X12 EDI Release 00504
To identify source and type of car hire rate
Code identifying the type of quantity or value on which the rate or item pricing is based
Codes (47)- ARAppurtenance (Enhancements/Additions to Equipment)
- BABarrels
- BXBox
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CFCubic Foot
- CMCentimeter
- DKKilometers
- DMMiles
- DRDrivers
- EAEach
- FRFlat Rate
- FTFoot
- GC100 Gallons
- GLGallon
- KGKilogram
- LBPound
- LC100 Pounds
- LH100 Liters
- LRLiter
- MRMileage
- MTMeasurement Ton
- MVMonetary Value
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDCord
- NGNights
- NLLoad
- NNTrain
- NPPiece
- NRContainer
- NTTrailer
- NUUnit
- NVVehicle
- OROther
- PKPackage
- PRPersons
- RVRelease Value
- SPStops
- STNumber of States
- SYSquare Yards
- TDDays
- THHours
- TNTons
- TRTime
- VAActual Volume
- VCChargeable Volume
- VMVolume Metric Unit