X12 EDI Release 00504
To represent sampling frequency changes or values that are conditional on measurements made on previous samples, related manufacturing stages, or the environment
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Codes (884)- 10Group
- 11Outfit
- 12Packet
- 13Ration
- 14Shot
- 15Stick
- 16115 Kilogram Drum
- 17100 Pound Drum
- 1855 Gallon Drum
- 19Tank Truck
- 2020 Foot Container
- 2140 Foot Container
- 22Deciliter per Gram
- 23Grams per Cubic Centimeter
- 24Theoretical Pounds
- 25Grams per Square Centimeter
- 26Actual Tons
- 27Theoretical Tons
- 28Kilograms per Square Meter
- 29Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
- 30Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 31Catchweight
- 32Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 33Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
- 34Kilopascals per Millimeter
- 35Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
- 36Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
- 37Ounces per Square Foot
- 38Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
- 39Basis Points
- 40Milliliter per Second
- 41Milliliter per Minute
- 43Super Bulk Bag
- 44500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 45300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4625 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4750 Pound Bag
- 48Bulk Car Load
- 50Actual Kilograms
- 51Actual Tonnes
- 52Credits
- 53Theoretical Kilograms
- 54Theoretical Tonnes
- 56Sitas
- 57Mesh
- 58Net Kilograms
- 59Parts Per Million
- 60Percent Weight
- 61Parts Per Billion
- 62Percent Per 1000 Hours
- 63Failure Rate In Time
- 64Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
- 65Coulomb
- 66Oersteds
- 67Siemens
- 68Ampere
- 69Test Specific Scale
- 70Volt
- 71Volt-Ampere Per Pound
- 72Watts Per Pound
- 73Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
- 74Milli Pascals
- 76Gauss
- 77Mil
- 78Kilogauss
- 79Electron Volt
- 80Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
- 81Henry
- 82Ohm
- 83Farad
- 84Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
- 85Foot Pounds
- 86Joules
- 87Pounds per Cubic Foot
- 89Poise
- 90Saybold Universal Second
- 91Stokes
- 92Calories per Cubic Centimeter
- 93Calories per Gram
- 94Curl Units
- 9520,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9610,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9710 Kilogram Drum
- 9815 Kilogram Drum
- 99Watt
- 01Actual Pounds
- 02Statute Mile
- 03Seconds
- 04Small Spray
- 05Lifts
- 06Digits
- 07Strand
- 08Heat Lots
- 09Tire
- 1ACar Mile
- 1BCar Count
- 1CLocomotive Count
- 1DCaboose Count
- 1EEmpty Car
- 1FTrain Mile
- 1GFuel Usage (Gallons)
- 1HCaboose Mile
- 1IFixed Rate
- 1JTon Miles
- 1KLocomotive Mile
- 1LTotal Car Count
- 1MTotal Car Mile
- 1NCount
- 1OSeason
- 1PTank Car
- 1QFrames
- 1RTransactions
- 1TTerabecquerel
- 1XQuarter Mile
- 2ARadians Per Second
- 2BRadians Per Second Squared
- 2CRoentgen
- 2DShip Set
- 2FVolts Per Meter
- 2GVolts (Alternating Current)
- 2HVolts (Direct Current)
- 2IBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
- 2JCubic Centimeters Per Second
- 2KCubic Feet Per Hour
- 2LCubic Feet Per Minute
- 2MCentimeters Per Second
- 2NDecibels
- 2PKilobyte
- 2QKilobecquerel
- 2RKilocurie
- 2UMegagram
- 2VMegagrams Per Hour
- 2WBin
- 2XMeters Per Minute
- 2YMilliroentgen
- 2ZMillivolts
- 3ADegrees Lovibond
- 3BMegajoule
- 3CManmonth
- 3DPieces per 100 Grams
- 3EPounds Per Pound of Product
- 3FKilograms Per Liter of Product
- 3GPounds Per Piece of Product
- 3HKilograms Per Kilogram of Product
- 3IKilograms Per Piece of Product
- 3JPieces per 10 Pounds
- 3KProof
- 3LScoville Units
- 3MWater Activity
- 4ABobbin
- 4BCap
- 4CCentistokes
- 4DCurie
- 4E20-Pack
- 4F100-Pack
- 4GMicroliter
- 4IMeters Per Second
- 4JMeters Per Second Per Second
- 4KMilliamperes
- 4LMegabyte
- 4MMilligrams Per Hour
- 4NMegabecquerel
- 4OMicrofarad
- 4PNewtons Per Meter
- 4QOunce Inch
- 4ROunce Foot
- 4SPascal
- 4TPicofarad
- 4UPounds Per Hour
- 4VCubic Meter Per Hour
- 4WTon Per Hour
- 4XKiloliter Per Hour
- 5ABarrels per Minute
- 5BBatch
- 5CGallons per Thousand
- 5DProof Gallons
- 5FPounds per Thousand
- 5GPump
- 5HStage
- 5IStandard Cubic Foot
- 5JHydraulic Horse Power
- 5KCount per Minute
- 5PSeismic Level
- 5QSeismic Line
- 8CCord
- 8DDuty
- 8PProject
- 8RProgram
- 8SSession
- 8USquare Kilometer
- 9AApothecary Pound
- 9BBriquet
- 9FFold
- 9OApothecary Ounce
- 9PPillow
- 9SSeat
- 9YFamily Unit
- 9ZUnited States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit
- A1Absorbance
- A2Bloom Units
- A3Brabender Units
- A4Count per Ounce
- A5Count per Pound
- A6Count per Pouch
- A7Milligrams per Gram
- A8Dollars per Hours
- A9Millipoises
- AABall
- ABBulk Pack
- ACAcre
- ADBytes
- AEAmperes per Meter
- AFCentigram
- AGAngstrom
- AHAdditional Minutes
- AIAverage Minutes Per Call
- AJCop
- AKFathom
- ALAccess Lines
- AMAmpoule
- ANMinutes or Messages
- AOAmpere-turn
- APAluminum Pounds Only
- AQAnti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
- ARSuppository
- ASAssortment
- ATAtmosphere
- AUOcular Insert System
- AVCapsule
- AWPowder-Filled Vials
- AXTwenty
- AYAssembly
- AZBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
- B0British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
- B1Barrels per Day
- B2Bunks
- B3Batting Pound
- B4Barrel, Imperial
- B5Billet
- B6Bun
- B7Cycles
- B8Board
- B9Batt
- BABale
- BBBase Box
- BCBucket
- BDBundle
- BEBeam
- BFBoard Feet
- BGBag
- BHBrush
- BIBar
- BJBand
- BKBook
- BLBlock
- BMBolt
- BNBulk
- BOBottle
- BP100 Board Feet
- BQBrake horse power
- BRBarrel
- BSBasket
- BTBelt
- BUBushel
- BVBushel, Dry Imperial
- BWBase Weight
- BXBox
- BYBritish Thermal Unit (BTU)
- BZMillion BTUs/Dekatherm
- C0Calls
- C1Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
- C2Carset
- C3Centiliter
- C4Carload
- C5Cost
- C6Cell
- C7Centipoise (CPS)
- C8Cubic Decimeter
- C9Coil Group
- CACase
- CBCarboy
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CDCarat
- CECentigrade, Celsius
- CFCubic Feet
- CGCard
- CHContainer
- CICubic Inches
- CJCone
- CKConnector
- CLCylinder
- CMCentimeter
- CNCan
- COCubic Meters (Net)
- CPCrate
- CQCartridge
- CRCubic Meter
- CSCassette
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CWHundred Pounds (CWT)
- CXCoil
- CYCubic Yard
- CZCombo
- D1Dollars, Canadian
- D2Shares
- D3Square Decimeter
- D4Degrees Brix
- D5Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
- D6Degrees Lintner
- D8Draize Score
- D9Dyne per Square Centimeter
- DADays
- DBDry Pounds
- DCDisk (Disc)
- DDDegree
- DEDeal
- DFDram
- DGDecigram
- DHMiles
- DIDispenser
- DJDecagram
- DKKilometers
- DLDeciliter
- DMDecimeter
- DNDeci Newton-Meter
- DODollars, U.S.
- DPDozen Pair
- DQData Records
- DRDrum
- DSDisplay
- DTDry Ton
- DUDyne
- DWCalendar Days
- DXDynes per Centimeter
- DYDirectory Books
- DZDozen
- E1Hectometer
- E3Inches, Fraction-Average
- E4Inches, Fraction-Minimum
- E5Inches, Fraction-Actual
- E7Inches, Decimal-Average
- E8Inches, Decimal-Actual
- E9English, (Feet, Inches)
- EAEach
- EBElectronic Mail Boxes
- ECEach per Month
- EDInches, Decimal-Nominal
- EEEmployees
- EFInches, Fraction-Nominal
- EGDouble-time Hours
- EHKnots
- EJLocations
- EMInches, Decimal-Minimum
- EPEleven pack
- EQEquivalent Gallons
- EVEnvelope
- EXFeet, Inches and Fraction
- EYFeet, Inches and Decimal
- EZFeet and Decimal
- F0International Units per Gram
- F1Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
- F2International Unit
- F3Equivalent
- F4Minim
- F6Price Per Share
- F9Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
- FAFahrenheit
- FBFields
- FDMillion Particles per Cubic Foot
- FETrack Foot
- FFHundred Cubic Meters
- FGTransdermal Patch
- FHMicromolar
- FJSizing Factor
- FKFibers
- FLFlake Ton
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FOFluid Ounce
- FPPounds per Sq. Ft.
- FRFeet Per Minute
- FSFeet Per Second
- FTFoot
- FUFurlong
- FVGrams per 100 Cubic Inches
- FZFluid Ounce (Imperial)
- G1Gallons Capacity
- G2U.S. Gallons Per Minute
- G3Imperial Gallons Per Minute
- G4Gigabecquerel
- G5Gill (Imperial)
- G6Bit
- G7Microfiche Sheet
- G8Gigacalories
- G9Gigabyte
- GAGallon
- GBGallons/Day
- GCGrams per 100 Grams
- GDGross Barrels
- GEPounds per Gallon
- GFGrams per 100 Centimeters
- GGGreat Gross (Dozen Gross)
- GHHalf Gallon
- GIImperial Gallons
- GJGrams per Milliliter
- GKGrams per Kilogram
- GLGrams per Liter
- GMGrams per Sq. Meter
- GNGross Gallons
- GOMilligrams per Square Meter
- GPMilligrams per Cubic Meter
- GQMicrograms per Cubic Meter
- GRGram
- GSGross
- GTGross Kilogram
- GUGauss per Oersteds
- GVGigajoules
- GWGallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
- GXGrain
- GYGross Yard
- GZGage Systems
- H1Half Pages - Electronic
- H2Half Liter
- H318-Pack
- H4Hectoliter
- H522-Pack
- H630-Pack
- H738-Pack
- H862-Pack
- H975-Pack
- HAHank
- HBHundred Boxes
- HCHundred Count
- HDHalf Dozen
- HEHundredth of a Carat
- HFHundred Feet
- HGHectogram
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- HIHundred Sheets
- HJHorsepower
- HKHundred Kilograms
- HLHundred Feet - Linear
- HMMiles Per Hour
- HNMillimeters of Mercury
- HOHundred Troy Ounces
- HPMillimeter H20
- HQHectare
- HRHours
- HSHundred Square Feet
- HTHalf Hour
- HUHundred
- HVHundred Weight (Short)
- HWHundred Weight (Long)
- HXHospital Beds
- HYHundred Yards
- HZHertz
- I1Persons, Capacity
- I2Pellet
- IAInch Pound
- IBInches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
- ICCounts per Inch
- IEPerson
- IFInches of Water
- IGInner Package
- IHInhaler
- IIColumn-Inches
- IKPeaks per Inch (PPI)
- ILInches per Minute
- IMImpressions
- INInch
- IPInsurance Policy
- ISStops
- ITCounts per Centimeter
- IUInches Per Second (Linear Speed)
- IVInches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
- IWInches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
- J180-Pack
- J2Joule Per Kilogram
- J381-Pack
- J482-Pack
- J584-Pack
- J685-Pack
- J796-Pack
- J85000-Pack
- J9Left Unit
- JAJob
- JBJumbo
- JCCaplet
- JEJoule Per Kelvin
- JGJoule per Gram
- JKMega Joule per Kilogram
- JLRefill
- JMMegajoule/Cubic Meter
- JNPan
- JOJoint
- JPPrepack
- JRJar
- JSUse
- JTTin
- JUJug
- JVOvule
- JXExposure
- K1Kilowatt Demand
- K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
- K3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
- K4Kilovolt Amperes
- K5Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
- K6Kiloliter
- K7Kilowatt
- K9Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
- KACake
- KBKilocharacters
- KCKilograms per Cubic Meter
- KDKilograms Decimal
- KEKeg
- KFKilopackets
- KGKilogram
- KHKilowatt Hour
- KIKilograms/Millimeter Width
- KJKilosegments
- KK100 Kilograms
- KLKilograms/Meter
- KMKilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
- KNKilocalorie
- KOMillequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
- KPKilometers Per Hour
- KQKilopascal
- KRKiloroentgen
- KTKit
- KUTask
- KVKelvin
- KWKilograms per Millimeter
- KXMilliliters per Kilogram
- L1Right Unit
- L2Liters Per Minute
- LAPounds Per Cubic Inch
- LBPound
- LCLinear Centimeter
- LELite
- LFLinear Foot
- LGLong Ton
- LHLabor Hours
- LILinear Inch
- LJLarge Spray
- LKLink
- LLLifetime
- LMLinear Meter
- LNLength
- LOLot
- LPLiquid Pounds
- LQLiters Per Day
- LRLayer(s)
- LSLump Sum
- LTLiter
- LXLinear Yards Per Pound
- LYLinear Yard
- M0Magnetic Tapes
- M1Milligrams per Liter
- M2Millimeter-Actual
- M3Mat
- M4Monetary Value
- M5Microcurie
- M6Millibar
- M7Micro Inch
- M8Mega Pascals
- M9Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
- MAMachine/Unit
- MBMillimeter-Nominal
- MCMicrogram
- MDAir Dry Metric Ton
- MEMilligram
- MFMilligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
- MGMetric Gross Ton
- MHMicrons (Micrometers)
- MIMetric
- MJMinutes
- MKMilligrams Per Square Inch
- MLMilliliter
- MMMillimeter
- MNMetric Net Ton
- MOMonths
- MPMetric Ton
- MQ1000 Meters
- MRMeter
- MSSquare Millimeter
- MTMetric Long Ton
- MUMillicurie
- MVNumber of Mults
- MWMetric Ton Kilograms
- MXMixed
- MYMillimeter-Average
- MZMillimeter-minimum
- N1Pen Calories
- N2Number of Lines
- N3Print Point
- N4Pen Grams (Protein)
- N6Megahertz
- N7Parts
- N9Cartridge Needle
- NAMilligrams per Kilogram
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDNet Barrels
- NENet Liters
- NFMessages
- NGNet Gallons
- NHMessage Hours
- NINet Imperial Gallons
- NJNumber of Screens
- NKNights
- NLLoad
- NMNautical Mile
- NNTrain
- NQMho
- NRMicro Mho
- NSShort Ton
- NTTrailer
- NUNewton-Meter
- NVVehicle
- NWNewton
- NXParts Per Thousand
- NYPounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
- NZThousand Gallons Per Day
- OAPanel
- OBOutlet
- OCBillboard
- OGApothecary Grain
- ONOunces per Square Yard
- OPTwo pack
- OTOvertime Hours
- OUOperating Unit
- OZOunce - Av
- P0Pages - Electronic
- P1Percent
- P2Pounds per Foot
- P3Three pack
- P4Four-pack
- P5Five-pack
- P6Six pack
- P7Seven pack
- P8Eight-pack
- P9Nine pack
- PAPail
- PBPair Inches
- PCPiece
- PDPad
- PEPounds Equivalent
- PFPallet (Lift)
- PGPounds Gross
- PHPack (PAK)
- PIPitch
- PJPounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
- PKPackage
- PLPallet/Unit Load
- PMPounds-Percentage
- PNPounds Net
- POPounds per Inch of Length
- PPPlate
- PQPages per Inch
- PRPair
- PSPounds per Sq. Inch
- PTPint
- PUMass Pounds
- PVHalf Pint
- PWPounds per Inch of Width
- PXPint, Imperial
- PYPeck, Dry U.S.
- PZPeck, Dry Imperial
- Q1Quarter (Time)
- Q2Pint U.S. Dry
- Q3Meal
- Q4Fifty
- Q5Twenty-Five
- Q6Thirty-Six
- Q7Twenty-Four
- Q9Five
- QAPages - Facsimile
- QBPages - Hardcopy
- QCChannel
- QDQuarter Dozen
- QEPhotographs
- QFQuarter
- QHQuarter Hours
- QKQuarter Kilogram
- QRQuire
- QSQuart, Dry U.S.
- QTQuart
- QUQuart, Imperial
- R1Pica
- R2Becquerel
- R3Revolutions Per Minute
- R4Calorie
- R5Thousands of Dollars
- R6Millions of Dollars
- R7Billions of Dollars
- R8Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
- R9Thousand Cubic Meters
- RARack
- RBRadian
- RCRod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
- RDRod (length) - 5.5 Yards
- REReel
- RGRing
- RHRunning or Operating Hours
- RKRoll-Metric Measure
- RLRoll
- RMReam
- RNReam-Metric Measure
- RORound
- RPPounds per Ream
- RSResets
- RTRevenue Ton Miles
- RURun
- RXThousand Rounds
- S1Semester
- S2Trimester
- S3Square Feet per Second
- S4Square Meters per Second
- S5Sixty-fourths of an Inch
- S6Sessions
- S7Storage Units
- S8Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
- S9Slip Sheet
- SASandwich
- SBSquare Mile
- SCSquare Centimeter
- SDSolid Pounds
- SESection
- SFSquare Foot
- SGSegment
- SHSheet
- SISquare Inch
- SJSack
- SKSplit Tanktruck
- SLSleeve
- SMSquare Meter
- SNSquare Rod
- SOSpool
- SPShelf Package
- SQSquare
- SRStrip
- SSSheet-Metric Measure
- STSet
- SVSkid
- SWSkein
- SXShipment
- SYSquare Yard
- SZSyringe
- T0Telecommunications Lines in Service
- T1Thousand pounds gross
- T2Thousandths of an Inch
- T3Thousand Pieces
- T4Thousand Bags
- T5Thousand Casings
- T6Thousand Gallons
- T7Thousand Impressions
- T8Thousand Linear Inches
- T9Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour
- TATenth Cubic Foot
- TBTube
- TCTruckload
- TDTherms
- TETote
- TFTen Square Yards
- TGGross Ton
- THThousand
- TIThousand Square Inches
- TJThousand Sq. Centimeters
- TKTank
- TLThousand Feet (Linear)
- TMThousand Feet (Board)
- TNNet Ton (2,000 LB).
- TOTroy Ounce
- TPTen-pack
- TQThousand Feet
- TRTen Square Feet
- TSThousand Square Feet
- TTThousand Linear Meters
- TUThousand Linear Yards
- TVThousand Kilograms
- TWThousand Sheets
- TXTroy Pound
- TYTray
- TZThousand Cubic Feet
- U1Treatments
- U2Tablet
- U3Ten
- U5Two Hundred Fifty
- UATorr
- UBTelecommunications Lines in Service - Average
- UCTelecommunications Ports
- UDTenth Minutes
- UETenth Hours
- UFUsage per Telecommunications Line - Average
- UHTen Thousand Yards
- ULUnitless
- UMMillion Units
- UNUnit
- UPTroche
- UQWafer
- URApplication
- USDosage Form
- UTInhalation
- UULozenge
- UVPercent Topical Only
- UWMilliequivalent
- UXDram (Minim)
- UYFifty Square Feet
- UZFifty Count
- V1Flat
- V2Pouch
- VAVolt-ampere per Kilogram
- VCFive Hundred
- VIVial
- VPPercent Volume
- VRVolt-ampere-reactive
- VSVisit
- W2Wet Kilo
- W7Thimble Full
- WAWatts per Kilogram
- WBWet Pound
- WDWork Days
- WEWet Ton
- WGWine Gallon
- WHWheel
- WIWeight per Square Inch
- WKWeek
- WMWorking Months
- WPPennyweight
- WRWrap
- WWMilliliters of Water
- X1Chains (Land Survey)
- X2Bunch
- X3Clove
- X4Drop
- X5Head
- X6Heart
- X7Leaf
- X8Loaf
- X9Portion
- XPBase Box per Pound
- Y1Slice
- Y2Tablespoon
- Y3Teaspoon
- Y4Tub
- YDYard
- YL100 Lineal Yards
- YRYears
- YTTen Yards
- Z1Lift Van
- Z2Chest
- Z3Cask
- Z4Hogshead
- Z5Lug
- Z6Conference Points
- Z713-pack Marketing
- Z8Newspaper Agate Line
- Z914-pack Marketing
- ZABimonthly
- ZBBiweekly
- ZCSemiannual
- ZDKilojoule
- ZEPing
- ZF16-pack Marketing
- ZG48-pack Component Parts
- ZH51-pack Component Parts
- ZI52-pack Component Parts
- ZJ60-pack Gift Packs
- ZK72-pack Gift Packs
- ZL83-pack Gift Packs
- ZM10-pack Marketing
- ZN120-pack Promotional
- ZO150-pack Component Parts
- ZPPage
- ZQ200-pack Component Parts
- ZR1000-pack Component Parts
- ZS15-Pack
- ZWBarrel, Dry
- ZXBarrel, Liquid
- ZYApothecary Scruple
- ZZMutually Defined
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Codes (884)- 10Group
- 11Outfit
- 12Packet
- 13Ration
- 14Shot
- 15Stick
- 16115 Kilogram Drum
- 17100 Pound Drum
- 1855 Gallon Drum
- 19Tank Truck
- 2020 Foot Container
- 2140 Foot Container
- 22Deciliter per Gram
- 23Grams per Cubic Centimeter
- 24Theoretical Pounds
- 25Grams per Square Centimeter
- 26Actual Tons
- 27Theoretical Tons
- 28Kilograms per Square Meter
- 29Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
- 30Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 31Catchweight
- 32Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 33Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
- 34Kilopascals per Millimeter
- 35Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
- 36Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
- 37Ounces per Square Foot
- 38Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
- 39Basis Points
- 40Milliliter per Second
- 41Milliliter per Minute
- 43Super Bulk Bag
- 44500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 45300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4625 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4750 Pound Bag
- 48Bulk Car Load
- 50Actual Kilograms
- 51Actual Tonnes
- 52Credits
- 53Theoretical Kilograms
- 54Theoretical Tonnes
- 56Sitas
- 57Mesh
- 58Net Kilograms
- 59Parts Per Million
- 60Percent Weight
- 61Parts Per Billion
- 62Percent Per 1000 Hours
- 63Failure Rate In Time
- 64Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
- 65Coulomb
- 66Oersteds
- 67Siemens
- 68Ampere
- 69Test Specific Scale
- 70Volt
- 71Volt-Ampere Per Pound
- 72Watts Per Pound
- 73Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
- 74Milli Pascals
- 76Gauss
- 77Mil
- 78Kilogauss
- 79Electron Volt
- 80Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
- 81Henry
- 82Ohm
- 83Farad
- 84Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
- 85Foot Pounds
- 86Joules
- 87Pounds per Cubic Foot
- 89Poise
- 90Saybold Universal Second
- 91Stokes
- 92Calories per Cubic Centimeter
- 93Calories per Gram
- 94Curl Units
- 9520,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9610,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9710 Kilogram Drum
- 9815 Kilogram Drum
- 99Watt
- 01Actual Pounds
- 02Statute Mile
- 03Seconds
- 04Small Spray
- 05Lifts
- 06Digits
- 07Strand
- 08Heat Lots
- 09Tire
- 1ACar Mile
- 1BCar Count
- 1CLocomotive Count
- 1DCaboose Count
- 1EEmpty Car
- 1FTrain Mile
- 1GFuel Usage (Gallons)
- 1HCaboose Mile
- 1IFixed Rate
- 1JTon Miles
- 1KLocomotive Mile
- 1LTotal Car Count
- 1MTotal Car Mile
- 1NCount
- 1OSeason
- 1PTank Car
- 1QFrames
- 1RTransactions
- 1TTerabecquerel
- 1XQuarter Mile
- 2ARadians Per Second
- 2BRadians Per Second Squared
- 2CRoentgen
- 2DShip Set
- 2FVolts Per Meter
- 2GVolts (Alternating Current)
- 2HVolts (Direct Current)
- 2IBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
- 2JCubic Centimeters Per Second
- 2KCubic Feet Per Hour
- 2LCubic Feet Per Minute
- 2MCentimeters Per Second
- 2NDecibels
- 2PKilobyte
- 2QKilobecquerel
- 2RKilocurie
- 2UMegagram
- 2VMegagrams Per Hour
- 2WBin
- 2XMeters Per Minute
- 2YMilliroentgen
- 2ZMillivolts
- 3ADegrees Lovibond
- 3BMegajoule
- 3CManmonth
- 3DPieces per 100 Grams
- 3EPounds Per Pound of Product
- 3FKilograms Per Liter of Product
- 3GPounds Per Piece of Product
- 3HKilograms Per Kilogram of Product
- 3IKilograms Per Piece of Product
- 3JPieces per 10 Pounds
- 3KProof
- 3LScoville Units
- 3MWater Activity
- 4ABobbin
- 4BCap
- 4CCentistokes
- 4DCurie
- 4E20-Pack
- 4F100-Pack
- 4GMicroliter
- 4IMeters Per Second
- 4JMeters Per Second Per Second
- 4KMilliamperes
- 4LMegabyte
- 4MMilligrams Per Hour
- 4NMegabecquerel
- 4OMicrofarad
- 4PNewtons Per Meter
- 4QOunce Inch
- 4ROunce Foot
- 4SPascal
- 4TPicofarad
- 4UPounds Per Hour
- 4VCubic Meter Per Hour
- 4WTon Per Hour
- 4XKiloliter Per Hour
- 5ABarrels per Minute
- 5BBatch
- 5CGallons per Thousand
- 5DProof Gallons
- 5FPounds per Thousand
- 5GPump
- 5HStage
- 5IStandard Cubic Foot
- 5JHydraulic Horse Power
- 5KCount per Minute
- 5PSeismic Level
- 5QSeismic Line
- 8CCord
- 8DDuty
- 8PProject
- 8RProgram
- 8SSession
- 8USquare Kilometer
- 9AApothecary Pound
- 9BBriquet
- 9FFold
- 9OApothecary Ounce
- 9PPillow
- 9SSeat
- 9YFamily Unit
- 9ZUnited States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit
- A1Absorbance
- A2Bloom Units
- A3Brabender Units
- A4Count per Ounce
- A5Count per Pound
- A6Count per Pouch
- A7Milligrams per Gram
- A8Dollars per Hours
- A9Millipoises
- AABall
- ABBulk Pack
- ACAcre
- ADBytes
- AEAmperes per Meter
- AFCentigram
- AGAngstrom
- AHAdditional Minutes
- AIAverage Minutes Per Call
- AJCop
- AKFathom
- ALAccess Lines
- AMAmpoule
- ANMinutes or Messages
- AOAmpere-turn
- APAluminum Pounds Only
- AQAnti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
- ARSuppository
- ASAssortment
- ATAtmosphere
- AUOcular Insert System
- AVCapsule
- AWPowder-Filled Vials
- AXTwenty
- AYAssembly
- AZBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
- B0British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
- B1Barrels per Day
- B2Bunks
- B3Batting Pound
- B4Barrel, Imperial
- B5Billet
- B6Bun
- B7Cycles
- B8Board
- B9Batt
- BABale
- BBBase Box
- BCBucket
- BDBundle
- BEBeam
- BFBoard Feet
- BGBag
- BHBrush
- BIBar
- BJBand
- BKBook
- BLBlock
- BMBolt
- BNBulk
- BOBottle
- BP100 Board Feet
- BQBrake horse power
- BRBarrel
- BSBasket
- BTBelt
- BUBushel
- BVBushel, Dry Imperial
- BWBase Weight
- BXBox
- BYBritish Thermal Unit (BTU)
- BZMillion BTUs/Dekatherm
- C0Calls
- C1Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
- C2Carset
- C3Centiliter
- C4Carload
- C5Cost
- C6Cell
- C7Centipoise (CPS)
- C8Cubic Decimeter
- C9Coil Group
- CACase
- CBCarboy
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CDCarat
- CECentigrade, Celsius
- CFCubic Feet
- CGCard
- CHContainer
- CICubic Inches
- CJCone
- CKConnector
- CLCylinder
- CMCentimeter
- CNCan
- COCubic Meters (Net)
- CPCrate
- CQCartridge
- CRCubic Meter
- CSCassette
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CWHundred Pounds (CWT)
- CXCoil
- CYCubic Yard
- CZCombo
- D1Dollars, Canadian
- D2Shares
- D3Square Decimeter
- D4Degrees Brix
- D5Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
- D6Degrees Lintner
- D8Draize Score
- D9Dyne per Square Centimeter
- DADays
- DBDry Pounds
- DCDisk (Disc)
- DDDegree
- DEDeal
- DFDram
- DGDecigram
- DHMiles
- DIDispenser
- DJDecagram
- DKKilometers
- DLDeciliter
- DMDecimeter
- DNDeci Newton-Meter
- DODollars, U.S.
- DPDozen Pair
- DQData Records
- DRDrum
- DSDisplay
- DTDry Ton
- DUDyne
- DWCalendar Days
- DXDynes per Centimeter
- DYDirectory Books
- DZDozen
- E1Hectometer
- E3Inches, Fraction-Average
- E4Inches, Fraction-Minimum
- E5Inches, Fraction-Actual
- E7Inches, Decimal-Average
- E8Inches, Decimal-Actual
- E9English, (Feet, Inches)
- EAEach
- EBElectronic Mail Boxes
- ECEach per Month
- EDInches, Decimal-Nominal
- EEEmployees
- EFInches, Fraction-Nominal
- EGDouble-time Hours
- EHKnots
- EJLocations
- EMInches, Decimal-Minimum
- EPEleven pack
- EQEquivalent Gallons
- EVEnvelope
- EXFeet, Inches and Fraction
- EYFeet, Inches and Decimal
- EZFeet and Decimal
- F0International Units per Gram
- F1Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
- F2International Unit
- F3Equivalent
- F4Minim
- F6Price Per Share
- F9Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
- FAFahrenheit
- FBFields
- FDMillion Particles per Cubic Foot
- FETrack Foot
- FFHundred Cubic Meters
- FGTransdermal Patch
- FHMicromolar
- FJSizing Factor
- FKFibers
- FLFlake Ton
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FOFluid Ounce
- FPPounds per Sq. Ft.
- FRFeet Per Minute
- FSFeet Per Second
- FTFoot
- FUFurlong
- FVGrams per 100 Cubic Inches
- FZFluid Ounce (Imperial)
- G1Gallons Capacity
- G2U.S. Gallons Per Minute
- G3Imperial Gallons Per Minute
- G4Gigabecquerel
- G5Gill (Imperial)
- G6Bit
- G7Microfiche Sheet
- G8Gigacalories
- G9Gigabyte
- GAGallon
- GBGallons/Day
- GCGrams per 100 Grams
- GDGross Barrels
- GEPounds per Gallon
- GFGrams per 100 Centimeters
- GGGreat Gross (Dozen Gross)
- GHHalf Gallon
- GIImperial Gallons
- GJGrams per Milliliter
- GKGrams per Kilogram
- GLGrams per Liter
- GMGrams per Sq. Meter
- GNGross Gallons
- GOMilligrams per Square Meter
- GPMilligrams per Cubic Meter
- GQMicrograms per Cubic Meter
- GRGram
- GSGross
- GTGross Kilogram
- GUGauss per Oersteds
- GVGigajoules
- GWGallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
- GXGrain
- GYGross Yard
- GZGage Systems
- H1Half Pages - Electronic
- H2Half Liter
- H318-Pack
- H4Hectoliter
- H522-Pack
- H630-Pack
- H738-Pack
- H862-Pack
- H975-Pack
- HAHank
- HBHundred Boxes
- HCHundred Count
- HDHalf Dozen
- HEHundredth of a Carat
- HFHundred Feet
- HGHectogram
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- HIHundred Sheets
- HJHorsepower
- HKHundred Kilograms
- HLHundred Feet - Linear
- HMMiles Per Hour
- HNMillimeters of Mercury
- HOHundred Troy Ounces
- HPMillimeter H20
- HQHectare
- HRHours
- HSHundred Square Feet
- HTHalf Hour
- HUHundred
- HVHundred Weight (Short)
- HWHundred Weight (Long)
- HXHospital Beds
- HYHundred Yards
- HZHertz
- I1Persons, Capacity
- I2Pellet
- IAInch Pound
- IBInches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
- ICCounts per Inch
- IEPerson
- IFInches of Water
- IGInner Package
- IHInhaler
- IIColumn-Inches
- IKPeaks per Inch (PPI)
- ILInches per Minute
- IMImpressions
- INInch
- IPInsurance Policy
- ISStops
- ITCounts per Centimeter
- IUInches Per Second (Linear Speed)
- IVInches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
- IWInches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
- J180-Pack
- J2Joule Per Kilogram
- J381-Pack
- J482-Pack
- J584-Pack
- J685-Pack
- J796-Pack
- J85000-Pack
- J9Left Unit
- JAJob
- JBJumbo
- JCCaplet
- JEJoule Per Kelvin
- JGJoule per Gram
- JKMega Joule per Kilogram
- JLRefill
- JMMegajoule/Cubic Meter
- JNPan
- JOJoint
- JPPrepack
- JRJar
- JSUse
- JTTin
- JUJug
- JVOvule
- JXExposure
- K1Kilowatt Demand
- K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
- K3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
- K4Kilovolt Amperes
- K5Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
- K6Kiloliter
- K7Kilowatt
- K9Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
- KACake
- KBKilocharacters
- KCKilograms per Cubic Meter
- KDKilograms Decimal
- KEKeg
- KFKilopackets
- KGKilogram
- KHKilowatt Hour
- KIKilograms/Millimeter Width
- KJKilosegments
- KK100 Kilograms
- KLKilograms/Meter
- KMKilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
- KNKilocalorie
- KOMillequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
- KPKilometers Per Hour
- KQKilopascal
- KRKiloroentgen
- KTKit
- KUTask
- KVKelvin
- KWKilograms per Millimeter
- KXMilliliters per Kilogram
- L1Right Unit
- L2Liters Per Minute
- LAPounds Per Cubic Inch
- LBPound
- LCLinear Centimeter
- LELite
- LFLinear Foot
- LGLong Ton
- LHLabor Hours
- LILinear Inch
- LJLarge Spray
- LKLink
- LLLifetime
- LMLinear Meter
- LNLength
- LOLot
- LPLiquid Pounds
- LQLiters Per Day
- LRLayer(s)
- LSLump Sum
- LTLiter
- LXLinear Yards Per Pound
- LYLinear Yard
- M0Magnetic Tapes
- M1Milligrams per Liter
- M2Millimeter-Actual
- M3Mat
- M4Monetary Value
- M5Microcurie
- M6Millibar
- M7Micro Inch
- M8Mega Pascals
- M9Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
- MAMachine/Unit
- MBMillimeter-Nominal
- MCMicrogram
- MDAir Dry Metric Ton
- MEMilligram
- MFMilligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
- MGMetric Gross Ton
- MHMicrons (Micrometers)
- MIMetric
- MJMinutes
- MKMilligrams Per Square Inch
- MLMilliliter
- MMMillimeter
- MNMetric Net Ton
- MOMonths
- MPMetric Ton
- MQ1000 Meters
- MRMeter
- MSSquare Millimeter
- MTMetric Long Ton
- MUMillicurie
- MVNumber of Mults
- MWMetric Ton Kilograms
- MXMixed
- MYMillimeter-Average
- MZMillimeter-minimum
- N1Pen Calories
- N2Number of Lines
- N3Print Point
- N4Pen Grams (Protein)
- N6Megahertz
- N7Parts
- N9Cartridge Needle
- NAMilligrams per Kilogram
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDNet Barrels
- NENet Liters
- NFMessages
- NGNet Gallons
- NHMessage Hours
- NINet Imperial Gallons
- NJNumber of Screens
- NKNights
- NLLoad
- NMNautical Mile
- NNTrain
- NQMho
- NRMicro Mho
- NSShort Ton
- NTTrailer
- NUNewton-Meter
- NVVehicle
- NWNewton
- NXParts Per Thousand
- NYPounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
- NZThousand Gallons Per Day
- OAPanel
- OBOutlet
- OCBillboard
- OGApothecary Grain
- ONOunces per Square Yard
- OPTwo pack
- OTOvertime Hours
- OUOperating Unit
- OZOunce - Av
- P0Pages - Electronic
- P1Percent
- P2Pounds per Foot
- P3Three pack
- P4Four-pack
- P5Five-pack
- P6Six pack
- P7Seven pack
- P8Eight-pack
- P9Nine pack
- PAPail
- PBPair Inches
- PCPiece
- PDPad
- PEPounds Equivalent
- PFPallet (Lift)
- PGPounds Gross
- PHPack (PAK)
- PIPitch
- PJPounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
- PKPackage
- PLPallet/Unit Load
- PMPounds-Percentage
- PNPounds Net
- POPounds per Inch of Length
- PPPlate
- PQPages per Inch
- PRPair
- PSPounds per Sq. Inch
- PTPint
- PUMass Pounds
- PVHalf Pint
- PWPounds per Inch of Width
- PXPint, Imperial
- PYPeck, Dry U.S.
- PZPeck, Dry Imperial
- Q1Quarter (Time)
- Q2Pint U.S. Dry
- Q3Meal
- Q4Fifty
- Q5Twenty-Five
- Q6Thirty-Six
- Q7Twenty-Four
- Q9Five
- QAPages - Facsimile
- QBPages - Hardcopy
- QCChannel
- QDQuarter Dozen
- QEPhotographs
- QFQuarter
- QHQuarter Hours
- QKQuarter Kilogram
- QRQuire
- QSQuart, Dry U.S.
- QTQuart
- QUQuart, Imperial
- R1Pica
- R2Becquerel
- R3Revolutions Per Minute
- R4Calorie
- R5Thousands of Dollars
- R6Millions of Dollars
- R7Billions of Dollars
- R8Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
- R9Thousand Cubic Meters
- RARack
- RBRadian
- RCRod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
- RDRod (length) - 5.5 Yards
- REReel
- RGRing
- RHRunning or Operating Hours
- RKRoll-Metric Measure
- RLRoll
- RMReam
- RNReam-Metric Measure
- RORound
- RPPounds per Ream
- RSResets
- RTRevenue Ton Miles
- RURun
- RXThousand Rounds
- S1Semester
- S2Trimester
- S3Square Feet per Second
- S4Square Meters per Second
- S5Sixty-fourths of an Inch
- S6Sessions
- S7Storage Units
- S8Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
- S9Slip Sheet
- SASandwich
- SBSquare Mile
- SCSquare Centimeter
- SDSolid Pounds
- SESection
- SFSquare Foot
- SGSegment
- SHSheet
- SISquare Inch
- SJSack
- SKSplit Tanktruck
- SLSleeve
- SMSquare Meter
- SNSquare Rod
- SOSpool
- SPShelf Package
- SQSquare
- SRStrip
- SSSheet-Metric Measure
- STSet
- SVSkid
- SWSkein
- SXShipment
- SYSquare Yard
- SZSyringe
- T0Telecommunications Lines in Service
- T1Thousand pounds gross
- T2Thousandths of an Inch
- T3Thousand Pieces
- T4Thousand Bags
- T5Thousand Casings
- T6Thousand Gallons
- T7Thousand Impressions
- T8Thousand Linear Inches
- T9Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour
- TATenth Cubic Foot
- TBTube
- TCTruckload
- TDTherms
- TETote
- TFTen Square Yards
- TGGross Ton
- THThousand
- TIThousand Square Inches
- TJThousand Sq. Centimeters
- TKTank
- TLThousand Feet (Linear)
- TMThousand Feet (Board)
- TNNet Ton (2,000 LB).
- TOTroy Ounce
- TPTen-pack
- TQThousand Feet
- TRTen Square Feet
- TSThousand Square Feet
- TTThousand Linear Meters
- TUThousand Linear Yards
- TVThousand Kilograms
- TWThousand Sheets
- TXTroy Pound
- TYTray
- TZThousand Cubic Feet
- U1Treatments
- U2Tablet
- U3Ten
- U5Two Hundred Fifty
- UATorr
- UBTelecommunications Lines in Service - Average
- UCTelecommunications Ports
- UDTenth Minutes
- UETenth Hours
- UFUsage per Telecommunications Line - Average
- UHTen Thousand Yards
- ULUnitless
- UMMillion Units
- UNUnit
- UPTroche
- UQWafer
- URApplication
- USDosage Form
- UTInhalation
- UULozenge
- UVPercent Topical Only
- UWMilliequivalent
- UXDram (Minim)
- UYFifty Square Feet
- UZFifty Count
- V1Flat
- V2Pouch
- VAVolt-ampere per Kilogram
- VCFive Hundred
- VIVial
- VPPercent Volume
- VRVolt-ampere-reactive
- VSVisit
- W2Wet Kilo
- W7Thimble Full
- WAWatts per Kilogram
- WBWet Pound
- WDWork Days
- WEWet Ton
- WGWine Gallon
- WHWheel
- WIWeight per Square Inch
- WKWeek
- WMWorking Months
- WPPennyweight
- WRWrap
- WWMilliliters of Water
- X1Chains (Land Survey)
- X2Bunch
- X3Clove
- X4Drop
- X5Head
- X6Heart
- X7Leaf
- X8Loaf
- X9Portion
- XPBase Box per Pound
- Y1Slice
- Y2Tablespoon
- Y3Teaspoon
- Y4Tub
- YDYard
- YL100 Lineal Yards
- YRYears
- YTTen Yards
- Z1Lift Van
- Z2Chest
- Z3Cask
- Z4Hogshead
- Z5Lug
- Z6Conference Points
- Z713-pack Marketing
- Z8Newspaper Agate Line
- Z914-pack Marketing
- ZABimonthly
- ZBBiweekly
- ZCSemiannual
- ZDKilojoule
- ZEPing
- ZF16-pack Marketing
- ZG48-pack Component Parts
- ZH51-pack Component Parts
- ZI52-pack Component Parts
- ZJ60-pack Gift Packs
- ZK72-pack Gift Packs
- ZL83-pack Gift Packs
- ZM10-pack Marketing
- ZN120-pack Promotional
- ZO150-pack Component Parts
- ZPPage
- ZQ200-pack Component Parts
- ZR1000-pack Component Parts
- ZS15-Pack
- ZWBarrel, Dry
- ZXBarrel, Liquid
- ZYApothecary Scruple
- ZZMutually Defined
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Codes (884)- 10Group
- 11Outfit
- 12Packet
- 13Ration
- 14Shot
- 15Stick
- 16115 Kilogram Drum
- 17100 Pound Drum
- 1855 Gallon Drum
- 19Tank Truck
- 2020 Foot Container
- 2140 Foot Container
- 22Deciliter per Gram
- 23Grams per Cubic Centimeter
- 24Theoretical Pounds
- 25Grams per Square Centimeter
- 26Actual Tons
- 27Theoretical Tons
- 28Kilograms per Square Meter
- 29Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
- 30Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 31Catchweight
- 32Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 33Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
- 34Kilopascals per Millimeter
- 35Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
- 36Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
- 37Ounces per Square Foot
- 38Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
- 39Basis Points
- 40Milliliter per Second
- 41Milliliter per Minute
- 43Super Bulk Bag
- 44500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 45300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4625 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4750 Pound Bag
- 48Bulk Car Load
- 50Actual Kilograms
- 51Actual Tonnes
- 52Credits
- 53Theoretical Kilograms
- 54Theoretical Tonnes
- 56Sitas
- 57Mesh
- 58Net Kilograms
- 59Parts Per Million
- 60Percent Weight
- 61Parts Per Billion
- 62Percent Per 1000 Hours
- 63Failure Rate In Time
- 64Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
- 65Coulomb
- 66Oersteds
- 67Siemens
- 68Ampere
- 69Test Specific Scale
- 70Volt
- 71Volt-Ampere Per Pound
- 72Watts Per Pound
- 73Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
- 74Milli Pascals
- 76Gauss
- 77Mil
- 78Kilogauss
- 79Electron Volt
- 80Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
- 81Henry
- 82Ohm
- 83Farad
- 84Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
- 85Foot Pounds
- 86Joules
- 87Pounds per Cubic Foot
- 89Poise
- 90Saybold Universal Second
- 91Stokes
- 92Calories per Cubic Centimeter
- 93Calories per Gram
- 94Curl Units
- 9520,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9610,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9710 Kilogram Drum
- 9815 Kilogram Drum
- 99Watt
- 01Actual Pounds
- 02Statute Mile
- 03Seconds
- 04Small Spray
- 05Lifts
- 06Digits
- 07Strand
- 08Heat Lots
- 09Tire
- 1ACar Mile
- 1BCar Count
- 1CLocomotive Count
- 1DCaboose Count
- 1EEmpty Car
- 1FTrain Mile
- 1GFuel Usage (Gallons)
- 1HCaboose Mile
- 1IFixed Rate
- 1JTon Miles
- 1KLocomotive Mile
- 1LTotal Car Count
- 1MTotal Car Mile
- 1NCount
- 1OSeason
- 1PTank Car
- 1QFrames
- 1RTransactions
- 1TTerabecquerel
- 1XQuarter Mile
- 2ARadians Per Second
- 2BRadians Per Second Squared
- 2CRoentgen
- 2DShip Set
- 2FVolts Per Meter
- 2GVolts (Alternating Current)
- 2HVolts (Direct Current)
- 2IBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
- 2JCubic Centimeters Per Second
- 2KCubic Feet Per Hour
- 2LCubic Feet Per Minute
- 2MCentimeters Per Second
- 2NDecibels
- 2PKilobyte
- 2QKilobecquerel
- 2RKilocurie
- 2UMegagram
- 2VMegagrams Per Hour
- 2WBin
- 2XMeters Per Minute
- 2YMilliroentgen
- 2ZMillivolts
- 3ADegrees Lovibond
- 3BMegajoule
- 3CManmonth
- 3DPieces per 100 Grams
- 3EPounds Per Pound of Product
- 3FKilograms Per Liter of Product
- 3GPounds Per Piece of Product
- 3HKilograms Per Kilogram of Product
- 3IKilograms Per Piece of Product
- 3JPieces per 10 Pounds
- 3KProof
- 3LScoville Units
- 3MWater Activity
- 4ABobbin
- 4BCap
- 4CCentistokes
- 4DCurie
- 4E20-Pack
- 4F100-Pack
- 4GMicroliter
- 4IMeters Per Second
- 4JMeters Per Second Per Second
- 4KMilliamperes
- 4LMegabyte
- 4MMilligrams Per Hour
- 4NMegabecquerel
- 4OMicrofarad
- 4PNewtons Per Meter
- 4QOunce Inch
- 4ROunce Foot
- 4SPascal
- 4TPicofarad
- 4UPounds Per Hour
- 4VCubic Meter Per Hour
- 4WTon Per Hour
- 4XKiloliter Per Hour
- 5ABarrels per Minute
- 5BBatch
- 5CGallons per Thousand
- 5DProof Gallons
- 5FPounds per Thousand
- 5GPump
- 5HStage
- 5IStandard Cubic Foot
- 5JHydraulic Horse Power
- 5KCount per Minute
- 5PSeismic Level
- 5QSeismic Line
- 8CCord
- 8DDuty
- 8PProject
- 8RProgram
- 8SSession
- 8USquare Kilometer
- 9AApothecary Pound
- 9BBriquet
- 9FFold
- 9OApothecary Ounce
- 9PPillow
- 9SSeat
- 9YFamily Unit
- 9ZUnited States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit
- A1Absorbance
- A2Bloom Units
- A3Brabender Units
- A4Count per Ounce
- A5Count per Pound
- A6Count per Pouch
- A7Milligrams per Gram
- A8Dollars per Hours
- A9Millipoises
- AABall
- ABBulk Pack
- ACAcre
- ADBytes
- AEAmperes per Meter
- AFCentigram
- AGAngstrom
- AHAdditional Minutes
- AIAverage Minutes Per Call
- AJCop
- AKFathom
- ALAccess Lines
- AMAmpoule
- ANMinutes or Messages
- AOAmpere-turn
- APAluminum Pounds Only
- AQAnti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
- ARSuppository
- ASAssortment
- ATAtmosphere
- AUOcular Insert System
- AVCapsule
- AWPowder-Filled Vials
- AXTwenty
- AYAssembly
- AZBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
- B0British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
- B1Barrels per Day
- B2Bunks
- B3Batting Pound
- B4Barrel, Imperial
- B5Billet
- B6Bun
- B7Cycles
- B8Board
- B9Batt
- BABale
- BBBase Box
- BCBucket
- BDBundle
- BEBeam
- BFBoard Feet
- BGBag
- BHBrush
- BIBar
- BJBand
- BKBook
- BLBlock
- BMBolt
- BNBulk
- BOBottle
- BP100 Board Feet
- BQBrake horse power
- BRBarrel
- BSBasket
- BTBelt
- BUBushel
- BVBushel, Dry Imperial
- BWBase Weight
- BXBox
- BYBritish Thermal Unit (BTU)
- BZMillion BTUs/Dekatherm
- C0Calls
- C1Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
- C2Carset
- C3Centiliter
- C4Carload
- C5Cost
- C6Cell
- C7Centipoise (CPS)
- C8Cubic Decimeter
- C9Coil Group
- CACase
- CBCarboy
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CDCarat
- CECentigrade, Celsius
- CFCubic Feet
- CGCard
- CHContainer
- CICubic Inches
- CJCone
- CKConnector
- CLCylinder
- CMCentimeter
- CNCan
- COCubic Meters (Net)
- CPCrate
- CQCartridge
- CRCubic Meter
- CSCassette
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CWHundred Pounds (CWT)
- CXCoil
- CYCubic Yard
- CZCombo
- D1Dollars, Canadian
- D2Shares
- D3Square Decimeter
- D4Degrees Brix
- D5Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
- D6Degrees Lintner
- D8Draize Score
- D9Dyne per Square Centimeter
- DADays
- DBDry Pounds
- DCDisk (Disc)
- DDDegree
- DEDeal
- DFDram
- DGDecigram
- DHMiles
- DIDispenser
- DJDecagram
- DKKilometers
- DLDeciliter
- DMDecimeter
- DNDeci Newton-Meter
- DODollars, U.S.
- DPDozen Pair
- DQData Records
- DRDrum
- DSDisplay
- DTDry Ton
- DUDyne
- DWCalendar Days
- DXDynes per Centimeter
- DYDirectory Books
- DZDozen
- E1Hectometer
- E3Inches, Fraction-Average
- E4Inches, Fraction-Minimum
- E5Inches, Fraction-Actual
- E7Inches, Decimal-Average
- E8Inches, Decimal-Actual
- E9English, (Feet, Inches)
- EAEach
- EBElectronic Mail Boxes
- ECEach per Month
- EDInches, Decimal-Nominal
- EEEmployees
- EFInches, Fraction-Nominal
- EGDouble-time Hours
- EHKnots
- EJLocations
- EMInches, Decimal-Minimum
- EPEleven pack
- EQEquivalent Gallons
- EVEnvelope
- EXFeet, Inches and Fraction
- EYFeet, Inches and Decimal
- EZFeet and Decimal
- F0International Units per Gram
- F1Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
- F2International Unit
- F3Equivalent
- F4Minim
- F6Price Per Share
- F9Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
- FAFahrenheit
- FBFields
- FDMillion Particles per Cubic Foot
- FETrack Foot
- FFHundred Cubic Meters
- FGTransdermal Patch
- FHMicromolar
- FJSizing Factor
- FKFibers
- FLFlake Ton
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FOFluid Ounce
- FPPounds per Sq. Ft.
- FRFeet Per Minute
- FSFeet Per Second
- FTFoot
- FUFurlong
- FVGrams per 100 Cubic Inches
- FZFluid Ounce (Imperial)
- G1Gallons Capacity
- G2U.S. Gallons Per Minute
- G3Imperial Gallons Per Minute
- G4Gigabecquerel
- G5Gill (Imperial)
- G6Bit
- G7Microfiche Sheet
- G8Gigacalories
- G9Gigabyte
- GAGallon
- GBGallons/Day
- GCGrams per 100 Grams
- GDGross Barrels
- GEPounds per Gallon
- GFGrams per 100 Centimeters
- GGGreat Gross (Dozen Gross)
- GHHalf Gallon
- GIImperial Gallons
- GJGrams per Milliliter
- GKGrams per Kilogram
- GLGrams per Liter
- GMGrams per Sq. Meter
- GNGross Gallons
- GOMilligrams per Square Meter
- GPMilligrams per Cubic Meter
- GQMicrograms per Cubic Meter
- GRGram
- GSGross
- GTGross Kilogram
- GUGauss per Oersteds
- GVGigajoules
- GWGallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
- GXGrain
- GYGross Yard
- GZGage Systems
- H1Half Pages - Electronic
- H2Half Liter
- H318-Pack
- H4Hectoliter
- H522-Pack
- H630-Pack
- H738-Pack
- H862-Pack
- H975-Pack
- HAHank
- HBHundred Boxes
- HCHundred Count
- HDHalf Dozen
- HEHundredth of a Carat
- HFHundred Feet
- HGHectogram
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- HIHundred Sheets
- HJHorsepower
- HKHundred Kilograms
- HLHundred Feet - Linear
- HMMiles Per Hour
- HNMillimeters of Mercury
- HOHundred Troy Ounces
- HPMillimeter H20
- HQHectare
- HRHours
- HSHundred Square Feet
- HTHalf Hour
- HUHundred
- HVHundred Weight (Short)
- HWHundred Weight (Long)
- HXHospital Beds
- HYHundred Yards
- HZHertz
- I1Persons, Capacity
- I2Pellet
- IAInch Pound
- IBInches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
- ICCounts per Inch
- IEPerson
- IFInches of Water
- IGInner Package
- IHInhaler
- IIColumn-Inches
- IKPeaks per Inch (PPI)
- ILInches per Minute
- IMImpressions
- INInch
- IPInsurance Policy
- ISStops
- ITCounts per Centimeter
- IUInches Per Second (Linear Speed)
- IVInches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
- IWInches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
- J180-Pack
- J2Joule Per Kilogram
- J381-Pack
- J482-Pack
- J584-Pack
- J685-Pack
- J796-Pack
- J85000-Pack
- J9Left Unit
- JAJob
- JBJumbo
- JCCaplet
- JEJoule Per Kelvin
- JGJoule per Gram
- JKMega Joule per Kilogram
- JLRefill
- JMMegajoule/Cubic Meter
- JNPan
- JOJoint
- JPPrepack
- JRJar
- JSUse
- JTTin
- JUJug
- JVOvule
- JXExposure
- K1Kilowatt Demand
- K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
- K3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
- K4Kilovolt Amperes
- K5Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
- K6Kiloliter
- K7Kilowatt
- K9Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
- KACake
- KBKilocharacters
- KCKilograms per Cubic Meter
- KDKilograms Decimal
- KEKeg
- KFKilopackets
- KGKilogram
- KHKilowatt Hour
- KIKilograms/Millimeter Width
- KJKilosegments
- KK100 Kilograms
- KLKilograms/Meter
- KMKilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
- KNKilocalorie
- KOMillequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
- KPKilometers Per Hour
- KQKilopascal
- KRKiloroentgen
- KTKit
- KUTask
- KVKelvin
- KWKilograms per Millimeter
- KXMilliliters per Kilogram
- L1Right Unit
- L2Liters Per Minute
- LAPounds Per Cubic Inch
- LBPound
- LCLinear Centimeter
- LELite
- LFLinear Foot
- LGLong Ton
- LHLabor Hours
- LILinear Inch
- LJLarge Spray
- LKLink
- LLLifetime
- LMLinear Meter
- LNLength
- LOLot
- LPLiquid Pounds
- LQLiters Per Day
- LRLayer(s)
- LSLump Sum
- LTLiter
- LXLinear Yards Per Pound
- LYLinear Yard
- M0Magnetic Tapes
- M1Milligrams per Liter
- M2Millimeter-Actual
- M3Mat
- M4Monetary Value
- M5Microcurie
- M6Millibar
- M7Micro Inch
- M8Mega Pascals
- M9Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
- MAMachine/Unit
- MBMillimeter-Nominal
- MCMicrogram
- MDAir Dry Metric Ton
- MEMilligram
- MFMilligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
- MGMetric Gross Ton
- MHMicrons (Micrometers)
- MIMetric
- MJMinutes
- MKMilligrams Per Square Inch
- MLMilliliter
- MMMillimeter
- MNMetric Net Ton
- MOMonths
- MPMetric Ton
- MQ1000 Meters
- MRMeter
- MSSquare Millimeter
- MTMetric Long Ton
- MUMillicurie
- MVNumber of Mults
- MWMetric Ton Kilograms
- MXMixed
- MYMillimeter-Average
- MZMillimeter-minimum
- N1Pen Calories
- N2Number of Lines
- N3Print Point
- N4Pen Grams (Protein)
- N6Megahertz
- N7Parts
- N9Cartridge Needle
- NAMilligrams per Kilogram
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDNet Barrels
- NENet Liters
- NFMessages
- NGNet Gallons
- NHMessage Hours
- NINet Imperial Gallons
- NJNumber of Screens
- NKNights
- NLLoad
- NMNautical Mile
- NNTrain
- NQMho
- NRMicro Mho
- NSShort Ton
- NTTrailer
- NUNewton-Meter
- NVVehicle
- NWNewton
- NXParts Per Thousand
- NYPounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
- NZThousand Gallons Per Day
- OAPanel
- OBOutlet
- OCBillboard
- OGApothecary Grain
- ONOunces per Square Yard
- OPTwo pack
- OTOvertime Hours
- OUOperating Unit
- OZOunce - Av
- P0Pages - Electronic
- P1Percent
- P2Pounds per Foot
- P3Three pack
- P4Four-pack
- P5Five-pack
- P6Six pack
- P7Seven pack
- P8Eight-pack
- P9Nine pack
- PAPail
- PBPair Inches
- PCPiece
- PDPad
- PEPounds Equivalent
- PFPallet (Lift)
- PGPounds Gross
- PHPack (PAK)
- PIPitch
- PJPounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
- PKPackage
- PLPallet/Unit Load
- PMPounds-Percentage
- PNPounds Net
- POPounds per Inch of Length
- PPPlate
- PQPages per Inch
- PRPair
- PSPounds per Sq. Inch
- PTPint
- PUMass Pounds
- PVHalf Pint
- PWPounds per Inch of Width
- PXPint, Imperial
- PYPeck, Dry U.S.
- PZPeck, Dry Imperial
- Q1Quarter (Time)
- Q2Pint U.S. Dry
- Q3Meal
- Q4Fifty
- Q5Twenty-Five
- Q6Thirty-Six
- Q7Twenty-Four
- Q9Five
- QAPages - Facsimile
- QBPages - Hardcopy
- QCChannel
- QDQuarter Dozen
- QEPhotographs
- QFQuarter
- QHQuarter Hours
- QKQuarter Kilogram
- QRQuire
- QSQuart, Dry U.S.
- QTQuart
- QUQuart, Imperial
- R1Pica
- R2Becquerel
- R3Revolutions Per Minute
- R4Calorie
- R5Thousands of Dollars
- R6Millions of Dollars
- R7Billions of Dollars
- R8Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
- R9Thousand Cubic Meters
- RARack
- RBRadian
- RCRod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
- RDRod (length) - 5.5 Yards
- REReel
- RGRing
- RHRunning or Operating Hours
- RKRoll-Metric Measure
- RLRoll
- RMReam
- RNReam-Metric Measure
- RORound
- RPPounds per Ream
- RSResets
- RTRevenue Ton Miles
- RURun
- RXThousand Rounds
- S1Semester
- S2Trimester
- S3Square Feet per Second
- S4Square Meters per Second
- S5Sixty-fourths of an Inch
- S6Sessions
- S7Storage Units
- S8Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
- S9Slip Sheet
- SASandwich
- SBSquare Mile
- SCSquare Centimeter
- SDSolid Pounds
- SESection
- SFSquare Foot
- SGSegment
- SHSheet
- SISquare Inch
- SJSack
- SKSplit Tanktruck
- SLSleeve
- SMSquare Meter
- SNSquare Rod
- SOSpool
- SPShelf Package
- SQSquare
- SRStrip
- SSSheet-Metric Measure
- STSet
- SVSkid
- SWSkein
- SXShipment
- SYSquare Yard
- SZSyringe
- T0Telecommunications Lines in Service
- T1Thousand pounds gross
- T2Thousandths of an Inch
- T3Thousand Pieces
- T4Thousand Bags
- T5Thousand Casings
- T6Thousand Gallons
- T7Thousand Impressions
- T8Thousand Linear Inches
- T9Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour
- TATenth Cubic Foot
- TBTube
- TCTruckload
- TDTherms
- TETote
- TFTen Square Yards
- TGGross Ton
- THThousand
- TIThousand Square Inches
- TJThousand Sq. Centimeters
- TKTank
- TLThousand Feet (Linear)
- TMThousand Feet (Board)
- TNNet Ton (2,000 LB).
- TOTroy Ounce
- TPTen-pack
- TQThousand Feet
- TRTen Square Feet
- TSThousand Square Feet
- TTThousand Linear Meters
- TUThousand Linear Yards
- TVThousand Kilograms
- TWThousand Sheets
- TXTroy Pound
- TYTray
- TZThousand Cubic Feet
- U1Treatments
- U2Tablet
- U3Ten
- U5Two Hundred Fifty
- UATorr
- UBTelecommunications Lines in Service - Average
- UCTelecommunications Ports
- UDTenth Minutes
- UETenth Hours
- UFUsage per Telecommunications Line - Average
- UHTen Thousand Yards
- ULUnitless
- UMMillion Units
- UNUnit
- UPTroche
- UQWafer
- URApplication
- USDosage Form
- UTInhalation
- UULozenge
- UVPercent Topical Only
- UWMilliequivalent
- UXDram (Minim)
- UYFifty Square Feet
- UZFifty Count
- V1Flat
- V2Pouch
- VAVolt-ampere per Kilogram
- VCFive Hundred
- VIVial
- VPPercent Volume
- VRVolt-ampere-reactive
- VSVisit
- W2Wet Kilo
- W7Thimble Full
- WAWatts per Kilogram
- WBWet Pound
- WDWork Days
- WEWet Ton
- WGWine Gallon
- WHWheel
- WIWeight per Square Inch
- WKWeek
- WMWorking Months
- WPPennyweight
- WRWrap
- WWMilliliters of Water
- X1Chains (Land Survey)
- X2Bunch
- X3Clove
- X4Drop
- X5Head
- X6Heart
- X7Leaf
- X8Loaf
- X9Portion
- XPBase Box per Pound
- Y1Slice
- Y2Tablespoon
- Y3Teaspoon
- Y4Tub
- YDYard
- YL100 Lineal Yards
- YRYears
- YTTen Yards
- Z1Lift Van
- Z2Chest
- Z3Cask
- Z4Hogshead
- Z5Lug
- Z6Conference Points
- Z713-pack Marketing
- Z8Newspaper Agate Line
- Z914-pack Marketing
- ZABimonthly
- ZBBiweekly
- ZCSemiannual
- ZDKilojoule
- ZEPing
- ZF16-pack Marketing
- ZG48-pack Component Parts
- ZH51-pack Component Parts
- ZI52-pack Component Parts
- ZJ60-pack Gift Packs
- ZK72-pack Gift Packs
- ZL83-pack Gift Packs
- ZM10-pack Marketing
- ZN120-pack Promotional
- ZO150-pack Component Parts
- ZPPage
- ZQ200-pack Component Parts
- ZR1000-pack Component Parts
- ZS15-Pack
- ZWBarrel, Dry
- ZXBarrel, Liquid
- ZYApothecary Scruple
- ZZMutually Defined
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Codes (884)- 10Group
- 11Outfit
- 12Packet
- 13Ration
- 14Shot
- 15Stick
- 16115 Kilogram Drum
- 17100 Pound Drum
- 1855 Gallon Drum
- 19Tank Truck
- 2020 Foot Container
- 2140 Foot Container
- 22Deciliter per Gram
- 23Grams per Cubic Centimeter
- 24Theoretical Pounds
- 25Grams per Square Centimeter
- 26Actual Tons
- 27Theoretical Tons
- 28Kilograms per Square Meter
- 29Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
- 30Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 31Catchweight
- 32Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 33Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
- 34Kilopascals per Millimeter
- 35Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
- 36Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
- 37Ounces per Square Foot
- 38Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
- 39Basis Points
- 40Milliliter per Second
- 41Milliliter per Minute
- 43Super Bulk Bag
- 44500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 45300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4625 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4750 Pound Bag
- 48Bulk Car Load
- 50Actual Kilograms
- 51Actual Tonnes
- 52Credits
- 53Theoretical Kilograms
- 54Theoretical Tonnes
- 56Sitas
- 57Mesh
- 58Net Kilograms
- 59Parts Per Million
- 60Percent Weight
- 61Parts Per Billion
- 62Percent Per 1000 Hours
- 63Failure Rate In Time
- 64Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
- 65Coulomb
- 66Oersteds
- 67Siemens
- 68Ampere
- 69Test Specific Scale
- 70Volt
- 71Volt-Ampere Per Pound
- 72Watts Per Pound
- 73Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
- 74Milli Pascals
- 76Gauss
- 77Mil
- 78Kilogauss
- 79Electron Volt
- 80Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
- 81Henry
- 82Ohm
- 83Farad
- 84Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
- 85Foot Pounds
- 86Joules
- 87Pounds per Cubic Foot
- 89Poise
- 90Saybold Universal Second
- 91Stokes
- 92Calories per Cubic Centimeter
- 93Calories per Gram
- 94Curl Units
- 9520,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9610,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9710 Kilogram Drum
- 9815 Kilogram Drum
- 99Watt
- 01Actual Pounds
- 02Statute Mile
- 03Seconds
- 04Small Spray
- 05Lifts
- 06Digits
- 07Strand
- 08Heat Lots
- 09Tire
- 1ACar Mile
- 1BCar Count
- 1CLocomotive Count
- 1DCaboose Count
- 1EEmpty Car
- 1FTrain Mile
- 1GFuel Usage (Gallons)
- 1HCaboose Mile
- 1IFixed Rate
- 1JTon Miles
- 1KLocomotive Mile
- 1LTotal Car Count
- 1MTotal Car Mile
- 1NCount
- 1OSeason
- 1PTank Car
- 1QFrames
- 1RTransactions
- 1TTerabecquerel
- 1XQuarter Mile
- 2ARadians Per Second
- 2BRadians Per Second Squared
- 2CRoentgen
- 2DShip Set
- 2FVolts Per Meter
- 2GVolts (Alternating Current)
- 2HVolts (Direct Current)
- 2IBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
- 2JCubic Centimeters Per Second
- 2KCubic Feet Per Hour
- 2LCubic Feet Per Minute
- 2MCentimeters Per Second
- 2NDecibels
- 2PKilobyte
- 2QKilobecquerel
- 2RKilocurie
- 2UMegagram
- 2VMegagrams Per Hour
- 2WBin
- 2XMeters Per Minute
- 2YMilliroentgen
- 2ZMillivolts
- 3ADegrees Lovibond
- 3BMegajoule
- 3CManmonth
- 3DPieces per 100 Grams
- 3EPounds Per Pound of Product
- 3FKilograms Per Liter of Product
- 3GPounds Per Piece of Product
- 3HKilograms Per Kilogram of Product
- 3IKilograms Per Piece of Product
- 3JPieces per 10 Pounds
- 3KProof
- 3LScoville Units
- 3MWater Activity
- 4ABobbin
- 4BCap
- 4CCentistokes
- 4DCurie
- 4E20-Pack
- 4F100-Pack
- 4GMicroliter
- 4IMeters Per Second
- 4JMeters Per Second Per Second
- 4KMilliamperes
- 4LMegabyte
- 4MMilligrams Per Hour
- 4NMegabecquerel
- 4OMicrofarad
- 4PNewtons Per Meter
- 4QOunce Inch
- 4ROunce Foot
- 4SPascal
- 4TPicofarad
- 4UPounds Per Hour
- 4VCubic Meter Per Hour
- 4WTon Per Hour
- 4XKiloliter Per Hour
- 5ABarrels per Minute
- 5BBatch
- 5CGallons per Thousand
- 5DProof Gallons
- 5FPounds per Thousand
- 5GPump
- 5HStage
- 5IStandard Cubic Foot
- 5JHydraulic Horse Power
- 5KCount per Minute
- 5PSeismic Level
- 5QSeismic Line
- 8CCord
- 8DDuty
- 8PProject
- 8RProgram
- 8SSession
- 8USquare Kilometer
- 9AApothecary Pound
- 9BBriquet
- 9FFold
- 9OApothecary Ounce
- 9PPillow
- 9SSeat
- 9YFamily Unit
- 9ZUnited States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit
- A1Absorbance
- A2Bloom Units
- A3Brabender Units
- A4Count per Ounce
- A5Count per Pound
- A6Count per Pouch
- A7Milligrams per Gram
- A8Dollars per Hours
- A9Millipoises
- AABall
- ABBulk Pack
- ACAcre
- ADBytes
- AEAmperes per Meter
- AFCentigram
- AGAngstrom
- AHAdditional Minutes
- AIAverage Minutes Per Call
- AJCop
- AKFathom
- ALAccess Lines
- AMAmpoule
- ANMinutes or Messages
- AOAmpere-turn
- APAluminum Pounds Only
- AQAnti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
- ARSuppository
- ASAssortment
- ATAtmosphere
- AUOcular Insert System
- AVCapsule
- AWPowder-Filled Vials
- AXTwenty
- AYAssembly
- AZBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
- B0British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
- B1Barrels per Day
- B2Bunks
- B3Batting Pound
- B4Barrel, Imperial
- B5Billet
- B6Bun
- B7Cycles
- B8Board
- B9Batt
- BABale
- BBBase Box
- BCBucket
- BDBundle
- BEBeam
- BFBoard Feet
- BGBag
- BHBrush
- BIBar
- BJBand
- BKBook
- BLBlock
- BMBolt
- BNBulk
- BOBottle
- BP100 Board Feet
- BQBrake horse power
- BRBarrel
- BSBasket
- BTBelt
- BUBushel
- BVBushel, Dry Imperial
- BWBase Weight
- BXBox
- BYBritish Thermal Unit (BTU)
- BZMillion BTUs/Dekatherm
- C0Calls
- C1Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
- C2Carset
- C3Centiliter
- C4Carload
- C5Cost
- C6Cell
- C7Centipoise (CPS)
- C8Cubic Decimeter
- C9Coil Group
- CACase
- CBCarboy
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CDCarat
- CECentigrade, Celsius
- CFCubic Feet
- CGCard
- CHContainer
- CICubic Inches
- CJCone
- CKConnector
- CLCylinder
- CMCentimeter
- CNCan
- COCubic Meters (Net)
- CPCrate
- CQCartridge
- CRCubic Meter
- CSCassette
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CWHundred Pounds (CWT)
- CXCoil
- CYCubic Yard
- CZCombo
- D1Dollars, Canadian
- D2Shares
- D3Square Decimeter
- D4Degrees Brix
- D5Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
- D6Degrees Lintner
- D8Draize Score
- D9Dyne per Square Centimeter
- DADays
- DBDry Pounds
- DCDisk (Disc)
- DDDegree
- DEDeal
- DFDram
- DGDecigram
- DHMiles
- DIDispenser
- DJDecagram
- DKKilometers
- DLDeciliter
- DMDecimeter
- DNDeci Newton-Meter
- DODollars, U.S.
- DPDozen Pair
- DQData Records
- DRDrum
- DSDisplay
- DTDry Ton
- DUDyne
- DWCalendar Days
- DXDynes per Centimeter
- DYDirectory Books
- DZDozen
- E1Hectometer
- E3Inches, Fraction-Average
- E4Inches, Fraction-Minimum
- E5Inches, Fraction-Actual
- E7Inches, Decimal-Average
- E8Inches, Decimal-Actual
- E9English, (Feet, Inches)
- EAEach
- EBElectronic Mail Boxes
- ECEach per Month
- EDInches, Decimal-Nominal
- EEEmployees
- EFInches, Fraction-Nominal
- EGDouble-time Hours
- EHKnots
- EJLocations
- EMInches, Decimal-Minimum
- EPEleven pack
- EQEquivalent Gallons
- EVEnvelope
- EXFeet, Inches and Fraction
- EYFeet, Inches and Decimal
- EZFeet and Decimal
- F0International Units per Gram
- F1Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
- F2International Unit
- F3Equivalent
- F4Minim
- F6Price Per Share
- F9Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
- FAFahrenheit
- FBFields
- FDMillion Particles per Cubic Foot
- FETrack Foot
- FFHundred Cubic Meters
- FGTransdermal Patch
- FHMicromolar
- FJSizing Factor
- FKFibers
- FLFlake Ton
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FOFluid Ounce
- FPPounds per Sq. Ft.
- FRFeet Per Minute
- FSFeet Per Second
- FTFoot
- FUFurlong
- FVGrams per 100 Cubic Inches
- FZFluid Ounce (Imperial)
- G1Gallons Capacity
- G2U.S. Gallons Per Minute
- G3Imperial Gallons Per Minute
- G4Gigabecquerel
- G5Gill (Imperial)
- G6Bit
- G7Microfiche Sheet
- G8Gigacalories
- G9Gigabyte
- GAGallon
- GBGallons/Day
- GCGrams per 100 Grams
- GDGross Barrels
- GEPounds per Gallon
- GFGrams per 100 Centimeters
- GGGreat Gross (Dozen Gross)
- GHHalf Gallon
- GIImperial Gallons
- GJGrams per Milliliter
- GKGrams per Kilogram
- GLGrams per Liter
- GMGrams per Sq. Meter
- GNGross Gallons
- GOMilligrams per Square Meter
- GPMilligrams per Cubic Meter
- GQMicrograms per Cubic Meter
- GRGram
- GSGross
- GTGross Kilogram
- GUGauss per Oersteds
- GVGigajoules
- GWGallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
- GXGrain
- GYGross Yard
- GZGage Systems
- H1Half Pages - Electronic
- H2Half Liter
- H318-Pack
- H4Hectoliter
- H522-Pack
- H630-Pack
- H738-Pack
- H862-Pack
- H975-Pack
- HAHank
- HBHundred Boxes
- HCHundred Count
- HDHalf Dozen
- HEHundredth of a Carat
- HFHundred Feet
- HGHectogram
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- HIHundred Sheets
- HJHorsepower
- HKHundred Kilograms
- HLHundred Feet - Linear
- HMMiles Per Hour
- HNMillimeters of Mercury
- HOHundred Troy Ounces
- HPMillimeter H20
- HQHectare
- HRHours
- HSHundred Square Feet
- HTHalf Hour
- HUHundred
- HVHundred Weight (Short)
- HWHundred Weight (Long)
- HXHospital Beds
- HYHundred Yards
- HZHertz
- I1Persons, Capacity
- I2Pellet
- IAInch Pound
- IBInches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
- ICCounts per Inch
- IEPerson
- IFInches of Water
- IGInner Package
- IHInhaler
- IIColumn-Inches
- IKPeaks per Inch (PPI)
- ILInches per Minute
- IMImpressions
- INInch
- IPInsurance Policy
- ISStops
- ITCounts per Centimeter
- IUInches Per Second (Linear Speed)
- IVInches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
- IWInches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
- J180-Pack
- J2Joule Per Kilogram
- J381-Pack
- J482-Pack
- J584-Pack
- J685-Pack
- J796-Pack
- J85000-Pack
- J9Left Unit
- JAJob
- JBJumbo
- JCCaplet
- JEJoule Per Kelvin
- JGJoule per Gram
- JKMega Joule per Kilogram
- JLRefill
- JMMegajoule/Cubic Meter
- JNPan
- JOJoint
- JPPrepack
- JRJar
- JSUse
- JTTin
- JUJug
- JVOvule
- JXExposure
- K1Kilowatt Demand
- K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
- K3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
- K4Kilovolt Amperes
- K5Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
- K6Kiloliter
- K7Kilowatt
- K9Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
- KACake
- KBKilocharacters
- KCKilograms per Cubic Meter
- KDKilograms Decimal
- KEKeg
- KFKilopackets
- KGKilogram
- KHKilowatt Hour
- KIKilograms/Millimeter Width
- KJKilosegments
- KK100 Kilograms
- KLKilograms/Meter
- KMKilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
- KNKilocalorie
- KOMillequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
- KPKilometers Per Hour
- KQKilopascal
- KRKiloroentgen
- KTKit
- KUTask
- KVKelvin
- KWKilograms per Millimeter
- KXMilliliters per Kilogram
- L1Right Unit
- L2Liters Per Minute
- LAPounds Per Cubic Inch
- LBPound
- LCLinear Centimeter
- LELite
- LFLinear Foot
- LGLong Ton
- LHLabor Hours
- LILinear Inch
- LJLarge Spray
- LKLink
- LLLifetime
- LMLinear Meter
- LNLength
- LOLot
- LPLiquid Pounds
- LQLiters Per Day
- LRLayer(s)
- LSLump Sum
- LTLiter
- LXLinear Yards Per Pound
- LYLinear Yard
- M0Magnetic Tapes
- M1Milligrams per Liter
- M2Millimeter-Actual
- M3Mat
- M4Monetary Value
- M5Microcurie
- M6Millibar
- M7Micro Inch
- M8Mega Pascals
- M9Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
- MAMachine/Unit
- MBMillimeter-Nominal
- MCMicrogram
- MDAir Dry Metric Ton
- MEMilligram
- MFMilligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
- MGMetric Gross Ton
- MHMicrons (Micrometers)
- MIMetric
- MJMinutes
- MKMilligrams Per Square Inch
- MLMilliliter
- MMMillimeter
- MNMetric Net Ton
- MOMonths
- MPMetric Ton
- MQ1000 Meters
- MRMeter
- MSSquare Millimeter
- MTMetric Long Ton
- MUMillicurie
- MVNumber of Mults
- MWMetric Ton Kilograms
- MXMixed
- MYMillimeter-Average
- MZMillimeter-minimum
- N1Pen Calories
- N2Number of Lines
- N3Print Point
- N4Pen Grams (Protein)
- N6Megahertz
- N7Parts
- N9Cartridge Needle
- NAMilligrams per Kilogram
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDNet Barrels
- NENet Liters
- NFMessages
- NGNet Gallons
- NHMessage Hours
- NINet Imperial Gallons
- NJNumber of Screens
- NKNights
- NLLoad
- NMNautical Mile
- NNTrain
- NQMho
- NRMicro Mho
- NSShort Ton
- NTTrailer
- NUNewton-Meter
- NVVehicle
- NWNewton
- NXParts Per Thousand
- NYPounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
- NZThousand Gallons Per Day
- OAPanel
- OBOutlet
- OCBillboard
- OGApothecary Grain
- ONOunces per Square Yard
- OPTwo pack
- OTOvertime Hours
- OUOperating Unit
- OZOunce - Av
- P0Pages - Electronic
- P1Percent
- P2Pounds per Foot
- P3Three pack
- P4Four-pack
- P5Five-pack
- P6Six pack
- P7Seven pack
- P8Eight-pack
- P9Nine pack
- PAPail
- PBPair Inches
- PCPiece
- PDPad
- PEPounds Equivalent
- PFPallet (Lift)
- PGPounds Gross
- PHPack (PAK)
- PIPitch
- PJPounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
- PKPackage
- PLPallet/Unit Load
- PMPounds-Percentage
- PNPounds Net
- POPounds per Inch of Length
- PPPlate
- PQPages per Inch
- PRPair
- PSPounds per Sq. Inch
- PTPint
- PUMass Pounds
- PVHalf Pint
- PWPounds per Inch of Width
- PXPint, Imperial
- PYPeck, Dry U.S.
- PZPeck, Dry Imperial
- Q1Quarter (Time)
- Q2Pint U.S. Dry
- Q3Meal
- Q4Fifty
- Q5Twenty-Five
- Q6Thirty-Six
- Q7Twenty-Four
- Q9Five
- QAPages - Facsimile
- QBPages - Hardcopy
- QCChannel
- QDQuarter Dozen
- QEPhotographs
- QFQuarter
- QHQuarter Hours
- QKQuarter Kilogram
- QRQuire
- QSQuart, Dry U.S.
- QTQuart
- QUQuart, Imperial
- R1Pica
- R2Becquerel
- R3Revolutions Per Minute
- R4Calorie
- R5Thousands of Dollars
- R6Millions of Dollars
- R7Billions of Dollars
- R8Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
- R9Thousand Cubic Meters
- RARack
- RBRadian
- RCRod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
- RDRod (length) - 5.5 Yards
- REReel
- RGRing
- RHRunning or Operating Hours
- RKRoll-Metric Measure
- RLRoll
- RMReam
- RNReam-Metric Measure
- RORound
- RPPounds per Ream
- RSResets
- RTRevenue Ton Miles
- RURun
- RXThousand Rounds
- S1Semester
- S2Trimester
- S3Square Feet per Second
- S4Square Meters per Second
- S5Sixty-fourths of an Inch
- S6Sessions
- S7Storage Units
- S8Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
- S9Slip Sheet
- SASandwich
- SBSquare Mile
- SCSquare Centimeter
- SDSolid Pounds
- SESection
- SFSquare Foot
- SGSegment
- SHSheet
- SISquare Inch
- SJSack
- SKSplit Tanktruck
- SLSleeve
- SMSquare Meter
- SNSquare Rod
- SOSpool
- SPShelf Package
- SQSquare
- SRStrip
- SSSheet-Metric Measure
- STSet
- SVSkid
- SWSkein
- SXShipment
- SYSquare Yard
- SZSyringe
- T0Telecommunications Lines in Service
- T1Thousand pounds gross
- T2Thousandths of an Inch
- T3Thousand Pieces
- T4Thousand Bags
- T5Thousand Casings
- T6Thousand Gallons
- T7Thousand Impressions
- T8Thousand Linear Inches
- T9Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour
- TATenth Cubic Foot
- TBTube
- TCTruckload
- TDTherms
- TETote
- TFTen Square Yards
- TGGross Ton
- THThousand
- TIThousand Square Inches
- TJThousand Sq. Centimeters
- TKTank
- TLThousand Feet (Linear)
- TMThousand Feet (Board)
- TNNet Ton (2,000 LB).
- TOTroy Ounce
- TPTen-pack
- TQThousand Feet
- TRTen Square Feet
- TSThousand Square Feet
- TTThousand Linear Meters
- TUThousand Linear Yards
- TVThousand Kilograms
- TWThousand Sheets
- TXTroy Pound
- TYTray
- TZThousand Cubic Feet
- U1Treatments
- U2Tablet
- U3Ten
- U5Two Hundred Fifty
- UATorr
- UBTelecommunications Lines in Service - Average
- UCTelecommunications Ports
- UDTenth Minutes
- UETenth Hours
- UFUsage per Telecommunications Line - Average
- UHTen Thousand Yards
- ULUnitless
- UMMillion Units
- UNUnit
- UPTroche
- UQWafer
- URApplication
- USDosage Form
- UTInhalation
- UULozenge
- UVPercent Topical Only
- UWMilliequivalent
- UXDram (Minim)
- UYFifty Square Feet
- UZFifty Count
- V1Flat
- V2Pouch
- VAVolt-ampere per Kilogram
- VCFive Hundred
- VIVial
- VPPercent Volume
- VRVolt-ampere-reactive
- VSVisit
- W2Wet Kilo
- W7Thimble Full
- WAWatts per Kilogram
- WBWet Pound
- WDWork Days
- WEWet Ton
- WGWine Gallon
- WHWheel
- WIWeight per Square Inch
- WKWeek
- WMWorking Months
- WPPennyweight
- WRWrap
- WWMilliliters of Water
- X1Chains (Land Survey)
- X2Bunch
- X3Clove
- X4Drop
- X5Head
- X6Heart
- X7Leaf
- X8Loaf
- X9Portion
- XPBase Box per Pound
- Y1Slice
- Y2Tablespoon
- Y3Teaspoon
- Y4Tub
- YDYard
- YL100 Lineal Yards
- YRYears
- YTTen Yards
- Z1Lift Van
- Z2Chest
- Z3Cask
- Z4Hogshead
- Z5Lug
- Z6Conference Points
- Z713-pack Marketing
- Z8Newspaper Agate Line
- Z914-pack Marketing
- ZABimonthly
- ZBBiweekly
- ZCSemiannual
- ZDKilojoule
- ZEPing
- ZF16-pack Marketing
- ZG48-pack Component Parts
- ZH51-pack Component Parts
- ZI52-pack Component Parts
- ZJ60-pack Gift Packs
- ZK72-pack Gift Packs
- ZL83-pack Gift Packs
- ZM10-pack Marketing
- ZN120-pack Promotional
- ZO150-pack Component Parts
- ZPPage
- ZQ200-pack Component Parts
- ZR1000-pack Component Parts
- ZS15-Pack
- ZWBarrel, Dry
- ZXBarrel, Liquid
- ZYApothecary Scruple
- ZZMutually Defined
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Codes (884)- 10Group
- 11Outfit
- 12Packet
- 13Ration
- 14Shot
- 15Stick
- 16115 Kilogram Drum
- 17100 Pound Drum
- 1855 Gallon Drum
- 19Tank Truck
- 2020 Foot Container
- 2140 Foot Container
- 22Deciliter per Gram
- 23Grams per Cubic Centimeter
- 24Theoretical Pounds
- 25Grams per Square Centimeter
- 26Actual Tons
- 27Theoretical Tons
- 28Kilograms per Square Meter
- 29Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
- 30Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 31Catchweight
- 32Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 33Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
- 34Kilopascals per Millimeter
- 35Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
- 36Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
- 37Ounces per Square Foot
- 38Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
- 39Basis Points
- 40Milliliter per Second
- 41Milliliter per Minute
- 43Super Bulk Bag
- 44500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 45300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4625 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4750 Pound Bag
- 48Bulk Car Load
- 50Actual Kilograms
- 51Actual Tonnes
- 52Credits
- 53Theoretical Kilograms
- 54Theoretical Tonnes
- 56Sitas
- 57Mesh
- 58Net Kilograms
- 59Parts Per Million
- 60Percent Weight
- 61Parts Per Billion
- 62Percent Per 1000 Hours
- 63Failure Rate In Time
- 64Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
- 65Coulomb
- 66Oersteds
- 67Siemens
- 68Ampere
- 69Test Specific Scale
- 70Volt
- 71Volt-Ampere Per Pound
- 72Watts Per Pound
- 73Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
- 74Milli Pascals
- 76Gauss
- 77Mil
- 78Kilogauss
- 79Electron Volt
- 80Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
- 81Henry
- 82Ohm
- 83Farad
- 84Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
- 85Foot Pounds
- 86Joules
- 87Pounds per Cubic Foot
- 89Poise
- 90Saybold Universal Second
- 91Stokes
- 92Calories per Cubic Centimeter
- 93Calories per Gram
- 94Curl Units
- 9520,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9610,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9710 Kilogram Drum
- 9815 Kilogram Drum
- 99Watt
- 01Actual Pounds
- 02Statute Mile
- 03Seconds
- 04Small Spray
- 05Lifts
- 06Digits
- 07Strand
- 08Heat Lots
- 09Tire
- 1ACar Mile
- 1BCar Count
- 1CLocomotive Count
- 1DCaboose Count
- 1EEmpty Car
- 1FTrain Mile
- 1GFuel Usage (Gallons)
- 1HCaboose Mile
- 1IFixed Rate
- 1JTon Miles
- 1KLocomotive Mile
- 1LTotal Car Count
- 1MTotal Car Mile
- 1NCount
- 1OSeason
- 1PTank Car
- 1QFrames
- 1RTransactions
- 1TTerabecquerel
- 1XQuarter Mile
- 2ARadians Per Second
- 2BRadians Per Second Squared
- 2CRoentgen
- 2DShip Set
- 2FVolts Per Meter
- 2GVolts (Alternating Current)
- 2HVolts (Direct Current)
- 2IBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
- 2JCubic Centimeters Per Second
- 2KCubic Feet Per Hour
- 2LCubic Feet Per Minute
- 2MCentimeters Per Second
- 2NDecibels
- 2PKilobyte
- 2QKilobecquerel
- 2RKilocurie
- 2UMegagram
- 2VMegagrams Per Hour
- 2WBin
- 2XMeters Per Minute
- 2YMilliroentgen
- 2ZMillivolts
- 3ADegrees Lovibond
- 3BMegajoule
- 3CManmonth
- 3DPieces per 100 Grams
- 3EPounds Per Pound of Product
- 3FKilograms Per Liter of Product
- 3GPounds Per Piece of Product
- 3HKilograms Per Kilogram of Product
- 3IKilograms Per Piece of Product
- 3JPieces per 10 Pounds
- 3KProof
- 3LScoville Units
- 3MWater Activity
- 4ABobbin
- 4BCap
- 4CCentistokes
- 4DCurie
- 4E20-Pack
- 4F100-Pack
- 4GMicroliter
- 4IMeters Per Second
- 4JMeters Per Second Per Second
- 4KMilliamperes
- 4LMegabyte
- 4MMilligrams Per Hour
- 4NMegabecquerel
- 4OMicrofarad
- 4PNewtons Per Meter
- 4QOunce Inch
- 4ROunce Foot
- 4SPascal
- 4TPicofarad
- 4UPounds Per Hour
- 4VCubic Meter Per Hour
- 4WTon Per Hour
- 4XKiloliter Per Hour
- 5ABarrels per Minute
- 5BBatch
- 5CGallons per Thousand
- 5DProof Gallons
- 5FPounds per Thousand
- 5GPump
- 5HStage
- 5IStandard Cubic Foot
- 5JHydraulic Horse Power
- 5KCount per Minute
- 5PSeismic Level
- 5QSeismic Line
- 8CCord
- 8DDuty
- 8PProject
- 8RProgram
- 8SSession
- 8USquare Kilometer
- 9AApothecary Pound
- 9BBriquet
- 9FFold
- 9OApothecary Ounce
- 9PPillow
- 9SSeat
- 9YFamily Unit
- 9ZUnited States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit
- A1Absorbance
- A2Bloom Units
- A3Brabender Units
- A4Count per Ounce
- A5Count per Pound
- A6Count per Pouch
- A7Milligrams per Gram
- A8Dollars per Hours
- A9Millipoises
- AABall
- ABBulk Pack
- ACAcre
- ADBytes
- AEAmperes per Meter
- AFCentigram
- AGAngstrom
- AHAdditional Minutes
- AIAverage Minutes Per Call
- AJCop
- AKFathom
- ALAccess Lines
- AMAmpoule
- ANMinutes or Messages
- AOAmpere-turn
- APAluminum Pounds Only
- AQAnti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
- ARSuppository
- ASAssortment
- ATAtmosphere
- AUOcular Insert System
- AVCapsule
- AWPowder-Filled Vials
- AXTwenty
- AYAssembly
- AZBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
- B0British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
- B1Barrels per Day
- B2Bunks
- B3Batting Pound
- B4Barrel, Imperial
- B5Billet
- B6Bun
- B7Cycles
- B8Board
- B9Batt
- BABale
- BBBase Box
- BCBucket
- BDBundle
- BEBeam
- BFBoard Feet
- BGBag
- BHBrush
- BIBar
- BJBand
- BKBook
- BLBlock
- BMBolt
- BNBulk
- BOBottle
- BP100 Board Feet
- BQBrake horse power
- BRBarrel
- BSBasket
- BTBelt
- BUBushel
- BVBushel, Dry Imperial
- BWBase Weight
- BXBox
- BYBritish Thermal Unit (BTU)
- BZMillion BTUs/Dekatherm
- C0Calls
- C1Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
- C2Carset
- C3Centiliter
- C4Carload
- C5Cost
- C6Cell
- C7Centipoise (CPS)
- C8Cubic Decimeter
- C9Coil Group
- CACase
- CBCarboy
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CDCarat
- CECentigrade, Celsius
- CFCubic Feet
- CGCard
- CHContainer
- CICubic Inches
- CJCone
- CKConnector
- CLCylinder
- CMCentimeter
- CNCan
- COCubic Meters (Net)
- CPCrate
- CQCartridge
- CRCubic Meter
- CSCassette
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CWHundred Pounds (CWT)
- CXCoil
- CYCubic Yard
- CZCombo
- D1Dollars, Canadian
- D2Shares
- D3Square Decimeter
- D4Degrees Brix
- D5Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
- D6Degrees Lintner
- D8Draize Score
- D9Dyne per Square Centimeter
- DADays
- DBDry Pounds
- DCDisk (Disc)
- DDDegree
- DEDeal
- DFDram
- DGDecigram
- DHMiles
- DIDispenser
- DJDecagram
- DKKilometers
- DLDeciliter
- DMDecimeter
- DNDeci Newton-Meter
- DODollars, U.S.
- DPDozen Pair
- DQData Records
- DRDrum
- DSDisplay
- DTDry Ton
- DUDyne
- DWCalendar Days
- DXDynes per Centimeter
- DYDirectory Books
- DZDozen
- E1Hectometer
- E3Inches, Fraction-Average
- E4Inches, Fraction-Minimum
- E5Inches, Fraction-Actual
- E7Inches, Decimal-Average
- E8Inches, Decimal-Actual
- E9English, (Feet, Inches)
- EAEach
- EBElectronic Mail Boxes
- ECEach per Month
- EDInches, Decimal-Nominal
- EEEmployees
- EFInches, Fraction-Nominal
- EGDouble-time Hours
- EHKnots
- EJLocations
- EMInches, Decimal-Minimum
- EPEleven pack
- EQEquivalent Gallons
- EVEnvelope
- EXFeet, Inches and Fraction
- EYFeet, Inches and Decimal
- EZFeet and Decimal
- F0International Units per Gram
- F1Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
- F2International Unit
- F3Equivalent
- F4Minim
- F6Price Per Share
- F9Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
- FAFahrenheit
- FBFields
- FDMillion Particles per Cubic Foot
- FETrack Foot
- FFHundred Cubic Meters
- FGTransdermal Patch
- FHMicromolar
- FJSizing Factor
- FKFibers
- FLFlake Ton
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FOFluid Ounce
- FPPounds per Sq. Ft.
- FRFeet Per Minute
- FSFeet Per Second
- FTFoot
- FUFurlong
- FVGrams per 100 Cubic Inches
- FZFluid Ounce (Imperial)
- G1Gallons Capacity
- G2U.S. Gallons Per Minute
- G3Imperial Gallons Per Minute
- G4Gigabecquerel
- G5Gill (Imperial)
- G6Bit
- G7Microfiche Sheet
- G8Gigacalories
- G9Gigabyte
- GAGallon
- GBGallons/Day
- GCGrams per 100 Grams
- GDGross Barrels
- GEPounds per Gallon
- GFGrams per 100 Centimeters
- GGGreat Gross (Dozen Gross)
- GHHalf Gallon
- GIImperial Gallons
- GJGrams per Milliliter
- GKGrams per Kilogram
- GLGrams per Liter
- GMGrams per Sq. Meter
- GNGross Gallons
- GOMilligrams per Square Meter
- GPMilligrams per Cubic Meter
- GQMicrograms per Cubic Meter
- GRGram
- GSGross
- GTGross Kilogram
- GUGauss per Oersteds
- GVGigajoules
- GWGallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
- GXGrain
- GYGross Yard
- GZGage Systems
- H1Half Pages - Electronic
- H2Half Liter
- H318-Pack
- H4Hectoliter
- H522-Pack
- H630-Pack
- H738-Pack
- H862-Pack
- H975-Pack
- HAHank
- HBHundred Boxes
- HCHundred Count
- HDHalf Dozen
- HEHundredth of a Carat
- HFHundred Feet
- HGHectogram
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- HIHundred Sheets
- HJHorsepower
- HKHundred Kilograms
- HLHundred Feet - Linear
- HMMiles Per Hour
- HNMillimeters of Mercury
- HOHundred Troy Ounces
- HPMillimeter H20
- HQHectare
- HRHours
- HSHundred Square Feet
- HTHalf Hour
- HUHundred
- HVHundred Weight (Short)
- HWHundred Weight (Long)
- HXHospital Beds
- HYHundred Yards
- HZHertz
- I1Persons, Capacity
- I2Pellet
- IAInch Pound
- IBInches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
- ICCounts per Inch
- IEPerson
- IFInches of Water
- IGInner Package
- IHInhaler
- IIColumn-Inches
- IKPeaks per Inch (PPI)
- ILInches per Minute
- IMImpressions
- INInch
- IPInsurance Policy
- ISStops
- ITCounts per Centimeter
- IUInches Per Second (Linear Speed)
- IVInches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
- IWInches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
- J180-Pack
- J2Joule Per Kilogram
- J381-Pack
- J482-Pack
- J584-Pack
- J685-Pack
- J796-Pack
- J85000-Pack
- J9Left Unit
- JAJob
- JBJumbo
- JCCaplet
- JEJoule Per Kelvin
- JGJoule per Gram
- JKMega Joule per Kilogram
- JLRefill
- JMMegajoule/Cubic Meter
- JNPan
- JOJoint
- JPPrepack
- JRJar
- JSUse
- JTTin
- JUJug
- JVOvule
- JXExposure
- K1Kilowatt Demand
- K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
- K3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
- K4Kilovolt Amperes
- K5Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
- K6Kiloliter
- K7Kilowatt
- K9Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
- KACake
- KBKilocharacters
- KCKilograms per Cubic Meter
- KDKilograms Decimal
- KEKeg
- KFKilopackets
- KGKilogram
- KHKilowatt Hour
- KIKilograms/Millimeter Width
- KJKilosegments
- KK100 Kilograms
- KLKilograms/Meter
- KMKilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
- KNKilocalorie
- KOMillequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
- KPKilometers Per Hour
- KQKilopascal
- KRKiloroentgen
- KTKit
- KUTask
- KVKelvin
- KWKilograms per Millimeter
- KXMilliliters per Kilogram
- L1Right Unit
- L2Liters Per Minute
- LAPounds Per Cubic Inch
- LBPound
- LCLinear Centimeter
- LELite
- LFLinear Foot
- LGLong Ton
- LHLabor Hours
- LILinear Inch
- LJLarge Spray
- LKLink
- LLLifetime
- LMLinear Meter
- LNLength
- LOLot
- LPLiquid Pounds
- LQLiters Per Day
- LRLayer(s)
- LSLump Sum
- LTLiter
- LXLinear Yards Per Pound
- LYLinear Yard
- M0Magnetic Tapes
- M1Milligrams per Liter
- M2Millimeter-Actual
- M3Mat
- M4Monetary Value
- M5Microcurie
- M6Millibar
- M7Micro Inch
- M8Mega Pascals
- M9Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
- MAMachine/Unit
- MBMillimeter-Nominal
- MCMicrogram
- MDAir Dry Metric Ton
- MEMilligram
- MFMilligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
- MGMetric Gross Ton
- MHMicrons (Micrometers)
- MIMetric
- MJMinutes
- MKMilligrams Per Square Inch
- MLMilliliter
- MMMillimeter
- MNMetric Net Ton
- MOMonths
- MPMetric Ton
- MQ1000 Meters
- MRMeter
- MSSquare Millimeter
- MTMetric Long Ton
- MUMillicurie
- MVNumber of Mults
- MWMetric Ton Kilograms
- MXMixed
- MYMillimeter-Average
- MZMillimeter-minimum
- N1Pen Calories
- N2Number of Lines
- N3Print Point
- N4Pen Grams (Protein)
- N6Megahertz
- N7Parts
- N9Cartridge Needle
- NAMilligrams per Kilogram
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDNet Barrels
- NENet Liters
- NFMessages
- NGNet Gallons
- NHMessage Hours
- NINet Imperial Gallons
- NJNumber of Screens
- NKNights
- NLLoad
- NMNautical Mile
- NNTrain
- NQMho
- NRMicro Mho
- NSShort Ton
- NTTrailer
- NUNewton-Meter
- NVVehicle
- NWNewton
- NXParts Per Thousand
- NYPounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
- NZThousand Gallons Per Day
- OAPanel
- OBOutlet
- OCBillboard
- OGApothecary Grain
- ONOunces per Square Yard
- OPTwo pack
- OTOvertime Hours
- OUOperating Unit
- OZOunce - Av
- P0Pages - Electronic
- P1Percent
- P2Pounds per Foot
- P3Three pack
- P4Four-pack
- P5Five-pack
- P6Six pack
- P7Seven pack
- P8Eight-pack
- P9Nine pack
- PAPail
- PBPair Inches
- PCPiece
- PDPad
- PEPounds Equivalent
- PFPallet (Lift)
- PGPounds Gross
- PHPack (PAK)
- PIPitch
- PJPounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
- PKPackage
- PLPallet/Unit Load
- PMPounds-Percentage
- PNPounds Net
- POPounds per Inch of Length
- PPPlate
- PQPages per Inch
- PRPair
- PSPounds per Sq. Inch
- PTPint
- PUMass Pounds
- PVHalf Pint
- PWPounds per Inch of Width
- PXPint, Imperial
- PYPeck, Dry U.S.
- PZPeck, Dry Imperial
- Q1Quarter (Time)
- Q2Pint U.S. Dry
- Q3Meal
- Q4Fifty
- Q5Twenty-Five
- Q6Thirty-Six
- Q7Twenty-Four
- Q9Five
- QAPages - Facsimile
- QBPages - Hardcopy
- QCChannel
- QDQuarter Dozen
- QEPhotographs
- QFQuarter
- QHQuarter Hours
- QKQuarter Kilogram
- QRQuire
- QSQuart, Dry U.S.
- QTQuart
- QUQuart, Imperial
- R1Pica
- R2Becquerel
- R3Revolutions Per Minute
- R4Calorie
- R5Thousands of Dollars
- R6Millions of Dollars
- R7Billions of Dollars
- R8Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
- R9Thousand Cubic Meters
- RARack
- RBRadian
- RCRod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
- RDRod (length) - 5.5 Yards
- REReel
- RGRing
- RHRunning or Operating Hours
- RKRoll-Metric Measure
- RLRoll
- RMReam
- RNReam-Metric Measure
- RORound
- RPPounds per Ream
- RSResets
- RTRevenue Ton Miles
- RURun
- RXThousand Rounds
- S1Semester
- S2Trimester
- S3Square Feet per Second
- S4Square Meters per Second
- S5Sixty-fourths of an Inch
- S6Sessions
- S7Storage Units
- S8Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
- S9Slip Sheet
- SASandwich
- SBSquare Mile
- SCSquare Centimeter
- SDSolid Pounds
- SESection
- SFSquare Foot
- SGSegment
- SHSheet
- SISquare Inch
- SJSack
- SKSplit Tanktruck
- SLSleeve
- SMSquare Meter
- SNSquare Rod
- SOSpool
- SPShelf Package
- SQSquare
- SRStrip
- SSSheet-Metric Measure
- STSet
- SVSkid
- SWSkein
- SXShipment
- SYSquare Yard
- SZSyringe
- T0Telecommunications Lines in Service
- T1Thousand pounds gross
- T2Thousandths of an Inch
- T3Thousand Pieces
- T4Thousand Bags
- T5Thousand Casings
- T6Thousand Gallons
- T7Thousand Impressions
- T8Thousand Linear Inches
- T9Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour
- TATenth Cubic Foot
- TBTube
- TCTruckload
- TDTherms
- TETote
- TFTen Square Yards
- TGGross Ton
- THThousand
- TIThousand Square Inches
- TJThousand Sq. Centimeters
- TKTank
- TLThousand Feet (Linear)
- TMThousand Feet (Board)
- TNNet Ton (2,000 LB).
- TOTroy Ounce
- TPTen-pack
- TQThousand Feet
- TRTen Square Feet
- TSThousand Square Feet
- TTThousand Linear Meters
- TUThousand Linear Yards
- TVThousand Kilograms
- TWThousand Sheets
- TXTroy Pound
- TYTray
- TZThousand Cubic Feet
- U1Treatments
- U2Tablet
- U3Ten
- U5Two Hundred Fifty
- UATorr
- UBTelecommunications Lines in Service - Average
- UCTelecommunications Ports
- UDTenth Minutes
- UETenth Hours
- UFUsage per Telecommunications Line - Average
- UHTen Thousand Yards
- ULUnitless
- UMMillion Units
- UNUnit
- UPTroche
- UQWafer
- URApplication
- USDosage Form
- UTInhalation
- UULozenge
- UVPercent Topical Only
- UWMilliequivalent
- UXDram (Minim)
- UYFifty Square Feet
- UZFifty Count
- V1Flat
- V2Pouch
- VAVolt-ampere per Kilogram
- VCFive Hundred
- VIVial
- VPPercent Volume
- VRVolt-ampere-reactive
- VSVisit
- W2Wet Kilo
- W7Thimble Full
- WAWatts per Kilogram
- WBWet Pound
- WDWork Days
- WEWet Ton
- WGWine Gallon
- WHWheel
- WIWeight per Square Inch
- WKWeek
- WMWorking Months
- WPPennyweight
- WRWrap
- WWMilliliters of Water
- X1Chains (Land Survey)
- X2Bunch
- X3Clove
- X4Drop
- X5Head
- X6Heart
- X7Leaf
- X8Loaf
- X9Portion
- XPBase Box per Pound
- Y1Slice
- Y2Tablespoon
- Y3Teaspoon
- Y4Tub
- YDYard
- YL100 Lineal Yards
- YRYears
- YTTen Yards
- Z1Lift Van
- Z2Chest
- Z3Cask
- Z4Hogshead
- Z5Lug
- Z6Conference Points
- Z713-pack Marketing
- Z8Newspaper Agate Line
- Z914-pack Marketing
- ZABimonthly
- ZBBiweekly
- ZCSemiannual
- ZDKilojoule
- ZEPing
- ZF16-pack Marketing
- ZG48-pack Component Parts
- ZH51-pack Component Parts
- ZI52-pack Component Parts
- ZJ60-pack Gift Packs
- ZK72-pack Gift Packs
- ZL83-pack Gift Packs
- ZM10-pack Marketing
- ZN120-pack Promotional
- ZO150-pack Component Parts
- ZPPage
- ZQ200-pack Component Parts
- ZR1000-pack Component Parts
- ZS15-Pack
- ZWBarrel, Dry
- ZXBarrel, Liquid
- ZYApothecary Scruple
- ZZMutually Defined