X12 EDI Release 00504
To specify the organization controlling the content of the accounting citation, and the purpose associated with the accounting citation
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
Codes (195)- 10Alabama
- 11Alaska
- 12Arizona
- 13Arkansas
- 14California
- 15Colorado
- 16Connecticut
- 17Delaware
- 18District of Columbia
- 19Florida
- 20Georgia
- 21Hawaii
- 22Idaho
- 23Illinois
- 24Indiana
- 25Iowa
- 26Kansas
- 27Louisiana
- 28Kentucky
- 29Maine
- 30Maryland
- 31Massachusetts
- 32Michigan
- 33Minnesota
- 34Mississippi
- 35Missouri
- 36Montana
- 37Nebraska
- 38Nevada
- 39New Hampshire
- 40New Jersey
- 41New Mexico
- 42New York
- 43North Carolina
- 44North Dakota
- 45Ohio
- 46Oklahoma
- 47Oregon
- 48Pennsylvania
- 49Rhode Island
- 50South Carolina
- 51South Dakota
- 52Tennessee
- 53Texas
- 54Utah
- 55Vermont
- 56Virginia
- 57Washington
- 58West Virginia
- 59Wisconsin
- 60Wyoming
- 61Insurance Services Office (ISO)
- 62National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
- 64U.S. National Center for Health Statistics Commission of Professional and Hospital Activities
- 65Office of Workers Compensation Programs
- 66National Association of Convenience Stores
- 93Dun & Bradstreet
- 94Code Assigned by the Organization that is the Ultimate Destination of the Transaction Set
- A1American Land Title Association
- A2California Land Title Association
- A3Texas Land Title Association
- A4Assigned by Carrier
- AAAluminum Association
- ABAssigned by Buyer
- ACAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- ADAgency Company Organization for Research and Development (ACORD)
- AEAdvertising Industry
- AFAutomotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
- AGState Agency Assigned
- AHAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
- AJReal Estate Information Industry
- ALNational Alcohol Beverage Control Association
- AMAmerican Medical Association
- APAmerican Petroleum Institute
- AQAmerican Public Works Association (APWA) One Call Systems International (OCSI)
- ARAssociation of American Railroads
- ASAssigned by Seller
- ATAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- AWAmerican Welding Society (AWS)
- AXANSI Accredited Standards Committee, X12
- AYAmerican Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA)
- BABusiness and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association (BIFMA)
- BETelcordia Technologies
- BFNational Business Forms Association
- BIBook Industry Systems Advisory Committee
- CAChemical Abstract Services (CAS)
- CBCopper and Brass Fabricators Council, Inc.
- CCNational Cotton Council of America
- CEConstruction Specification Institute (CSI) Extended
- CIChemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX)
- CLCollision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA)
- CMCarbide Manufacturers
- COCounty Designator Code
- CPUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Cotton Programs
- CRCommander - Rome Air Development Center
- CSConstruction Specification Institute (CSI)
- CUCommittee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP)
- CXNational Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
- DAFood and Drug Administration (FDA)
- DDDepartment of Defense (Military Specifications)
- DEDrug Enforcement Administration
- DFDepartment of Defense (DoD)
- DHDefense Logistics Information Service
- DIDeutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN)
- DLDefense Logistics Agency
- DNDepartment of the Navy
- DOUnited States Department of Transportation (DOT)
- DRHealthcare Distribution Management Association
- DSDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- DXUnited States Marine Corps
- DYDepartment of Air Force
- DZDepartment of Army
- EIElectronic Industries Association
- EPUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- ESEnvironment and Safety Data Exchange (ESDX)
- ETTemporary Help Industry
- EUElectric Utilities
- EXElectronics Industry Data Exchange (EIDX)
- FAFabric and Supplier Linkage Council (FASLINC)
- FCFederal Communications Commission (FCC)
- FDGS1 US, Inc.
- FGFederal Government
- FHFederal Highway Administration
- FIAmerican Furniture Manufacturers Association
- GCGraphics Communications Association
- GINorth American Energy Standards Board
- GSGeneral Services Administration (GSA)
- GUNatural Gas Utilities
- HCCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- HFHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society
- HIHealth Insurance Association of America
- HSDepartment of Health and Human Services
- HUDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
- IAInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- IBInternational Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- ICInternational Air Transport Association (IATA)
- IMIron and Steel Standards Committee ISM
- INInternational Association of Corporation Administrators
- ISInternational Standards Organization
- JAJapanese Standards Association
- LALife and Annuity Industry Committee
- LBDepartment of Labor
- LILeasing Industry
- MAMortgage Bankers Association of America
- MBOffice of Management and Budget
- MCManufacturing Company
- MEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- MIABCD - The Microcomputer Industry Association
- MPMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Provider
- MSMilitary Standard
- MVAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
- NANational Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
- NBNational Association of Business and Educational Radio
- NCNational Council on Compensation Insurance
- NENational Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- NFNational Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
- NGNational Auto Glass Specification (NAGS)
- NINational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NPNational Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA)
- NRNational Retail Merchants Association
- NSNational Center for State Courts
- NTNational Toxicology Program (NTP)
- NUUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NWNewspaper Association of America
- OIOptical Industry
- OPOffice Products
- OSUnited States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- PAAmerican Paper Institute
- PCPennsylvania Courts
- PISociety of the Plastics Industry (SPI)
- RNRosettaNet
- SASociety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE)
- SESerials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC)
- SLStudent Loan Guarantor
- SPAmerican Society for Automation in Pharmacy
- STAmerican Iron & Steel Institute
- TAAir Transport Association of America
- TBTextile Distributors Association, Inc.
- TCTextile Apparel Linkage Council (TALC)
- TDTransportation Data Coordinating Committee: Electronic Data Interchange Association (TDCC:EDIA)
- TITelecommunications Industry
- TMAmerican Textile Manufacturers Institute
- TPCanadian Freight Classification
- TRAmerican Trucking Associations
- TXAmerican Apparel Manufacturers Association
- UA(UN/SPSC) United Nations Products and Services Classification Code
- UCUnited States Courts
- UEUniversal Descriptor Exchange (UDEX)
- UIIndustrial/Commercial (I/C) Electronic Data Interchange
- ULUnderwriters Laboratories
- UNUnited Nations (UN)
- UTUtility Industry Group
- VIVoluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standard (VICS) EDI
- WHCanadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- ZZMutually Defined
Code identifying the service, promotion, allowance, or charge
Codes (1090)- A010Absolute Minimum Charge
- A020Access Charge - Federal
- A030Access Charge - State
- A040Access Charges
- A050Account Number Correction Charge
- A060Acid (Battery)
- A070Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)
- A080Activation of Carnet
- A090Ad Valorem
- A100Add on - Destination
- A110Add on - Origin
- A112Add to Make Market Value
- A120Additional Copies of Freight Bill
- A121Additional Commercial Invoices
- A122Additional Tariff Classifications
- A130Additional Material
- A140Address Correction
- A150Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
- A160Adjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
- A170Adjustments
- A172Administrative
- A180Advance Charges Handling
- A190Advance Destination Amount
- A200Advance Destination Fee
- A210Advance Fee
- A220Advance Lading Charge
- A230Advance Origin Amount
- A240Advance Origin Fee
- A250Advances
- A260Advertising Allowance
- A270Affidavit
- A280Agent Disbursement - Destination
- A290Agent Disbursement - Origin
- A300Air Export Certificate
- A310Air Express Charge
- A320Air Transportation Charge
- A330Aircraft On Ground (AOG)
- A340Airline Opening Fee
- A350Airport Terminal Handling Charge
- A360Alcoholic Beverage Report Charge
- A370Allegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
- A380Allowance Advance
- A390Allowance for Consignment Merchandise
- A400Allowance Non-performance
- A410"Alterations"
- A420Amending Export Documentation
- A430Anneal/Heat (Steel or Glass Treatment)
- A440Anodizing Charge
- A445Anti-dumping Duty
- A450Appointment (Notification)
- A460Arbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
- A470Art Work
- A480Assembly
- A485Assist Amount
- A490Attachments to Bill of Lading Charge
- A500Bad Debt
- A510Banking Drafts
- A520Base Charge
- A530Basic Reorder Allowance
- A540Beaming Charge
- A550Bedding/Feeding/Disinfecting
- A555Beef Fee
- A560Beyond Charge
- A570Beyond Freight Charges
- A580Bill and Hold
- A590Bill of Lading Attendancy
- A600Bill of Lading Charge
- A610Billed Demand
- A620Black Lung Tax
- A630Blocking and Bracing Charge
- A640Blower Charge
- A650Bobtail Charges
- A658Bond Amount
- A660Bond Charge
- A670Bordeaux Arbitraries
- A680Both-Flat
- A690Break Bulk Surface Charge
- A691Breakbulk Services
- A700Bridge Toll
- A710Broken Lot
- A720Broken Package Charge
- A721Brokerage
- A730Brokerage or Duty
- A740Bunker Surcharge
- A750Burning
- A760Buyer Hand Carry
- A770Buyers Car Allowance
- A780Cable Pressurization
- A790Cables (sending of)
- A800Call Tag
- A810Camp Arbitrary
- A820Canada Great Lakes Additionals
- A830Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
- A840Canadian Currency Exchange
- A850Canadian Import Termination Fee
- A860Canadian Reconsignment Fee
- A870Canadian Remanifest Fee
- A880Cancellation Charge
- A890Cancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
- A900Capping
- A910Car Loading
- A920Car Rental
- A930Carrier Credit Allowance
- A940Carrier Debit Allowance
- A950Carrier Notification Charge
- A960Carrier
- A970Cartage Charge
- A980Cartage
- A990Cataloging Services
- ADOWPayroll Additives, Overtime Labor
- ADRWPayroll Additives, Straight Time Labor
- ALPTPort Changes
- B000Central Buy
- B010Cents Off
- B015Bop Sheet
- B020Certificate of Conformance
- B030Certificate of Origin
- B040Certificate of Registration
- B050Certification
- B060Chain and Binders
- B070Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
- B080Change of Airbill - Service Fee
- B090Charges Forward/Advance Charge
- B091Charter Services
- B100Chassis Transfer
- B110Chemical Milling Charge
- B120Chicago Loop Charge
- B130Cigarette Stamping
- B140City Delivery
- B150City maintenance fee
- B160City Pickup
- B170City Terminal Charge
- B180Cleaning Charge
- B190Closing & Sealing
- B200Co-manufacturing Discount
- B210Co-op Credit
- B220Coating (Dip, Rustproof, EDP)
- B230COD Amount
- B240COD Charges
- B250Collect on Delivery Alteration Charge
- B260Collect on Delivery Deletion Charge
- B270Collect Surcharge
- B280Combination Performance and Non-performance
- B290Combination
- B300Combine All Same Day Shipment
- B310Commission Amount
- B320Competitive Allowance
- B330Competitive Car Allowance
- B340Competitive Price
- B350Compressor Charge
- B360Concession Credit
- B370Concession Money
- B380Congestion Surcharge
- B390Connect Charge
- B400Conservation research fee
- B500Consignee Unload
- B510Consolidation
- B520Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
- B530Constant Surveillance Service
- B540Consular Legalization Service
- B550Consularization Fee
- B551Consulting Service
- B555Consumer Service Provider Charge
- B560Container Allowance
- B570Container Deposits
- B580Container Destuffing
- B581Container Discount
- B590Container Leasing
- B600Container Service Charge UK/EUR
- B610Container Service Charge USA/Canada
- B620Container Stuffing
- B630Container/Trailer Allowance
- B650Continuous Mileage
- B660Contract Allowance
- B670Contract Escalation
- B680Contract Service Charge
- B690Controlled Atmosphere
- B700Converting
- B720Cooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
- B730Copy of Bill of Lading Charge
- B740Copy of Delivery Receipt Charge
- B742Copying
- B750Core Charge
- B760Cost Recovery Factor
- B770Cost recovery/adjustment
- B775Cotton Fee
- B780Count and Recount
- B785Coupon Reimbursement
- B787Countervailing Duty
- B790Crafting
- B791Crating
- B800Credit
- B801Credit Card Processing Fee
- B802Credit Card Processing Fee - Automated Dial-up Line
- B803Credit Card Processing Fee - Leased Line
- B804Credit Card Processing Fee - Fleet Cards
- B810Currency Adjustment Factor
- B820Currency Adjustment
- B830Currency Discount
- B840Customer Account Identification
- B850Customer Equipment Allowance
- B860Customs Broker Fee
- B870Customs Charge
- B872Customs Duty
- B880Customs Entry
- B881Customs Exam
- B890Customs Formalities
- B900Customs Invoice - Additional Page
- B910Customs Invoice
- B911Customs Penalty
- B920Cut and Parallel
- B930Cut
- B940Cutting Charge
- B950Damaged Merchandise
- B960Data/Drawing Charge
- B970De-Installation
- B980Deadhead Mileage Charge
- B990Deaf and Disabled Surcharge
- B992Declared Value for Carriage
- B994Declared Value for Customs
- B996Declared Value for Insurance
- B998Deduct to Make Market Value
- BU2TBunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- BU4TBunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- BUATBunker Adjustment
- BURDBurden, Overhead, or Allowance for Indirect Costs
- C000Defective Allowance
- C010Deficit Freight
- C020Delay Furnishing Destination Weights
- C030Delivery Surcharge
- C040Delivery
- C050Demand charge
- C060Demurrage - Average Agreement
- C070Demurrage - Special
- C080Demurrage
- C090Deposit Charges
- C100Deposit in Lieu of Order
- C110Deposit
- C120Deramping
- C130Derrick Charge
- C140Designated Supplier Inspection
- C150Destination Charge
- C160Detention - Special Type Flat Car
- C170Detention Loading
- C180Detention of Power Units
- C190Detention of Trailers
- C200Detention Unloading
- C210Determined Freight
- C220Development Charge
- C230Die Service Charge
- C231Disbursement
- C240Disconnect Charge
- C250Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
- C260Discount - Incentive
- C270Discount - Multiple Shipment
- C280Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
- C290Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
- C300Discount - Special
- C310Discount
- C320Display Allowance
- C330Distribution Fee
- C340Distribution Service
- C350Distributor Discount/Allowance
- C360Diversion and Reconsignment
- C370Diversion Charge
- C380Diversion to Air Charge
- C390Dockage - Boat Detention
- C400Documentation Charge
- C401Document Handling
- C402Door-to-Door
- C410Dowel Pin Charge
- C420Drayage
- C430Drayage/Line Haul
- C440Driver Assisted Unloading
- C450Driver's Wages
- C460Drop Dock
- C470Drop Yard
- C480Drum Cost
- C490Drum Deposit
- C500Drum Up Charge
- C510Dry Ice
- C520Dryer Charge
- C530Duty Charge
- C531Duty Drawback
- C540Early Buy Allowance
- C550Early Payment Allowance
- C560Early Ship Allowance
- C570Emergency Port Charge
- C580Emergency Service
- C590Emergency Surcharge
- C600Empty Weighing Charge
- C610Enclosure
- C630Endorsement Fee
- C640Energy charge
- C650Energy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
- C660Engineering Charge
- C670Engraving
- C675Entered Value
- C680Environmental Protection Service
- C690Escalation
- C700Escort Service
- C710Eur1 Presentation Fee
- C720European Port Charges
- C730Excess Mileage Charge
- C740Excess Periods
- C750Excess Value Fee
- C760Excess Weight
- C770Excessive Value Charge
- C780Exchange Access Credit
- C790Exclusive Use Of Equipment
- C800Exclusive Use
- C810Exhibition Delivery Charge
- C820Exhibition Pickup Charge
- C830Expanded Service
- C840Expedited One Day Consular Service
- C850Expedited Service Charge
- C860Expedited Shipments
- C870Expediting Fee
- C880Expediting Premium
- C890Export Customs Clearance
- C900Export Declarations - Automated
- C910Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
- C920Export License Application
- C930Export Shipping Charge
- C940Export/Import Charge
- C950Extra Copies and Mailings
- C960Extra Labor (Helper Service)
- C970Extra Length
- C980Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
- C990Fabrication Charge
- CA2TCurrency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- CA4TCurrency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- CFCTCustoms Fees - Container Level
- CFLTCustoms Fees - Lift Level
- CGTTCargo Taxes
- CLDTContainer Loss/Damage
- COMMCommunications Charges
- CONCContainer Charge
- CRLTContainer Lease
- CUFTCurrency Adjustment - Break Bulk
- D000Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
- D010Facsimile Charges
- D015Dunnage
- D020Failed Lamp Panel Charge
- D025Fax Pre-alert
- D030Federal Transfer Surcharge
- D040Finance Charge
- D050First Article Charge
- D060First Flight Out
- D070Flat Rate
- D080Floor Stock Protection
- D100Food and Lodging
- D101Foreign Office Advance
- D103Foreign Customs Duty
- D110Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
- D120Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
- D130Forwarding Agent Commission
- D140Forwarding Charge
- D141Forward Coupons
- D142Capture Additional Data
- D143Provide Name and Address
- D144Provide Household Identifier
- D150Franchise fee
- D160Free Domicile Shipment Processing
- D170Free Goods
- D180Freight Based on Dollar Minimum
- D190Freight Charges to Border
- D200Freight Charges to Destination
- D210Freight Equalization
- D220Freight Passthrough
- D230Freight Surcharge
- D240Freight
- D242Freight, International
- D244Freight, International, U.S. Dollars
- D246Freight, International, Non-U.S. Dollars
- D250Freshness/Leaker Allowance
- D260Fuel Charge
- D270Fuel Surcharge
- D280Full Service
- D290Full Truckload Allowance
- D292Fumigation
- D300Garment District
- D301Gateway Fee
- D310Gas Pressure
- D320Glaze
- D330Gold Factor
- D340Goods and Services Charge
- D350Goods and Services Credit Allowance
- D360Goods and Services Tax Charge
- D370Government Inspection
- D380Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
- D390Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
- D400Grain Doors
- D410Grain Flow Charge
- D420Grinding
- D430Gross Receipts Surcharge
- D440Groupage Discount
- D450Grouped Items
- D460Guaranteed Inspection Technical Service
- D470Gulf Port Delivery Charge
- D480Handling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
- D490Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
- D500Handling
- D501Harbor Maintenance Report
- D502Harbor Maintenance Fee
- D510Hauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
- D520Hauling and Hoisting
- D530Hazardous Cargo Charge
- D540Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
- D550Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
- D560Hazardous Storage
- D570Heat in Transit Charges
- D580Heat Treat Charge
- D590Heavy Duty Flat Car Charge
- D600Heavy Lift
- D610High Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
- D620Highway Interchange
- D630Hointins and Hauling
- D640Holding Charge
- D650Home Line Freight Charge
- D655Honey Fee
- D660Hook-up charge
- D670Hose Charge Special
- D680Hose Charge
- D690Household Goods Pickup or Delivery
- D700IATA Airbill Preparation
- D701International Air Transport Association (IATA) Commission
- D710IATA Fee
- D711International Air Transport Association (IATA) Markup
- D720Identification
- D730Import Service Fee
- D740In Transit Price Protection
- D750Inbound Freight Charges
- D760Income Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
- D770Incorrect Billing Account Charge
- D780Industry Price Allowance
- D790Initial License Fee
- D800Inland Transportation
- D810Inside Cable Connectors
- D820Inside Delivery
- D830Inside Pickup
- D840Inspect at Destination
- D850Inspect at Origin
- D870Inspection
- D880Installation & Warranty
- D890Installation and Training
- D900Installation
- D910Insulated Tank Charge
- D920Insurance Fee
- D930Insurance Placement Cost Charge
- D940Insurance Premium
- D950Insurance Provided by Lessee
- D960Insurance Provided by Lessor
- D970Insurance Surcharge
- D980Insurance
- D990Interdivision Profit
- D995Interest Amount
- DCETDamage to Carrier Equipment
- DCVTDamage to Carrier Vessel
- DDZTDrayage at Port of Debarkation (Rate Zone)
- DEZTDrayage at Port of Embarkation (Rate Zone)
- DFDTKeep From Freezing Percent Differential
- DGETDamage to Government Equipment
- DOVTContainer Diversion
- DPDTDrayage at Port of Debarkation
- DPETDrayage at Port of Embarkation
- E000Interest on refund
- E010Interest on Security Deposit
- E020Interim Use Permitted at Special Rate
- E022International Courier
- E030International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
- E040Interplant Charge
- E050Interstate/Highway Toll
- E060Intra-plant Charge
- E063Invoice Additional Amount
- E065Invoice Adjustment
- E067Invoice At-Cost Amount
- E068Invoice Delivery Terms Amount
- E069Invoice No-Charge Amount
- E070Invoice Services
- E080Invoice with Goods
- E090Irish Arbitraries
- E100Island Delivery Charge
- E110Island Pickup Charge
- E120Italian Release Charge
- E130Item Percentage
- E140Item-Unit
- E150Koshering
- E160Label Allowance
- E170Labeling
- E180Labor (Repair and Return Orders)
- E190Labor Charges
- E191Labor, Straight-time
- E192Labor, Overtime
- E193Labor, Premium Overtime
- E200Labor Cost of Removal
- E210Labor Service
- E220Labor, Modify
- E230Labor, No Trouble Found
- E240Labor, Test and Calibrate
- E250Lading Adjustment Charge
- E260Lashing
- E270Late Order Charge
- E280Late Payment Charge
- E290Layout/Design
- E300Layover Charges
- E310Lead Factor
- E320Leaking Underground Storage Tax (LUST)
- E330Lease Shortfall Consideration
- E340Less Than Truckload (LTL) Charge
- E350Letter of Credit Processing
- E360License and Title
- E370Lifeline Surcharge
- E380Lift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pickup/Delivery
- E381Lime Fee
- E382Liquidation Anti-Dumping Duty
- E384Liquidation Countervailing Duty
- E386Liquidation Tax Amount
- E388Liquidation Total Due U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- E389Liquidation Total Fees
- E390Load Weighing Charge
- E400Loading (Labor Charges)
- E410Loading
- E420Loan Fee
- E430Local Delivery/Drayage
- E440Locomotive Delayed in Switching Service
- E450Locomotive Under Own Power
- E460Lot Charge
- E470Lump Sum
- E480Machining Charge
- E485Mail Fee
- E490Mail Invoice to Each Location
- E500Mail Invoice
- E510Mailing - Postage Cost
- E520Mailing - Service Fee
- E530Manifest Charge
- E540Manufacturing
- E550Market Development Funds
- E560Marking or Tagging Charge
- E565Markdown Allowance
- E570Marriage Rule
- E580Memo Returnable Container
- E585Merchandise Processing Fee
- E590Message Charge
- E600Message Rate Adjustment
- E610Messenger Service
- E620Metals Surcharge
- E630Meter Charge
- E640Mileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
- E650Mileage or Travel
- E660Monthly Rental
- E670Mount/Demount
- E680Mounting
- E690Municipal Surcharge
- E695Mushroom Fee
- E700N.H.D. Wharfage
- E710New Discount
- E720New Distribution Allowance
- E730New Item Allowance
- E740New Store Allowance
- E750New Store Discount
- E760New Warehouse Discount
- E770New Warehouse
- E780New York Delivery Charge
- E790New York Pickup Charge
- E800No Return Credit Allowance
- E805Non-Dutiable Charges
- E810Non Generated Freight
- E820Non-returnable Containers
- E830Normal Pump Charge
- E840Notarized Affidavit
- E850Notify Consignee Before Delivery
- E860Notify Consignee
- E870Nozzle Charge
- E880Ocean Charges - Hazardous
- E890Ocean Freight
- E900Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
- E910On Carriage
- E920On Hand Service
- E930One - Day Service
- E940One Time Engineering Charge
- E950One-Time License Fee
- E960One-Time-Only Charge
- E970Onetime Tooling
- E980Operator Credit
- E990Option Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
- ENGAEngineering Supplies
- EXLTExtra Length Surcharge
- F000Optional Charge
- F010Optional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
- F020Optional Software Support for Switching Systems
- F030Order Notify Charge
- F040Order-Flat
- F050Other (See related description)
- F060Other Accessorial Service Charge
- F061Other Advances
- F062Other Export Charges
- F063Other Government Agency Declaration
- F065Other Government Agency Exam
- F067Other Import Charge
- F070Out of Route Miles
- F080Out of Zone Pickup or Delivery
- F090Outside Cable Connectors
- F100Over Dimension
- F110Overrun Charge
- F120Oversized Premium
- F130Overtime Loading
- F140Pack Invoice with Shipment
- F150Packaging Service
- F155Packaging
- F160Painting (Primer or Finish)
- F170Pallet Exchange Charge
- F180Pallet
- F190Palletizing
- F200Paralleling
- F210Parish/County Sales Tax (only)
- F220Passing Shippers Export Entry
- F225Pecan Fee
- F230Penalty Charge
- F240Per Item Charge
- F250Per Order Charge
- F260Per Pound Charge
- F270Percent of Product
- F271Percent of Shipped Quantity that is Returnable
- F272Percent of Shipment Value that is Returnable
- F280Performance Allowance
- F290Performance Award
- F300Permit Charge
- F310Permits Bonds Escort Attendant
- F320Phosphatizing (Steel Treatment)
- F330Pickup and Delivery
- F340Pick/Up
- F350Pickle and Oil
- F360Pickup - Out of Area
- F370Pickup Surcharge
- F380Pier Charges - Wharfage
- F390Pier Charges Other Than Wharfage
- F400Pier Pickup and/or Delivery
- F401Pier Unloading
- F410Pilot Inspection
- F420Placement and/or Removal Charge
- F430Plating
- F440Pole, Wood-service Charge
- F445Pork Fee
- F450Positioning at Origin
- F460Postage
- F465Potato Fee
- F470Power Factor Adjustment
- F480Pre-carriage Excess
- F490Pre-carriage
- F500Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
- F510Precious Metal Content
- F520Preloading Charge
- F530Prelodge Charge
- F540Premise Use
- F550Premium Charge
- F560Premium Transportation
- F570Prepaid Usage Allowance
- F580Preparation and Delivery
- F590Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
- F600Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
- F610Preparation of Commercial Invoice
- F620Preparation of Export Entry
- F630Preparation of Insurance Certificate
- F640Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
- F650Preparation
- F660Previous Billing
- F670Price and Marketing Allowance
- F680Price Deviation
- F690Prior Balance
- F700Prior Billing Amount
- F710Prior Delivery Of Bill Charge
- F720Prior Month Credit
- F730Priority Service
- F740Process in Transit Privilege
- F750Processing Charge
- F760Processing
- F765Procurement Charge
- F770Professional Fees
- F780Proforma Invoice
- F790Progress Payment Requirement
- F800Promotional Allowance
- F810Promotional Discount
- F820Proof & Composition
- F830Proof of Delivery
- F840Protective Service - Cold
- F850Protective Service - Heat
- F860Protective Service Charge
- F870Pulling Eyes
- F880Pump Air Charge
- F890Pump Charge
- F900Purchase Option
- F910Quantity Discount
- F920Quantity Surcharge
- F930Equipment Manufacturer Restoration Audit
- F940Ramping
- F950Rate Code
- F955Rate Reduction Bond
- F960Re-Bill Charge
- F970Rebate
- F980Rebilled Drayage - Destination
- F990Rebilled Drayage - Origin
- F991Receiving
- FAKTBarge Freight All Kinds Service
- FLSTFlatrack Surcharge
- G000Recipient Address Correction
- G010Reclamation, Federal
- G020Reclamation, State
- G025Reconciliation
- G030Reconnect charge
- G040Reconsign Consignee Charge
- G050Reconsign Delivery Charge
- G060Reconsignment Charge
- G070Recoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
- G080Record/Filing
- G090Recovery Fee
- G100Recovery
- G110Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
- G120Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
- G130Recurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
- G140Recurring License Fee
- G150Recurring Software Maintenance Charge
- G160Redelivery
- G170Redistribution Allowance
- G180Reduction Prepalletized Cargo
- G190Reel Cable
- G200Reel Deposit
- G210Reel
- G220Refrigeration
- G230Refrigeration/Mechanical Detention
- G240Refund
- G250Refurbishing Charge
- G260Regain
- G270Registration of Export for Reentry
- G280Registration of Export Shipments
- G290Regulatory Fee
- G300Regulatory required refund
- G310Reliability Charge
- G320Relinquishment Charge
- G322Reliquidation Anti-Dumping Duty
- G324Reliquidation Countervailing Duty
- G326Reliquidation Tax Amount
- G328Reliquidation Total Due U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- G329Reliquidation Total Fees
- G330Rental Charge
- G340Rental Deduction
- G350Rents and Leases
- G360Repack Charge
- G370Repair at Buyers Expense Charge
- G380Repair at Customer Expense Charge
- G390Repair at Government Expense Charge
- G400Repair
- G410Repickup
- G420Request Via Canada
- G430Research & Development Fee
- G440Resellers Discount
- G450Residential Delivery
- G460Residential Pickup
- G470Restocking Charge
- G480Restricted Article Fee
- G490Retainer
- G500Return Cargo Charge
- G510Returnable Container
- G520Returned Load
- G530Rework
- G540Riding Attendant Charge
- G550Rocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
- G560Roll Out Adjustment
- G570Roll Rebate
- G580Royalties
- G590Salvage
- G600Same - Day Service
- G610Saturday Delivery
- G620Saturday Pickup or Delivery Charge
- G630Saturday Pickup
- G640Scale Charge Unloading
- G650Scale Charge
- G660Scrap Allowance
- G670Security Signature Service
- G680Segregating (Sorting)
- G690Select Charge
- G700Self Unloader
- G710Seller Hand Carry
- G720Service Assistance Program Surcharge
- G730Service Charge (with Cash Discount)
- G740Service Charge
- G750Service Upgrade
- G760Set-up
- G770Shearing
- G775Sheep Fee
- G780Ship to Stock Quality Audit
- G790Shipper Load and Count
- G800Shipper Load Carrier Count
- G810Shipper Load Consignee Unload
- G820Shipper Load
- G821Shipping
- G830Shipping and Handling
- G840Shipside Pickup
- G850Shotblasting
- G860Shrink Allowance
- G870Shrink-Wrap Charge
- G880Shrinkage Allowance
- G890Single Invoice Allowance
- G900Single Pickup
- G910Single Shipment Fee
- G920Sleeving
- G930Slip Sheet Unloading Allowance
- G940Slip Sheet, Rail
- G950Slip Sheet, Truck
- G960Slotting Allowance
- G970Small Order Charge
- G980Software Support Service
- G990Source Inspection
- GMSTGarment Surcharge
- H000Special Allowance
- H010Special Buy
- H020Special Circus Trains
- H030Special Credit
- H040Special Delivery
- H050Special Detention Charge
- H060Special Equipment Charge
- H070Special Finish Charge
- H080Special Freight Supplements
- H090Special Handling
- H100Special Mileage Movements
- H110Special Packaging
- H120Special Permits
- H130Special Pickup
- H140Special Pump Charge
- H150Special Seal Charge
- H151Special Services
- H160Special Test Equipment Charge
- H170Special Tooling Charge
- H180Special Tooling rework charge
- H190Special Train Movement
- H200Special Use
- H210Special Vehicle Rent
- H215Specific Duty
- H220Specification Review
- H230Split Delivery
- H240Split Pickup at Pier Charge
- H250Split Pickup
- H260Spool Charge
- H270Spotting of Trailer
- H280Spreader Charge
- H290Stamp Fee
- H300Stamping
- H310Standby Charge
- H320State Motor Fuel
- H330State Sales Charge
- H340State Surcharge
- H350State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
- H360Steaming Charge
- H370Stenciling Charge
- H380Stop-off at Pier Charge
- H390Stop-off Charge
- H400Stopcharge
- H410Stopping in Transit
- H420Storage in Transit
- H430Storage
- H440Straightening Charge
- H450Strapping
- H460Street lamps charge
- H470Stripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
- H480Subject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
- H490Subject To Tax On Resale
- H500Sufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
- H505Sugar Fee
- H507Sum of Adds and Deducts to Make Market Value
- H510Sunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
- H520Super Bag Charge
- H530Supervisor Charge
- H535Supplemental Duty
- H540Supplemental Items
- H550Surcharge
- H551Surety Bond
- H560Swell
- H570Switch Charge
- H580Switching Charge
- H590Tank Car Allowance
- H600Tank Rental
- H605Tarping
- H610Tax - Airport Tax, Destination
- H620Tax - Airport Tax, Origin
- H625Tax - Beverage Tax
- H630Tax - City Sales Tax (Only)
- H640Tax - Excise Tax - Destination
- H650Tax - Excise Tax - Origin
- H660Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET
- H670Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET, on Tires
- H680Tax - Governmental
- H690Tax - Handling Charge Tax
- H700Tax - Local Tax
- H710Tax - Metropolitan Transit Tax
- H720Tax - Regulatory Tax
- H730Tax - Local Sales Tax
- H740Tax - Sales and Use
- H750Tax - Sales Tax (State and Local)
- H760Tax - State Hazardous Substance
- H770Tax - State Tax
- H780Tax - Super Fund Excise Tax
- H790Tax - Use Tax
- H800Tax - Value Added Tax (VAT)
- H806Tax Credit
- H810Tax Liability - Amortized
- H820Tax Liability - One Time
- H830Tax on Miscellaneous Charges
- H840Tax on Transportation
- H850Tax
- H855Tea Fee
- H860Technology Exchange
- H870Telegram Chargeback
- H880Telephone - Destination
- H890Telephone - Origin
- H900Telephone Charge
- H910Temperature Protection
- H920Temporary Allowance
- H930Temporary Voluntary Allowance
- H935Tendered as Truckload
- H940Terminal Charge
- H950Terminal Differential
- H960Terminal Service Fee
- H970Terms Allowance
- H980Test/Qualification Charge
- H990Testing Services Charge
- HZDTHazardous Cargo on Deck
- I000Testing
- I010Third Party Allowance
- I020Third Party Pallets
- I030Throughput Allowance
- I040Throughput Container Charge
- I050Thruway Charge
- I060Ticketing Service
- I070Tobacco Products Report Charge
- I080TOFC Service Charge
- I090Tool Charge
- I100Tooling Rework Charge
- I110Tooling
- I120Tools for Printing
- I130Total Assessorial Charges
- I131Total Fees
- I132Total Invoice Amount
- I133Total Due U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- I134Total Invoice Amount, U.S. Dollars
- I136Total Invoice Amount, Non-U.S. Dollars
- I138Total Material Invoice Amount
- I140Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
- I150Tracing Service Fee
- I160Track Storage
- I170Trade Discount
- I180Trade In
- I190Trailer Rental Charge
- I200Transfer Charge
- I210Transfer of Lading Charge
- I220Transferred Charges
- I230Transit
- I235Transmission Charge
- I240Transportation And Setup
- I250Transportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
- I260Transportation Direct Billing
- I270Transportation Third Party Billing
- I280Transportation Vendor Provided
- I290Trimming Charge
- I300Truck Detention
- I310Truckload Discount
- I320Turning Charge
- I330Two - Day Service
- I340Two Door Pickup
- I350U.S. Vehicles
- I360Unabsorbed Switching
- I370Unitized
- I380Unloading (Labor Charges)
- I390Unloading
- I400Unloading/Reloading Charge
- I410Unsaleable Merchandise Allowance
- I411Unscheduled Fee
- I420Up Charge
- I430Usage Plan Detail Charge
- I431U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Flat Assist Amount
- I432U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Maximum Assist Amount
- I440USDA Inspected, Stamping Certification
- I450Use - Special Type Flat Car
- I460Use Charge Tooling/Personnel
- I470Valuation Fee
- I480Vehicle Ordered but Not Used
- I490Vehicle Prep Charge (Courtesy Delivery)
- I495Vehicle Road Charge
- I500Vendor Freight
- I510Venting Instructions
- I520Virgin Island Transfer Charge
- I530Volume Discount
- I540Voluntary Contribution Charge
- I550Waiting Time
- I560War Risk Surcharge
- I570Warehouse
- I580Warehousing
- I590Warranties
- I595Watermelon Fee
- I600Waybill and Invoice Distribution
- I610Weather Protection
- I620Weight Verification Charge
- I630Wharfage & Handling
- I640Wharfage Charge
- I650Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
- I660Will Call Charge
- I670Written Proof of Delivery
- I680X-ray Charge
- I690Gratuity
- I700Escrow
- I710Payment
- I720Direct Product Handling (DPC)
- I730Price Adjustment Percent (PCT)
- I740Post Damaged Handling (PDC)
- I750Reclamation Center Handling (Chute)
- I760Reclamation Shared Responsibility (SRS)
- I770Mid-Tier Lottery Winners
- I780Mid-Tier Lottery Cashing Bonus
- I790Lottery Cross Redeemed
- I800Low-Tier Lottery Winners
- I810Low-Tier Lottery Cashing Bonus
- I820Lottery Charge Back
- I830Tote
- I840Extra Hour Charges
- I850Refused Delivery Charge
- I860Reimbursement for Online Cashing Bonus
- I870Reimbursement for Online Winners
- I880Online Sales Bonus
- I890Instant Sales Bonus
- IDCTImproper Documentation
- LC2TLand Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
- LC4TLand Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container
- LCLTPercent Differential - Less Than Container
- LECTLess Than Container
- LFDTLinehaul from Port of Debarkation
- LMDTLiner Terms at Port of Embarkation
- LNDTLiner Terms at Port of Debarkation
- LPDTLinehaul Percent Differential
- LQDTLiquidated Damages
- LTETLinehaul to Port of Embarkation
- MATTModified Atmosphere
- OCNTOver Height Container
- OFFAOffice Supplies
- OODTOn Deck Break Bulk Differential
- OTHROther Miscellaneous Earning or Additive
- OWCTOver Width Container
- PFCHPrepared Food Charge
- PRSTStuffing Charge
- PTAXPayroll Taxes
- PVPTPrivate Owned Vehicle Processing
- R020Personal Property, Member
- R030Personal Property, Spouse
- R040Port Handling and Unloading
- R060Packing, Crating, and Handling Charge
- R080Packing, Crating, Handling, and Transportation Charge
- RDHTRailhead Handling
- RFMTReefer Maintenance
- RPDTReefer Cargo Percent Differential
- RSTTRespotting
- SFBTSingle Factor Origination/Destination
- SFDTSingle Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
- SFETSingle Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
- SSCTStripping, Sorting and Consolidation
- SSUTPole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
- STDTStop-off at Destination
- STFTStuffing
- STOTStop-off at Origination
- TERTTerminal Handling Charges
- VCLTVan Cleaning
- WBBTWharfage - Breakbulk
- WCFTWharfage - Container
- WFTTWasted/Futile Trip
- WRBTWar Risk Crew Insurance
- WRITWar Risk Insurance
- X001Auto Towing
- X002Late Return
- X003One Way/Drop Off
- X004Passenger Facility Charge
- X005Lodging
- X006Business Center
- X007Gift Shop
- X008Health Club
- X009Laundry/Dry Cleaning
- X010In-room Movie
- X011In-room Mini-bar
- X012Meals
- X013Parking
- X014Prepaid Amount
- X015Liquor Charge
- ZZZZMutually Defined