Code identifying purpose of transaction set
Codes (67)- 10Not Found
- 11Response
- 12Not Processed
- 13Request
- 14Advance Notification
- 15Re-Submission
- 16Proposed
- 17Cancel, to be Reissued
- 18Reissue
- 19Seller initiated change
- 20Final Transmission
- 21Transaction on Hold
- 22Information Copy
- 24Draft
- 25Incremental
- 26Replace - Specified Buyers Parts Only
- 27Verify
- 28Query
- 30Renewal
- 31Allowance/Addition
- 32Recovery/Deduction
- 33Request for Payment
- 34Payment Declined
- 35Request Authority
- 36Authority to Deduct (Reply)
- 37Authority Declined (Reply)
- 38No Financial Value
- 39Response to Proposed Trip Plan
- 40Commitment Advice
- 41Corrected and Verified
- 42Temporary Record
- 43Request Permission to Service
- 44Rejection
- 45Follow-up
- 46Cancellation with Refund
- 47Transfer
- 48Suspended
- 49Original - No Response Necessary
- 50Register
- 51Historical Inquiry
- 52Response to Historical Inquiry
- 53Completion
- 54Approval
- 55Excavation
- 56Expiration Notification
- 57Initial
- 77Simulation Exercise
- 00Original
- 01Cancellation
- 02Add
- 03Delete
- 04Change
- 05Replace
- 06Confirmation
- 07Duplicate
- 08Status
- 5CChargeable Resubmission
- CNCompletion Notification
- COCorrected
- EXFinal Loading Configuration
- GRGranted
- PRProposed Loading Configuration
- RHRelease Hold
- RVRevised Loading Configuration
- SBScan Based Trading
- SUStatus Update
- ZZMutually Defined
Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)
Code identifying the time. In accordance with International Standards Organization standard 8601, time can be specified by a + or - and an indication in hours in relation to Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time; since + is a restricted character, + and - are substituted by P and M in the codes that follow
Codes (51)- 10Equivalent to ISO P10
- 11Equivalent to ISO P11
- 12Equivalent to ISO P12
- 13Equivalent to ISO M12
- 14Equivalent to ISO M11
- 15Equivalent to ISO M10
- 16Equivalent to ISO M09
- 17Equivalent to ISO M08
- 18Equivalent to ISO M07
- 19Equivalent to ISO M06
- 20Equivalent to ISO M05
- 21Equivalent to ISO M04
- 22Equivalent to ISO M03
- 23Equivalent to ISO M02
- 24Equivalent to ISO M01
- 01Equivalent to ISO P01
- 02Equivalent to ISO P02
- 03Equivalent to ISO P03
- 04Equivalent to ISO P04
- 05Equivalent to ISO P05
- 06Equivalent to ISO P06
- 07Equivalent to ISO P07
- 08Equivalent to ISO P08
- 09Equivalent to ISO P09
- ADAlaska Daylight Time
- ASAlaska Standard Time
- ATAlaska Time
- CDCentral Daylight Time
- CSCentral Standard Time
- CTCentral Time
- EDEastern Daylight Time
- ESEastern Standard Time
- ETEastern Time
- GMGreenwich Mean Time
- HDHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time
- HSHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
- HTHawaii-Aleutian Time
- LTLocal Time
- MDMountain Daylight Time
- MSMountain Standard Time
- MTMountain Time
- NDNewfoundland Daylight Time
- NSNewfoundland Standard Time
- NTNewfoundland Time
- PDPacific Daylight Time
- PSPacific Standard Time
- PTPacific Time
- TDAtlantic Daylight Time
- TSAtlantic Standard Time
- TTAtlantic Time
- UTUniversal Time Coordinate
Code specifying the type of transaction
Codes (538)- 10Distribution
- 11National Property Registry System Real Estate Property Transaction
- 12Physician's Report
- 13Maintenance Request
- 14Maintenance Response
- 15Request with Immediate Response Required (No Follow-up)
- 16Request with Immediate Response Required (Follow-up Required)
- 17Request with Immediate Response to Mailbox
- 18Response - No Further Updates to Follow
- 19Response - Further Updates to Follow
- 20Air Export Waybill and Invoice
- 21Air Import Invoice
- 22Ocean Export Direct Invoice
- 23Ocean Export Indirect Invoice
- 24Ocean Export Brokerage Invoice
- 25Ocean Import Invoice
- 26Miscellaneous Services Invoice
- 27Warehouse Services Invoice
- 28Pre-registration
- 30Delivery
- 31Subrogation Demand
- 33Normal
- 34Emergency Request
- 35Short Notice Request
- 36Damage Notification
- 37Design Report
- 38Test
- 39Notice of Occupational Disease
- 40Notice of Traumatic Injury
- 41Statement of Financial Affairs
- 42Customer Shipment
- 43International Shipment
- 44Interplant Shipment
- 45Production to Carrier Shipment
- 46Advanced Payment
- 47Delinquency
- 48Payment Information
- 49Audit
- 50Transfer Loan In
- 51Transfer Loan Out
- 52Mailing Address Services
- 54Information Only, No Response Required
- 55New Service Order
- 56Denied Request
- 57Service Termination
- 58Tax Billing or Remittance
- 60Material In Transit
- 62Preaward Notification
- 63Postaward Notification
- 64Small Business Award Notification
- 65Award Notification
- 66Notification to Late Bidders
- 67Notification of Protest Receipt
- 68Abstract of Offers
- 69Bid Rejection Notice
- 70Unsolicited Bid Notice
- 71Filing and Search Request
- 72Termination
- 73Filing Officer Confirmation
- 74Amendment
- 75Full Assignment
- 76Partial Assignment
- 77Full Release of Collateral
- 78Partial Release of Collateral
- 79Continuation
- 80Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Broad Collateral Description
- 81Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Specific Collateral Description
- 82Segregation by Purchase Order Number
- 83Segregation by Carrier PRO Number
- 85Response - No Action Taken
- 87Disability Benefits Proof of Coverage Notification
- 88Debtor Filing
- 89Federal Occupational Reporting
- 91Secured Party Filing
- 94Partial Release Filing
- 95Full (Total) Release
- 97Multiple Listing
- 98Sale
- 99Loan
- 01Location Address Message
- 02Location Relation Information
- 03Report Message
- 04Electronic Mail Message
- 05Request for Co-op
- 06Guidelines
- 07Budget
- 08Commitment
- 09Co-op Actual
- 1AUnique Item Tracking Control Report
- 1BUnique Item Tracking Report Reconciliation
- 1CUnique Item Tracking Item Data Change
- 3MSupporting Information
- 6AAccomplishment Based Renewal
- 6CCompetitive Renewal
- 6NNon-competitive Renewal
- 6RResubmission
- 6SSupplemental
- A0Requisition
- A1Storage Item Data Change
- A3Administrative Fees
- A4Amended Return
- A5Notice of Charge
- A6Protest or Response to Charge
- A7Charge Decision
- AADue to Analysis
- ABAdvance Shipment and Billing Notice
- ACRequisition Cancellation
- ADNotice of Availability
- AEDue to Reconciliation (Full)
- AFRequisition Follow-Up
- AGDue to Reconciliation (Partial)
- AHPre-Employment Screening
- AIAdjusted Invoice
- AJStudent Loan Interest Statement (1098-E)
- AKTuition Payments Statement (1098-T)
- ALArbitration
- AMRequisition Modification
- ANMaterial Obligation Inquiry
- APMaterial Obligation Advice
- AQQuantity Verification Inquiry
- ARSupply Assistance
- ASShipment Advice
- ATAdministrative Action
- AVQuantity Verification Advice
- AWMaterial Obligation Reinstatement
- AZDisposal Shipment Advice
- BABackbill Invoice
- BBBillback
- BDStatement of Balance Due
- BFBest and Final Offer
- BGNon-escrow or Non-impound Tracking
- BHBill and Hold Goods
- BJBankruptcy Petition
- BKBankruptcy Schedules
- BLBlanket Lease Schedule
- BMRequisition Passing Order
- BNRequisition Referral Order
- BOProcurement Cancellation
- BPProcurement Modification
- BRBusiness Taxpayer Registration
- BSBill of Sale Schedule
- BTBalance and Transaction Report
- BUWorkers' Compensation 1st Report of Injury
- BVWorkers' Compensation Subsequent Report
- BWWorkers' Compensation Combined 1st and Subsequent Report
- BXNot for Resale Invoice
- BZFreight Invoice
- C0Customs Entry Detail
- C1Claim Information
- C2Case Opening
- C3Consignment
- C4Escrow or Impound Service Reporting
- C5Tax Assessment Bill
- C6Fixed Assets Tax Return
- C7Service Cancellation
- C8Conformed Copy
- C9Subject to Availability of Funds
- CACash
- CBContribution
- CCCredit Commission Invoice
- CDConsolidated Debit Invoice
- CEConsolidated Credit Invoice
- CFConsolidated Debit Memo
- CGConsolidated Credit Memo
- CHChargeable
- CIConsolidated Invoice
- CJConfirmation
- CKClaim Submission
- CLCustomer Allocation
- CMCall Detail Memo
- CNCredit Invoice
- COCorrected
- CPCommission Payment
- CRCredit Memo
- CSCash Surrender Distribution
- CTCost Type Invoice
- CUCargo Outturn Report
- CVCost Voucher
- CWCash Letter
- CXCheck List
- CYCitation to Pay or Appear
- CZConviction Notice
- D1Dividend Payment
- D4Receipt
- DADue-In
- DBDetour Billing
- DCDebit Commission Invoice
- DDInterdistrict (Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12) Student Record
- DEAdvance Receipt
- DFDiesel Fuel Bill
- DGResponse
- DHDiscretionary Additional Company Contribution
- DIDebit Invoice
- DKDuty Drawback
- DLDeposit List
- DMPrior Damage Report
- DNDirect Nonqualified Rollover
- DODrop Shipment Invoice
- DPDistrict to Postsecondary Student Record
- DQDirect Qualified Rollover
- DRDebit Memo
- DSDisposition
- DTDetail
- DUDuplicate
- E1Administrative Records Submission
- EAExcess Interest Allocation
- EBEngineering Final Bill
- ECCampaign Filing
- EDLobbyist Filing
- EFEngineering Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- EIEngineering Installation, Final Bill
- EMEstimate of Record
- EPExpense Payment
- EREngineering Right to Use, Final Bill
- EXExcess Material Notification
- F1Final Report
- F2Pre-approved Bidders List
- F4Pre-determined Allocation
- F5Allocation
- F6Shipper Imbalance
- F7Producer Imbalance
- F8Storage Report
- FAForfeiture Allocation
- FBFinal Bill
- FCForfeiture Credit
- FDConsolidated Invoice, Final Bill
- FEMemorandum, Final Bill
- FFFull Assignment Filing
- FGFiling
- FIFirst Cost Invoice
- FLFinal Notice
- FMFunding Modification
- FNFirst Notice of Loss
- FPFlat Rate Per Unit Bill
- FRFederal Royalty
- FSFinancial Statement Report
- FTMaterial Returns
- G1Nomination
- G2Request for Confirmation
- G3Confirmation Response
- GAGovernment Furnished Material Inquiry Advice
- GIGovernment Furnished Material Inquiry
- GRGarnishment
- GSCredit Report
- GTDisability Notice
- GUBlack Lung Claim
- GVClaim Experience Report
- GWEmployer's Report
- GXLongshore Report
- GYUnit Report
- HAHazardous Waste Report
- HBDischarge Monitoring Report
- HCRisk Management Plan
- HDSelf Monitoring Report
- HEHazardous Air Pollutant Inventory Report
- HFStationary Point Source Inventory Report
- HGToxic Release Inventory Report
- HPHorsepower Equalization Bill
- HXHandling Carrier Agreement Update
- I1In-Ad Coupon Notification
- IAInventory
- IBInstallation Final Bill
- ICInsurance Coverage Notification
- IDEmployers Report of Disability
- IEIndian Royalty
- IFMaterial, Engineering, Installation, Final Bill
- IIInterfund Transfer In
- IMIncident Notice
- INInquiry
- IOInterfund Transfer Out
- IRInstallation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- IUMaterial, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- IWWorkers Compensation Report of Injury or Illness
- IXInterchange Update
- IZInvestment Fees
- JMMaintenance and Operations Bill
- JOJoint Facility Miscellaneous Bill or Other
- JRRental Bill
- JSJunction Settlement Update
- JUJudgment
- JXJunction Update
- KBTermination for Default
- KCDefinitization of Contract
- KDDefinitization of Order
- KEExercise of Option
- KFIntent to Exercise Option
- KGAdministrative Change
- KHChange Order
- KISupplemental Agreement
- KJAmended Shipping Instructions
- KKProvisioned Item
- KLWithdrawal of Offer
- KMAdditions to General Provisions
- KNRequest for Price Quote
- KSAddition to Solicitation Mailing List
- KTTermination for Convenience
- LCDue-in Reconciliation Inquiry
- LDLoan Distribution
- LELoan Repayment Expense
- LFLanded Costs
- LNLoss Notification
- LOLoan Repayment to Principal Only
- LPLoan Repayment
- LRLogistics Reassignment
- LVLevy
- M1Manufacturer Coupon Notification
- M5Measurement Events and Alarms
- MAMailing List
- MBMaintenance to Business Taxpayer Registration
- MCMaterial Credit Invoice
- MDMarket Development Fund
- MEMemorandum
- MFMaterial, Engineering, Final Bill
- MIMaterial, Installation, Final Bill
- MLMembership List
- MMMultiple Shippers, Multiple Consignees
- MPMise En Place (In Place)
- MRMaterial, Right to Use, Final Bill
- MSMaterial Final Bill
- MUMultifamily Program
- N1Bilateral
- N2Notice of Assessment
- N3Notice of Warrant
- N4Notice of Adjustment
- N5Notice of Determination
- N6Notice of Settlement
- N7Notice of Recorded Lien
- N8Notice of Deficiency
- NAMaterial Release Order
- NBMaterial Release Inquiry
- NCMaterial Release Order Forced Closure
- NDMaterial Release Cancellation
- NEDisposal Release Order
- NFDisposal Release Inquiry
- NGDisposal Release Cancellation
- NHDisposal Shipment Confirmation Inquiry
- NIRedistribution Order
- NJMaterial Release Confirmation
- NKMaterial Release Denial
- NLMaterial Release Advice
- NMDisposal Release Confirmation
- NONotice
- NPDisposal Release Denial
- NQDisposal Release Advice
- NRMaterial Release Cancellation Advice
- NSIn-Transit
- NTDisposal Release Cancellation Advice
- NUInventory Adjustment
- OCOn Approval
- OFOffer
- OPOpinion
- OROrder
- P1Preliminary
- PAProgress Payment Invoice
- PBPartial Bill
- PCInvention Report
- PDProduct Allocation
- PEPleading
- PFPartial Assignment Filing
- PGPremium Routing Guide
- PHProspective Student Information
- PIPersonal Injury Bill
- PLPlan Allocation
- PMPremium Payment
- POPlan Takeover
- PPPrepaid Invoice
- PRProduct (or Service)
- PSPostsecondary Student Academic Record
- PTPlan-to-plan Transfer
- PUNotice of Claim
- PVProtest or Response to Claim
- PWClaim Decision
- PXWage Verification Notice
- PZPurchase Report
- Q1Scheduled Quantity
- Q2Scheduled Quantity for Operator
- QACoupon Regular Clearinghouse Invoice
- QBCoupon Direct Retailer Invoice
- QCCoupon Clearinghouse Pay Direct Invoice
- QDProduct Quality Deficiency
- QECoupon Scan Validate Invoice
- QFScan Validate Adjustment
- QGQuick Response Routing Guide
- QHFull Coupon Redemption (No Adjustments)
- QJAdjusted Coupon Redemption
- QKCoupon Redemption Detail
- QLAdjustments to Previous Coupon Redemption
- QPCoupon Quick Pay Invoice
- QRProduct Quality Deficiency Response
- R1Request for Enrollment Verification
- R2Response to Request for Enrollment Verification
- R3Response to Garnishment
- R4Release of Garnishment
- R5Response to Levy
- R6Release of Levy
- R7Response to Order to Withhold
- R8Release of Order to Withhold
- RARequest for Credit
- RBRight to Use
- RCRequest for Quote
- RDReturns Detail
- RERebill
- RFMaterial, Engineering, Right to Use, Final Bill
- RGRevised Final Bill
- RHRequest for Additional Funds
- RIRouting Instructions
- RJResponse to Request for Routing Instructions
- RKRegistration
- RMReminder to File
- RPReporting
- RQRequest
- RSResponse - Additional Response(s) Available
- RTSpend Down
- RUMedical Services Reservation
- RZRemoved from Solicitation Mailing List
- S1Special Routing Guide
- S2Standard Routing Guide
- S3Supplemental Loan Repayment
- S4Submission
- SAStand-alone Lease Schedule
- SBSecond Notice of Balance Due
- SCDeprescription
- SDSupply Process Deficiency
- SESpecial Bilateral
- SFSingle Family Program
- SGSample Goods Invoice
- SHShipment Status Notification
- SISight Certification Request
- SLSummary Lease Schedule
- SMSingle Shipper, Multiple Consignees
- SOSpot Rate
- SPSupplier Rating
- SQSchedule Query
- SRSupply Process Deficiency Response
- SSSingle Shipper, Single Consignee
- STState Royalty
- SUSurvey
- SVSupplemental Invoice
- T1Report sent by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- T2Report sent to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- T3Common Core of Data (CCD) Report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- T4Common Core of Data (CCD) Report to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- T5Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS) Report from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- T6Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS) Report to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- T7Transportation Invoice
- T8Sales Invoice
- T9Service Requester Level Invoice
- TDShipment or Movement Deficiency
- TFTax or Fee Exemption Certification
- TGReceipt Acknowledgment Inquiry
- THReceipt Acknowledgment Advice
- TIDelinquent Due-in Advice
- TJDelinquent Due-in Inquiry
- TKDue-in Reconciliation Advice
- TLTotal Loss Evaluation
- TPTrading Partner Information
- TRShipment or Movement Deficiency Response
- TSTransfer Statement
- TTTesting Service Report
- TXRequest for Testing Service Report
- U1Contract Abstract
- U2Shipment Performance Notice
- U4Acceptance Alert
- U5Update
- U9Contract Payment Notice
- UAAmendment Filing
- UCUniform Commercial Code Filing
- UDUnsalable Detail
- UFMaterial, Engineering, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- UIUniform Commercial Code Filing Inquiry
- UMTermination Filing
- UOOriginal Filing
- UPUnsalable Product Invoice
- URUniform Commercial Code Filing Response to Inquiry
- UTContinuation Filing
- V1Contract Completion Report
- V2Nomination Quick Response
- V3Confirmation Response Quick Response
- V4Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response
- VHPublic Voucher
- VJCommercial Invoice
- VLViolation Notice
- VMVoluntary MEDWATCH Report
- VNMandatory MEDWATCH Report
- VOMedical Device New Baseline Report
- VPMedical Device Annual Baseline Report
- VQUser Facility Annual Medical Device Report
- VRAnnual Certification of Medical Device Report
- W1Weapons Data Change
- W4Weapons Control Report
- W5Weapons Control Report Reconciliation
- WAWork Assignment
- WCWorkers Compensation Proof of Coverage Notification
- WDWithdrawal
- WHOrder to Withhold
- WOWork Order
- WSWaste
- WTWarrant
- X1Consolidator's Invoice
- XACancel Pending New Offer
- XBBilateral Spot Rate
- XCAutomatic Concurrence
- XDSpecial Deprescription
- XXFirm Order Confirmation with Facility Information
- XYFirm Order Confirmation
- XZFacility Confirmation
- YIFunds Validation Inquiry
- YRFunds Validation Response
- Z1Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
- Z2Project Directive
- Z3Request for Contractual Procurement
- Z4Reimbursable Work Order
- ZARequest Initiation of Work Candidate
- ZBReport of Work Candidate
- ZCReport of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period
- ZDRequest Assignment of Work Candidate to Planning Maintenance Activity
- ZERequest for Full Work Candidate Detail
- ZFReport of Full Work Candidate Detail
- ZGReport of Approved Work Candidate
- ZHRequest Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate
- ZIReport of Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate
- ZJRequest Work Candidate Planning Services
- ZKReport of Work Candidate Planning Services
- ZLReport of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Planning/Maintenance Activity
- ZMRequest of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period
- ZNStop Work Order
- ZOAuthorization to Continue Work
- ZPRequest for Departure From Specification
- ZQReport of Authorized Departure From Specification
- ZRRequest Work Progress Status
- ZSReport of Work Progress Status
- ZTReport of Rejection or Return of Work Candidate
- ZURequest Work Candidate Change
- ZVLien Filing
- ZWSort and Segregate Detail
- ZXExpungement of Prior Filing
- ZYCancellation of Filing
- ZZMutually Defined
Code indicating type of action
Codes (323)- 0Authorize
- 1Add
- 2Change (Update)
- 3Delete
- 4Verify
- 5Send
- 6Receive
- 7Request
- 8In Production Send
- 9Not Capable of Taking Action
- 10Adjourn
- 11Approve
- 12Auction
- 13Cleared
- 14Compose
- 15Correct and Resubmit Claim
- 16Consider
- 17Create
- 18Decide
- 19Declare
- 20Decree Recall
- 21Disapprove
- 22Dissolve
- 23Escalation
- 24On-Hold
- 25Dropped
- 26Bankruptcy Filed - Review Account
- 27Moved - Follow Up
- 28Change Phone Number
- 29Payment Received - Follow Up
- 30Account Active - Pursue
- 31Return per Client Request
- 32Pursue Legal Action
- 33Active
- 34Pursue Garnishment
- 35New Assignment - Proceed
- 36Repossess Merchandise
- 37Adjust Payment
- 38Change Address
- 39Skiptrace Account
- 40Close Account - Deceased
- 41Update to Inactive
- 42Account Paid in Full - Close Account
- 43Refused to Pay - Review Account
- 44Account Disputed - Review
- 45Do Not Contact - Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
- 46Forward Account
- 47Enforce
- 48Extinguish
- 49Judgment for Defendant
- 50Judgment for Plaintiff
- 51Complete
- 52Justified
- 53Legal Moratorium on Debts Incurred to Date
- 54Meeting Held
- 55Meeting Held and Opened
- 56Moratorium
- 57Not Filed
- 58Not Justified
- 59Partial Release
- 60Provisional Moratorium
- 61Readjudicate
- 62Resolve
- 63Resulted in a Suit
- 64Resulted in No Liquidation
- 65Set Aside
- 66Settled out of Court
- 67Sold
- 68Stayed
- 69Subordination
- 70Surrender
- 71Term Expired
- 72Unsatisfied
- 73Void
- 74Suspended, 24 Hours
- 75Dispute
- 76Assign
- 77Agent Change
- 78Agent Hierarchy Change
- 79Reactivate
- 80Reconcile
- 81Renew
- 82Follow Up
- 83Future
- 84Letter of Authority Sent
- 85New Premium Only
- 86Pended for Follow Up
- 87Countersue
- 88Contact via Telephone Call
- 89Contact via Fax
- 90Mark
- 91In Progress
- 92Reconfirm
- 93Send Record at End of the Fall Term
- 94Send Record at End of the Winter Term
- 95Send Record at End of the Spring Term
- 96Send Record at End of the Summer Term
- 97Send Record at End of the Intersession Term
- AAdd A Bill of Lading
- BCancel Balance of Order/Item that Exceeds Value Specified in Data Element 610
- CCancelled
- DDelete a Bill of Lading
- EEliminate/Expire
- FFinal
- GCancel Entire Order/Item
- HMaster-In-Bond (MIB) Arrival
- IReissue
- JRecord
- KIn Production Send and Receive
- LIn Development/Send
- MIn Development/Receive
- NIn Development/Send and Receive
- OIn Test/Send
- PIn Test/Receive
- QIn Test/Send and Receive
- RIn Production Receive
- SRe-record
- TStatus Query
- UReject
- VRespond
- WReverse
- XRecommend
- YNot Recommend
- ZMutually Defined
- 00Authorize and Settle Combination
- A1Certified in total
- A2Certified - partial
- A3Not Certified
- A4Pended
- A5Upheld
- A6Modified
- AAAward
- ABAbandon
- ACAcknowledge
- ADDecrease in Amount
- AEActivate
- AFAffirm
- AGAdded Commodity Codes
- AHAdded Equipment
- AIIncrease in Amount
- AJAdded Points Served
- ALAllow
- ANAnnual Location Reconciliation
- APAppeal
- AQAcquitted
- ARAdvanced Payment
- ASDiscovered
- ATAppoint
- AVCancellation Not Effected
- AWMass Cancellation
- AXPartial Cancellation
- BDBoard
- BEProducer Reporting Structure Change
- BFBackground Investigation
- BGLicense Request
- BHBook of Business Transfer
- BIBifurcate
- BJPrint Loan Application Only
- BKGuarantee Application Only
- BLGuarantee Before Sending Application
- BMReturn Loan Application with Certification Data
- BNGuarantee After Receiving Application
- BOUse Both Date and Meter Criteria
- C1Community Service Required
- C2Convicted
- CAChange Name
- CBCut
- CCConcur
- CDCompleted Docket (Proposer Only and on Current Docket)
- CECharge
- CFConfirm
- CGConditionally Grant
- CLClosed
- CMCommence
- CNConsolidated
- COCorrect
- CPCounter Proposal
- CRProcess Immediate, Critical
- CSTransfer of Claim for Security
- CTContact Payer
- CUContinue
- CVConvert
- CXClaim Transferred
- D1Deported
- D2Dismissed
- DADivision Adjustment Only
- DBShorten Expiration Date
- DCDelivered to Another Carrier
- DDDelete and Docket (Proposer Only on Unconcurred Docket)
- DEDeny
- DFDefer
- DGDecrease
- DHExtended Expiration Date
- DIDismissed with Prejudice
- DJDismissed without Prejudice
- DKDispose
- DLDivert
- DPDelivered to Public Warehouse
- DRDirect
- DSDiscarded
- DTDiscontinue
- DXDischarged
- EAEstablish Address
- EBEstablish Additional Address
- ECEstablish Electronic Address
- EDSuppress Correspondence
- EESuppress Forms
- ENEnter
- EOEnd of Day Processing
- EPEntire Patient Information
- ERExtension Request
- EVEvaluate
- EXExtend
- EZException Occurred
- F1Fined
- FAFail
- FCFactor Change
- FIFile
- FOForfeit
- FRPatient Follow-Up Required
- GRGrant
- HMProcess Manually
- HRHold Until Released
- I1Found Not Guilty
- IADeactivate
- IMIncrease
- INInterim
- ISIssue
- ITInitiate
- JAJailed
- JOJoin
- JUJudgment
- KARegistration Confirmed
- LCLeft at Consignee
- LQLiquidate
- MEMerge
- MOMooting
- NANo Action Required
- NCProcess Routinely, Not Critical
- NDNo Change
- NPNot Present
- NSDo Not Send
- ODOrder
- OPOpen
- ORUse Date or Meter Criteria (whichever occurs first)
- OTOther Unlisted Action
- P1Sentenced to Probation
- PATariff Publisher Add
- PBPartial Transfer of Claim
- PCPreviously Converted
- PDTariff Publisher Delete
- PFPreliminary Final
- PIProvide Additional Information
- PJProgress Payment
- POProposed
- PPPartial Patient Information
- PRPresent
- PSProposal
- PTProposal Trace
- PUPublish Changes
- PVProvisional Payment
- R1Reopened
- R2Send Record Now
- R3Send Record at End of the Term
- R4Send Record After Degree is Posted
- R5Send Vocational Record Only
- R6Transfer
- R7Assumption
- R8Terminate
- R9Reinstate
- RARemove
- RBResecure
- RCReturned to Carrier Facility
- RDRate and Division Adjustment
- REReleased
- RFReturned to Shipper's Facility (Other Than Original Shipping Location)
- RGRefer
- RHRecall
- RIRestricted
- RJRate Adjustment
- RKRate Adjustment with a Sequence Change
- RLReschedule
- RMRemand
- RNReject Proposal with Counter Proposal to Follow
- ROReturned to Original Shipping Location
- RPRequest To Publish
- RQTariff Publisher Reissue
- RRReverse and Remand
- RSReport Status
- RTRestrain
- RUReturn
- RVRevoke
- RWRescind
- RXReplace
- RZReject - Header Level Errors
- S1Secure
- S2Suspended
- SASatisfy
- SBSubrogate
- SCScreen
- SDSeal
- SESettle
- SLSchedule
- SRServe
- SSSustain
- SUSuspend
- SVSever
- SZSeize
- TDTemporarily Deny
- TEOppose
- TGTemporarily Grant
- TNAnnul
- TPTemporarily Grant, in Part
- TRTrim
- TSDisallow
- TUTake Under Advisement
- VAVacate
- VCSight Verification Completed
- W1Reconcile Historical Records
- WDWithdrawn
- WIWinterize
- WQAccept
- WVWaive
Code indicating the level of confidentiality assigned by the sender to the information following
Codes (17)- 11Competition Sensitive
- 20Court Restricted
- 21Juvenile Record Restricted
- 90Government Non-Classified
- 92Government Confidential
- 93Government Secret
- 94Government Top Secret
- 99Government Defined (Trading Partner Level)
- 00Company Non-Classified
- 01Company Internal Use Only
- 02Company Confidential
- 03Company Confidential, Restricted (Need to Know)
- 04Company Registered (Signature Required)
- 05Personal
- 06Supplier Proprietary
- 09Company Defined (Trading Partner Level)
- ZZMutually Defined