X12 EDI Release 00504
To transmit identification numbers and other basic shipment data
Code identifying purpose of transaction set
Codes (67)- 10Not Found
- 11Response
- 12Not Processed
- 13Request
- 14Advance Notification
- 15Re-Submission
- 16Proposed
- 17Cancel, to be Reissued
- 18Reissue
- 19Seller initiated change
- 20Final Transmission
- 21Transaction on Hold
- 22Information Copy
- 24Draft
- 25Incremental
- 26Replace - Specified Buyers Parts Only
- 27Verify
- 28Query
- 30Renewal
- 31Allowance/Addition
- 32Recovery/Deduction
- 33Request for Payment
- 34Payment Declined
- 35Request Authority
- 36Authority to Deduct (Reply)
- 37Authority Declined (Reply)
- 38No Financial Value
- 39Response to Proposed Trip Plan
- 40Commitment Advice
- 41Corrected and Verified
- 42Temporary Record
- 43Request Permission to Service
- 44Rejection
- 45Follow-up
- 46Cancellation with Refund
- 47Transfer
- 48Suspended
- 49Original - No Response Necessary
- 50Register
- 51Historical Inquiry
- 52Response to Historical Inquiry
- 53Completion
- 54Approval
- 55Excavation
- 56Expiration Notification
- 57Initial
- 77Simulation Exercise
- 00Original
- 01Cancellation
- 02Add
- 03Delete
- 04Change
- 05Replace
- 06Confirmation
- 07Duplicate
- 08Status
- 5CChargeable Resubmission
- CNCompletion Notification
- COCorrected
- EXFinal Loading Configuration
- GRGranted
- PRProposed Loading Configuration
- RHRelease Hold
- RVRevised Loading Configuration
- SBScan Based Trading
- SUStatus Update
- ZZMutually Defined
Code specifying the method or type of transportation for the shipment
Codes (81)- 6Military Official Mail
- 7Mail
- AAir
- BBarge
- CConsolidation
- DParcel Post
- EExpedited Truck
- FFlyaway
- GConsignee Option
- HCustomer Pickup
- ICommon Irregular Carrier
- JMotor
- KBackhaul
- LContract Carrier
- MMotor (Common Carrier)
- NPrivate Vessel
- OContainerized Ocean
- PPrivate Carrier
- QConventional Ocean
- RRail
- SOcean
- TBest Way (Shippers Option)
- UPrivate Parcel Service
- WInland Waterway
- XIntermodal (Piggyback)
- YMilitary Intratheater Airlift Service
- ACAir Charter
- AEAir Express
- AFAir Freight
- AHAir Taxi
- APAir (Package Carrier)
- ARArmed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS)
- BBBreakbulk Ocean
- BPBook Postal
- BUBus
- CCCommingled Ocean
- CECustomer Pickup / Customer's Expense
- DADriveaway Service
- DWDriveaway, Truckaway, Towaway
- EDAir Mobility Command (AMC) Channel and Special Assignment Airlift Mission
- FAAir Freight Forwarder
- FLMotor (Flatbed)
- GGGeographic Receiving/Shipping
- GRGeographic Receiving
- GSGeographic Shipping
- HHHousehold Goods Truck
- IPIntermodal (Personal Property)
- LAMilitary Air
- LDLocal Delivery
- LTLess Than Trailer Load (LTL)
- MBMotor (Bulk Carrier)
- MPMotor (Package Carrier)
- MSMilitary Sealift Command (MSC)
- PAPooled Air
- PGPooled Piggyback
- PLPipeline
- PPPool to Pool
- PRPooled Rail
- PTPooled Truck
- RCRail, Less than Carload
- ROOcean (Roll on - Roll off)
- RRRoadrailer
- SBShipper Agent
- SCShipper Agent (Truck)
- SDShipper Association
- SESea/Air
- SFSurface Freight Forwarder
- SRSupplier Truck
- SSSteamship
- STStack Train
- TATowaway Service
- TCCab (Taxi)
- TTTank Truck
- VAMotor (Van)
- VEVessel, Ocean
- VLVessel, Lake
- WPWater or Pipeline Intermodal Movement
- XEIntermodal Expedited
- Y1Ocean Conference Carrier
- Y2Ocean Non-Conference Carrier
- ZZMutually defined
Code defining relationship of this shipment with respect to other shipments given to the carrier at the same time
Codes (35)- 1Master Bill for Empty Non-Revenue Equipment
- 2Sea Waybill
- 3Intermodal/Combined Transport Bill of Lading
- 4Household Goods Bill of Lading
- 5Load Handled as Empty
- 6First Bill for Split Shipment
- 7Subordinate Bill for Split Shipment
- 8Master Bill, Revenue Empty
- 9Reload
- ASub for Assembly
- BBill of Lading for Individual Shipment
- CConsolidated Shipment
- DSub for Distribution
- EEmpty Equipment Billing (Non-Revenue)
- FStop-off Shipment
- GSwitch Waybill
- HCompany Business (Non-revenue)
- IIntermodal
- JCharity Load (Non-revenue)
- KFree Astray (Non-revenue)
- LSingle Load (Blind Memo) Memo-Incomplete Documentation
- MMaster Bill of Lading for Assembly, Distribution and Volume Shipment
- NMultiple Loads (Blind Memo) Memo-Incomplete Documentation
- OMemo Bill (Not Used for Rail)
- PPTF Bill of Lading
- QContinuous Movement
- RSupplemental Billing
- SSubmaster Bill of Lading for Volume Shipment
- TFreight Claim Rule 93-B (Free Return)
- URoundtrip Movement
- VVoid Bill
- WRevenue Empty
- XEmpty Switch Waybill
- YAdvance/Prepaid Only Waybill
- ZCommercial Zone Pickup
Code defining method of handling for documentation
Codes (17)- 10Proforma Entered/B13 Not Required
- 14Proforma and B13 Entered
- 15Proforma Entered and B13 with Car
- 16Proforma Entered and B13 by Summary Reporting
- 17Proforma Entered with B13 with Broker Port of Exit
- 20Proforma with Car/B13 Not Required
- 24Proforma with Car and B13 Entered
- 25Proforma and B13 with Car
- 26Proforma with Car and B13 by Summary Reporting
- 27Proforma with Car and B13 with Broker Port of Exit
- 30Proforma with Broker Port of Exit/B13 Not Required
- 34Proforma with Broker Port of Exit and B13 Entered
- 35Proforma with Broker Port of Exit and B13 with Car
- 36Proforma with Broker Port of Exit B13 by Summary Reporting
- 37Proforma and B13 with Broker Port of Exit
- 40Customs Cleared
- 90Customs A 4 +
Code used by the shipper to request that the carrier inhibit origin identification information from the invoice transaction sets and/or rate and charges from waybill documents and transaction sets when shipment moves under confidential contract rates
Codes (4)- CConfidential Billing
- MConfidential Billing and No Rate or Charges to be Shown
- NNot Applicable
- RNo Rate or Charges to be Shown
Code required to identify the reason for a 0% rated goods and services tax
Codes (3)- 1Inbound Goods and Services Tax Declaration
- 2Outbound Goods and Services Tax Declaration
- 3Goods and Services Tax Inbound/Outbound Declaration Documentary Evidence Filed at Origin