X12 EDI Release 00504
To provide dynamic information pertaining to a vehicle
Code identifying pricing specification
Codes (168)- ACTActual
- AGCAverage Generic Product Price
- ALTAlternate Price
- AWPAverage Wholesale Price
- BBPBalance-Based Price
- BCHBase Charge
- BIDBid Price
- C01Contract Tier 1
- C02Contract Tier 2
- C03Contract Tier 3
- C04Contract Tier 4
- C05Contract Tier 5
- C06Contract Tier 6
- C07Contract Tier 7
- C08Contract Tier 8
- C09Contract Tier 9
- C10Contract Tier 10
- C11Contract Tier 11
- C12Contract Tier 12
- C13Contract Tier 13
- C14Contract Tier 14
- C15Contract Tier 15
- C16Contract Tier 16
- C17Contract Tier 17
- C18Contract Tier 18
- C19Contract Tier 19
- C20Contract Tier 20
- C21Contract Tier 21
- C22Contract Tier 22
- C23Contract Tier 23
- C24Contract Tier 24
- C25Contract Tier 25
- C26Contract Tier 26
- C27Contract Tier 27
- C28Contract Tier 28
- C29Contract Tier 29
- C30Contract Tier 30
- CANCancellation Charge
- CATCatalog Price
- CDFCentral Distribution Facility (Warehouse)
- CDVCurrent Domestic Value
- CHGChanged Price
- CONContract Price
- CUPConfirmed Unit Price
- CUSDeclared Customs Unit Value
- D01Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Price
- D02Depot Price
- D03Distribution and Pricing Agreement (DAPA) Price
- DAPDealer Adjusted Price
- DISDistributor's Price
- DPRDiscount Price
- DSCDiscount Amount Allowed
- DSDDirect Store Delivery
- DSPDirect Ship Program Price
- EDMEmergency Direct Ship Price (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- EDPEmergency Direct Ship Price
- EDSEmergency Direct Ship Price (Supplier)
- EDWEmergency Direct Ship Price (Warehouse)
- ELCEstimated Landed Cost
- ESTEstimated Price
- EUPExpected Unit Price
- FCHFlat Charge
- FCPFirst Cost Price
- FDSFrequent Delivery Service
- FETFederal Excise Tax
- FGPFree Goods Price
- FORFormula Price
- FSPFree Service Price
- FULFederal Upper Limit Price (Maximum Allowable Cost Pricing for Drugs)
- FUPFirm Price - Do Not Advise
- GAPAdvertising Price
- GDPDisplay Price
- GOVGovernment Price
- GSPShelf Price
- GTPTemporary Price Reduction Price
- ICLUnit Price Through Quantity
- INDIndustrial Price
- INSInstitutional Price
- INVInvoice Billing Price
- LARLabor Rate
- LCPLast Cost Price
- LPPLease to Purchase Price
- LPRList Price
- MAPMandatory to Advise Unit Price
- MASMinimum Activity Surcharge
- MAXMaximum Order Quantity Price
- MINMinimum Order Quantity Price
- MNCMinimum Charge
- MNRMinimum Release Quantity Price
- MODModal Premium
- MPRMaximum Price Reduction
- MSRManufacturer's Suggested Retail
- MXRMaximum Release Quantity Price
- N01Noncontract Tier 1
- N02Noncontract Tier 2
- N03Noncontract Tier 3
- N04Noncontract Tier 4
- N05Noncontract Tier 5
- N06Noncontract Tier 6
- N07Noncontract Tier 7
- N08Noncontract Tier 8
- N09Noncontract Tier 9
- N10Noncontract Tier 10
- N11Noncontract Tier 11
- N12Noncontract Tier 12
- N13Noncontract Tier 13
- N14Noncontract Tier 14
- N15Noncontract Tier 15
- N16Noncontract Tier 16
- N17Noncontract Tier 17
- N18Noncontract Tier 18
- N19Noncontract Tier 19
- N20Noncontract Tier 20
- N21Noncontract Tier 21
- N22Noncontract Tier 22
- N23Noncontract Tier 23
- N24Noncontract Tier 24
- N25Noncontract Tier 25
- N26Noncontract Tier 26
- N27Noncontract Tier 27
- N28Noncontract Tier 28
- N29Noncontract Tier 29
- N30Noncontract Tier 30
- N31No Charge
- NETNet Item Price
- OAPOptional to Advise Unit Price
- OPPOriginal Purchase Order Price
- PAPProtection Level Price
- PAQPrice Break Quantity(s)
- PBQUnit Price Beginning Quantity
- PBRPrice Break Purchase Order Count
- PHSPublic Health Service Price
- PIEPrice in Effect at Time of Shipment
- PLTProducing Plant Price
- PPAPacking Level Price
- PPDPrepaid Freight Charges
- PRFProfessional Price
- PROProducer's Price
- PRPPromotional price
- PURPurchase
- QTEQuote Price
- REGRegular Charge
- RESResale
- RPARental Price, Annual
- RPMRental Price, Monthly
- RPPReplacement Price
- RSHRush Charge
- RTLRetail
- SACService Attempted Charge
- SDPSuggested Dealer Net Price
- SFPSuggested Fleet Price
- SHDShip and Debit
- SLPSuggested List Price
- SPCSpecial Price
- SPESingle Price (Factors Equalized)
- SSPSecondary Supply Plant
- STAStandard Price
- SUMSum of Line Items
- SWPSuggested Wholesale Price
- THPThreshold Price
- TOTTotal Invoice Amount Due
- TRFTransfer
- UCPUnit cost price
- ULCUnsalable Item List Cost
- WARPublic Warehouse Price
- WHLWholesale
- WSPWaived Service Price
- ZNPZone Price
Code indicating the date format, time format, or date and time format
Codes (42)- CCFirst Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY
- CDMonth and Year Expressed in Format MMMYYYY
- CMDate in Format CCYYMM
- CQDate in Format CCYYQ
- CYYear Expressed in Format CCYY
- D6Date Expressed in Format YYMMDD
- D8Date Expression in Format CCYYMMDD
- DARange of Dates within a Single Month Expressed in Format DD-DD
- DBDate Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY
- DDDay of Month in Numeric Format
- DTDate and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM
- EHLast Digit of Year and Julian Date Expressed in Format YDDD
- KADate Expressed in Format YYMMMDD
- MDMonth of Year and Day of Month Expressed in Format MMDD
- MMMonth of Year in Numeric Format
- RDRange of Dates Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY-MMDDCCYY
- TCJulian Date Expressed in Format DDD
- TMTime Expressed in Format HHMM
- TQDate Expressed in Format MMYY
- TRDate and Time Expressed in Format DDMMYYHHMM
- TSTime Expressed in Format HHMMSS
- TTDate Expressed in Format MMDDYY
- TUDate Expressed in Format YYDDD
- UNUnstructured
- YMYear and Month Expressed in Format YYMM
- YYLast Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY
- DDTRange of Dates and Time, Expressed in CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDDHHMM
- DTDRange of Dates and Time, Expressed in CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDD
- DTSRange of Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS-CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
- RD2Range of Years Expressed in Format YY-YY
- RD4Range of Years Expressed in Format CCYY-CCYY
- RD5Range of Years and Months Expressed in Format CCYYMM-CCYYMM
- RD6Range of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-YYMMDD
- RD8Range of Dates Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD
- RDMRange of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-MMDD
- RDTRange of Date and Time, Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDDHHMM
- RMDRange of Months and Days Expressed in Format MMDD-MMDD
- RMYRange of Years and Months Expressed in Format YYMM-YYMM
- RTMRange of Time Expressed in Format HHMM-HHMM
- RTSDate and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
- YMMRange of Year and Months, Expressed in CCYYMMM-MMM Format
Code indicating the date format, time format, or date and time format
Codes (42)- CCFirst Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY
- CDMonth and Year Expressed in Format MMMYYYY
- CMDate in Format CCYYMM
- CQDate in Format CCYYQ
- CYYear Expressed in Format CCYY
- D6Date Expressed in Format YYMMDD
- D8Date Expression in Format CCYYMMDD
- DARange of Dates within a Single Month Expressed in Format DD-DD
- DBDate Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY
- DDDay of Month in Numeric Format
- DTDate and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM
- EHLast Digit of Year and Julian Date Expressed in Format YDDD
- KADate Expressed in Format YYMMMDD
- MDMonth of Year and Day of Month Expressed in Format MMDD
- MMMonth of Year in Numeric Format
- RDRange of Dates Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY-MMDDCCYY
- TCJulian Date Expressed in Format DDD
- TMTime Expressed in Format HHMM
- TQDate Expressed in Format MMYY
- TRDate and Time Expressed in Format DDMMYYHHMM
- TSTime Expressed in Format HHMMSS
- TTDate Expressed in Format MMDDYY
- TUDate Expressed in Format YYDDD
- UNUnstructured
- YMYear and Month Expressed in Format YYMM
- YYLast Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY
- DDTRange of Dates and Time, Expressed in CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDDHHMM
- DTDRange of Dates and Time, Expressed in CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDD
- DTSRange of Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS-CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
- RD2Range of Years Expressed in Format YY-YY
- RD4Range of Years Expressed in Format CCYY-CCYY
- RD5Range of Years and Months Expressed in Format CCYYMM-CCYYMM
- RD6Range of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-YYMMDD
- RD8Range of Dates Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD
- RDMRange of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-MMDD
- RDTRange of Date and Time, Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDDHHMM
- RMDRange of Months and Days Expressed in Format MMDD-MMDD
- RMYRange of Years and Months Expressed in Format YYMM-YYMM
- RTMRange of Time Expressed in Format HHMM-HHMM
- RTSDate and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
- YMMRange of Year and Months, Expressed in CCYYMMM-MMM Format