessed
- 092Selected
- 093Not Verified
- 094Within Tolerance
- 095Without Documentation
- 096Not Available
- 097Part-time
- A01Missed Delivery
- A02Release Signature or Release Number
- A03Incorrect Address
- A04Indirect Delivery
- A05Unable To Locate
- A06Address Corrected - Delivery Attempt
- A07Refused by Consignee
- A08Not In On Delivery Completed
- A09Damaged - Delivery Completed
- A10Damaged - Delivery Not Completed
- A11Business Closed
- A12Package Sorted To Wrong Route
- A13Other
- A14Returned to Shipper
- A15Business On Strike
- A16Payment Received
- A17Customer Requested Future Delivery
- A18Missort
- A19Restricted Articles Incompatible
- A20Restricted Articles Unacceptable
- A21Bulk Plane
- A22Package Missed Inbound Plane At Origin Station
- A23Customer Dropped Off Package After Aircraft Depart
- A24Accident
- A25Package Received At Destination Station Without Airbill
- A26Consignee Related
- A27Driver Related
- A28Package Missorted During Aircraft Unload
- A29Hold Changed To Delivery Package
- A30Mechanical Breakdown
- A31Arrived In Station After Courier Dispatch
- A32Aircraft Arrived Late In Hub
- A33Other Carrier-Related
- A34Package Shipped From Overgoods
- A36Holding In Overgoods
- A37Damaged Rewrapped In Hub
- A38Detached Airbill
- A39Previous Stop
- A40Shipper Related
- A41Standard Air Package
- A42Holiday - Closed
- A43Weather or Natural Disaster Related
- A45Delivery Not Completed
- A46Recipient Unavailable - Delivery Delayed
- A49ODA/Cartage Agent
- A50Improper International Paperwork
- A51Carrier Keying Error
- A52No Requested Arrival Date
- A53Shipper Changed Scheduled Shipment Date
- A55Hold Due to Customs/Documentation
- A58Unable to Contact Recipient For Broker Information
- A59Hold At Location
- A61International Manifest
- A63Puerto Rican Tax Authorities Holding Package
- A64Non-FEC Broker Advised
- A65Customs Release
- A73Package Delivered Before Commitment
- A74Package Delivered After Commitment
- A75Invalid Account Format
- A76Account Not Found
- A77Name Specified Does Not Match Account
- A78Item or Service Already Established, Cannot Add
- A79Item or Service Not Established, Cannot Modify
- A80Item or Service Not Available
- A81Item or Service Not Available on Requested Date
- A82Address Specified Does Not Match Account
- A83Unauthorized or Invalid Action
- A84Civil Event Related Delay
- A85Customer-requested Early Delivery
- A91Exceeds Service Limitations
- A95Past Cutoff Time
- A96Insufficient Pickup Time
- A98Missed Pickup
- A99Alternate Carrier Delivered
- ABNAbnormal
- ACCActual Contractor-Caused Delay
- ACDAnticipated Contractor-Caused Delay
- AFRAssignment Form Required
- AGCActual Government-Caused Delay
- AGDAnticipated Government-Caused Delay
- ANAAgent Not Appointed
- ANLAgent Not Licensed
- APIApplication Incomplete
- B01Reconsigned
- B02Appointment or Pre-Arranged Delivery Date
- B03Trap for Customer
- B04Held for Payment
- B05Held for Consignee
- B06Consignee Closed (Inventory, Vacation, Etc.)
- B07Dock Pickup
- B08Improper Unloading Facility or Equipment
- B09Receiving Time Restricted
- B10Order Notify
- B11Held for Protective Service
- B12Connecting Line or Cartage Pickup
- B13Held per Shipper
- B14Missing Documents
- B15Border Clearance
- B16Road Conditions
- B17Did not complete secondary school
- B18Standard high school diploma
- B19Advanced or honors diploma
- B20Vocational/Technical Preparatory Diploma
- B21Special education diploma
- B22Certificate of completion or attendance
- B23Special certificate of completion
- B24General Education Development Diploma (GED)
- B25Other high school equivalency diploma
- B26International diploma or certificate (such as International Baccalaureate)
- B27Student is eligible to continue or return or both
- B28Student is on Suspension or Dismissal
- B29Student is expelled (from PreK - grade 12)
- B30Currently enrolled but courses in progress not included
- B31Not currently enrolled
- B32Previous enrollment. Used for entry or exit or both at school other than the sending school
- B33Unreported - Information is not available in record
- B34Currently enrolled and courses in progress are included
- B35Highest Honors
- B36Second Highest Honors
- B37Third Highest Honors
- B38Dropped
- B39Academic Probation
- B40Suspended
- B41Requested record will not be sent; Cannot identify student
- B42Requested record will not be sent electronically; Paper copy will be sent
- B43Requested record will not be sent; Have student contact us
- B44Part of requested record being sent; Remainder to be sent by hard copy
- B45Requested record will not be sent; No record of student
- B46Requested record will not be sent; Degree or Diploma not yet awarded
- B47Requested record will not be sent; Institutional policy requires student release. Have student contact us
- B48Record being sent at request of student
- B49Record being sent to replace one previously sent
- B50Requested record being sent
- B51Student on Suspension or Dismissal; Eligible to Apply for Re-entry
- B52According to established regulations or statutes, the student is considered to be a "dropout"
- B53Student Qualifies for Special Services
- B54Passed Proficiency Test
- B55Passed Screening
- B56Better Features
- B57Rating Changed
- B58Student on Dismissal or Suspension for Disciplinary Reasons
- B59Student is on Suspension or Dismissal for Academic Reasons
- BPRBetter Performance
- BW2Bottom Well Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- BWLBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- BWTBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- BWWBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- C01Waiting for Customer Pickup
- C02Credit Hold
- C03Suspended at Customer Request
- C04Customer Vacation
- C05Customer Strike
- C06Waiting Shipping Instructions
- C07Waiting for Customer Specified Carrier
- C08Collect on Delivery Required
- C09Cash Not Available from Consignee
- C10Customs (Import/Export)
- C11No Requested Arrival Date Provided To Carrier By Shipper
- C12No Requested Arrival Time Provided To Carrier By Shipper
- C13Loan Paid in Full
- C14Loan Refinanced, Insured by Insurer Receiving Report
- C15Loan Refinanced, Insured by Other Insurance Carrier
- C16Loan Refinanced, No Insurance Required
- C17Coverage No Longer Required
- C18No Outstanding Commitments
- C19Court Probation
- C20Complete
- CBDChanged Broker Dealer
- CDEClearance to Destination Exceeded
- CHAChanged Agent
- CIEConflict of Interest Exists
- CIMCheck in Mail
- CLACollateral Assignment
- CLPContract or Lost Policy Statement Required
- CLRClear - No motor vehicle violations
- COSCosmetic
- D01Carrier Dispatch Error
- D02Driver Not Available
- D03Student has attended a nonpublic school or home education program in- or out-of-state this year, but is entering a public school in this state for the first time this school year
- D04Student was received from another attendance reporting unit in the same school
- D05Student was received from a school in the same district
- D06Student was received from another public school outside the district either in- or out-of-state
- D07Student was received from a nonpublic school either in or out of the district or has returned after having been enrolled in a home education program; The student must have been enrolled previously in a public school this year
- D08Student unexpectedly reentered the same school after withdrawing or being discharged
- D09Student was expected to attend a school but did not enter as expected for unknown reasons
- D10Student was promoted, retained, or transferred to another attendance-reporting unit in the same school
- D11Student was promoted, retained, or transferred to another school in the same district
- D12Student withdrew to attend another public school in the same district
- D13Student withdrew to attend another public school in- or out-of-state
- D14Student Over Compulsory Attendance Age Left School Voluntarily with No Intention of Returning
- D15Student Graduated from School with a Standard Diploma
- D16Student Graduated from School with a Special Diploma
- D17Student Left School with a Certificate of Completion
- D18Student Left School with a Special Certificate of Completion
- D19Student Left School with a State General Education Development (GED) High School Diploma
- D20Student Withdrew to Attend a Non-Public School or Home Education Program In- or Out-of-State.
- D21Student withdrew from school due to hardship
- D22Student has not entered any school in this or any other state this school year
- D23Previously attended out-of-state public school but is entering a public school in this state for the first time this school year
- D24Returned to Regular Education Program
- D25Reclassified Fully English Proficient
- D26Retained in Current Grade
- D27Placed in Next Grade After Expected Grade
- D28Placed in Transitional Program (K-1)
- D29Status Pending Completion of Summer School (K-12)
- D30Declined Services
- D31Administratively Placed in a Higher Grade
- D32Academically Placed in a Higher Grade
- D33Promotion Status not Applicable
- D34Promoted
- D50Delayed
- D51Currently Applying
- D52Previously Applied
- D53Graduate from a College
- D54Transfer from a University Program
- D55Graduate from a University Program
- D56Exchange Student
- D57Returning Student Admitted to a New Program
- D58Returning Student Admitted to the Same Program
- D59Returning or Continuing Student Changing to Unclassified or General or Unspecified Studies
- D60Continuing Student Changing to a New Program
- D61Special Permission
- D62Graduate from a Technical Institute
- D63Transfer from a College
- DEFDeferred Maintenance
- EB1Deceased
- EB2Did not Attend this Semester
- EB3Withdrawn
- EB4Graduated
- EB5Never Attended
- EB6Full-Time Enrollment
- EB7Half-Time Enrollment
- EB8Less Than Half-Time Enrollment
- EB9Approved Leave of Absence
- EBANo Record Found
- EBOThree-quarter Time
- ENRExport Release Not Required
- ERRExport Release Required
- EXDExcessive Dimension Cannot be Accepted
- EXTEnrolled at Extension
- F73Non-express Clearance Delay
- F74International Non-carrier Delay
- FCSFlatcar Shortage
- FLEFree Lunch Eligible
- FRBFailed to Release Billing
- FZDFreeze Damage
- HITHit - At Least One Motor Vehicle Violation
- HZMHazardous Material Placement
- IBFIrrevocable Beneficiary
- IEPIndividual Education Program
- INCIncarceration
- INFIncomplete - Final
- INPIncomplete - In Progress
- INSInvestment Selections
- IOCInvestment Objectives Changed
- IRSInternal Revenue Service Lien
- IV1Failed Material Returned for Repair
- IV2Material Shipped Between Intermediate Points
- JOWJoint Ownership
- JVPJuvenile Policy
- LEPLimited English Proficient
- LIQLiquidated
- LSHLoad Shifted
- MASMultiple Assignments
- MEPMigrant Education Program
- MINMental Incompetency
- MP2Middle Position Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- MPLMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- MPTMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- MPWMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- MTCMultiple Conditions
- NGPNew Generation Product
- NNMNo New Money (IRA > 70 1/2)
- NORNormal
- NWDNo Withdrawals
- P01Processing Delay
- P02Waiting Inspection
- P03Production Falldown
- P04Held for Full Carrier Load
- P05Waiting Test Results
- P06Producer Strike
- P07Producer Vacation
- PAAPending Agent Appointment
- PALPending Agent License
- POAPower of Attorney
- REJRejected - Insufficient or Incorrect Information
- RFMRailroad Failed to Meet Schedule
- RFRReplacement Form Required
- RLEReduced Price Lunch Eligible
- RUNReason Unknown
- S01Delivery Shortage
- SCHSurrender Charges
- SFRSurrender Form Required
- SGRSignature Required
- SOWShipment Overweight
- STMStorm
- T01Tractor With Sleeper Car Not Available
- T02Tractor, Conventional, Not Available
- T03Trailer Not Available
- T04Trailer Not Usable Due to Prior Product
- T05Trailer Class Not Available
- T06Trailer Volume Not Available
- T07Insufficient Delivery Time
- TDRTrain Derailment
- THTTheft
- TILTemporary Income Loss
- TP2Top Position Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- TPLTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- TPTTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- TPWTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- UCDUnknown Cause of Delay
- UNDUndetermined
- VANVandalism
- W01Out of Stock
- W02Equipment Cut
- W03Booking Location Request
- W04On Hold
- W05Order Discrepancy
- W06Receiving Location Request
- W07Inventory Discrepancy
- W08Material Shortage
- W09Substitution
- W10Diverted Item
- W11Loading Error
- W12Inbound Carrier Failure
- W13Product Allocation Exceeded
- W14Improperly Sized Order
- W15Wrong Equipment
- W16Insufficient Equipment Space
- WADWaiting Application Delivery
- WLCWeight Limit of Car Exceeded
- WLTWeight Limit of Truck Exceeded
- WLWWeight Limit of Well Exceeded
- WTPWaiting for Proof
- X10Alternative Career Exploration
- XX1Educator in Another District
- XX2Educator in Another State
- XX3Educator Outside U.S.
- XX4Other Educational Occupation
- XX5Not Offered Reemployment
- XX6Long Term Substitute
- XX7Intra-District Transfer from Licensed Position to Nonlicensed Position
- XX8No Assignment
- XX9Staff Reduction
- ZZZMutually Defined
Code identifying the type of insurance policy within a specific insurance program
Codes (51)- 12Medicare Secondary Working Aged Beneficiary or Spouse with Employer Group Health Plan
- 13Medicare Secondary End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiary in the Mandated Coordination Period with an Employer's Group Health Plan
- 14Medicare Secondary, No-fault Insurance including Auto is Primary
- 15Medicare Secondary Worker's Compensation
- 16Medicare Secondary Public Health Service (PHS)or Other Federal Agency
- 17Dental
- 18Vision
- 19Prescription Drugs
- 41Medicare Secondary Black Lung
- 42Medicare Secondary Veteran's Administration
- 43Medicare Secondary Disabled Beneficiary Under Age 65 with Large Group Health Plan (LGHP)
- 47Medicare Secondary, Other Liability Insurance is Primary
- DDisability
- EMedicare - Point of Service (POS)
- UMultiple Options Health Plan
- APAuto Insurance Policy
- C1Commercial
- COConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
- CPMedicare Conditionally Primary
- DBDisability Benefits
- EPExclusive Provider Organization
- FFFamily or Friends
- GPGroup Policy
- HMHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- HNHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO) - Medicare Risk
- HSSpecial Low Income Medicare Beneficiary
- INIndemnity
- IPIndividual Policy
- LCLong Term Care
- LDLong Term Policy
- LILife Insurance
- LTLitigation
- MAMedicare Part A
- MBMedicare Part B
- MCMedicaid
- MDMedicare Part D
- MHMedigap Part A
- MIMedigap Part B
- MPMedicare Primary
- OTOther
- PEProperty Insurance - Personal
- PLPersonal
- PPPersonal Payment (Cash - No Insurance)
- PRPreferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- PSPoint of Service (POS)
- QMQualified Medicare Beneficiary
- RPProperty Insurance - Real
- SPSupplemental Policy
- TFTax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA)
- WCWorkers Compensation
- WUWrap Up Policy
This code identifies the loan program or type
Codes (71)- 1Subsidized Federal Stafford
- 2Federal Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS)
- 3Federal PLUS Loan to Parents
- 4Unsubsidized Federal Stafford
- 5Federal Consolidated Loan
- 6Residential Loan
- 7Personal Loan
- 8Automobile
- 9Unsecured
- 10Secured
- 11Partially Secured
- 12Home Improvement
- 13FHA Home Improvement
- 14Installment Sales Contract
- 15Charge Account
- 16Real Estate, Specific Type Unknown
- 17Secured by Co-signer
- 18Business
- 19Recreational
- 20Educational
- 21Lease
- 22Co-maker
- 23Check Credit or Line of Credit
- 24FHA Co-maker (Not Borrower)
- 25Mobile Home
- 26Credit Card
- 27FHA Real Estate Mortgage
- 28Note Loan
- 29Note Loan with Co-maker
- 30Household Good (Secured)
- 31Household Goods and Other Collateral Auto
- 32Veterans Administration Real Estate Mortgage
- 33Conventional Real Estate Mortgage
- 34Real Estate Mortgage without Other Collateral
- 35Rental Agreement
- 36Summary of Accounts with Same Status
- 37Unknown Loan Type
- 38Debt Counseling Service
- 39Employment
- 40Combined Credit Plan
- 41Debit Card
- 42Credit Line - Secured
- 43Collection Attorney
- 44Insurance Claims
- 45Child Support
- 46Government Unsecured Guarantee Loan
- 47Government Secured Guarantee Loan
- 48Government Secured Direct Loan
- 49Government Grant
- 50Government Overpayment
- 51Government Fine
- 52Government Fee for Service
- 53Government Employee Advance
- 54Government Miscellaneous Debt
- 55Government Benefit
- 56Returned Check
- 57Installment Loan
- 58Fully Amortized First
- 59Balloon First
- 60Subordinate Mortgage
- 61Home Equity Line of Credit
- 62Wrap Around
- 63Tax
- 64Mortgage
- 65Rehabilitation
- 66One to Four Servicing
- 67Special Service
- 90Other
- 91Refinance
- 92Sale
- 93Wholesale